xrayutilities.materials package¶
xrayutilities.materials.atom module¶
module handling physical properties of elements.
The Atom class manages the database access for atomic scattering factors and the atomic mass.
- class xrayutilities.materials.atom.Atom(name, num)[source]¶
- property color¶
- f(q, en='config')[source]¶
Function to calculate the atomic structure factor F
- Parameters:
- qfloat, array-like
momentum transfer
- enfloat or str, optional
energy for which F should be calculated, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used
- Returns:
- float or array-like
value(s) of the atomic structure factor
- get_cache(prop, key)[source]¶
Check cached value to speed up repeated database requests.
- Returns:
- bool
True then result contains the cached otherwise False and result is None
- resultdatabase value
- max_cache_length = 1000¶
- property radius¶
- property weight¶
xrayutilities.materials.cif module¶
- class xrayutilities.materials.cif.CIFDataset(fid, name, digits)[source]¶
class for parsing CIF (Crystallographic Information File) files. The class aims to provide an additional way of creating material classes instead of manual entering of the information the lattice constants and unit cell structure are parsed from the CIF file
- Parse(fid)[source]¶
function to parse a CIF data set. The function reads the space group symmetry operations and the basic atom positions as well as the lattice constants and unit cell angles
- class xrayutilities.materials.cif.CIFFile(filestr, digits=4)[source]¶
class for parsing CIF (Crystallographic Information File) files. The class aims to provide an additional way of creating material classes instead of manual entering of the information the lattice constants and unit cell structure are parsed from the CIF file.
If multiple datasets are present in the CIF file this class will attempt to parse all of them into the the data dictionary. By default all methods access the first data set found in the file.
- Parse(fid)[source]¶
function to parse a CIF file. The function reads all the included data sets and adds them to the data dictionary.
xrayutilities.materials.database module¶
module to handle the access to the optical parameters database
- class xrayutilities.materials.database.DataBase(fname)[source]¶
- Create(dbname, dbdesc)[source]¶
Creates a new database. If the database file already exists its content is delete.
- Parameters:
- dbnamestr
name of the database
- dbdescstr
a short description of the database
- CreateMaterial(name, description)[source]¶
This method creates a new material. If the material group already exists the procedure is aborted.
- Parameters:
- namestr
name of the material
- descriptionstr
description of the material
- GetF0(q, dset='default')[source]¶
Obtain the f0 scattering factor component for a particular momentum transfer q.
- Parameters:
- qfloat or array-like
momentum transfer
- dsetstr, optional
specifies which dataset (different oxidation states) should be used
- GetF1(en)[source]¶
Return the second, energy dependent, real part of the scattering factor for a certain energy en.
- Parameters:
- enfloat or array-like
- GetF2(en)[source]¶
Return the imaginary part of the scattering factor for a certain energy en.
- Parameters:
- enfloat or array-like
- SetColor(color)[source]¶
Save color of the element for visualization
- Parameters:
- colortuple, str
matplotlib color for the element
- SetF0(parameters, subset='default')[source]¶
Save f0 fit parameters for the set material. The fit parameters are stored in the following order: c, a1, b1,……., a4, b4
- Parameters:
- parameterslist or array-like
fit parameters
- subsetstr, optional
name the f0 dataset
- SetF1F2(en, f1, f2)[source]¶
Set f1, f2 values for the active material.
- Parameters:
- enlist or array-like
energy in (eV)
- f1list or array-like
f1 values
- f2list or array-like
f2 values
- SetMaterial(name)[source]¶
Set a particular material in the database as the actual material. All operations like setting and getting optical constants are done for this particular material.
- Parameters:
- namestr
name of the material
- SetRadius(radius)[source]¶
Save atomic radius for visualization
- Parameters:
- radius: float
atomic radius in angstrom
- xrayutilities.materials.database.add_color_from_JMOL(db, cfile, verbose=False)[source]¶
Read color from JMOL color table and save it to the database.
- xrayutilities.materials.database.add_f0_from_intertab(db, itf, verbose=False)[source]¶
Read f0 data from International Tables of Crystallography and add it to the database.
- xrayutilities.materials.database.add_f0_from_xop(db, xop, verbose=False)[source]¶
Read f0 data from f0_xop.dat and add it to the database.
- xrayutilities.materials.database.add_f1f2_from_ascii_file(db, asciifile, element, verbose=False)[source]¶
Read f1 and f2 data for specific element from ASCII file (3 columns) and save it to the database.
- xrayutilities.materials.database.add_f1f2_from_henkedb(db, hf, verbose=False)[source]¶
Read f1 and f2 data from Henke database and add it to the database.
- xrayutilities.materials.database.add_f1f2_from_kissel(db, kf, verbose=False)[source]¶
Read f1 and f2 data from Henke database and add it to the database.
- xrayutilities.materials.database.add_mass_from_NIST(db, nistfile, verbose=False)[source]¶
Read atoms standard mass and save it to the database. The mass of the natural isotope mixture is taken from the NIST data!
