Source code for xrayutilities.materials.material

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Eugen Wintersberger <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2023 Dominik Kriegner <>
# Copyright (C) 2012 Tanja Etzelstorfer <>
# Copyright (C) 2022 Vinícius Frehse <>

Classes decribing materials. Materials are devided with respect to their
crystalline state in either Amorphous or Crystal types.  While for most
materials their crystalline state is defined few materials are also included as
amorphous which can be useful for calculation of their optical properties.
import abc
import copy
import numbers
import operator
import re
import warnings
from math import ceil, copysign, isclose

import numpy
import scipy.optimize

from .. import config, math, utilities
from ..exception import InputError
from ..math import VecCross, VecDot, VecNorm
from . import cif, elements
from .atom import Atom
from .spacegrouplattice import WyckoffBase

numpy.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')

map_ijkl2ij = {"00": 0, "11": 1, "22": 2,
               "12": 3, "20": 4, "01": 5,
               "21": 6, "02": 7, "10": 8}
map_ij2ijkl = {"0": [0, 0], "1": [1, 1], "2": [2, 2],
               "3": [1, 2], "4": [2, 0], "5": [0, 1],
               "6": [2, 1], "7": [0, 2], "8": [1, 0]}

[docs] def index_map_ijkl2ij(i, j): return map_ijkl2ij[f"{i}{j}"]
[docs] def index_map_ij2ijkl(ij): return map_ij2ijkl[f"{ij}"]
[docs] def check_symmetric(matrix): return numpy.allclose(matrix, matrix.T, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)
[docs] def Cij2Cijkl(cij): """ Converts the elastic constants matrix (tensor of rank 2) to the full rank 4 cijkl tensor. Parameters ---------- cij : array-like (6, 6) cij matrix Returns ------- cijkl ndarray (3, 3, 3, 3) cijkl tensor as numpy array """ # first have to build a 9x9 matrix from the 6x6 one m = numpy.zeros((9, 9), dtype=numpy.double) m[0:6, 0:6] = cij[:, :] m[6:9, 0:6] = cij[3:6, :] m[0:6, 6:9] = cij[:, 3:6] m[6:9, 6:9] = cij[3:6, 3:6] # now create the full tensor cijkl = numpy.empty((3, 3, 3, 3), dtype=numpy.double) for i in range(0, 3): for j in range(0, 3): for k in range(0, 3): for n in range(0, 3): mi = index_map_ijkl2ij(i, j) mj = index_map_ijkl2ij(k, n) cijkl[i, j, k, n] = m[mi, mj] return cijkl
[docs] def Cij2Sijkl(cij): """ Converts the elastic constants matrix (tensor of rank 2) to the full rank 4 sijkl compliance tensor. Parameters ---------- cij : array-like (6, 6) cij matrix Returns ------- sijkl ndarray (3, 3, 3, 3) sijkl tensor as numpy array """ sij = numpy.linalg.inv(cij) sij[0:3, 0:3] = sij[0:3, 0:3] sij[3:6, 3:6] = sij[3:6, 3:6]/4 sij[0:3, 3:6] = sij[0:3, 3:6]/2 sij[3:6, 0:3] = sij[3:6, 0:3]/2 sijkl = Cij2Cijkl(sij) return sijkl
[docs] def Cijkl2Cij(cijkl): """ Converts the full rank 4 tensor of the elastic constants to the (6, 6) matrix of elastic constants. Parameters ---------- cijkl ndarray (3, 3, 3, 3) cijkl tensor as numpy array Returns ------- cij : array-like (6, 6) cij matrix """ cij = numpy.empty((6, 6), dtype=numpy.double) for i in range(6): for j in range(6): ij = index_map_ij2ijkl(i) kl = index_map_ij2ijkl(j) cij[i, j] = cijkl[ij[0], ij[1], kl[0], kl[1]] return cij
[docs] class Material(utilities.ABC): """ base class for all Materials. common properties of amorphous and crystalline materials are described by this class from which Amorphous and Crystal are derived from. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, cij=None): if cij is None: self.cij = numpy.zeros((6, 6), dtype=numpy.double) self.cijkl = numpy.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3), dtype=numpy.double) elif isinstance(cij, (tuple, list, numpy.ndarray)): self.cij = numpy.asarray(cij, dtype=numpy.double) self.cijkl = Cij2Cijkl(self.cij) else: raise TypeError("Elastic constants must be a list or numpy array!") = name self.transform = lambda x: x self._density = None
def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith("c"): index = name[1:] if len(index) > 2: raise AttributeError("Cij indices must be between 1 and 6") i = int(index[0]) j = int(index[1]) if i > 6 or i < 1 or j > 6 or j < 1: raise AttributeError("Cij indices must be between 1 and 6") cij = Cijkl2Cij(self.transform(Cij2Cijkl(self.cij))) return cij[i - 1, j - 1] return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def _getmu(self): return self.cij[3, 3] def _getlam(self): return self.cij[0, 1] def _getnu(self): return self.lam / 2. / ( + self.lam) def _getdensity(self): return self._density density = property(_getdensity) mu = property(_getmu) lam = property(_getlam) nu = property(_getnu)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delta(self, en='config'): """ abstract method which every implementation of a Material has to override """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ibeta(self, en='config'): """ abstract method which every implementation of a Material has to override """
[docs] def chi0(self, en='config'): """ calculates the complex chi_0 values often needed in simulations. They are closely related to delta and beta (n = 1 + chi_r0/2 + i*chi_i0/2 vs. n = 1 - delta + i*beta) """ return (-2 * + 2j * self.ibeta(en))
[docs] def idx_refraction(self, en="config"): """ function to calculate the complex index of refraction of a material in the x-ray range Parameters ---------- en : energy of the x-rays, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used Returns ------- n (complex) """ n = 1. - + 1.j * self.ibeta(en) return n
[docs] def critical_angle(self, en='config', deg=True): """ calculate critical angle for total external reflection Parameters ---------- en : float or str, optional energy of the x-rays in eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used deg : bool, optional return angle in degree if True otherwise radians (default:True) Returns ------- float Angle of total external reflection """ rn = 1. - alphac = numpy.arccos(rn) if deg: alphac = numpy.degrees(alphac) return alphac
[docs] def absorption_length(self, en='config'): """ wavelength dependent x-ray absorption length defined as mu = lambda/(2*pi*2*beta) with lambda and beta as the x-ray wavelength and complex part of the refractive index respectively. Parameters ---------- en : float or str, optional energy of the x-rays in eV Returns ------- float the absorption length in um """ if isinstance(en, str) and en == 'config': en = return utilities.en2lam(en) / (2 * numpy.pi * self.ibeta(en) * 2) / 1e4
[docs] def youngs_modulus(self, direction, sijkl=None): """ Obtain Youngs Modulus for a certain direction Parameters ---------- direction: vector (array of length 3) Vectorial direction for this the Youngs modulus should be obtained. This does not need to be normalized. Returns ------- Youngs modulus in Pa """ n = math.VecUnit(direction) if sijkl is None: sijkl = Cij2Sijkl(self.cij) return 1 / numpy.einsum("ijkl,i,j,k,l", sijkl, n, n, n, n)
[docs] def poisson_ratio(self, direction, perpendicular): """ Obtain the Poisson ratio for a certain extenstion direction and one perpendicular direction. Parameters ---------- direction: vector (array of length 3) Axial extension direction. perpendicular: vector Lateral contraction direction. Returns ------- Poisson ratio """ n = math.VecUnit(direction) m = math.VecUnit(perpendicular) sijkl = Cij2Sijkl(self.cij) E = self.youngs_modulus(n, sijkl=sijkl) return -E * numpy.einsum("ijkl,i,j,k,l", sijkl, n, n, m, m)
