Source code for xrayutilities.materials.spacegrouplattice

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2025 Dominik Kriegner <>
"""module handling crystal lattice structures.

A SGLattice consists of a space group number and the position of atoms
specified as Wyckoff positions along with their parameters. Depending on the
space group symmetry only certain parameters of the resulting instance will be
settable! A cubic lattice for example allows only to set its 'a' lattice
parameter but none of the other unit cell shape parameters.

import copy
import fractions
import numbers
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import product
from math import cos, isclose, radians, sin, sqrt

import numpy
import scipy.optimize

from .. import config, cxrayutilities, math, utilities
from ..exception import InputError
from . import elements
from .atom import Atom
from .wyckpos import RangeDict, eqhkl_custom, eqhkl_default, wp

# space group number to symmetry and number of parameters dictionary
sgrp_sym = RangeDict({range(1, 3): ('triclinic', 6),
                      range(3, 16): ('monoclinic', 4),
                      range(16, 75): ('orthorhombic', 3),
                      range(75, 143): ('tetragonal', 2),
                      range(143, 168): ('trigonal', 2),
                      range(168, 195): ('hexagonal', 2),
                      range(195, 231): ('cubic', 1)})

sgrp_name = {'1': 'P1', '2': 'P-1', '3': 'P2', '4': 'P21', '5': 'C2',
             '6': 'Pm', '7': 'Pc', '8': 'Cm', '9': 'Cc', '10': 'P2/m',
             '11': 'P21/m', '12': 'C2/m', '13': 'P2/c', '14': 'P21/c',
             '15': 'C2/c', '16': 'P222', '17': 'P2221', '18': 'P21212',
             '19': 'P212121', '20': 'C2221', '21': 'C222', '22': 'F222',
             '23': 'I222', '24': 'I212121', '25': 'Pmm2', '26': 'Pmc21',
             '27': 'Pcc2', '28': 'Pma2', '29': 'Pca21', '30': 'Pnc2',
             '31': 'Pmn21', '32': 'Pba2', '33': 'Pna21', '34': 'Pnn2',
             '35': 'Cmm2', '36': 'Cmc21', '37': 'Ccc2', '38': 'Amm2',
             '39': 'Aem2', '40': 'Ama2', '41': 'Aea2', '42': 'Fmm2',
             '43': 'Fdd2', '44': 'Imm2', '45': 'Iba2', '46': 'Ima2',
             '47': 'Pmmm', '48': 'Pnnn', '49': 'Pccm', '50': 'Pban',
             '51': 'Pmma', '52': 'Pnna', '53': 'Pmna', '54': 'Pcca',
             '55': 'Pbam', '56': 'Pccn', '57': 'Pbcm', '58': 'Pnnm',
             '59': 'Pmmn', '60': 'Pbcn', '61': 'Pbca', '62': 'Pnma',
             '63': 'Cmcm', '64': 'Cmce', '65': 'Cmmm', '66': 'Cccm',
             '67': 'Cmme', '68': 'Ccce', '69': 'Fmmm', '70': 'Fddd',
             '71': 'Immm', '72': 'Ibam', '73': 'Ibca', '74': 'Imma',
             '75': 'P4', '76': 'P41', '77': 'P42', '78': 'P43',
             '79': 'I4', '80': 'I41', '81': 'P-4', '82': 'I-4',
             '83': 'P4/m', '84': 'P42/m', '85': 'P4/n', '86': 'P42/n',
             '87': 'I4/m', '88': 'I41/a', '89': 'P422', '90': 'P4212',
             '91': 'P4122', '92': 'P41212', '93': 'P4222', '94': 'P42212',
             '95': 'P4322', '96': 'P43212', '97': 'I422', '98': 'I4122',
             '99': 'P4mm', '100': 'P4bm', '101': 'P42cm', '102': 'P42nm',
             '103': 'P4cc', '104': 'P4nc', '105': 'P42mc', '106': 'P42bc',
             '107': 'I4mm', '108': 'I4cm', '109': 'I41md', '110': 'I41cd',
             '111': 'P-42m', '112': 'P-42c', '113': 'P-421m',
             '114': 'P-421c', '115': 'P-4m2', '116': 'P-4c2',
             '117': 'P-4b2', '118': 'P-4n2', '119': 'I-4m2',
             '120': 'I-4c2', '121': 'I-42m', '122': 'I-42d',
             '123': 'P4/mmm', '124': 'P4/mcc', '125': 'P4/nbm',
             '126': 'P4/nnc', '127': 'P4/mbm', '128': 'P4/mnc',
             '129': 'P4/nmm', '130': 'P4/ncc', '131': 'P42/mmc',
             '132': 'P42/mcm', '133': 'P42/nbc', '134': 'P42/nnm',
             '135': 'P42/mbc', '136': 'P42/mnm', '137': 'P42/nmc',
             '138': 'P42/ncm', '139': 'I4/mmm', '140': 'I4/mcm',
             '141': 'I41/amd', '142': 'I41/acd', '143': 'P3',
             '144': 'P31', '145': 'P32', '146': 'R3', '147': 'P-3',
             '148': 'R-3', '149': 'P312', '150': 'P321', '151': 'P3112',
             '152': 'P3121', '153': 'P3212', '154': 'P3221', '155': 'R32',