- xrayutilities.materials.database.add_radius_from_WIKI(db, dfile, verbose=False)[source]¶
Read radius from Wikipedia radius table and save it to the database.
- xrayutilities.materials.database.createAndFillDatabase(fname, dpath=None, verbose=False)[source]¶
function to create the database and fill it with values from the various source files.
- Parameters:
- fnamestr
Filename of the database to be created (including the path)
- dpathstr, optional
directory where all the source data files are stored
- verbosebool, optional
flag to determine the verbosity of the script (default: False)
xrayutilities.materials.elements module¶
xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib module¶
implement convenience functions to define Heusler materials.
- xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib.FullHeuslerCubic225(X, Y, Z, a, biso=(0, 0, 0), occ=(1, 1, 1))[source]¶
Full Heusler structure with formula X2YZ. Strukturberichte symbol L2_1; space group Fm-3m (225)
- Parameters:
- X, Y, Zstr or Element
- afloat
cubic lattice parameter in angstrom
- bisolist of floats, optional
Debye Waller factors for X, Y, Z elements
- occlist of floats, optional
occupation numbers for the elements X, Y, Z
- Returns:
- Crystal
Crystal describing the Heusler material
- xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib.FullHeuslerCubic225_A2(X, Y, Z, a, a2dis, biso=(0, 0, 0), occ=(1, 1, 1))[source]¶
Full Heusler structure with formula X2YZ. Strukturberichte symbol L2_1; space group Fm-3m (225) with A2-type (W) disorder
- Parameters:
- X, Y, Zstr or Element
- afloat
cubic lattice parameter in angstrom
- a2disfloat
amount of A2-type disorder (0: fully ordered, 1: fully disordered)
- bisolist of floats, optional
Debye Waller factors for X, Y, Z elements
- occlist of floats, optional
occupation numbers for the elements X, Y, Z
- Returns:
- Crystal
Crystal describing the Heusler material
- xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib.FullHeuslerCubic225_B2(X, Y, Z, a, b2dis, biso=(0, 0, 0), occ=(1, 1, 1))[source]¶
Full Heusler structure with formula X2YZ. Strukturberichte symbol L2_1; space group Fm-3m (225) with B2-type (CsCl) disorder
- Parameters:
- X, Y, Zstr or Element
- afloat
cubic lattice parameter in angstrom
- b2disfloat
amount of B2-type disorder (0: fully ordered, 1: fully disordered)
- bisolist of floats, optional
Debye Waller factors for X, Y, Z elements
- occlist of floats, optional
occupation numbers for the elements X, Y, Z
- Returns:
- Crystal
Crystal describing the Heusler material
- xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib.FullHeuslerCubic225_DO3(X, Y, Z, a, do3disxy, do3disxz, biso=(0, 0, 0), occ=(1, 1, 1))[source]¶
Full Heusler structure with formula X2YZ. Strukturberichte symbol L2_1; space group Fm-3m (225) with DO_3-type (BiF3) disorder, either between atoms X <-> Y or X <-> Z.
- Parameters:
- X, Y, Zstr or Element
- afloat
cubic lattice parameter in angstrom
- do3disxyfloat
amount of DO_3-type disorder between X and Y atoms (0: fully ordered, 1: fully disordered)
- do3disxzfloat
amount of DO_3-type disorder between X and Z atoms (0: fully ordered, 1: fully disordered)
- bisolist of floats, optional
Debye Waller factors for X, Y, Z elements
- occlist of floats, optional
occupation numbers for the elements X, Y, Z
- Returns:
- Crystal
Crystal describing the Heusler material
- xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib.HeuslerHexagonal194(X, Y, Z, a, c, biso=(0, 0, 0), occ=(1, 1, 1))[source]¶
Hexagonal Heusler structure with formula XYZ space group P63/mmc (194)
- Parameters:
- X, Y, Zstr or Element
- a, cfloat
hexagonal lattice parameters in angstrom
- Returns:
- Crystal
Crystal describing the Heusler material
- xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib.HeuslerTetragonal119(X, Y, Z, a, c, biso=(0, 0, 0), occ=(1, 1, 1))[source]¶
Tetragonal Heusler structure with formula X2YZ space group I-4m2 (119)
- Parameters:
- X, Y, Zstr or Element
- a, cfloat
tetragonal lattice parameters in angstrom
- Returns:
- Crystal
Crystal describing the Heusler material
- xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib.HeuslerTetragonal139(X, Y, Z, a, c, biso=(0, 0, 0), occ=(1, 1, 1))[source]¶
Tetragonal Heusler structure with formula X2YZ space group I4/mmm (139)
- Parameters:
- X, Y, Zstr or Element
- a, cfloat
tetragonal lattice parameters in angstrom
- Returns:
- Crystal
Crystal describing the Heusler material
- xrayutilities.materials.heuslerlib.InverseHeuslerCubic216(X, Y, Z, a, biso=(0, 0, 0), occ=(1, 1, 1))[source]¶
Full Heusler structure with formula (XY)X’Z structure; space group F-43m (216)
- Parameters:
- X, Y, Zstr or Element
- afloat
cubic lattice parameter in angstrom
- Returns:
- Crystal
Crystal describing the Heusler material
xrayutilities.materials.material module¶
Classes decribing materials. Materials are devided with respect to their crystalline state in either Amorphous or Crystal types. While for most materials their crystalline state is defined few materials are also included as amorphous which can be useful for calculation of their optical properties.
