Source code for xrayutilities.analysis.line_cuts

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Dominik Kriegner <>

import numpy

from .. import config, math
from ..experiment import HXRD
from ..gridder import FuzzyGridder1D

def _get_cut(pos_along, pos_perp, intensity, dis, npoints):
    obtain a line cut from 2D data using a FuzzyGridder1D to do the hard work.
    Data points with value of pos_perp smaller than `dis` will be considered in
    the line cut

    pos_along :     array-like
        position along the cut which should be taken
    pos_perp :      array-like
        distance from the line cut axis. only data points with distance < `dis`
        will be considered
    intensity :     array-like
        data points, `pos_along`, `pos_perp`, and `intensity` must have the
        same shape
    dis :           float
        maximum distance to be allowed for contributing data points
    npoints :       int
        number of points in the output data

    x :     ndarray
        gridded position along the cut axis
    d :     ndarray
        gridded data values for every position `x` along the cut line
    mask:   ndarray
        mask which is 1 for every used data point and 0 for the rest
    pos_a = pos_along.ravel()
    pos_p = pos_perp.ravel()
    ma = numpy.abs(pos_p) < dis
    g1d = FuzzyGridder1D(npoints)
    width = (numpy.max(pos_a[ma]) - numpy.min(pos_a[ma])) / float(npoints)
    g1d(pos_a[ma], intensity.ravel()[ma], width=width)
    return g1d.xaxis,, ma.astype(numpy.int8).reshape(intensity.shape)