             '156': 'P3m1', '157': 'P31m', '158': 'P3c1', '159': 'P31c',
             '160': 'R3m', '161': 'R3c', '162': 'P-31m', '163': 'P-31c',
             '164': 'P-3m1', '165': 'P-3c1', '166': 'R-3m', '167': 'R-3c',
             '168': 'P6', '169': 'P61', '170': 'P65', '171': 'P62',
             '172': 'P64', '173': 'P63', '174': 'P-6', '175': 'P6/m',
             '176': 'P63/m', '177': 'P622', '178': 'P6122',
             '179': 'P6522', '180': 'P6222', '181': 'P6422',
             '182': 'P6322', '183': 'P6mm', '184': 'P6cc', '185': 'P63cm',
             '186': 'P63mc', '187': 'P-6m2', '188': 'P-6c2',
             '189': 'P-62m', '190': 'P-62c', '191': 'P6/mmm',
             '192': 'P6/mcc', '193': 'P63/mcm', '194': 'P63/mmc',
             '195': 'P23', '196': 'F23', '197': 'I23', '198': 'P213',
             '199': 'I213', '200': 'Pm-3', '201': 'Pn-3', '202': 'Fm-3',
             '203': 'Fd-3', '204': 'Im-3', '205': 'Pa-3', '206': 'Ia-3',
             '207': 'P432', '208': 'P4232', '209': 'F432',
             '210': 'F4132', '211': 'I432', '212': 'P4332',
             '213': 'P4132', '214': 'I4132', '215': 'P-43m',
             '216': 'F-43m', '217': 'I-43m', '218': 'P-43n',
             '219': 'F-43c', '220': 'I-43d', '221': 'Pm-3m',
             '222': 'Pn-3n', '223': 'Pm-3n', '224': 'Pn-3m',
             '225': 'Fm-3m', '226': 'Fm-3c', '227': 'Fd-3m',
             '228': 'Fd-3c', '229': 'Im-3m', '230': 'Ia-3d'}

sgrp_params = {'cubic:1': (('a', ), ('a', 'a', 'a', 90, 90, 90)),
               'cubic:2': (('a', ), ('a', 'a', 'a', 90, 90, 90)),
               'cubic': (('a', ), ('a', 'a', 'a', 90, 90, 90)),
               'hexagonal': (('a', 'c'), ('a', 'a', 'c', 90, 90, 120)),
               'trigonal:R': (('a', 'alpha'), ('a', 'a', 'a', 'alpha',
                                               'alpha', 'alpha')),
               'trigonal:H': (('a', 'c'), ('a', 'a', 'c', 90, 90, 120)),
               'trigonal': (('a', 'c'), ('a', 'a', 'c', 90, 90, 120)),
               'tetragonal:1': (('a', 'c'), ('a', 'a', 'c', 90, 90, 90)),
               'tetragonal:2': (('a', 'c'), ('a', 'a', 'c', 90, 90, 90)),
               'tetragonal': (('a', 'c'), ('a', 'a', 'c', 90, 90, 90)),
               'orthorhombic:1': (('a', 'b', 'c'),
                                  ('a', 'b', 'c', 90, 90, 90)),
               'orthorhombic:2': (('a', 'b', 'c'),
                                  ('a', 'b', 'c', 90, 90, 90)),
               'orthorhombic': (('a', 'b', 'c'),
                                ('a', 'b', 'c', 90, 90, 90)),
               'monoclinic:b': (('a', 'b', 'c', 'beta'),
                                ('a', 'b', 'c', 90, 'beta', 90)),
               'monoclinic:c': (('a', 'b', 'c', 'gamma'),
                                ('a', 'b', 'c', 90, 90, 'gamma')),
               'monoclinic': (('a', 'b', 'c', 'beta'),
                              ('a', 'b', 'c', 90, 'beta', 90)),
               'triclinic': (('a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'),
                             ('a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'))}

# regular expression for splitting multiple reflection conditions
hklcond_group = re.compile(r'([-hkil0-9\(\)]+): ([-+hklnor1-8=\s,]+)(?:, |$)')

[docs] def get_possible_sgrp_suf(sgrp_nr): """ determine possible space group suffix. Multiple suffixes might be possible for one space group due to different origin choice, unique axis, or choice of the unit cell shape. Parameters ---------- sgrp_nr : int space group number Returns ------- str or list either an empty string or a list of possible valid suffix strings """ sgrp_suf = '' if sgrp_nr in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]: sgrp_suf = [':b', ':c'] elif sgrp_nr in [48, 50, 59, 68, 70, 85, 86, 88, 125, 126, 129, 130, 133, 134, 137, 138, 141, 142, 201, 203, 222, 224, 227, 228]: sgrp_suf = [':1', ':2'] elif sgrp_nr in [146, 148, 155, 160, 161, 166, 167]: sgrp_suf = [':H', ':R'] return sgrp_suf
[docs] def get_default_sgrp_suf(sgrp_nr): """ determine default space group suffix """ possibilities = get_possible_sgrp_suf(sgrp_nr) if possibilities: return possibilities[0] return ''
