xrayutilities.analysis package


xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts module

xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts.get_arbitrary_line(qpos, intensity, point, vec, npoints, intrange)[source]

extracts a line scan from reciprocal space map data along an arbitrary line defined by the point ‘point’ and propergation vector ‘vec’. Integration of the data is performed in a cylindrical volume along the line. This function works for 2D and 3D input data!

qposlist of array-like objects

arrays of x, y (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers


2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries

pointtuple, list or array-like

point on the extraction line (2 or 3 coordinates)

vectuple, list or array-like

propergation vector of the extraction line (2 or 3 coordinates)


number of points in the output data


radius of the cylindrical integration volume around the extraction line

qpos, qintndarray

line scan coordinates and intensities


mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others


>>> qcut, qint, mask = get_arbitrary_line([qx, qy, qz], inten,     ... (1.1, 2.2, 0.0),     ... (1, 1, 1), 200, 0.1)  
xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts.get_omega_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs)[source]

extracts an omega scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either the 2theta, or radial (omega-2theta) direction. The coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class.

This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way!

qposlist of array-like objects

arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers


2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries

cutpostuple or list

y/z-position or x/y/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be have two entries for 2D data (z-position) and a three for 3D data


number of points in the output data


integration range in along intdir in degree. data will be integrated from -intrange .. +intrange

intdir{‘2theta’, ‘radial’}, optional

integration direction: ‘2theta’: scattering angle (default), or ‘radial’: omega-2theta direction.

wlfloat or str, optional

wavelength used to determine angular integration positions


Although applicable for any set of data, the extraction only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane.

om, omintndarray

omega scan coordinates and intensities


mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others


>>> omcut, omcut_int, mask = get_omega_scan([qy, qz], inten, [2.0, 5.0],     ... 250, intrange=0.1)  
xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts.get_qx_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs)[source]

extracts a qx scan from 3D reciprocal space map data with integration along either, the perpendicular plane in q-space, omega (sample rocking angle) or 2theta direction. For the integration in angular space (omega, or 2theta) the coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class.

qposlist of array-like objects

arrays of x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers


3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries


y/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be and a tuple/list with the qy, qz cut position


number of points in the output data


integration range in along intdir, either in 1/AA (q) or degree (‘omega’, or ‘2theta’). data will be integrated from -intrange .. +intrange

intdir{‘q’, ‘omega’, ‘2theta’}, optional

integration direction: ‘q’: perpendicular Q-plane (default), ‘omega’: sample rocking angle, or ‘2theta’: scattering angle.

wlfloat or str, optional

wavelength used to determine angular integration positions


The angular integration directions although applicable for any set of data only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane.

qx, qxintndarray

qx scan coordinates and intensities


mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others


>>> qxcut, qxcut_int, mask = get_qx_scan([qx, qy, qz], inten, [0, 2.0], \
... 250, intrange=0.01)  
xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts.get_qy_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs)[source]

extracts a qy scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either, the perpendicular plane in q-space, omega (sample rocking angle) or 2theta direction. For the integration in angular space (omega, or 2theta) the coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class.

This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way!

qposlist of array-like objects

arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers


2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries

cutposfloat or tuple/list

x/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be a float for 2D data (z-position) and a tuple with two values for 3D data


number of points in the output data


integration range in along intdir, either in 1/AA (q) or degree (‘omega’, or ‘2theta’). data will be integrated from -intrange .. +intrange

intdir{‘q’, ‘omega’, ‘2theta’}, optional

integration direction: ‘q’: perpendicular Q-plane (default), ‘omega’: sample rocking angle, or ‘2theta’: scattering angle.

wlfloat or str, optional

wavelength used to determine angular integration positions


For 3D data the angular integration directions although applicable for any set of data only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane.

qy, qyintndarray

qy scan coordinates and intensities


mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others


>>> qycut, qycut_int, mask = get_qy_scan([qy, qz], inten, 5.0, 250, \
... intrange=0.02, intdir='2theta')  
xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts.get_qz_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs)[source]

extracts a qz scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either, the perpendicular plane in q-space, omega (sample rocking angle) or 2theta direction. For the integration in angular space (omega, or 2theta) the coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class.