def __str__(self): ostr = f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {}\n" if numpy.any(self.cij): ostr += "Elastic tensor (6x6):\n" d = numpy.get_printoptions() numpy.set_printoptions(precision=2, linewidth=78, suppress=False) ostr += str(self.cij) + '\n' numpy.set_printoptions(**d) return ostr
[docs] def GetStrain(self, sig): """ Obtains the strain matrix (3x3) from an applied stress matrix (3x3) using a material's full rank elastic tensor (3x3x3x3). The full stress matrix (3x3) needs to be given. The results can then be used as an input in ApplyStrain. Inverse operation of GetStress. Parameters ---------- sig : list, tuple or array-like stress matrix (3x3) in N/m^2 """ if isinstance(sig, (list, tuple)): if check_symmetric(sig): sig = numpy.asarray(sig, dtype=numpy.double) else: raise InputError("GetStrain needs a symmetric matrix") if sig.shape != (3, 3): raise InputError("GetStrain needs a 3x3 matrix " "with stress values") if not numpy.any(self.cij): raise InputError("GetStrain needs a crystal " "with a defined Elastic Tensor") elastic_fr = Cij2Sijkl(self.cij) strain = numpy.einsum('ijkl,kl->ij', elastic_fr, sig) return strain
[docs] def GetStress(self, eps): """ Obtains the strain matrix (3x3) from an applied stress matrix (3x3) using a material's full rank elastic tensor (3x3x3x3). The full stress matrix (3x3) needs to be given. Inverse operation of GetStrain. Parameters ---------- eps : list, tuple or array-like strain matrix (3x3) """ if isinstance(eps, (list, tuple)): if check_symmetric(eps): eps = numpy.asarray(eps, dtype=numpy.double) else: raise InputError("GetStress needs a symmetric matrix") if eps.shape != (3, 3): raise InputError("GetStress needs a 3x3 matrix " "with stress values") if not numpy.any(self.cij): raise InputError("GetStress needs a crystal " "with a defined Elastic Tensor") elastic_fr = Cij2Cijkl(self.cij) stress = numpy.einsum('ijkl,kl->ij', elastic_fr, eps) return stress
[docs] class Amorphous(Material): """ amorphous materials are described by this class """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, density, atoms=None, cij=None): """ constructor of an amorphous material. The amorphous material is described by its density and atom composition. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the material. To allow automatic parsing of the chemical elements use the abbreviation of the chemical element from the periodic table. To specify alloys, use e.g. 'Ir0.2Mn0.8' or 'H2O'. density : float mass density in kg/m^3 atoms : list, optional list of atoms together with their fractional content. When the name is a simply chemical formula then this can be None. To specify more complicated materials use [('Ir', 0.2), ('Mn', 0.8), ...]. Instead of the elements as string you can also use an Atom object. If the contents to not add up to 1 they will be normalized without notice. cij : array-like, optional elasticity matrix """ super().__init__(name, cij) self._density = density self.base = [] if atoms is None: comp = Amorphous.parseChemForm(name) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: ceq = "".join([f"{}{c:.2f} " for e, c in comp]) print(f"XU.materials.Amorphous: using '{ceq}' as formula") for (e, c) in comp: self.base.append((e, c)) else: frsum = numpy.sum([at[1] for at in atoms]) for at, fr in atoms: if not isinstance(at, Atom): a = getattr(elements, at) else: a = at self.base.append((a, fr/frsum))
[docs] @staticmethod def parseChemForm(cstring): """ Parse a string containing a simple chemical formula and transform it to a list of elements together with their relative atomic fraction. e.g. 'H2O' -> [(H, 2/3), (O, 1/3)], where H and O are the Element objects of Hydrogen and Oxygen. Note that every chemical element needs to start with a capital letter! Complicated formulas containing bracket are not supported! Parameters ---------- cstring : str string containing the chemical fomula Returns ------- list of tuples chemical element and atomic fraction """ if re.findall(r'[\(\)]', cstring): raise ValueError( f"unsupported chemical formula ({cstring}) given.") elems = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', cstring) r = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9\.]+)") ret = [] csum = 0 for e in elems: if r.match(e): elstr, cont = r.match(e).groups() cont = float(cont) else: elstr, cont = (e, 1.0) ret.append((elstr, cont)) csum += cont for i, r in enumerate(ret): ret[i] = (getattr(elements, r[0]), r[1]/csum) return ret
def _get_f(self, q, en): """ optimized method to calculate the atomic scattering factor for all atoms in the unit cell by calling the database only as much as needed. Parameters ---------- q : float or array-like momentum transfer for which the atomic scattering factor should be calculated en : float or str x-ray energy (eV) Returns ------- list atomic scattering factors for every atom in the unit cell """ f = {} for at, _ in self.base: if at.num not in f: f[at.num] = at.f(q, en) return [f[a.num] for a, o in self.base]
[docs] def delta(self, en='config'): """ function to calculate the real part of the deviation of the refractive index from 1 (n=1-delta+i*beta) Parameters ---------- en : float, array-like or str, optional energy of the x-rays in eV Returns ------- float or array-like """ er = scipy.constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] er *= 1e10 if isinstance(en, str) and en == 'config': en = lam = utilities.en2lam(en) delta = 0. m = 0. f = self._get_f(0., en) for (at, occ), fa in zip(self.base, f): delta += numpy.real(fa) * occ m += at.weight * occ delta *= er / (2 * numpy.pi) * lam ** 2 / (m / self.density) * 1e-30 return delta
[docs] def ibeta(self, en='config'): """ function to calculate the imaginary part of the deviation of the refractive index from 1 (n=1-delta+i*beta) Parameters ---------- en : float, array-like or str, optional energy of the x-rays in eV Returns ------- float or array-like """ er = scipy.constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] er *= 1e10 if isinstance(en, str) and en == 'config': en = lam = utilities.en2lam(en) beta = 0. m = 0. f = self._get_f(0., en) for (at, occ), fa in zip(self.base, f): beta += numpy.imag(fa) * occ m += at.weight * occ beta *= er / (2 * numpy.pi) * lam ** 2 / (m / self.density) * 1e-30 return beta
[docs] def chi0(self, en='config'): """ calculates the complex chi_0 values often needed in simulations. They are closely related to delta and beta (n = 1 + chi_r0/2 + i*chi_i0/2 vs. n = 1 - delta + i*beta) """ er = scipy.constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] er *= 1e10 if isinstance(en, str) and en == 'config': en = lam = utilities.en2lam(en) beta = 0. delta = 0. m = 0. f = self._get_f(0., en) for (at, occ), f0 in zip(self.base, f): beta += numpy.imag(f0) * occ delta += numpy.real(f0) * occ m += at.weight * occ beta *= er / (2 * numpy.pi) * lam ** 2 / (m / self.density) * 1e-30 delta *= er / (2 * numpy.pi) * lam ** 2 / (m / self.density) * 1e-30 return -2 * delta + 2j * beta