def _get_pardict(parint, x): """ internal helper function to determine an parameter dictionary needed for the evaluation of Wyckoff positions Parameters ---------- parint : int integer number specifying the parameters (binary code, see implementation) x : tuple, list parameter values in an apropriate length list or tuple Returns ------- dict """ i = 0 pardict = {} if parint & 1: pardict['x'] = x[i] i += 1 if parint & 2: pardict['y'] = x[i] i += 1 if parint & 4: pardict['z'] = x[i] return pardict
[docs] def testwp(parint, wyckpos, cifpos, digits=config.DIGITS): """ test if a Wyckoff position can describe the given position from a CIF file Parameters ---------- parint : int telling which Parameters the given Wyckoff position has wyckpos : str or tuple expression of the Wyckoff position cifpos : list, or tuple or array-like (x, y, z) position of the atom in the CIF file digits : int number of digits for which for a comparison of floating point numbers will be rounded to. By default xu.config.DIGITS is used. Returns ------- foundflag : bool flag to tell if the positions match pars : array-like or None parameters associated with the position or None if no parameters are needed """ def check_positions_match(p1, p2, digits): p1 = p1 - numpy.round(p1, digits) // 1 p2 = p2 - numpy.round(p2, digits) // 1 if numpy.round(p1, digits) == numpy.round(p2, digits): return True return False wyckp = wyckpos.strip('()').split(',') # test agreement in positions witout variables match = [False, False, False] variables = [] for i in range(3): v = re.findall(r'[xyz]', wyckp[i]) if v == []: pos = eval(wyckp[i]) match[i] = check_positions_match(pos, cifpos[i], digits) if not match[i]: return False, None else: variables += v if all(match): return True, None # check if with proper choice of the variables a correspondence of the # positions can be obtained def fmin(x, parint, wyckp, cifpos): evalexp = [] cifp = [] for i in range(3): if not match[i]: evalexp.append(wyckp[i]) cifp.append(cifpos[i]) pardict = _get_pardict(parint, x) wpos = [eval(e, pardict) for e in evalexp] return numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(wpos, cifp)) x0 = [] if 'x' in variables: x0.append(cifpos[0]) if 'y' in variables: x0.append(cifpos[1]) if 'z' in variables: x0.append(cifpos[2]) opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(fmin, x0, args=(parint, wyckp, cifpos)) pardict = _get_pardict(parint, opt.x) for i in range(3): if not match[i]: pos = eval(wyckp[i], pardict) match[i] = check_positions_match(pos, cifpos[i], digits) if all(match): return True, list(opt.x) return False, None
[docs] def get_wyckpos(sgrp, atompos): """ test all Wyckoff positions on every atomic position Parameters ---------- sgrp : str space group name atompos : list list of atomic positions to identify. All atomic positions are expected to belong to one and the same Wyckoff position! Returns ------- position argument for WyckoffBase.append """ for k, wyckpos in wp[sgrp].items(): parint, poslist, _ = wyckpos item = poslist[0] for pos in atompos: foundwp, par = testwp(parint, item, pos) if foundwp: return k if par is None else (k, list(par)) raise ValueError( f"Wyckoff could not be identified for SG {sgrp} and pos {atompos}")
[docs] class WyckoffBase(list): """ The WyckoffBase class implements a container for a set of Wyckoff positions that form the base of a crystal lattice. An instance of this class can be treated as a simple container object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): list.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _checkatom(atom): if isinstance(atom, str): atom = getattr(elements, atom) elif not isinstance(atom, Atom): raise TypeError("atom must be an instance of class " "xrayutilities.materials.Atom") return atom @staticmethod def _checkpos(pos): if isinstance(pos, str): pos = (pos, None) elif isinstance(pos, (tuple, list)): if len(pos) == 1: pos = (pos[0], None) elif len(pos) == 2: if isinstance(pos[1], numbers.Number): pos = (pos[0], (pos[1], )) elif pos[1] is None: pos = (pos[0], None) else: pos = (pos[0], tuple(pos[1])) else: if isinstance(pos[1], numbers.Number): pos = (pos[0], tuple(pos[1:])) return pos