[docs] def get_qz_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs): r""" extracts a qz scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either, the perpendicular plane in q-space, omega (sample rocking angle) or 2theta direction. For the integration in angular space (omega, or 2theta) the coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class. This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way! Parameters ---------- qpos : list of array-like objects arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers intensity : array-like 2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries cutpos : float or tuple/list x/y-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be a float for 2D data and a tuple with two values for 3D data npoints : int number of points in the output data intrange : float integration range in along `intdir`, either in 1/\AA (`q`) or degree ('omega', or '2theta'). data will be integrated from `-intrange/2 .. +intrange/2` intdir : {'q', 'omega', '2theta'}, optional integration direction: 'q': perpendicular Q-plane (default), 'omega': sample rocking angle, or '2theta': scattering angle. wl : float or str, optional wavelength used to determine angular integration positions Note: For 3D data the angular integration directions although applicable for any set of data only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane. Returns ------- qz, qzint : ndarray qz scan coordinates and intensities used_mask : ndarray mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others Examples -------- >>> qzcut, qzcut_int, mask = get_qz_scan([qy, qz], inten, 3.0, 200,\ ... intrange=0.3) # doctest: +SKIP """ intdir = kwargs.get('intdir', 'q') lam = kwargs.get('wl', config.WAVELENGTH) hxrd = HXRD([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], wl=lam) # make all data 3D if len(qpos) == 2: lqpos = [numpy.zeros_like(qpos[0]), qpos[0], qpos[1]] lcut = [0, cutpos] else: lqpos = qpos lcut = cutpos # make line cuts with selected integration direction if intdir == 'q': qperp = numpy.sqrt((lqpos[0]-lcut[0])**2 + (lqpos[1]-lcut[1])**2) ret = _get_cut(lqpos[2], qperp, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == 'omega': om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lqpos, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') q = 4 * numpy.pi / lam * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(tt/2)) ocut = numpy.degrees(numpy.arcsin(lcut[1]/q)) + tt / 2 qzpos = q * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(ocut - tt/2)) ret = _get_cut(qzpos, om-ocut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == '2theta': om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lqpos, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') q = 4 * numpy.pi / lam * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(tt/2)) ttcut = 2 * (om - numpy.degrees(numpy.arcsin(lcut[1]/q))) qzpos = 4 * numpy.pi / lam * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(ttcut/2)) *\ numpy.cos(numpy.radians(om - ttcut/2)) ret = _get_cut(qzpos, tt-ttcut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) return ret
[docs] def get_qy_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs): r""" extracts a qy scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either, the perpendicular plane in q-space, omega (sample rocking angle) or 2theta direction. For the integration in angular space (omega, or 2theta) the coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class. This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way! Parameters ---------- qpos : list of array-like objects arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers intensity : array-like 2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries cutpos : float or tuple/list x/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be a float for 2D data (z-position) and a tuple with two values for 3D data npoints : int number of points in the output data intrange : float integration range in along `intdir`, either in 1/\AA (`q`) or degree ('omega', or '2theta'). data will be integrated from `-intrange .. +intrange` intdir : {'q', 'omega', '2theta'}, optional integration direction: 'q': perpendicular Q-plane (default), 'omega': sample rocking angle, or '2theta': scattering angle. wl : float or str, optional wavelength used to determine angular integration positions Note: For 3D data the angular integration directions although applicable for any set of data only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane. Returns ------- qy, qyint : ndarray qy scan coordinates and intensities used_mask : ndarray mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others Examples -------- >>> qycut, qycut_int, mask = get_qy_scan([qy, qz], inten, 5.0, 250, \ ... intrange=0.02, intdir='2theta') # doctest: +SKIP """ intdir = kwargs.get('intdir', 'q') lam = kwargs.get('wl', config.WAVELENGTH) hxrd = HXRD([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], wl=lam) # make all data 3D if len(qpos) == 2: lqpos = [numpy.zeros_like(qpos[0]), qpos[0], qpos[1]] lcut = [0, cutpos] else: lqpos = qpos lcut = cutpos # make line cuts with selected integration direction if intdir == 'q': qperp = numpy.sqrt((lqpos[0]-lcut[0])**2 + (lqpos[2]-lcut[1])**2) ret = _get_cut(lqpos[1], qperp, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == 'omega': om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lqpos, trans=False, geometry='real') q = 4 * numpy.pi / lam * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(tt/2)) ocut = tt / 2 + (numpy.sign(lqpos[1].ravel()) * numpy.degrees(numpy.arccos(lcut[1]/q))) qypos = q * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(ocut - tt/2)) ret = _get_cut(qypos, om-ocut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == '2theta': om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lqpos, trans=False, geometry='real') ttcut = (om - numpy.degrees(numpy.arcsin(numpy.sin(numpy.radians(om)) - lcut[1]*lam/(2*numpy.pi)))) % 360 ttcut2 = (om + numpy.degrees(numpy.arcsin(numpy.sin(numpy.radians(om)) - lcut[1]*lam/(2*numpy.pi))) + 180) % 360 mask = numpy.abs(tt - om) > 90 ttcut[mask] = ttcut2[mask] q = 4 * numpy.pi / lam * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(ttcut/2)) qypos = q * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(om - ttcut/2)) ret = _get_cut(qypos, tt-ttcut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) return ret