def __str__(self): ostr = super().__str__() ostr += f"density: {self.density:.2f}\n" if self.base: ostr += "atoms: " for at, o in self.base: ostr += f"({}, {o:.3f}) " ostr += "\n" return ostr
[docs] class Crystal(Material): """ Crystalline materials are described by this class """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, lat, cij=None, thetaDebye=None): super().__init__(name, cij) self.lattice = lat if isinstance(thetaDebye, numbers.Number): self.thetaDebye = float(thetaDebye) else: self.thetaDebye = thetaDebye Crystal.a = property( lambda self: self.lattice.a, lambda self, value: setattr(self.lattice, "a", value) ) Crystal.b = property( lambda self: self.lattice.b, lambda self, value: setattr(self.lattice, "b", value) ) Crystal.c = property( lambda self: self.lattice.c, lambda self, value: setattr(self.lattice, "c", value) ) Crystal.alpha = property( lambda self: self.lattice.alpha, lambda self, value: setattr(self.lattice, "alpha", value) ) Crystal.beta = property( lambda self: self.lattice.beta, lambda self, value: setattr(self.lattice, "beta", value) ) Crystal.gamma = property( lambda self: self.lattice.gamma, lambda self, value: setattr(self.lattice, "gamma", value) )
[docs] @classmethod def fromCIF(cls, ciffilestr, **kwargs): """ Create a Crystal from a CIF file. The default data-set from the cif file will be used to create the Crystal. Parameters ---------- ciffilestr : str, bytes filename of the CIF file or string representation of the CIF file kwargs : dict keyword arguments are passed to the init-method of CIFFile Returns ------- Crystal """ cf = cif.CIFFile(ciffilestr, **kwargs) lat = cf.SGLattice() return cls([cf.default_dataset].name, lat)
[docs] def loadLatticefromCIF(self, ciffilestr): """ load the unit cell data (lattice) from the CIF file. Other material properties stay unchanged. Parameters ---------- ciffilestr : str, bytes filename of the CIF file or string representation of the CIF file """ cf = cif.CIFFile(ciffilestr) self.lattice = cf.SGLattice()
[docs] def toCIF(self, ciffilename): """ Export the Crystal to a CIF file. Parameters ---------- ciffilename : str filename of the CIF file """ cif.cifexport(ciffilename, self)
@property def a1(self): return[0, :] @property def a2(self): return[1, :] @property def a3(self): return[2, :] @property def B(self): return self.lattice._qtransform.matrix def __eq__(self, other): """ compare if another Crystal instance is equal to the current one. Currently this considers only the lattice to be equal. Additional parameters like thetaDebye and the eleastic parameters are ignored. Parameters ---------- other: Crystal another instance of Crystal to compare """ return self.lattice == other.lattice
[docs] def Q(self, *hkl): """ Return the Q-space position for a certain material. Parameters ---------- hkl : list or array-like Miller indices (or Q(h, k, l) is also possible) """ return self.lattice.GetQ(*hkl)
[docs] def HKL(self, *q): """ Return the HKL-coordinates for a certain Q-space position. Parameters ---------- q : list or array-like Q-position. its also possible to use HKL(qx, qy, qz). """ return self.lattice.GetHKL(*q)
[docs] def chemical_composition(self, natoms=None, with_spaces=False, ndigits=2): """ determine chemical composition from occupancy of atomic positions. Parameters ---------- mat : Crystal instance of Crystal natoms : int, optional number of atoms to normalize the formula, if None some automatic normalization is attempted using the greatest common divisor of the number of atoms per unit cell. If the number of atoms of any element is fractional natoms=1 is used. with_spaces : bool, optional add spaces between the different entries in the output string for CIF combatibility ndigits : int, optional number of digits to which floating point numbers are rounded to Returns ------- str representation of the chemical composition """ elem = {} for a in self.lattice.base(): e = a[0].name occ = a[2] if e in elem: elem[e] += occ else: elem[e] = occ natom = sum(list(elem.values())) isint = True for e in elem.values(): if not float(e).is_integer(): isint = False # determine number of atoms if not natoms: if isint: gcd = math.gcd([int(e) for e in elem.values()]) natoms = natom/gcd else: natoms = 1 # generate output strig cstr = "" fmtstr = "%d" if isint else f"%.{ndigits}f" for name, e in elem.items(): n = e / float(natom) * natoms cstr += name if n != 1: cstr += fmtstr % n cstr += " " if with_spaces else "" return cstr.strip()
[docs] def environment(self, *pos, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of neighboring atoms for a given position within the unit cell. If the material does not contain any atoms a dummy atom will be placed on the unit cell corners. Parameters ---------- pos : list or array-like fractional coordinate in the unit cell maxdist : float maximum distance wanted in the list of neighbors (default: 7) Returns ------- list of tuples (distance, atomType, multiplicity) giving distance sorted list of atoms """ valid_kwargs = {'maxdist': 'maximum distance needed in the output'} utilities.check_kwargs(kwargs, valid_kwargs, 'Crystal.environment') maxdist = kwargs.get('maxdist', 7) if len(pos) < 3: pos = pos[0] if len(pos) < 3: raise InputError("need 3 coordinates of the " "reference position") refpos = @ pos lst = [] # determine lattice base if self.lattice.nsites > 0: base = list(self.lattice.base()) else: base = [(elements.Dummy, (0, 0, 0), 1, 0)] # find maximally needed super cell na = int(ceil(maxdist / math.VecNorm(self.a1))) nb = int(ceil(maxdist / math.VecNorm(self.a2))) nc = int(ceil(maxdist / math.VecNorm(self.a3))) nab = int(ceil(maxdist / math.VecNorm(self.a1 + self.a2))) nac = int(ceil(maxdist / math.VecNorm(self.a1 + self.a3))) nbc = int(ceil(maxdist / math.VecNorm(self.a2 + self.a3))) nabc = int(ceil(maxdist / math.VecNorm(self.a1 + self.a2 + self.a3))) Na = max(na, nab, nac, nabc) Nb = max(nb, nab, nbc, nabc) Nc = max(nc, nac, nbc, nabc) # determine distance of all atoms w.r.t. the refpos ucidx = numpy.mgrid[-Na:Na+1, -Nb:Nb+1, -Nc:Nc+1].reshape(3, -1) for a, p, o, _ in base: ucpos = @ p pos = ucpos + numpy.einsum('ji, ...i',, ucidx.T) distance = math.VecNorm(pos - refpos) lst += [(d, a, o) for d in distance] # sort and merge return list lst.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1)) rl = [] if len(lst) < 1 or lst[0][0] > maxdist: return rl mult = lst[0][2] for i in range(1, len(lst)): if (isclose(lst[i - 1][0] - lst[i][0], 0, abs_tol=1e-8) and lst[i - 1][1] == lst[i][1]): mult += lst[i - 1][2] # add occupancy else: rl.append((lst[i - 1][0], lst[i - 1][1], mult)) mult = lst[i][2] if lst[i][0] > maxdist: break return rl
[docs] def planeDistance(self, *hkl): """ determines the lattice plane spacing for the planes specified by (hkl) Parameters ---------- h, k, l : list, tuple or floats Miller indices of the lattice planes given either as list, tuple or seperate arguments Returns ------- float the lattice plane spacing Examples -------- >>> import xrayutilities as xu >>> xu.materials.Si.planeDistance(0, 0, 4) 1.3577600000000003 or >>> xu.materials.Si.planeDistance((1, 1, 1)) 3.1356124059796264 """ if len(hkl) < 3: hkl = hkl[0] if len(hkl) < 3: raise InputError("need 3 indices for the lattice point") return 2 * numpy.pi / math.VecNorm(self.Q(hkl))