[docs] def append(self, atom, pos, occ=1.0, b=0.): """ add new Atom to the lattice base Parameters ---------- atom : Atom object to be added pos : tuple or str Wyckoff position of the atom, along with its parameters. Examples: ('2i', (0.1, 0.2, 0.3)), or '1a' occ : float, optional occupancy (default=1.0) b : float, optional b-factor of the atom used as exp(-b*q**2/(4*pi)**2) to reduce the intensity of this atom (only used in case of temp=0 in StructureFactor and chi calculation) """ atom = self._checkatom(atom) pos = self._checkpos(pos) list.append(self, (atom, pos, occ, b))
def __setitem__(self, key, data): (atom, pos, occ, b) = data atom = self._checkatom(atom) pos = self._checkpos(pos) list.__setitem__(self, key, (atom, pos, float(occ), float(b))) def __copy__(self): """ since we use a custom 'append' method we need to overwrite copy """ cls = self.__class__ new = cls.__new__(cls) for item in self: new.append(*item) return new def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ new = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = new for item in self: citem = copy.deepcopy(item, memo) new.append(*citem) return new def __str__(self): ostr = '' for i, (atom, p, occ, b) in enumerate(self): ostr += f"{i}: {str(atom)} {p[0]} " if p[1] is not None: ostr += " ".join(map(utilities.frac2str, p[1])) ostr += f" occ={occ:5.3f} b={b:5.3f}\n" return ostr def __contains__(self, item): """ check if this list contains already the same element, at the same position, and with the same Debye Waller factor. The occupancy is not checked intentionally. Parameters ---------- item : tuple or list WyckoffBase entry to check if its present in this list Returns ------- bool """ for atom, p, _, b in self: if (atom == item[0] and self.pos_eq(p, item[1]) and isclose(b, item[3], abs_tol=1e-4)): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def entry_eq(e1, e2): """ compare two entries including all its properties to be equal Parameters ---------- e1, e2: tuple tuples with length 4 containing the entries of WyckoffBase which should be compared """ if (e1[0] == e2[0] and WyckoffBase.pos_eq(e1[1], e2[1]) and numpy.allclose(e1[2:], e2[2:], atol=1e-4)): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def pos_eq(pos1, pos2): """ compare Wyckoff positions Parameters ---------- pos1, pos2: tuple tuples with Wyckoff label and optional parameters """ if pos1[0] != pos2[0]: return False if pos1[1] == pos2[1]: return True for f1, f2 in zip(pos1[1], pos2[1]): if not isclose(f1 % 1, f2 % 1, abs_tol=1e-5): return False return True
[docs] def index(self, item): """ return the index of the atom (same element, position, and Debye Waller factor). The occupancy is not checked intentionally. If the item is not present a ValueError is raised. Parameters ---------- item : tuple or list WyckoffBase entry Returns ------- int """ for i, (atom, p, _, b) in enumerate(self): if (atom == item[0] and self.pos_eq(p, item[1]) and isclose(b, item[3], abs_tol=1e-4)): return i raise ValueError(f"{str(item)} is not in list")
[docs] class SymOp: """ Class descriping a symmetry operation in a crystal. The symmetry operation is characterized by a 3x3 transformation matrix as well as a 3-vector describing a translation. For magnetic symmetry operations also the time reversal symmetry can be specified (not used in xrayutilities) """
[docs] def __init__(self, D, t, m=1): """ Initialize the symmetry operation Parameters ---------- D : array-like transformation matrix (3x3) t : array-like translation vector (3) m : int, optional indicates time reversal in magnetic groups. +1 (default, no time reveral) or -1 """ self._W = numpy.zeros((4, 4)) self._W[:3, :3] = numpy.asarray(D) self._W[:3, 3] = numpy.asarray(t) self._W[3, 3] = 1 self._m = m
[docs] @classmethod def from_xyz(cls, xyz): """ create a SymOp from the xyz notation typically used in CIF files. Parameters ---------- xyz : str string describing the symmetry operation (e.g. '-y, -x, z') """ D = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) t = numpy.array(eval(xyz, {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0})[:3]) m = 1 for i, expr in enumerate(xyz.strip('()').split(',')): if i == 3: # time reversal property m = int(expr) continue if 'x' in expr: D[i, 0] = -1 if '-x' in expr else 1 if 'y' in expr: D[i, 1] = -1 if '-y' in expr else 1 if 'z' in expr: D[i, 2] = -1 if '-z' in expr else 1 return SymOp(D, t, m)