[docs] def get_qx_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs): r""" extracts a qx scan from 3D reciprocal space map data with integration along either, the perpendicular plane in q-space, omega (sample rocking angle) or 2theta direction. For the integration in angular space (omega, or 2theta) the coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class. Parameters ---------- qpos : list of array-like objects arrays of x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers intensity : array-like 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries cutpos : tuple/list y/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be and a tuple/list with the qy, qz cut position npoints : int number of points in the output data intrange : float integration range in along `intdir`, either in 1/\AA (`q`) or degree ('omega', or '2theta'). data will be integrated from `-intrange .. +intrange` intdir : {'q', 'omega', '2theta'}, optional integration direction: 'q': perpendicular Q-plane (default), 'omega': sample rocking angle, or '2theta': scattering angle. wl : float or str, optional wavelength used to determine angular integration positions Note: The angular integration directions although applicable for any set of data only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane. Returns ------- qx, qxint : ndarray qx scan coordinates and intensities used_mask : ndarray mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others Examples -------- >>> qxcut, qxcut_int, mask = get_qx_scan([qx, qy, qz], inten, [0, 2.0], \ ... 250, intrange=0.01) # doctest: +SKIP """ intdir = kwargs.get('intdir', 'q') lam = kwargs.get('wl', config.WAVELENGTH) hxrd = HXRD([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], wl=lam) # make line cuts with selected integration direction if intdir == 'q': qperp = numpy.sqrt((qpos[1]-cutpos[0])**2 + (qpos[2]-cutpos[1])**2) ret = _get_cut(qpos[0], qperp, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == 'omega': # needs testing om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*qpos, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') ocut, _, _, ttcut = hxrd.Q2Ang(qpos[0], cutpos[0], cutpos[1], trans=False, geometry='realTilt') ret = _get_cut(qpos[0], om-ocut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == '2theta': # needs testing om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*qpos, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') ocut, _, _, ttcut = hxrd.Q2Ang(qpos[0], cutpos[0], cutpos[1], trans=False, geometry='realTilt') ret = _get_cut(qpos[0], tt-ttcut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) return ret
[docs] def get_omega_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs): """ extracts an omega scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either the 2theta, or radial (omega-2theta) direction. The coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class. This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way! Parameters ---------- qpos : list of array-like objects arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers intensity : array-like 2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries cutpos : tuple or list y/z-position or x/y/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be have two entries for 2D data (z-position) and a three for 3D data npoints : int number of points in the output data intrange : float integration range in along `intdir` in degree. data will be integrated from `-intrange .. +intrange` intdir : {'2theta', 'radial'}, optional integration direction: '2theta': scattering angle (default), or 'radial': omega-2theta direction. wl : float or str, optional wavelength used to determine angular integration positions Note: Although applicable for any set of data, the extraction only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane. Returns ------- om, omint : ndarray omega scan coordinates and intensities used_mask : ndarray mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others Examples -------- >>> omcut, omcut_int, mask = get_omega_scan([qy, qz], inten, [2.0, 5.0], \ ... 250, intrange=0.1) # doctest: +SKIP """ intdir = kwargs.get('intdir', '2theta') lam = kwargs.get('wl', config.WAVELENGTH) hxrd = HXRD([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], wl=lam) # make all data 3D if len(qpos) == 2: lqpos = [numpy.zeros_like(qpos[0]), qpos[0], qpos[1]] lcut = [0, cutpos[0], cutpos[1]] else: lqpos = qpos lcut = cutpos # make line cuts with selected integration direction om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lqpos, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') _, _, _, ttcut = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lcut, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') if intdir == '2theta': ret = _get_cut(om, tt-ttcut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == 'radial': ret = _get_cut(om-(tt-ttcut)/2, tt-ttcut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) return ret