- class xrayutilities.materials.material.Alloy(matA, matB, x)[source]¶
alloys two materials from the same crystal system. If the materials have the same space group the Wyckoff positions within the unit cell will also reflect the alloying.
- RelaxationTriangle(hkl, sub, exp)[source]¶
function which returns the relaxation triangle for a Alloy of given composition. Reciprocal space coordinates are calculated using the user-supplied experimental class
- Parameters:
- hkllist or array-like
Miller Indices
- subCrystal, or float
substrate material or lattice constant
- expExperiment
object from which the Transformation object and ndir are needed
- Returns:
- qy, qzfloat
reciprocal space coordinates of the corners of the relaxation triangle
- static lattice_const_AB(latA, latB, x)[source]¶
method to calculated the interpolation of lattice parameters and unit cell angles of the Alloy. By default linear interpolation between the value of material A and B is performed.
- Parameters:
- latA, latBfloat or vector
property (lattice parameter/angle) of material A and B. A property can be a scalar or vector.
- xfloat
fraction of material B in the alloy.
- property x¶
- class xrayutilities.materials.material.Amorphous(name, density, atoms=None, cij=None)[source]¶
amorphous materials are described by this class
- __init__(name, density, atoms=None, cij=None)[source]¶
constructor of an amorphous material. The amorphous material is described by its density and atom composition.
- Parameters:
- namestr
name of the material. To allow automatic parsing of the chemical elements use the abbreviation of the chemical element from the periodic table. To specify alloys, use e.g. ‘Ir0.2Mn0.8’ or ‘H2O’.
- densityfloat
mass density in kg/m^3
- atomslist, optional
list of atoms together with their fractional content. When the name is a simply chemical formula then this can be None. To specify more complicated materials use [(‘Ir’, 0.2), (‘Mn’, 0.8), …]. Instead of the elements as string you can also use an Atom object. If the contents to not add up to 1 they will be normalized without notice.
- cijarray-like, optional
elasticity matrix
- chi0(en='config')[source]¶
calculates the complex chi_0 values often needed in simulations. They are closely related to delta and beta (n = 1 + chi_r0/2 + i*chi_i0/2 vs. n = 1 - delta + i*beta)
- delta(en='config')[source]¶
function to calculate the real part of the deviation of the refractive index from 1 (n=1-delta+i*beta)
- Parameters:
- enfloat, array-like or str, optional
energy of the x-rays in eV
- Returns:
- float or array-like
- ibeta(en='config')[source]¶
function to calculate the imaginary part of the deviation of the refractive index from 1 (n=1-delta+i*beta)
- Parameters:
- enfloat, array-like or str, optional
energy of the x-rays in eV
- Returns:
- float or array-like
- static parseChemForm(cstring)[source]¶
Parse a string containing a simple chemical formula and transform it to a list of elements together with their relative atomic fraction. e.g. ‘H2O’ -> [(H, 2/3), (O, 1/3)], where H and O are the Element objects of Hydrogen and Oxygen. Note that every chemical element needs to start with a capital letter! Complicated formulas containing bracket are not supported!
- Parameters:
- cstringstr
string containing the chemical fomula
- Returns:
- list of tuples
chemical element and atomic fraction
- xrayutilities.materials.material.Cij2Cijkl(cij)[source]¶
Converts the elastic constants matrix (tensor of rank 2) to the full rank 4 cijkl tensor.
- Parameters:
- cijarray-like
(6, 6) cij matrix
- Returns:
- cijkl ndarray
(3, 3, 3, 3) cijkl tensor as numpy array
- xrayutilities.materials.material.Cij2Sijkl(cij)[source]¶
Converts the elastic constants matrix (tensor of rank 2) to the full rank 4 sijkl compliance tensor.
- Parameters:
- cijarray-like
(6, 6) cij matrix
- Returns:
- sijkl ndarray
(3, 3, 3, 3) sijkl tensor as numpy array
- xrayutilities.materials.material.Cijkl2Cij(cijkl)[source]¶
Converts the full rank 4 tensor of the elastic constants to the (6, 6) matrix of elastic constants.
- Parameters:
- cijkl ndarray
(3, 3, 3, 3) cijkl tensor as numpy array
- Returns:
- cijarray-like
(6, 6) cij matrix
- class xrayutilities.materials.material.Crystal(name, lat, cij=None, thetaDebye=None)[source]¶
Crystalline materials are described by this class
- ApplyStrain(strain)[source]¶
Applies a certain strain on the lattice of the material. The result is a change in the base vectors of the real space as well as reciprocal space lattice. The full strain matrix (3x3) needs to be given, which can be GetStrain’s output.