[docs] def xyz(self, showtimerev=False): """ return the symmetry operation in xyz notation """ ret = '' t = self.t for i in range(3): expr = '' if abs(self._W[i, 0]) == 1: expr += '+x' if self._W[i, 0] == 1 else '-x' if abs(self._W[i, 1]) == 1: expr += '+y' if self._W[i, 1] == 1 else '-y' if abs(self._W[i, 2]) == 1: expr += '+z' if self._W[i, 2] == 1 else '-z' if t[i] != 0: expr += '+' if t[i] > 0 else '' expr += str(fractions.Fraction(t[i]).limit_denominator(100)) expr = expr.strip('+') ret += expr + ', ' if showtimerev: ret += f'{self._m:+d}' return ret.strip(', ')
@property def D(self): """transformation matrix of the symmetry operation""" return self._W[:3, :3] @property def t(self): """translation vector of the symmetry operation""" return self._W[:3, 3] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SymOp): return NotImplemented return self._m == other._m and numpy.all(self._W == other._W)
[docs] @staticmethod def foldback(v): return v - numpy.round(v, config.DIGITS) // 1
[docs] def apply_rotation(self, vec): return self.D @ vec
[docs] def apply(self, vec, foldback=True): lv = numpy.asarray(list(vec) + [1, ]) result = (self._W @ lv)[:3] if foldback: return self.foldback(result) return result
[docs] def apply_axial(self, vec): return self._m * numpy.linalg.det(self.D) * self.D @ vec
[docs] def combine(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SymOp): return NotImplemented W = self._W @ other._W return SymOp(W[:3, :3], self.foldback(W[:3, 3]), self._m*other._m)
def __str__(self): return f'({})' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class SGLattice: """ lattice object created from the space group number and corresponding unit cell parameters. atoms in the unit cell are specified by their Wyckoff position and their free parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sgrp, *args, **kwargs): """ initialize class with space group number and atom list Parameters ---------- sgrp : int or str Space group number *args : float space group parameters. depending on the space group number this are 1 (cubic) to 6 (triclinic) parameters. cubic : a (lattice parameter). hexagonal : a, c. trigonal : a, c. tetragonal : a, c. orthorhombic : a, b, c. monoclinic : a, b, c, beta (in degree). triclinic : a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma (in degree). atoms : list, optional list of elements either as Element object or string with the element name. If you specify atoms you have to also give the same number of Wyckoff positions pos : list, optional list of the atomic positions within the unit cell. This can be given as Wyckoff position along with its parameters or any position of an atom which will be used to identify the Wyckoff position. If a position has no free parameter the parameters can be omitted. Example: [('2i', (0.1, 0.2, 0.3)), '1a', (0, 0.5, 0)] occ : list, optional site occupation for the atoms. This is optional and defaults to 1 if not given. b : list, optional b-factor of the atom used as exp(-b*q**2/(4*pi)**2) to reduce the intensity of this atom (only used in case of temp=0 in StructureFactor and chi calculation) """ valid_kwargs = {'atoms': 'list of elements', 'pos': 'list of Wyckoff positions', 'occ': 'site occupations', 'b': 'Debye Waller exponents'} utilities.check_kwargs(kwargs, valid_kwargs, self.__class__.__name__) self.space_group = str(sgrp) self.space_group_nr = int(self.space_group.split(':')[0]) try: self.space_group_suf = ':' + self.space_group.split(':')[1] except IndexError: self.space_group_suf = get_default_sgrp_suf(self.space_group_nr) if self.space_group_suf != '': self.space_group = str(self.space_group_nr) + self.space_group_suf = sgrp_name[str(self.space_group_nr)] + self.space_group_suf self.crystal_system, nargs = sgrp_sym[self.space_group_nr] self.crystal_system += self.space_group_suf if len(args) != nargs: raise ValueError( f"XU: number of parameters ({len(args)}) does not match the" f"crystal symmetry ({self.crystal_system}:{nargs})" ) self.free_parameters = OrderedDict() for a, par in zip(args, sgrp_params[self.crystal_system][0]): self.free_parameters[par] = a self._parameters = OrderedDict() for i, p in enumerate(('a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma')): key = sgrp_params[self.crystal_system][1][i] if