def _getdensity(self): """ calculates the mass density of an material from the mass of the atoms in the unit cell. Returns ------- float mass density in kg/m^3 """ m = 0. for at, _, occ, _ in self.lattice.base(): m += at.weight * occ return m / self.lattice.UnitCellVolume() * 1e30 density = property(_getdensity) def _get_f(self, q, en): """ optimized method to calculate the atomic scattering factor for all atoms in the unit cell by calling the database only as much as needed. Parameters ---------- q : float or array-like momentum transfer for which the atomic scattering factor should be calculated en : float or str x-ray energy (eV) Returns ------- list atomic scattering factors for every atom in the unit cell """ f = {} if self.lattice.nsites > 0: for at, _, _, _ in self.lattice.base(): if at.num not in f: f[at.num] = at.f(q, en) return [f[a.num] for a, _, _, _ in self.lattice.base()] return None def _get_lamen(self, en): if isinstance(en, str) and en == 'config': en = lam = utilities.en2lam(en) return lam, en
[docs] def delta(self, en='config'): """ function to calculate the real part of the deviation of the refractive index from 1 (n=1-delta+i*beta) Parameters ---------- en : float or str, optional x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used Returns ------- float """ er = scipy.constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] er *= 1e10 lam, en = self._get_lamen(en) delta = 0. f = self._get_f(0, en) for (_, _, occ, _), fa in zip(self.lattice.base(), f): delta += numpy.real(fa) * occ delta *= er / (2 * numpy.pi) * lam ** 2 / \ self.lattice.UnitCellVolume() return delta
[docs] def ibeta(self, en='config'): """ function to calculate the imaginary part of the deviation of the refractive index from 1 (n=1-delta+i*beta) Parameters ---------- en : float or str, optional x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used Returns ------- float """ er = scipy.constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] er *= 1e10 lam, en = self._get_lamen(en) beta = 0. f = self._get_f(0, en) for (_, _, occ, _), fa in zip(self.lattice.base(), f): beta += numpy.imag(fa) * occ beta *= er / (2 * numpy.pi) * lam ** 2 / self.lattice.UnitCellVolume() return beta
[docs] def chi0(self, en='config'): """ calculates the complex chi_0 values often needed in simulations. They are closely related to delta and beta (n = 1 + chi_r0/2 + i*chi_i0/2 vs. n = 1 - delta + i*beta) """ er = scipy.constants.physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] er *= 1e10 lam, en = self._get_lamen(en) beta = 0. delta = 0. if self.lattice.nsites > 0: f = self._get_f(0, en) for (_, _, occ, _), f0 in zip(self.lattice.base(), f): beta += numpy.imag(f0) * occ delta += numpy.real(f0) * occ v = self.lattice.UnitCellVolume() beta *= er / (2 * numpy.pi) * lam ** 2 / v delta *= er / (2 * numpy.pi) * lam ** 2 / v return -2 * delta + 2j * beta
def _debyewallerfactor(self, temp, qnorm): """ Calculate the Debye Waller temperature factor according to the Debye temperature Parameters ---------- temp : float actual temperature (K) qnorm : float or array-like norm of the q-vector(s) for which the factor should be calculated Returns ------- float or array-like the Debye Waller factor(s) with the same shape as qnorm """ if temp != 0 and self.thetaDebye: # W(q) = 3/2* hbar^2*q^2/(m*kB*tD) * (D1(tD/T)/(tD/T) + 1/4) # DWF = exp(-W(q)) consistent with Vaclav H. and several books hbar = scipy.constants.hbar kb = scipy.constants.Boltzmann x = self.thetaDebye / float(temp) m = 0. im = 0 for a, _, _, _ in self.lattice.base(): m += a.weight im += 1 m = m / float(im) exponentf = 3 / 2. * hbar ** 2 * 1.0e20 / \ (m * kb * self.thetaDebye) * (math.Debye1(x) / x + 0.25) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print("XU.materials.Crystal: DWF = exp(-W*q**2) " f"W= {exponentf:g}") dwf = numpy.exp(-exponentf * qnorm ** 2) else: dwf = 1.0 return dwf
[docs] def chih(self, q, en='config', temp=0, polarization='S'): """ calculates the complex polarizability of a material for a certain momentum transfer and energy Parameters ---------- q : list, tuple or array-like momentum transfer vector in (1/A) en : float or str, optional x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used temp : float, optional temperature used for Debye-Waller-factor calculation polarization : {'S', 'P'}, optional sigma or pi polarization Returns ------- tuple (abs(chih_real), abs(chih_imag)) complex polarizability """ if isinstance(q, (list, tuple)): q = numpy.array(q, dtype=numpy.double) elif isinstance(q, numpy.ndarray): pass else: raise TypeError("q must be a list or numpy array!") qnorm = math.VecNorm(q) if isinstance(en, str) and en == 'config': en = if polarization not in ('S', 'P'): raise ValueError("polarization must be 'S':sigma or 'P': pi!") if self.lattice.nsites == 0: return (0, 0) dwf = self._debyewallerfactor(temp, qnorm) sr = 0. + 0.j si = 0. + 0.j # a: atom, p: position, o: occupancy, b: temperature-factor f = self._get_f(qnorm, en) for (_, p, o, b), F in zip(self.lattice.base(), f): r = self.lattice.GetPoint(p) if temp == 0: dwf = numpy.exp(-b * qnorm ** 2 / (4 * numpy.pi) ** 2) fr = numpy.real(F) * o fi = numpy.imag(F) * o sr += fr * numpy.exp(-1.j * math.VecDot(q, r)) * dwf si += fi * numpy.exp(-1.j * math.VecDot(q, r)) * dwf # classical electron radius c = scipy.constants r_e = 1 / (4 * numpy.pi * c.epsilon_0) * c.e ** 2 / \ (c.electron_mass * c.speed_of_light ** 2) * 1e10 lam = utilities.en2lam(en) fact = -lam ** 2 * r_e / (numpy.pi * self.lattice.UnitCellVolume()) rchi = numpy.abs(fact * sr) ichi = numpy.abs(fact * si) if polarization == 'P': theta = numpy.arcsin(qnorm * utilities.en2lam(en) / (4*numpy.pi)) rchi *= numpy.cos(2 * theta) ichi *= numpy.cos(2 * theta) return rchi, ichi
[docs] def dTheta(self, Q, en='config'): """ function to calculate the refractive peak shift Parameters ---------- Q : list, tuple or array-like momentum transfer vector (1/A) en : float or str, optional x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used Returns ------- float peak shift in degree """ if isinstance(en, str) and en == 'config': en = lam = utilities.en2lam(en) dth = numpy.degrees( 2 * / numpy.sin(2 * numpy.arcsin( lam * VecNorm(Q) / (4 * numpy.pi)))) return dth
def __str__(self): ostr = super().__str__() ostr += "Lattice:\n" ostr += str(self.lattice) return ostr
[docs] def StructureFactor(self, q, en='config', temp=0): """ calculates the structure factor of a material for a certain momentum transfer and energy at a certain temperature of the material Parameters ---------- q : list, tuple or array-like vectorial momentum transfer en : float or str, optional x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used temp : float temperature used for Debye-Waller-factor calculation Returns ------- complex the complex structure factor """ if isinstance(q, (list, tuple)): q = numpy.array(q, dtype=numpy.double) elif isinstance(q, numpy.ndarray): pass else: raise TypeError("q must be a list or numpy array!") if isinstance(en, str) and en == 'config': en = if self.lattice.nsites == 0: return 1. qnorm = math.VecNorm(q) dwf = self._debyewallerfactor(temp, qnorm) s = 0. + 0.j f = self._get_f(qnorm, en) # p: position, o: occupancy, b: temperature-factor for (_, p, o, b), fq in zip(self.lattice.base(), f): r = self.lattice.GetPoint(p) if temp == 0: dwf = numpy.exp(-b * qnorm ** 2 / (4 * numpy.pi) ** 2) s += fq * o * numpy.exp(-1.j * math.VecDot(q, r)) * dwf return s