NO elastic response of the material will be considered!
- property B¶
- HKL(*q)[source]¶
Return the HKL-coordinates for a certain Q-space position.
- Parameters:
- qlist or array-like
Q-position. its also possible to use HKL(qx, qy, qz).
- Q(*hkl)[source]¶
Return the Q-space position for a certain material.
- Parameters:
- hkllist or array-like
Miller indices (or Q(h, k, l) is also possible)
- StructureFactor(q, en='config', temp=0)[source]¶
calculates the structure factor of a material for a certain momentum transfer and energy at a certain temperature of the material
- Parameters:
- qlist, tuple or array-like
vectorial momentum transfer
- enfloat or str, optional
x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used
- tempfloat
temperature used for Debye-Waller-factor calculation
- Returns:
- complex
the complex structure factor
- StructureFactorForEnergy(q0, en, temp=0)[source]¶
calculates the structure factor of a material for a certain momentum transfer and a bunch of energies
- Parameters:
- q0list, tuple or array-like
vectorial momentum transfer
- enlist, tuple or array-like
energy values in eV
- tempfloat
temperature used for Debye-Waller-factor calculation
- Returns:
- array-like
complex valued structure factor array
- StructureFactorForQ(q, en0='config', temp=0)[source]¶
calculates the structure factor of a material for a bunch of momentum transfers and a certain energy
- Parameters:
- qlist of vectors or array-like
vectorial momentum transfers; list of vectores (list, tuple or array) of length 3 e.g.: (Si.Q(0, 0, 4), Si.Q(0, 0, 4.1),…) or numpy.array([Si.Q(0, 0, 4), Si.Q(0, 0, 4.1)])
- en0float or str, optional
x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used
- tempfloat
temperature used for Debye-Waller-factor calculation
- Returns:
- array-like
complex valued structure factor array
- property a¶
- property a1¶
- property a2¶
- property a3¶
- property alpha¶
- property b¶
- property beta¶
- property c¶
- chemical_composition(natoms=None, with_spaces=False, ndigits=2)[source]¶
determine chemical composition from occupancy of atomic positions.
- Parameters:
- matCrystal
instance of Crystal
- natomsint, optional
number of atoms to normalize the formula, if None some automatic normalization is attempted using the greatest common divisor of the number of atoms per unit cell. If the number of atoms of any element is fractional natoms=1 is used.
- with_spacesbool, optional
add spaces between the different entries in the output string for CIF combatibility
- ndigitsint, optional
number of digits to which floating point numbers are rounded to
- Returns:
- str
representation of the chemical composition
- chi0(en='config')[source]¶
calculates the complex chi_0 values often needed in simulations. They are closely related to delta and beta (n = 1 + chi_r0/2 + i*chi_i0/2 vs. n = 1 - delta + i*beta)
- chih(q, en='config', temp=0, polarization='S')[source]¶
calculates the complex polarizability of a material for a certain momentum transfer and energy
- Parameters:
- qlist, tuple or array-like
momentum transfer vector in (1/A)
- enfloat or str, optional
x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used
- tempfloat, optional
temperature used for Debye-Waller-factor calculation
- polarization{‘S’, ‘P’}, optional
sigma or pi polarization
- Returns:
- tuple
(abs(chih_real), abs(chih_imag)) complex polarizability
- dTheta(Q, en='config')[source]¶
function to calculate the refractive peak shift
- Parameters:
- Qlist, tuple or array-like
momentum transfer vector (1/A)
- enfloat or str, optional
x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used
- Returns:
- float
peak shift in degree
- delta(en='config')[source]¶
function to calculate the real part of the deviation of the refractive index from 1 (n=1-delta+i*beta)
- Parameters:
- enfloat or str, optional
x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used
- Returns:
- float
- property density¶
calculates the mass density of an material from the mass of the atoms in the unit cell.
- Returns:
- float
mass density in kg/m^3
- distances()[source]¶
function to obtain distances of atoms in the crystal up to the unit cell size (largest value of a, b, c is the cut-off)
returns a list of tuples with distance d and number of occurence n [(d1, n1), (d2, n2),…]
if the base of the material is empty the list will be empty
- environment(*pos, **kwargs)[source]¶
Returns a list of neighboring atoms for a given position within the unit cell. If the material does not contain any atoms a dummy atom will be placed on the unit cell corners.
- Parameters:
- poslist or array-like
fractional coordinate in the unit cell
- maxdistfloat
maximum distance wanted in the list of neighbors (default: 7)
- Returns:
- list of tuples
(distance, atomType, multiplicity) giving distance sorted list of atoms
- classmethod fromCIF(ciffilestr, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create a Crystal from a CIF file. The default data-set from the cif file will be used to create the Crystal.