[docs] def get_radial_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs): """ extracts a radial scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either the omega or 2theta direction. The coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class. This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way! Parameters ---------- qpos : list of array-like objects arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers intensity : array-like 2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries cutpos : tuple or list y/z-position or x/y/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be have two entries for 2D data (z-position) and a three for 3D data npoints : int number of points in the output data intrange : float integration range in along `intdir` in degree. data will be integrated from `-intrange .. +intrange` intdir : {'omega', '2theta'}, optional integration direction: 'omega': sample rocking angle (default), '2theta': scattering angle wl : float or str, optional wavelength used to determine angular integration positions Note: Although applicable for any set of data, the extraction only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane. Returns ------- tt, omttint : ndarray omega-2theta scan coordinates (2theta values) and intensities used_mask : ndarray mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others Examples -------- >>> ttcut, omtt_int, mask = get_radial_scan([qy, qz], inten, [2.0, 5.0], \ ... 250, intrange=0.1) # doctest: +SKIP """ intdir = kwargs.get('intdir', 'omega') lam = kwargs.get('wl', config.WAVELENGTH) hxrd = HXRD([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], wl=lam) # make all data 3D if len(qpos) == 2: lqpos = [numpy.zeros_like(qpos[0]), qpos[0], qpos[1]] lcut = [0, cutpos[0], cutpos[1]] else: lqpos = qpos lcut = cutpos # make line cuts with selected integration direction om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lqpos, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') ocut, _, _, ttcut = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lcut, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') if intdir == 'omega': ret = _get_cut(tt, om-((tt-ttcut)/2+ocut), intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == '2theta': offcut = ttcut/2 - ocut ret = _get_cut(tt-2*(tt/2-om-offcut), 2*(tt/2-om-offcut), intensity, intrange/2., npoints) return ret
[docs] def get_ttheta_scan(qpos, intensity, cutpos, npoints, intrange, **kwargs): """ extracts a 2theta scan from reciprocal space map data with integration along either the omega or radial direction. The coplanar diffraction geometry with qy and qz as diffraction plane is assumed. This is consistent with the coplanar geometry implemented in the HXRD-experiment class. This function works for 2D and 3D input data in the same way! Parameters ---------- qpos : list of array-like objects arrays of y, z (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers intensity : array-like 2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries cutpos : tuple or list y/z-position or x/y/z-position at which the line scan should be extracted. this must be have two entries for 2D data (z-position) and a three for 3D data npoints : int number of points in the output data intrange : float integration range in along `intdir` in degree. data will be integrated from `-intrange .. +intrange` intdir : {'omega', 'radial'}, optional integration direction: 'omega': sample rocking angle (default), 'radial': omega-2theta direction wl : float or str, optional wavelength used to determine angular integration positions Note: Although applicable for any set of data, the extraction only makes sense when the data are aligned into the y/z-plane. Returns ------- tt, ttint : ndarray 2theta scan coordinates and intensities used_mask : ndarray mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others Examples -------- >>> ttcut, tt_int, mask = get_ttheta_scan([qy, qz], inten, [2.0, 5.0], \ ... 250, intrange=0.1) # doctest: +SKIP """ intdir = kwargs.get('intdir', 'omega') lam = kwargs.get('wl', config.WAVELENGTH) hxrd = HXRD([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], wl=lam) # make all data 3D if len(qpos) == 2: lqpos = [numpy.zeros_like(qpos[0]), qpos[0], qpos[1]] lcut = [0, cutpos[0], cutpos[1]] else: lqpos = qpos lcut = cutpos # make line cuts with selected integration direction om, _, _, tt = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lqpos, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') ocut, _, _, _ = hxrd.Q2Ang(*lcut, trans=False, geometry='realTilt') if intdir == 'omega': ret = _get_cut(tt, om-ocut, intensity, intrange/2., npoints) elif intdir == 'radial': ret = _get_cut(tt-2*(om-ocut), 2*(om-ocut), intensity, intrange/2., npoints) return ret
[docs] def get_arbitrary_line(qpos, intensity, point, vec, npoints, intrange): """ extracts a line scan from reciprocal space map data along an arbitrary line defined by the point 'point' and propergation vector 'vec'. Integration of the data is performed in a cylindrical volume along the line. This function works for 2D and 3D input data! Parameters ---------- qpos : list of array-like objects arrays of x, y (list with two components) or x, y, z (list with three components) momentum transfers intensity : array-like 2D or 3D array of reciprocal space intensity with shape equal to the qpos entries point : tuple, list or array-like point on the extraction line (2 or 3 coordinates) vec : tuple, list or array-like propergation vector of the extraction line (2 or 3 coordinates) npoints : int number of points in the output data intrange : float radius of the cylindrical integration volume around the extraction line Returns ------- qpos, qint : ndarray line scan coordinates and intensities used_mask : ndarray mask of used data, shape is the same as the input intensity: True for points which contributed, False for all others Examples -------- >>> qcut, qint, mask = get_arbitrary_line([qx, qy, qz], inten, \ ... (1.1, 2.2, 0.0), \ ... (1, 1, 1), 200, 0.1) # doctest: +SKIP """ # make all data 3D if len(qpos) == 2: lqpos = [numpy.zeros_like(qpos[0]), qpos[0], qpos[1]] lpoint = [0, point[0], point[1]] lvec = [0, vec[0], vec[1]] else: lqpos = qpos lpoint = point lvec = vec # make line cut lqpos = numpy.reshape(numpy.asarray([lqpos[0].ravel(), lqpos[1].ravel(), lqpos[2].ravel()]).T, (-1, 3)) qalong = math.VecDot(lqpos, math.VecUnit(lvec)) qdistance = math.distance(lqpos[:, 0], lqpos[:, 1], lqpos[:, 2], lpoint, lvec) return _get_cut(qalong, qdistance, intensity, intrange, npoints)