isinstance(key, str): self._parameters[p] = self.free_parameters[key] else: self._parameters[p] = key # define lattice vectors self._ai = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) self._bi = numpy.empty((3, 3)) a, b, _, alpha, beta, gamma = self._parameters.values() ra = radians(alpha) self._paramhelp = [cos(ra), cos(radians(beta)), cos(radians(gamma)), sin(ra), 0] self._setlat() # save general Wyckoff position self._gplabel = sorted(wp[self.space_group], key=lambda s: int(s[:-1]))[-1] self._gp = wp[self.space_group][self._gplabel] # set atom positions in the lattice base self._wbase = WyckoffBase() atoms = kwargs.get('atoms', None) wps = kwargs.get('pos', None) if atoms: occs = kwargs.get('occ', [1.0, ] * len(atoms)) bs = kwargs.get('b', [0.0, ] * len(atoms)) for at, wpos, o, b in zip(atoms, wps, occs, bs): if (not isinstance(wpos, (tuple, list, numpy.ndarray)) or len(wpos) < 3): self._wbase.append(at, wpos, o, b) else: # atomic position given -> identify Wyckoff position # find all equivalent positions gplist = set() for p in self._gp[1]: pos = eval(p, {'x': wpos[0], 'y': wpos[1], 'z': wpos[2]}) pos = SymOp.foldback(pos) gplist.add(tuple(pos)) wyckpos = get_wyckpos(self.space_group, gplist) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print(f"XU.materials.SGLattice: position {wpos} " f"identified as {wyckpos}") self._wbase.append(at, wyckpos, o, b) self.nsites = len(self._wbase) # symmetry operations and reflection conditions placeholder self._hklmat = [] self._symops = [] self._hklcond = [] self._hklcond_wp = [] self._iscentrosymmetric = None
@property def symops(self): """ return the set of symmetry operations from the general Wyckoff position of the space group. """ if not self._symops: for p in self._gp[1]: self._symops.append(SymOp.from_xyz(p)) return self._symops @property def _hklsym(self): if self._hklmat == []: for s in self.symops: self._hklmat.append(numpy.round(self._qtransform.imatrix @ self._transform.matrix @ s.D @ self._transform.imatrix @ self._qtransform.matrix, config.DIGITS)) return self._hklmat
[docs] def base(self): """ generator of atomic position within the unit cell. """ if not self._wbase: return sgwp = wp[self.space_group] for (atom, w, occ, b) in self._wbase: x, y, z = None, None, None parint, poslist, dummy = sgwp[w[0]] i = 0 if parint & 1: try: x = w[1][i] except TypeError: print('XU.materials: Wyckoff position %s of %s needs ' 'parameters (%d) -> wrong material definition' % (w[0], str(self.space_group), parint)) raise i += 1 if parint & 2: try: y = w[1][i] except TypeError: print('XU.materials: Wyckoff position %s of %s needs ' 'parameters (%d) -> wrong material definition' % (w[0], str(self.space_group), parint)) raise i += 1 if parint & 4: try: z = w[1][i] except TypeError: print('XU.materials: Wyckoff position %s of %s needs ' 'parameters (%d) -> wrong material definition' % (w[0], str(self.space_group), parint)) raise i += 1 if w[1]: if i != len(w[1]): raise TypeError('XU.materials: too many parameters for ' 'Wyckoff position') for p in poslist: pos = eval(p, {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}) pos = SymOp.foldback(pos) yield atom, pos, occ, b
def _setlat(self): a, b, c, _, _, _ = self._parameters.values() ca, cb, cg, sa, vh = self._paramhelp vh = sqrt(1 - ca**2-cb**2-cg**2 + 2*ca*cb*cg) self._paramhelp[4] = vh self._ai[0, 0] = a * vh / sa self._ai[0, 1] = a * (cg-cb*ca) / sa self._ai[0, 2] = a * cb self._ai[1, 1] = b * sa self._ai[1, 2] = b * ca self._ai[2, 2] = c self._transform = math.Transform(self._ai.T) self._setb() def _setb(self): V = self.UnitCellVolume() p = 2. * numpy.pi / V math.VecCross(p*self._ai[1, :], self._ai[2, :], out=self._bi[0, :]) math.VecCross(p*self._ai[2, :], self._ai[0, :], out=self._bi[1, :]) math.VecCross(p*self._ai[0, :], self._ai[1, :], out=self._bi[2, :]) self._qtransform = math.Transform(self._bi.T) def _set_params_from_sym(self): for i, p in enumerate(('a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma')): key = sgrp_params[self.crystal_system][1][i] if isinstance(key, str): if p not in self.free_parameters: self._parameters[p] = self.free_parameters[key] @property def ai(self): return self._ai @property def B(self): return self._qtransform.matrix @property def a(self): return