- Parameters:
- ciffilestrstr, bytes
filename of the CIF file or string representation of the CIF file
- kwargsdict
keyword arguments are passed to the init-method of CIFFile
- Returns:
- Crystal
- property gamma¶
- ibeta(en='config')[source]¶
function to calculate the imaginary part of the deviation of the refractive index from 1 (n=1-delta+i*beta)
- Parameters:
- enfloat or str, optional
x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used
- Returns:
- float
- loadLatticefromCIF(ciffilestr)[source]¶
load the unit cell data (lattice) from the CIF file. Other material properties stay unchanged.
- Parameters:
- ciffilestrstr, bytes
filename of the CIF file or string representation of the CIF file
- planeDistance(*hkl)[source]¶
determines the lattice plane spacing for the planes specified by (hkl)
- Parameters:
- h, k, llist, tuple or floats
Miller indices of the lattice planes given either as list, tuple or seperate arguments
- Returns:
- float
the lattice plane spacing
>>> import xrayutilities as xu >>> xu.materials.Si.planeDistance(0, 0, 4) 1.3577600000000003
>>> xu.materials.Si.planeDistance((1, 1, 1)) 3.1356124059796264
- show_unitcell(fig=None, subplot=111, scale=0.6, complexity=11, linewidth=1.5, mode='matplotlib')[source]¶
visualization of the unit cell using either matplotlibs basic 3D functionality (expect rendering inaccuracies!) or the mayavi mlab package (accurate rendering -> recommended!)
For more flexible visualization consider using the CIF-export feature and use a proper crystal structure viewer.
- Parameters:
- figmatplotlib Figure, Mayavi Scene, or None, optional
- subplotint or list, optional
subplot to use for the visualization when using matplotlib. This argument of fowarded to the first argument of matplotlibs add_subplot function
- scalefloat, optional
scale the size of the atoms by this additional factor. By default the size of the atoms corresponds to 60% of their atomic radius.
- complexityint, optional
number of steps to approximate the atoms as spheres. Higher values make spheres more accurate, but cause slower plotting.
- linewidthfloat, optional
line thickness of the unit cell outline
- modestr, optional
defines the plot backend used, can be ‘matplotlib’ (default) or ‘mayavi’.
- Returns:
- figure object of either matplotlib or Mayavi
- class xrayutilities.materials.material.CubicAlloy(matA, matB, x)[source]¶
- ContentBasym(q_inp, q_perp, hkl, sur)[source]¶
function that determines the content of B in the alloy from the reciprocal space position of an asymmetric peak.
- Parameters:
- q_inpfloat
inplane peak position of reflection hkl of the alloy in reciprocal space
- q_perpfloat
perpendicular peak position of the reflection hkl of the alloy in reciprocal space
- hkllist
Miller indices of the measured asymmetric reflection
- surlist
Miller indices of the surface (determines the perpendicular direction)
- Returns:
- contentfloat
content of B in the alloy determined from the input variables
- list
[a_inplane a_perp, a_bulk_perp(x), eps_inplane, eps_perp]; lattice parameters calculated from the reciprocal space positions as well as the strain (eps) of the layer
- ContentBsym(q_perp, hkl, inpr, asub, relax)[source]¶
function that determines the content of B in the alloy from the reciprocal space position of a symetric peak. As an additional input the substrates lattice parameter and the degree of relaxation must be given
- Parameters:
- q_perpfloat
perpendicular peak position of the reflection hkl of the alloy in reciprocal space
- hkllist
Miller indices of the measured symmetric reflection (also defines the surface normal
- inprlist
Miller indices of a Bragg peak defining the inplane reference direction
- asubfloat
substrate lattice parameter
- relaxfloat
degree of relaxation (needed to obtain the content from symmetric reciprocal space position)
- Returns:
- contentfloat
the content of B in the alloy determined from the input variables
- xrayutilities.materials.material.CubicElasticTensor(c11, c12, c44)[source]¶
Assemble the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants for a cubic material from the three independent components of a cubic crystal
- Parameters:
- c11, c12, c44float
independent components of the elastic tensor of cubic materials
- Returns:
- cijndarray
6x6 matrix with elastic constants
- xrayutilities.materials.material.HexagonalElasticTensor(c11, c12, c13, c33, c44)[source]¶
Assemble the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants for a hexagonal material from the five independent components of a hexagonal crystal
- Parameters:
- c11, c12, c13, c33, c44float
independent components of the elastic tensor of a hexagonal material
- Returns:
- cijndarray
6x6 matrix with elastic constants
- class xrayutilities.materials.material.Material(name, cij=None)[source]¶
base class for all Materials. common properties of amorphous and crystalline materials are described by this class from which Amorphous and Crystal are derived from.
- GetStrain(sig)[source]¶
Obtains the strain matrix (3x3) from an applied stress matrix (3x3) using a material’s full rank elastic tensor (3x3x3x3). The full stress matrix (3x3) needs to be given. The results can then be used as an input in ApplyStrain. Inverse operation of GetStress.