This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way!

qposlist of array-like objects

arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers


2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries

cutposfloat or tuple/list

x/y-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be a float for 2D data and a tuple with two values for 3D data


number of points in the output data


integration range in along intdir, either in 1/AA (q) or degree (‘omega’, or ‘2theta’). data will be integrated from -intrange/2 .. +intrange/2

intdir{‘q’, ‘omega’, ‘2theta’}, optional

integration direction: ‘q’: perpendicular Q-plane (default), ‘omega’: sample rocking angle, or ‘2theta’: scattering angle.

wlfloat or str, optional

wavelength used to determine angular integration positions


For 3D data the angular integration directions although applicable for any set of data only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane.

qz, qzintndarray

qz scan coordinates and intensities


mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others


>>> qzcut, qzcut_int, mask = get_qz_scan([qy, qz], inten, 3.0, 200,\
... intrange=0.3)  
xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts.get_radial_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs)[source]

extracts a radial scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either the omega or 2theta direction. The coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class.

This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way!

qposlist of array-like objects

arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers


2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries

cutpostuple or list

y/z-position or x/y/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be have two entries for 2D data (z-position) and a three for 3D data


number of points in the output data


integration range in along intdir in degree. data will be integrated from -intrange .. +intrange

intdir{‘omega’, ‘2theta’}, optional

integration direction: ‘omega’: sample rocking angle (default), ‘2theta’: scattering angle

wlfloat or str, optional

wavelength used to determine angular integration positions


Although applicable for any set of data, the extraction only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane.

tt, omttintndarray

omega-2theta scan coordinates (2theta values) and intensities


mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others


>>> ttcut, omtt_int, mask = get_radial_scan([qy, qz], inten, [2.0, 5.0],     ... 250, intrange=0.1)  
xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts.get_ttheta_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs)[source]

extracts a 2theta scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either the omega or radial direction. The coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class.

This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way!

qposlist of array-like objects

arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers


2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries

cutpostuple or list

y/z-position or x/y/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be have two entries for 2D data (z-position) and a three for 3D data


number of points in the output data


integration range in along intdir in degree. data will be integrated from -intrange .. +intrange

intdir{‘omega’, ‘radial’}, optional

integration direction: ‘omega’: sample rocking angle (default), ‘radial’: omega-2theta direction

wlfloat or str, optional

wavelength used to determine angular integration positions


Although applicable for any set of data, the extraction only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane.

tt, ttintndarray

2theta scan coordinates and intensities


mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others


>>> ttcut, tt_int, mask = get_ttheta_scan([qy, qz], inten, [2.0, 5.0],     ... 250, intrange=0.1)  

xrayutilities.analysis.misc module

miscellaneous functions helpful in the analysis and experiment

xrayutilities.analysis.misc.coplanar_intensity(mat, exp, hkl, thickness, thMono, sample_width=10, beam_width=1)[source]

Calculates the expected intensity of a Bragg peak from an epitaxial thin film measured in coplanar geometry (integration over omega and 2theta in angular space!)


Crystal instance for structure factor calculation


Experimental(HXRD) class for the angle calculation

hkllist, tuple or array-like

Miller indices of the peak to calculate


film thickness in nm


Bragg angle of the monochromator (deg)

sample_widthfloat, optional

width of the sample along the beam

beam_widthfloat, optional

width of the beam in the same units as the sample size


intensity of the peak

xrayutilities.analysis.misc.getangles(peak, sur, inp)[source]

calculates the chi and phi angles for a given peak

peaklist or array-like

hkl for the peak of interest

surlist or array-like

hkl of the surface

inplist or array-like

inplane reference peak or direction


[chi, phi] for the given peak on surface sur with inplane direction inp as reference


To get the angles for the -224 peak on a 111 surface type

>>> [chi, phi] = getangles([-2, 2, 4], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 4])
xrayutilities.analysis.misc.getunitvector(chi, phi, ndir=(0, 0, 1), idir=(1, 0, 0))[source]

return unit vector determined by spherical angles and definition of the polar axis and inplane reference direction (phi=0)

chi, phifloat

spherical angles (polar and azimuthal) in degree

ndirtuple, list or array-like

polar/z-axis (determines chi=0)

idirtuple, list or array-like

azimuthal axis (determines phi=0)

xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align module

functions to help with experimental alignment during experiments, especially for experiments with linear and area detectors

xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align.area_detector_calib(angle1, angle2, ccdimages, detaxis, r_i, plot=True, cut_off=0.7, start=(None, None, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), fix=(False, False, True, False, False, False, False), fig=None, wl=None, plotlog=False, nwindow=50, debug=False)[source]

function to calibrate the detector parameters of an area detector it determines the detector tilt possible rotations and offsets in the detector arm angles


outer detector arm angle


inner detector arm angle


images of the ccd taken at the angles given above

detaxislist of str

detector arm rotation axis; default: [‘z+’, ‘y-‘]


primary beam direction [xyz][+-]; default ‘x+’

plotbool, optional

flag to determine if results and intermediate results should be plotted; default: True

cut_offfloat, optional

cut off intensity to decide if image is used for the determination or not; default: 0.7 = 70%

starttuple, optional

sequence of start values of the fit for parameters, which can not be estimated automatically or might want to be fixed. These are: pwidth1, pwidth2, distance, tiltazimuth, tilt, detector_rotation, outerangle_offset. By default (None, None, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) is used.