[docs] def StructureFactorForEnergy(self, q0, en, temp=0): """ calculates the structure factor of a material for a certain momentum transfer and a bunch of energies Parameters ---------- q0 : list, tuple or array-like vectorial momentum transfer en : list, tuple or array-like energy values in eV temp : float temperature used for Debye-Waller-factor calculation Returns ------- array-like complex valued structure factor array """ if isinstance(q0, (list, tuple)): q = numpy.array(q0, dtype=numpy.double) elif isinstance(q0, numpy.ndarray): q = q0 else: raise TypeError("q must be a list or numpy array!") qnorm = math.VecNorm(q) if isinstance(en, (list, tuple)): en = numpy.array(en, dtype=numpy.double) elif isinstance(en, numpy.ndarray): pass else: raise TypeError("Energy data must be provided as a list " "or numpy array!") if self.lattice.nsites == 0: return numpy.ones(len(en)) dwf = self._debyewallerfactor(temp, qnorm) s = 0. + 0.j f = self._get_f(qnorm, en) # p: position, o: occupancy, b: temperature-factor for (_, p, o, b), fq in zip(self.lattice.base(), f): if temp == 0: dwf = numpy.exp(-b * qnorm ** 2 / (4 * numpy.pi) ** 2) r = self.lattice.GetPoint(p) s += fq * o * dwf * numpy.exp(-1.j * math.VecDot(q, r)) return s
[docs] def StructureFactorForQ(self, q, en0='config', temp=0): """ calculates the structure factor of a material for a bunch of momentum transfers and a certain energy Parameters ---------- q : list of vectors or array-like vectorial momentum transfers; list of vectores (list, tuple or array) of length 3 e.g.: (Si.Q(0, 0, 4), Si.Q(0, 0, 4.1),...) or numpy.array([Si.Q(0, 0, 4), Si.Q(0, 0, 4.1)]) en0 : float or str, optional x-ray energy eV, if omitted the value from the xrayutilities configuration is used temp : float temperature used for Debye-Waller-factor calculation Returns ------- array-like complex valued structure factor array """ if isinstance(q, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)): q = numpy.asarray(q, dtype=numpy.double) else: raise TypeError("q must be a list or numpy array!") if len(q.shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"q does not have the correct shape ({q.shape})") qnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(q, axis=1) if isinstance(en0, str) and en0 == 'config': en0 = if self.lattice.nsites == 0: return numpy.ones(len(q)) dwf = self._debyewallerfactor(temp, qnorm) s = 0. + 0.j f = self._get_f(qnorm, en0) # p: position, o: occupancy, b: temperature-factor for (_, p, o, b), fq in zip(self.lattice.base(), f): if temp == 0: dwf = numpy.exp(-b * qnorm ** 2 / (4 * numpy.pi) ** 2) r = self.lattice.GetPoint(p) s += fq * o * numpy.exp(-1.j *, r)) * dwf return s
[docs] def ApplyStrain(self, strain): """ Applies a certain strain on the lattice of the material. The result is a change in the base vectors of the real space as well as reciprocal space lattice. The full strain matrix (3x3) needs to be given, which can be GetStrain's output. Note: NO elastic response of the material will be considered! """ # let strain act on the unit cell vectors self.lattice.ApplyStrain(strain)
[docs] def GetMismatch(self, mat): """ Calculate the mismatch strain between the material and a second material """ raise NotImplementedError("XU.material.GetMismatch: " "not implemented yet")
[docs] def distances(self): """ function to obtain distances of atoms in the crystal up to the unit cell size (largest value of a, b, c is the cut-off) returns a list of tuples with distance d and number of occurence n [(d1, n1), (d2, n2),...] Note: if the base of the material is empty the list will be empty """ if self.lattice.nsites == 0: return [] cutoff = numpy.max((self.lattice.a, self.lattice.b, self.lattice.c)) tmp_data = [] for at1 in self.lattice.base(): for at2 in self.lattice.base(): dis = math.VecNorm(self.lattice.GetPoint(at1[1] - at2[1])) dis2 = math.VecNorm(self.lattice.GetPoint( at1[1] - at2[1] + numpy.array((1, 0, 0)))) dis3 = math.VecNorm(self.lattice.GetPoint( at1[1] - at2[1] + numpy.array((0, 1, 0)))) dis4 = math.VecNorm(self.lattice.GetPoint( at1[1] - at2[1] + numpy.array((0, 0, 1)))) dis5 = math.VecNorm(self.lattice.GetPoint( at1[1] - at2[1] + numpy.array((-1, 0, 0)))) dis6 = math.VecNorm(self.lattice.GetPoint( at1[1] - at2[1] + numpy.array((0, -1, 0)))) dis7 = math.VecNorm(self.lattice.GetPoint( at1[1] - at2[1] + numpy.array((0, 0, -1)))) distances = sorted([dis, dis2, dis3, dis4, dis5, dis6, dis7]) for dis in distances: if dis < cutoff: tmp_data.append(dis) # sort the list and compress equal entries tmp_data.sort() self._distances = [0] self._dis_hist = [0] for dis in tmp_data: if numpy.round(dis - self._distances[-1], config.DIGITS) == 0: self._dis_hist[-1] += 1 else: self._distances.append(dis) self._dis_hist.append(1) return list(zip(self._distances, self._dis_hist))
[docs] def show_unitcell(self, fig=None, subplot=111, scale=0.6, complexity=11, linewidth=1.5, mode='matplotlib'): """ visualization of the unit cell using either matplotlibs basic 3D functionality (expect rendering inaccuracies!) or the mayavi mlab package (accurate rendering -> recommended!) Note: For more flexible visualization consider using the CIF-export feature and use a proper crystal structure viewer. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib Figure, Mayavi Scene, or None, optional subplot : int or list, optional subplot to use for the visualization when using matplotlib. This argument of fowarded to the first argument of matplotlibs `add_subplot` function scale : float, optional scale the size of the atoms by this additional factor. By default the size of the atoms corresponds to 60% of their atomic radius. complexity : int, optional number of steps to approximate the atoms as spheres. Higher values make spheres more accurate, but cause slower plotting. linewidth : float, optional line thickness of the unit cell outline mode : str, optional defines the plot backend used, can be 'matplotlib' (default) or 'mayavi'. Returns ------- figure object of either matplotlib or Mayavi """ if mode == 'matplotlib': plot, plt = utilities.import_matplotlib_pyplot('XU.materials') try: import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d # noqa: F401 except ImportError: plot = False else: plot, mlab = utilities.import_mayavi_mlab('XU.materials') try: import mayavi from matplotlib.colors import to_rgb except ImportError: plot = False if not plot: print('matplotlib and/or mayavi.mlab needed for show_unitcell()') return None def plot_sphere(fig, vecpos, r, alpha, complexity, color): """ Visualize a sphere using either matplotlib or Mayavi """ if mode == 'matplotlib': ax = fig.gca() phi, theta = numpy.mgrid[0:numpy.pi:1j*complexity, 0:2*numpy.pi:1j*complexity] x = r*numpy.sin(phi)*numpy.cos(theta) + vecpos[0] y = r*numpy.sin(phi)*numpy.sin(theta) + vecpos[1] z = r*numpy.cos(phi) + vecpos[2] ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color=color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=0) else: mlab.points3d(vecpos[0], vecpos[1], vecpos[2], r, opacity=alpha, transparent=False, color=to_rgb(color), resolution=complexity, scale_factor=2, figure=fig) def plot_line(fig, start, end, color, linewidth): """ Draw a line between two 3D points, either using matplotlib or Mayavi. """ if mode == 'matplotlib': ax = fig.gca() ax.plot((start[0], end[0]), (start[1], end[1]), (start[2], end[2]), color=color, lw=linewidth) else: mlab.plot3d((start[0], end[0]), (start[1], end[1]), (start[2], end[2]), color=to_rgb(color), tube_radius=linewidth/20, figure=fig) if mode == 'matplotlib': if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() elif not isinstance(fig, plt.Figure): raise TypeError("'fig' argument must be a matplotlib figure!") fig.add_subplot(subplot, projection='3d') else: if fig is None: fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) elif not isinstance(fig, mayavi.core.scene.Scene): raise TypeError("'fig' argument must be a Mayavi Scene!") for a, pos, occ, _ in self.lattice.base(): r = a.radius * scale for i in range(-1, 2): for j in range(-1, 2): for k in range(-1, 2): atpos = (pos + [i, j, k]) if all(0-config.EPSILON < a < 1+config.EPSILON for a in atpos): vecpos = atpos[0]*self.a1 + atpos[1]*self.a2 +\ atpos[2]*self.a3 plot_sphere(fig, vecpos, r, occ, complexity, a.color) # plot unit cell outlines plot_line(fig, (0, 0, 0), self.a1, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, (0, 0, 0), self.a2, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, (0, 0, 0), self.a3, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a1, self.a1+self.a2, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a1, self.a1+self.a3, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a2, self.a1+self.a2, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a2, self.a2+self.a3, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a3, self.a1+self.a3, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a3, self.a2+self.a3, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a1+self.a2, self.a1+self.a2+self.a3, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a1+self.a3, self.a1+self.a2+self.a3, 'k', linewidth) plot_line(fig, self.a2+self.a3, self.a1+self.a2+self.a3, 'k', linewidth) if mode == 'matplotib': if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: warnings.warn("show_unitcell: 3D projection might appear " "distorted (limited 3D capabilities of " "matplotlib!). Use mayavi mode or CIF " "export and other viewers for better " "visualization.") plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def CubicElasticTensor(c11, c12, c44): """ Assemble the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants for a cubic material from the three independent components of a cubic crystal Parameters ---------- c11, c12, c44 : float independent components of the elastic tensor of cubic materials Returns ------- cij : ndarray 6x6 matrix with elastic constants """ m = numpy.zeros((6, 6), dtype=numpy.double) m[0, 0] = c11 m[1, 1] = c11 m[2, 2] = c11 m[3, 3] = c44 m[4, 4] = c44 m[5, 5] = c44 m[0, 1] = m[0, 2] = c12 m[1, 0] = m[1, 2] = c12 m[2, 0] = m[2, 1] = c12 return m
[docs] def MonoclinicElasticTensor(c11, c12, c13, c16, c22, c23, c26, c33, c36, c44, c45, c55, c66): """ Assemble the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants for a monoclinic material from the thirteen independent components of a monoclinic crystal Parameters ---------- c11, c12, c13, c16, c22, c23, c26, c33, c36, c44, c45, c55, c66 : float independent components of the elastic tensor of monoclinic materials Returns ------- cij : ndarray 6x6 matrix with elastic constants """ m = numpy.zeros((6, 6), dtype=numpy.double) m[0, 0] = c11 m[0, 1] = m[1, 0] = c12 m[2, 0] = m[0, 2] = c13 m[0, 5] = m[5, 0] = c16 m[1, 1] = c22 m[1, 2] = m[2, 1] = c23 m[1, 5] = m[5, 1] = c26 m[2, 2] = c33 m[2, 5] = m[5, 2] = c36 m[3, 3] = c44 m[3, 4] = m[4, 3] = c45 m[4, 4] = c55 m[5, 5] = c66 return m
[docs] def TrigonalElasticTensor(c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c33, c44): """ Assemble the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants for a trigonal material from the seven independent components of a trigonal crystal Parameters ---------- c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c33, c44 : float independent components of the elastic tensor of trigonal materials Returns ------- cij : ndarray 6x6 matrix with elastic constants """ m = numpy.zeros((6, 6), dtype=numpy.double) m[0, 0] = m[1, 1] = c11 m[0, 1] = m[1, 0] = c12 m[0, 2] = m[1, 2] = m[2, 0] = m[2, 1] = c13 m[0, 3] = m[3, 0] = m[4, 5] = m[5, 4] = c14 m[1, 3] = m[3, 1] = -c14 m[0, 4] = m[4, 0] = c15 m[1, 4] = m[4, 1] = m[3, 5] = m[5, 3] = -c15 m[2, 2] = c33 m[3, 3] = m[4, 4] = c44 m[5, 5] = 0.5 * (c11 - c12) return m
[docs] def HexagonalElasticTensor(c11, c12, c13, c33, c44): """ Assemble the 6x6 matrix of elastic constants for a hexagonal material from the five independent components of a hexagonal crystal Parameters ---------- c11, c12, c13, c33, c44 : float independent components of the elastic tensor of a hexagonal material Returns ------- cij : ndarray 6x6 matrix with elastic constants """ m = numpy.zeros((6, 6), dtype=numpy.double) m[0, 0] = m[1, 1] = c11 m[2, 2] = c33 m[3, 3] = m[4, 4] = c44 m[5, 5] = 0.5 * (c11 - c12) m[0, 1] = m[1, 0] = c12 m[0, 2] = m[1, 2] = m[2, 0] = m[2, 1] = c13 return m
[docs] def WZTensorFromCub(c11ZB, c12ZB, c44ZB): """ Determines the hexagonal elastic tensor from the values of the cubic elastic tensor under the assumptions presented in Phys. Rev. B 6, 4546 (1972), which are valid for the WZ <-> ZB polymorphs. Parameters ---------- c11, c12, c44 : float independent components of the elastic tensor of cubic materials Returns ------- cij : ndarray 6x6 matrix with elastic constants Implementation according to a patch submitted by Julian Stangl """ # matrix conversions: cubic (111) to hexagonal (001) direction P = (1 / 6.) * numpy.array([[3, 3, 6], [2, 4, 8], [1, 5, -2], [2, 4, -4], [2, -2, 2], [1, -1, 4]]) Q = (1 / (3 * numpy.sqrt(2))) * numpy.array([1, -1, -2]) cZBvec = numpy.array([c11ZB, c12ZB, c44ZB]) cWZvec_BAR =, cZBvec) delta =, cZBvec) D = numpy.array([delta**2 / cWZvec_BAR[2], 0, -delta**2 / cWZvec_BAR[2], 0, delta**2 / cWZvec_BAR[0], delta**2 / cWZvec_BAR[2]]) cWZvec = cWZvec_BAR - D.T return HexagonalElasticTensor(cWZvec[0], cWZvec[2], cWZvec[3], cWZvec[1], cWZvec[4])
[docs] class Alloy(Crystal): """ alloys two materials from the same crystal system. If the materials have the same space group the Wyckoff positions within the unit cell will also reflect the alloying. """
[docs] def __init__(self, matA, matB, x): self.check_compatibility(matA, matB) lat = copy.deepcopy(matA.lattice) super().__init__("None", lat, matA.cij) self.matA = matA self.matB = matB self._setxb(x)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_compatibility(matA, matB): csA = matA.lattice.crystal_system.split(':')[0] csB = matB.lattice.crystal_system.split(':')[0] if csA != csB: raise InputError("Crystal systems of the two materials are " "incompatible!")