- Parameters:
- siglist, tuple or array-like
stress matrix (3x3) in N/m^2
- GetStress(eps)[source]¶
Obtains the stress matrix (3x3) from an applied strain matrix (3x3) using a material’s full rank elastic tensor (3x3x3x3). The full strain matrix (3x3) needs to be given. Inverse operation of GetStrain.
- Parameters:
- epslist, tuple or array-like
strain matrix (3x3)
- absorption_length(en='config')[source]¶
wavelength dependent x-ray absorption length defined as mu = lambda/(2*pi*2*beta) with lambda and beta as the x-ray wavelength and complex part of the refractive index respectively.
- Parameters:
- enfloat or str, optional
energy of the x-rays in eV
- Returns:
- float
the absorption length in um
- chi0(en='config')[source]¶
calculates the complex chi_0 values often needed in simulations. They are closely related to delta and beta (n = 1 + chi_r0/2 + i*chi_i0/2 vs. n = 1 - delta + i*beta)
- critical_angle(en='config', deg=True)[source]¶
calculate critical angle for total external reflection
- Parameters:
- enfloat or str, optional
energy of the x-rays in eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used
- degbool, optional
return angle in degree if True otherwise radians (default:True)
- Returns:
- float
Angle of total external reflection
- abstract delta(en='config')[source]¶
abstract method which every implementation of a Material has to override
- property density¶
- abstract ibeta(en='config')[source]¶
abstract method which every implementation of a Material has to override
- idx_refraction(en='config')[source]¶
function to calculate the complex index of refraction of a material in the x-ray range
- Parameters:
- enenergy of the x-rays, if omitted the value from the
xrayutilities configuration is used
- Returns:
- n (complex)
- property lam¶
- property mu¶
- property nu¶
- xrayutilities.materials.material.MonoclinicElasticTensor(c11, c12, c13, c16, c22, c23, c26, c33, c36, c44, c45, c55, c66)[source]¶
Assemble the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants for a monoclinic material from the thirteen independent components of a monoclinic crystal
- Parameters:
- c11, c12, c13, c16, c22, c23, c26, c33, c36, c44, c45, c55, c66float
independent components of the elastic tensor of monoclinic materials
- Returns:
- cijndarray
6x6 matrix with elastic constants
- xrayutilities.materials.material.PseudomorphicMaterial(sub, layer, relaxation=0, trans=None)[source]¶
This function returns a material whos lattice is pseudomorphic on a particular substrate material. The two materials must have similar unit cell definitions for the algorithm to work correctly, i.e. it does not work for combiniations of materials with different lattice symmetry. It is also crucial that the layer object includes values for the elastic tensor.
- Parameters:
- subCrystal
substrate material
- layerCrystal
bulk material of the layer, including its elasticity tensor
- relaxationfloat, optional
degree of relaxation 0: pseudomorphic, 1: relaxed (default: 0)
- transTranform
Transformation which transforms lattice directions into a surface orientated coordinate frame (x, y inplane, z out of plane). If None a (001) surface geometry of a cubic material is assumed.
- Returns:
- An instance of Crystal holding the new pseudomorphically
- strained material.
- Raises:
- InputError
If the layer material has no elastic parameters
- xrayutilities.materials.material.TrigonalElasticTensor(c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c33, c44)[source]¶
Assemble the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants for a trigonal material from the seven independent components of a trigonal crystal
- Parameters:
- c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c33, c44float
independent components of the elastic tensor of trigonal materials
- Returns:
- cijndarray
6x6 matrix with elastic constants
- xrayutilities.materials.material.WZTensorFromCub(c11ZB, c12ZB, c44ZB)[source]¶
Determines the hexagonal elastic tensor from the values of the cubic elastic tensor under the assumptions presented in Phys. Rev. B 6, 4546 (1972), which are valid for the WZ <-> ZB polymorphs.
- Parameters:
- c11, c12, c44float
independent components of the elastic tensor of cubic materials
- Returns:
- cijndarray
6x6 matrix with elastic constants
- Implementation according to a patch submitted by Julian Stangl
xrayutilities.materials.plot module¶
- xrayutilities.materials.plot.show_reciprocal_space_plane(mat, exp, ttmax=None, maxqout=0.01, scalef=100, ax=None, color=None, show_Laue=True, show_legend=True, projection='perpendicular', label=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
show a plot of the coplanar diffraction plane with peak positions for the respective material. the size of the spots is scaled with the strength of the structure factor
- Parameters:
- mat: Crystal
instance of Crystal for structure factor calculations
- exp: Experiment
instance of Experiment (needs to be HXRD, or FourC for onclick action to work correctly). defines the inplane and out of plane direction as well as the sample azimuth
- ttmax: float, optional
maximal 2Theta angle to consider, by default 180deg
- maxqout: float, optional
maximal out of plane q for plotted Bragg peaks as fraction of exp.k0
- scalef: float, or callable, optional
scale factor or function for the marker size. If this is a function it should take only one float argument and return another float which is used as ‘s’ parameter in matplotlib.pyplot.scatter
- ax: matplotlib.Axes, optional
matplotlib Axes to use for the plot, useful if multiple materials should be plotted in one plot
- color: matplotlib color, optional
- show_Laue: bool, optional
flag to indicate if the Laue zones should be indicated
- show_legend: bool, optional
flag to indiate if a legend should be shown
- projection: ‘perpendicular’, ‘polar’, optional
type of projection for Bragg peaks which do not fall into the diffraction plane. ‘perpendicular’ (default) uses only the inplane component in the scattering plane, whereas ‘polar’ uses the vectorial absolute value of the two inplane components. See also the ‘maxqout’ option.