self._parameters['a'] @a.setter def a(self, value): if 'a' not in self.free_parameters: raise RuntimeError("a can not be set, its not a free parameter!") self._parameters['a'] = value self.free_parameters['a'] = value self._set_params_from_sym() self._setlat() @property def b(self): return self._parameters['b'] @b.setter def b(self, value): if 'b' not in self.free_parameters: raise RuntimeError("b can not be set, its not a free parameter!") self._parameters['b'] = value self.free_parameters['b'] = value self._set_params_from_sym() self._setlat() @property def c(self): return self._parameters['c'] @c.setter def c(self, value): if 'c' not in self.free_parameters: raise RuntimeError("c can not be set, its not a free parameter!") self._parameters['c'] = value self.free_parameters['c'] = value self._set_params_from_sym() self._setlat() @property def alpha(self): return self._parameters['alpha'] @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): if 'alpha' not in self.free_parameters: raise RuntimeError("alpha can not be set for this space group!") self._parameters['alpha'] = value self.free_parameters['alpha'] = value self._set_params_from_sym() ra = radians(value) self._paramhelp[0] = cos(ra) self._paramhelp[3] = sin(ra) self._setlat() @property def beta(self): return self._parameters['beta'] @beta.setter def beta(self, value): if 'beta' not in self.free_parameters: raise RuntimeError("beta can not be set for this space group!") self._parameters['beta'] = value self.free_parameters['beta'] = value self._set_params_from_sym() self._paramhelp[1] = cos(radians(value)) self._setlat() @property def gamma(self): return self._parameters['gamma'] @gamma.setter def gamma(self, value): if 'gamma' not in self.free_parameters: raise RuntimeError("gamma can not be set for this space group!") self._parameters['gamma'] = value self.free_parameters['gamma'] = value self._set_params_from_sym() self._paramhelp[2] = cos(radians(value)) self._setlat() def __eq__(self, other): """ compare another SGLattice instance to decide if both are equal. To be equal they have to use the same space group, have equal lattice parameters and contain equal atoms in their base. """ if self.space_group != other.space_group: return False # compare lattice parameters for prop in self.free_parameters: if not isclose(getattr(self, prop), getattr(other, prop)): return False # compare atoms in base for e in self._wbase: if e not in other._wbase: return False idx = other._wbase.index(e) if not WyckoffBase.entry_eq(e, other._wbase[idx]): return False return True
[docs] def GetPoint(self, *args): """ determine lattice points with indices given in the argument Examples -------- >>> import xrayutilities as xu >>> xu.materials.Si.lattice.GetPoint(0, 0, 4) array([ 0. , 0. , 21.72416]) or >>> xu.materials.Si.lattice.GetPoint((1, 1, 1)) array([5.43104, 5.43104, 5.43104]) """ if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] return self._transform(args)
[docs] def GetQ(self, *args): """ determine the reciprocal lattice points with indices given in the argument """ if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] return self._qtransform(args)
[docs] def GetHKL(self, *args): """ determine the Miller indices of the given reciprocal lattice points """ if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] return self._qtransform.inverse(args)
[docs] def UnitCellVolume(self): """ function to calculate the unit cell volume of a lattice (angstrom^3) """ a, b, c, _, _, _ = self._parameters.values() return a * b * c * self._paramhelp[4]
[docs] def ApplyStrain(self, eps): """ Applies a certain strain on a lattice. The result is a change in the base vectors. The full strain matrix (3x3) needs to be given. Note: Here you specify the strain and not the stress -> NO elastic response of the material will be considered! Note: Although the symmetry of the crystal can be lowered by this operation the spacegroup remains unchanged! The 'free_parameters' attribute is, however, updated to mimic the possible reduction of the symmetry. Parameters ---------- eps : array-like a 3x3 matrix with all strain components """ if isinstance(eps, (list, tuple)): eps = numpy.asarray(eps, dtype=numpy.double) if eps.shape != (3, 3): raise