[docs] @staticmethod def lattice_const_AB(latA, latB, x): """ method to calculated the interpolation of lattice parameters and unit cell angles of the Alloy. By default linear interpolation between the value of material A and B is performed. Parameters ---------- latA, latB : float or vector property (lattice parameter/angle) of material A and B. A property can be a scalar or vector. x : float fraction of material B in the alloy. """ return (latB - latA) * x + latA
def _getxb(self): return self._xb def _setxb(self, x): self._xb = x = f"{}({1 - x:2.2f}){}({x:2.2f})" # modify the free parameters of the lattice for k in self.lattice.free_parameters: setattr(self.lattice, k, self.lattice_const_AB(getattr(self.matA, k), getattr(self.matB, k), x)) # set elastic constants self.cij = (self.matB.cij - self.matA.cij) * x + self.matA.cij self.cijkl = (self.matB.cijkl - self.matA.cijkl) * x + self.matA.cijkl # alloying in unit cell if self.matA.lattice.space_group == self.matB.lattice.space_group: self.lattice._wbase = WyckoffBase() for a, wp, o, b in self.matA.lattice._wbase: self.lattice._wbase.append(a, wp, occ=o*(1-x), b=b) for a, wp, o, b in self.matB.lattice._wbase: if (a, wp, o, b) in self.lattice._wbase: idx = self.lattice._wbase.index((a, wp, o, b)) occ = self.lattice._wbase[idx][2] self.lattice._wbase[idx] = (a, wp, occ+o*x, b) else: self.lattice._wbase.append(a, wp, occ=o*x, b=b) x = property(_getxb, _setxb) def _checkfinitenumber(self, arg, name=""): if isinstance(arg, numbers.Number) and numpy.isfinite(arg): return float(arg) raise TypeError(f"argument ({name}) must be a scalar!") def _checkarray(self, arg, name=""): if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)): return numpy.asarray(arg, dtype=numpy.double) raise TypeError(f"argument ({name}) must be of type " "list, tuple or numpy.ndarray") def _definehelpers(self, hkl, cijA, cijB): """ define helper functions for solving the content from reciprocal space positions """ def a1(x): return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.a1, self.matB.a1, x) def a2(x): return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.a2, self.matB.a2, x) def a3(x): return self.lattice_const_AB(self.matA.a3, self.matB.a3, x) def V(x): return, numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x))) def b1(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a2(x), a3(x)) def b2(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a3(x), a1(x)) def b3(x): return 2 * numpy.pi / V(x) * numpy.cross(a1(x), a2(x)) def qhklx(x): return hkl[0] * b1(x) + hkl[1] * b2(x) + hkl[2] * b3(x) def frac(x): return ((cijB[0, 2] + cijB[1, 2] - (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2])) * x + (cijA[0, 2] + cijA[1, 2])) / \ ((cijB[2, 2] - cijA[2, 2]) * x + cijA[2, 2]) return a1, a2, a3, V, b1, b2, b3, qhklx, frac
[docs] def RelaxationTriangle(self, hkl, sub, exp): """ function which returns the relaxation triangle for a Alloy of given composition. Reciprocal space coordinates are calculated using the user-supplied experimental class Parameters ---------- hkl : list or array-like Miller Indices sub : Crystal, or float substrate material or lattice constant exp : Experiment object from which the Transformation object and ndir are needed Returns ------- qy, qz : float reciprocal space coordinates of the corners of the relaxation triangle """ hkl = self._checkarray(hkl, "hkl") trans = exp._transform ndir = exp.ndir / VecNorm(exp.ndir) if isinstance(sub, Crystal): asub = sub.lattice.a elif isinstance(sub, float): asub = sub else: raise TypeError("Second argument (sub) must be of type float or " "an instance of xrayutilities.materials.Crystal") # test if inplane direction of hkl is the same as the one for the # experiment otherwise warn the user hklinplane = VecCross(VecCross(exp.ndir, hkl), exp.ndir) if not numpy.isclose(VecNorm(VecCross(hklinplane, exp.idir)), 0): warnings.warn("Alloy: given hkl differs from the geometry of the " "Experiment instance in the azimuthal direction") # transform elastic constants to correct coordinate frame cijA = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matA.cijkl, rank=4)) cijB = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matB.cijkl, rank=4)) a1, _, _, _, _, _, _, qhklx, frac = self._definehelpers( hkl, cijA, cijB) qr_i = trans(qhklx(self.x))[1] qr_p = trans(qhklx(self.x))[2] qs_i = copysign(2*numpy.pi/asub * VecNorm(VecCross(ndir, hkl)), qr_i) qs_p = 2*numpy.pi/asub * abs(VecDot(ndir, hkl)) # calculate pseudomorphic points for A and B def abulk(x): return math.VecNorm(a1(x)) def aperp(x): return abulk(self.x) * (1 + frac(x) * (1 - asub / abulk(self.x))) qp_i = copysign(2*numpy.pi/asub * VecNorm(VecCross(ndir, hkl)), qr_i) qp_p = 2*numpy.pi/aperp(self.x) * abs(VecDot(ndir, hkl)) # assembly return values qy = numpy.array([qr_i, qp_i, qs_i, qr_i], dtype=numpy.double) qz = numpy.array([qr_p, qp_p, qs_p, qr_p], dtype=numpy.double) return qy, qz
[docs] class CubicAlloy(Alloy):
[docs] def __init__(self, matA, matB, x): # here one could check if material is really cubic!! Alloy.__init__(self, matA, matB, x)
[docs] def ContentBsym(self, q_perp, hkl, inpr, asub, relax): """ function that determines the content of B in the alloy from the reciprocal space position of a symetric peak. As an additional input the substrates lattice parameter and the degree of relaxation must be given Parameters ---------- q_perp : float perpendicular peak position of the reflection hkl of the alloy in reciprocal space hkl : list Miller indices of the measured symmetric reflection (also defines the surface normal inpr : list Miller indices of a Bragg peak defining the inplane reference direction asub : float substrate lattice parameter relax : float degree of relaxation (needed to obtain the content from symmetric reciprocal space position) Returns ------- content : float the content of B in the alloy determined from the input variables """ # check input parameters q_perp = self._checkfinitenumber(q_perp, "q_perp") hkl = self._checkarray(hkl, "hkl") inpr = self._checkarray(inpr, "inpr") asub = self._checkfinitenumber(asub, "asub") relax = self._checkfinitenumber(relax, "relax") # calculate lattice constants from reciprocal space positions n = self.Q(hkl) / VecNorm(self.Q(hkl)) # the following line is not generally true! only cubic materials aperp = 2 * numpy.pi / q_perp * abs(VecDot(n, hkl)) # transform the elastic tensors to a coordinate frame attached to the # surface normal inp1 = VecCross(n, inpr) / VecNorm(VecCross(n, inpr)) inp2 = VecCross(n, inp1) trans = math.CoordinateTransform(inp1, inp2, n) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print("XU.materials.Alloy.ContentB: inp1/inp2: ", inp1, inp2) cijA = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matA.cijkl, rank=4)) cijB = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matB.cijkl, rank=4)) _, _, _, _, _, _, _, qhklx, frac = self._definehelpers( hkl, cijA, cijB) # the following line is not generally true! only cubic materials def abulk_perp(x): return abs(2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), n) * numpy.inner(n, hkl)) # can we use abulk_perp here? for cubic materials this should work?! def ainp(x): return asub + relax * (abulk_perp(x) - asub) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print("XU.materials.Alloy.ContentB: abulk_perp: " f"{abulk_perp(0.0):8.5g}") def equation(x): return ((aperp - abulk_perp(x)) + (ainp(x) - abulk_perp(x)) * frac(x)) x = scipy.optimize.brentq(equation, -0.1, 1.1) return x
[docs] def ContentBasym(self, q_inp, q_perp, hkl, sur): """ function that determines the content of B in the alloy from the reciprocal space position of an asymmetric peak. Parameters ---------- q_inp : float inplane peak position of reflection hkl of the alloy in reciprocal space q_perp : float perpendicular peak position of the reflection hkl of the alloy in reciprocal space hkl : list Miller indices of the measured asymmetric reflection sur : list Miller indices of the surface (determines the perpendicular direction) Returns ------- content : float content of B in the alloy determined from the input variables list [a_inplane a_perp, a_bulk_perp(x), eps_inplane, eps_perp]; lattice parameters calculated from the reciprocal space positions as well as the strain (eps) of the layer """ # check input parameters q_inp = self._checkfinitenumber(q_inp, "q_inp") q_perp = self._checkfinitenumber(q_perp, "q_perp") hkl = self._checkarray(hkl, "hkl") sur = self._checkarray(sur, "sur") # check if reflection is asymmetric if math.VecNorm(math.VecCross(self.Q(hkl), self.Q(sur))) < 1.e-8: raise InputError("Miller indices of a symmetric reflection were" "given where an asymmetric reflection is needed") # calculate lattice constants from reciprocal space positions n = self.Q(sur) / VecNorm(self.Q(sur)) q_hkl = self.Q(hkl) # the following two lines are not generally true! only cubic materials ainp = 2 * numpy.pi / abs(q_inp) * VecNorm(VecCross(n, hkl)) aperp = 2 * numpy.pi / abs(q_perp) * abs(VecDot(n, hkl)) # transform the elastic tensors to a coordinate frame attached to the # surface normal inp1 = VecCross(n, q_hkl) / VecNorm(VecCross(n, q_hkl)) inp2 = VecCross(n, inp1) trans = math.CoordinateTransform(inp1, inp2, n) cijA = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matA.cijkl, rank=4)) cijB = Cijkl2Cij(trans(self.matB.cijkl, rank=4)) _, _, _, _, _, _, _, qhklx, frac = self._definehelpers( hkl, cijA, cijB) # the following two lines are not generally true! only cubic materials def abulk_inp(x): return abs(2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), inp2) * VecNorm(VecCross(n, hkl))) def abulk_perp(x): return abs(2 * numpy.pi / numpy.inner(qhklx(x), n) * numpy.inner(n, hkl)) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print("XU.materials.Alloy.ContentB: abulk_inp/perp: " f"{abulk_inp(0.):8.5g} {abulk_perp(0.):8.5g}") def equation(x): return ((aperp - abulk_perp(x)) + (ainp - abulk_inp(x)) * frac(x)) x = scipy.optimize.brentq(equation, -0.1, 1.1) eps_inplane = (ainp - abulk_perp(x)) / abulk_perp(x) eps_perp = (aperp - abulk_perp(x)) / abulk_perp(x) return x, [ainp, aperp, abulk_perp(x), eps_inplane, eps_perp]
[docs] def PseudomorphicMaterial(sub, layer, relaxation=0, trans=None): """ This function returns a material whos lattice is pseudomorphic on a particular substrate material. The two materials must have similar unit cell definitions for the algorithm to work correctly, i.e. it does not work for combiniations of materials with different lattice symmetry. It is also crucial that the layer object includes values for the elastic tensor. Parameters ---------- sub : Crystal substrate material layer : Crystal bulk material of the layer, including its elasticity tensor relaxation : float, optional degree of relaxation 0: pseudomorphic, 1: relaxed (default: 0) trans : Tranform Transformation which transforms lattice directions into a surface orientated coordinate frame (x, y inplane, z out of plane). If None a (001) surface geometry of a cubic material is assumed. Returns ------- An instance of Crystal holding the new pseudomorphically strained material. Raises ------ InputError If the layer material has no elastic parameters """ def get_inplane(lat): """determine inplane lattice parameter""" return (math.VecNorm(lat.GetPoint(trans.inverse((1, 0, 0)))) + math.VecNorm(lat.GetPoint(trans.inverse((0, 1, 0))))) / 2. if not trans: trans = math.Transform(numpy.identity(3)) if numpy.all(layer.cijkl == 0): raise InputError("'layer' argument needs elastic parameters") # calculate the strain asub = get_inplane(sub.lattice) abulk = get_inplane(layer.lattice) apar = asub + (abulk - asub) * relaxation epar = (apar - abulk) / abulk cT = trans(layer.cijkl, rank=4) eperp = -epar * (cT[1, 1, 2, 2] + cT[2, 2, 0, 0]) / (cT[2, 2, 2, 2]) eps = trans.inverse(numpy.diag((epar, epar, eperp)), rank=2) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print("XU.materials.PseudomorphicMaterial: applying strain (inplane, " f"perpendicular): {epar:.4g} {eperp:.4g}") # create the pseudomorphic material pmlatt = copy.deepcopy(layer.lattice) pmat = Crystal(, pmlatt, layer.cij) pmat.ApplyStrain(eps) return pmat