- label: None or str, optional
label to be used for the legend. If ‘None’ the name of the material will be used.
- kwargs: optional
kwargs are forwarded to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter and allow to change the appearance of the points.
- Returns:
- Axes, plot_handle
xrayutilities.materials.predefined_materials module¶
- class xrayutilities.materials.predefined_materials.AlGaAs(x)[source]¶
xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice module¶
module handling crystal lattice structures.
A SGLattice consists of a space group number and the position of atoms specified as Wyckoff positions along with their parameters. Depending on the space group symmetry only certain parameters of the resulting instance will be settable! A cubic lattice for example allows only to set its ‘a’ lattice parameter but none of the other unit cell shape parameters.
- class xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice.SGLattice(sgrp, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
lattice object created from the space group number and corresponding unit cell parameters. atoms in the unit cell are specified by their Wyckoff position and their free parameters.
- ApplyStrain(eps)[source]¶
Applies a certain strain on a lattice. The result is a change in the base vectors. The full strain matrix (3x3) needs to be given.
Here you specify the strain and not the stress -> NO elastic response of the material will be considered!
Although the symmetry of the crystal can be lowered by this operation the spacegroup remains unchanged! The ‘free_parameters’ attribute is, however, updated to mimic the possible reduction of the symmetry.
- Parameters:
- epsarray-like
a 3x3 matrix with all strain components
- property B¶
- GetPoint(*args)[source]¶
determine lattice points with indices given in the argument
>>> import xrayutilities as xu >>> xu.materials.Si.lattice.GetPoint(0, 0, 4) array([ 0. , 0. , 21.72416])
>>> xu.materials.Si.lattice.GetPoint((1, 1, 1)) array([5.43104, 5.43104, 5.43104])
- __init__(sgrp, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
initialize class with space group number and atom list
- Parameters:
- sgrpint or str
Space group number
- *argsfloat
space group parameters. depending on the space group number this are 1 (cubic) to 6 (triclinic) parameters. cubic : a (lattice parameter). hexagonal : a, c. trigonal : a, c. tetragonal : a, c. orthorhombic : a, b, c. monoclinic : a, b, c, beta (in degree). triclinic : a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma (in degree).
- atomslist, optional
list of elements either as Element object or string with the element name. If you specify atoms you have to also give the same number of Wyckoff positions
- poslist, optional
list of the atomic positions within the unit cell. This can be given as Wyckoff position along with its parameters or any position of an atom which will be used to identify the Wyckoff position. If a position has no free parameter the parameters can be omitted. Example: [(‘2i’, (0.1, 0.2, 0.3)), ‘1a’, (0, 0.5, 0)]
- occlist, optional
site occupation for the atoms. This is optional and defaults to 1 if not given.
- blist, optional
b-factor of the atom used as exp(-b*q**2/(4*pi)**2) to reduce the intensity of this atom (only used in case of temp=0 in StructureFactor and chi calculation)
- property a¶
- property ai¶
- property alpha¶
- property b¶
- property beta¶
- property c¶
- convert_to_P1()[source]¶
create a P1 equivalent of this SGLattice instance.
- Returns:
- SGLattice
instance with the same properties as the present lattice, however, in the P1 setting.
- equivalent_hkls(hkl)[source]¶
returns a list of equivalent hkl peaks depending on the crystal system
- findsym()[source]¶
method to return the highest symmetry description of the current material. This method does not consider to change the unit cell dimensions but only searches the highest symmetry spacegroup which with the current unit cell setting can be described. It is therefore not an implementation of FINDSYM [1].
- Returns:
- new SGLattice-instance
a new SGLattice instance is returned with the highest available symmetry description. (see restrictions above)
- [1] https://stokes.byu.edu/iso/findsym.php
- property gamma¶
- get_allowed_hkl(qmax)[source]¶
return a set of all allowed reflections up to a maximal specified momentum transfer.
- Parameters:
- qmaxfloat
maximal momentum transfer
- Returns:
- hklsetset
set of allowed hkl reflections
- hkl_allowed(hkl, returnequivalents=False)[source]¶
check if Bragg reflection with Miller indices hkl can exist according to the reflection conditions. If no reflection conditions are available this function returns True for all hkl values!