fixtuple of bool

fix parameters of start (default: (False, False, True, False, False, False, False)) It is strongly recommended to either fix the distance or the pwidth1, 2 values.

figFigure, optional

matplotlib figure used for plotting the error default: None (creates own figure)

wlfloat or str

wavelength of the experiment in angstrom (default: config.WAVELENGTH) value does not really matter here but does affect the scaling of the error


flag to specify if the created error plot should be on log-scale


window size for determination of the center of mass position after the center of mass of every full image is determined, the center of mass is determined again using a window of size nwindow in order to reduce the effect of hot pixels.


flag to specify that you want to see verbose output and saving of images to show if the CEN determination works

xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align.area_detector_calib_hkl(sampleang, angle1, angle2, ccdimages, hkls, experiment, material, detaxis, r_i, plot=True, cut_off=0.7, start=(None, None, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'config'), fix=(False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False), fig=None, plotlog=False, nwindow=50, debug=False)[source]

function to calibrate the detector parameters of an area detector it determines the detector tilt possible rotations and offsets in the detector arm angles

in this variant not only scans through the primary beam but also scans at a set of symmetric reflections can be used for the detector parameter determination. for this not only the detector parameters but in addition the sample orientation and wavelength need to be fit. Both images from the primary beam hkl = (0, 0, 0) and from a symmetric reflection hkl = (h, k, l) need to be given for a successful run.


sample rocking angle (needed to align the reflections (same rotation direction as inner detector rotation)) other sample angle are not allowed to be changed during the scans


outer detector arm angle


inner detector arm angle


images of the ccd taken at the angles given above

hklslist or array-like

hkl values for every image


Experiment class object needed to get the UB matrix for the hkl peak treatment


material used as reference crystal

detaxislist of str

detector arm rotation axis; default: [‘z+’, ‘y-‘]


primary beam direction [xyz][+-]; default ‘x+’

plotbool, optional

flag to determine if results and intermediate results should be plotted; default: True

cut_offfloat, optional

cut off intensity to decide if image is used for the determination or not; default: 0.7 = 70%

starttuple, optional

sequence of start values of the fit for parameters, which can not be estimated automatically or might want to be fixed. These are: pwidth1, pwidth2, distance, tiltazimuth, tilt, detector_rotation, outerangle_offset, sampletilt, sampletiltazimuth, wavelength. By default (None, None, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ‘config’).

fixtuple of bool

fix parameters of start (default: (False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)) It is strongly recommended to either fix the distance or the pwidth1, 2 values.

figFigure, optional

matplotlib figure used for plotting the error default: None (creates own figure)


flag to specify if the created error plot should be on log-scale


window size for determination of the center of mass position after the center of mass of every full image is determined, the center of mass is determined again using a window of size nwindow in order to reduce the effect of hot pixels.


flag to specify that you want to see verbose output and saving of images to show if the CEN determination works

xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align.fit_bragg_peak(om, tt, psd, omalign, ttalign, exphxrd, frange=(0.03, 0.03), peaktype='Gauss', plot=True)[source]

helper function to determine the Bragg peak position in a reciprocal space map used to obtain the position needed for correction of the data. the determination is done by fitting a two dimensional Gaussian (xrayutilities.math.Gauss2d) or Lorentzian (xrayutilities.math.Lorentz2d)


om, ttarray-like

angular coordinates of the measurement either with size of psd or of psd.shape[0]


intensity values needed for fitting


aligned omega value, used as first guess in the fit


aligned two theta values used as first guess in the fit these values are also used to set the range for the fit: the peak should be within +/-frangeAA^{-1} of those values


experiment class used for the conversion between angular and reciprocal space.

frangetuple of float, optional

data range used for the fit in both directions (see above for details default:(0.03, 0.03) unit: AA^{-1})

peaktype{‘Gauss’, ‘Lorentz’}

peak type to fit

plotbool, optional

if True (default) function will plot the result of the fit in comparison with the measurement.