- Parameters:
- hkltuple or list
Miller indices of the reflection to check
- returnequivalentsbool, optional
If True all the equivalent Miller indices of hkl are returned in a set as second return argument.
- Returns:
- allowedbool
True if reflection can have non-zero structure factor, false otherwise
- equivalentsset, optional
set of equivalent Miller indices if returnequivalents is True
- property iscentrosymmetric¶
returns a boolean to determine if the lattice has centrosymmetry.
- isequivalent(hkl1, hkl2)[source]¶
determining if hkl1 and hkl2 are two crystallographical equivalent pairs of Miller indices. Note that this function considers the effect of non-centrosymmetry!
- Parameters:
- hkl1, hkl2list
Miller indices to be checked for equivalence
- Returns:
- bool
- reflection_conditions()[source]¶
return string of reflection conditions, both general (from space group) and of Wyckoff positions
- property symops¶
return the set of symmetry operations from the general Wyckoff position of the space group.
- transform(mat, origin)[source]¶
Transform the unit cell with the matrix and origin shift given in the parameters. This function returns a new instance of SGLattice which contains the highest possible symmetry description of the transformed unit cell. After the transformation (see [1]) the findsym method is used to create the new SGLattice instance.
- Parameters:
- mat(3, 3) list, or ndarray, optional
transformation matrix of the unit cell. The matrix definition aims to be consistent with what is used on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server [1]. This only defines the linear part, while the origin shift is given by origin.
- origin(3, ) list, or ndarray
origin shift of the unit cell [1].
- [1] https://www.cryst.ehu.es/cgi-bin/cryst/programs/nph-doc-trmat
- class xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice.SymOp(D, t, m=1)[source]¶
Class descriping a symmetry operation in a crystal. The symmetry operation is characterized by a 3x3 transformation matrix as well as a 3-vector describing a translation. For magnetic symmetry operations also the time reversal symmetry can be specified (not used in xrayutilities)
- property D¶
transformation matrix of the symmetry operation
- __init__(D, t, m=1)[source]¶
Initialize the symmetry operation
- Parameters:
- Darray-like
transformation matrix (3x3)
- tarray-like
translation vector (3)
- mint, optional
indicates time reversal in magnetic groups. +1 (default, no time reveral) or -1
- classmethod from_xyz(xyz)[source]¶
create a SymOp from the xyz notation typically used in CIF files.
- Parameters:
- xyzstr
string describing the symmetry operation (e.g. ‘-y, -x, z’)
- property t¶
translation vector of the symmetry operation
- class xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice.WyckoffBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
The WyckoffBase class implements a container for a set of Wyckoff positions that form the base of a crystal lattice. An instance of this class can be treated as a simple container object.
- append(atom, pos, occ=1.0, b=0.0)[source]¶
add new Atom to the lattice base
- Parameters:
- atomAtom
object to be added
- postuple or str
Wyckoff position of the atom, along with its parameters. Examples: (‘2i’, (0.1, 0.2, 0.3)), or ‘1a’
- occfloat, optional
occupancy (default=1.0)
- bfloat, optional
b-factor of the atom used as exp(-b*q**2/(4*pi)**2) to reduce the intensity of this atom (only used in case of temp=0 in StructureFactor and chi calculation)
- static entry_eq(e1, e2)[source]¶
compare two entries including all its properties to be equal
- Parameters:
- e1, e2: tuple
tuples with length 4 containing the entries of WyckoffBase which should be compared
- xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice.get_default_sgrp_suf(sgrp_nr)[source]¶
determine default space group suffix
- xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice.get_possible_sgrp_suf(sgrp_nr)[source]¶
determine possible space group suffix. Multiple suffixes might be possible for one space group due to different origin choice, unique axis, or choice of the unit cell shape.
- Parameters:
- sgrp_nrint
space group number
- Returns:
- str or list
either an empty string or a list of possible valid suffix strings
- xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice.get_wyckpos(sgrp, atompos)[source]¶
test all Wyckoff positions on every atomic position
- Parameters:
- sgrpstr
space group name
- atomposlist
list of atomic positions to identify. All atomic positions are expected to belong to one and the same Wyckoff position!
- Returns:
- position argument for WyckoffBase.append
- xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice.testwp(parint, wyckpos, cifpos, digits=8)[source]¶
test if a Wyckoff position can describe the given position from a CIF file
- Parameters:
- parintint
telling which Parameters the given Wyckoff position has
- wyckposstr or tuple
expression of the Wyckoff position
- cifposlist, or tuple or array-like
(x, y, z) position of the atom in the CIF file
- digitsint
number of digits for which for a comparison of floating point numbers will be rounded to. By default xu.config.DIGITS is used.
- Returns:
- foundflagbool
flag to tell if the positions match
- parsarray-like or None
parameters associated with the position or None if no parameters are needed