omfit, ttfitfloat

fitted angular values


fit parameters (of the Gaussian/Lorentzian)


covariance matrix of the fit parameters

xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align.linear_detector_calib(angle, mca_spectra, **keyargs)[source]

function to calibrate the detector distance/channel per degrees for a straight linear detector mounted on a detector arm


array of angles in degree of measured detector spectra


corresponding detector spectra (shape: (len(angle), Nchannels)

r_istr, optional

primary beam direction as vector [xyz][+-]; default: ‘y+’

detaxisstr, optional

detector arm rotation axis [xyz][+-]; default: ‘x+’


width of the pixel at one meter distance, pixelwidth is negative in case the hit channel number decreases upon an increase of the detector angle


central channel of the detector

detector_tiltfloat, optional

if usetilt=True the fitted tilt of the detector is also returned


L/pixelwidth*pi/180 ~= channel/degree, with the sample detector distance L

The function also prints out how a linear detector can be initialized using
the results obtained from this calibration. Carefully check the results
Other Parameters:

flag to specify if a visualization of the fit should be done


whether to use model considering a detector tilt, i.e. deviation angle of the pixel direction from orthogonal to the primary beam (default: True)

See also


low level function with more configurable options

xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align.miscut_calc(phi, aomega, zeros=None, omega0=None, plot=True)[source]

function to calculate the miscut direction and miscut angle of a sample by fitting a sinusoidal function to the variation of the aligned omega values of more than two reflections. The function can also be used to fit reflectivity alignment values in various azimuths.

philist, tuple or array-like

azimuths in which the reflection was aligned (deg)

aomegalist, tuple or array-like

aligned omega values (deg)

zeroslist, tuple or array-like, optional

angles at which surface is parallel to the beam (deg). For the analysis the angles (aomega - zeros) are used.

omega0float, optional

if specified the nominal value of the reflection is not included as fit parameter, but is fixed to the specified value. This value is MANDATORY if ONLY TWO AZIMUTHs are given.

plotbool, optional

flag to specify if a visualization of the fit is wanted. default: True


the omega value of the reflection should be close to the nominal one


the azimuth in which the primary beam looks upstairs


amplitude of the sinusoidal variation == miscut angle

xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align.psd_chdeg(angles, channels, stdev=None, usetilt=True, plot=True, datap='xk', modelline='--r', modeltilt='-b', fignum=None, mlabel='fit', mtiltlabel='fit w/tilt', dlabel='data', figtitle=True)[source]

function to determine the channels per degree using a linear fit of the function nchannel = center_ch+chdeg*tan(angles) or the equivalent including a detector tilt


detector angles for which the position of the beam was measured


detector channels where the beam was found

stdevarray-like, optional

standard deviation of the beam position

plotbool, optional

flag to specify if a visualization of the fit should be done

usetiltbool, optional

whether to use model considering a detector tilt, i.e. deviation angle of the pixel direction from orthogonal to the primary beam (default: True)


the width of one detector channel @ 1m distance, which is negative in case the hit channel number decreases upon an increase of the detector angle.


center channel of the detector


tilt of the detector from perpendicular to the beam (will be zero in case of usetilt=False)


L/pixelwidth*pi/180 = channel/degree for large detector distance with the sample detector disctance L

Other Parameters:
datapstr, optional

plot format of data points

modellinestr, optional

plot format of modelline

modeltiltstr, optional

plot format of modeltilt

fignumint or str, optional

figure number to use for the plot


label of the model w/o tilt to be used in the plot


label of the model with tilt to be used in the plot


label of the data line to be used in the plot


flag to tell if the figure title should show the fit parameters

xrayutilities.analysis.sample_align.psd_refl_align(primarybeam, angles, channels, plot=True)[source]

function which calculates the angle at which the sample is parallel to the beam from various angles and detector channels from the reflected beam. The function can be used during the half beam alignment with a linear detector.


primary beam channel number

angleslist or array-like

incidence angles

channelslist or array-like

corresponding detector channels

plotbool, optional

flag to specify if a visualization of the fit is wanted default : True


angle at which the sample is parallel to the beam


>>> zeroangle = psd_refl_align(500, [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
... [550, 600, 640, 700])
XU.analysis.psd_refl_align: sample is parallel to beam at goniometer angle -0.0986 (R^2=0.9942)

Module contents

xrayutilities.analysis is a package for assisting with the analysis of x-ray diffraction data, mainly reciprocal space maps

Routines for obtaining line cuts from gridded reciprocal space maps are offered, with the ability to integrate the intensity perpendicular to the line cut direction.