InputError("ApplyStrain needs a 3x3 matrix " "with strain values") ai = self._ai +, self._ai.T).T self._parameters['a'] = math.VecNorm(ai[0, :]) self._parameters['b'] = math.VecNorm(ai[1, :]) self._parameters['c'] = math.VecNorm(ai[2, :]) self._parameters['alpha'] = math.VecAngle(ai[1, :], ai[2, :], deg=True) self._parameters['beta'] = math.VecAngle(ai[0, :], ai[2, :], deg=True) self._parameters['gamma'] = math.VecAngle(ai[0, :], ai[1, :], deg=True) # update helper parameters ra = radians(self._parameters['alpha']) self._paramhelp[0] = cos(ra) self._paramhelp[1] = cos(radians(self._parameters['beta'])) self._paramhelp[2] = cos(radians(self._parameters['gamma'])) self._paramhelp[3] = sin(ra) # set new transformations self._setlat() # update free_parameters for p in self.free_parameters: self.free_parameters[p] = self._parameters[p] # artificially reduce symmetry if needed for i, p in enumerate(('a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma')): key = sgrp_params[self.crystal_system][1][i] if isinstance(key, str): if self._parameters[p] != self.free_parameters[key]: self.free_parameters[p] = self._parameters[p] else: if self._parameters[p] != key: self.free_parameters[p] = self._parameters[p]
@property def iscentrosymmetric(self): """ returns a boolean to determine if the lattice has centrosymmetry. """ if self._iscentrosymmetric is None: self._iscentrosymmetric = False for s in self.symops: if numpy.all(-numpy.identity(3) == s.D): self._iscentrosymmetric = True break return self._iscentrosymmetric
[docs] def isequivalent(self, hkl1, hkl2): """ determining if hkl1 and hkl2 are two crystallographical equivalent pairs of Miller indices. Note that this function considers the effect of non-centrosymmetry! Parameters ---------- hkl1, hkl2 : list Miller indices to be checked for equivalence Returns ------- bool """ return tuple(hkl2) in self.equivalent_hkls(hkl1)
[docs] def equivalent_hkls(self, hkl): """ returns a list of equivalent hkl peaks depending on the crystal system """ suf = self.space_group_suf nr = self.space_group_nr if suf == get_default_sgrp_suf(nr): ehkl = set(eqhkl_default[nr](hkl[0], hkl[1], hkl[2])) elif suf in get_possible_sgrp_suf(nr): ehkl = set(eqhkl_custom[nr](hkl[0], hkl[1], hkl[2])) else: # fallback calculation with symmetry operations ehkl = numpy.unique(numpy.einsum('...ij,j', self._hklsym, hkl), axis=0) ehkl = set(tuple(e) for e in ehkl) return ehkl
[docs] def hkl_allowed(self, hkl, returnequivalents=False): """ check if Bragg reflection with Miller indices hkl can exist according to the reflection conditions. If no reflection conditions are available this function returns True for all hkl values! Parameters ---------- hkl : tuple or list Miller indices of the reflection to check returnequivalents : bool, optional If True all the equivalent Miller indices of hkl are returned in a set as second return argument. Returns ------- allowed : bool True if reflection can have non-zero structure factor, false otherwise equivalents : set, optional set of equivalent Miller indices if returnequivalents is True """ # generate all equivalent hkl values which also need to be checked: hkls = self.equivalent_hkls(hkl) def build_return(allowed, requi=returnequivalents): if requi: return allowed, hkls return allowed # load reflection conditions if needed if self._gp[2] == 'n/a': return build_return(True) if self._hklcond == [] and self._gp[2] is not None: self._hklcond = hklcond_group.findall(self._gp[2]) if self._hklcond_wp == []: for lab in set(e[1][0] for e in self._wbase): if lab == self._gplabel: # if gen. pos. is occupied skip it self._hklcond_wp.append(None) elif wp[self.space_group][lab][2] is None: self._hklcond_wp.append(None) else: self._hklcond_wp.append(hklcond_group.findall( wp[self.space_group][lab][2])) # call C-code to (efficiently) test the conditions ret = cxrayutilities.testhklcond(hkls, self._hklcond, self._hklcond_wp) return build_return(ret)
[docs] def get_allowed_hkl(self, qmax): """ return a set of all allowed reflections up to a maximal specified momentum transfer. Parameters ---------- qmax : float maximal momentum transfer Returns ------- hklset : set set of allowed hkl reflections """ def recurse_hkl(h, k, l, kstep): # noqa: E741 if (h, k, l) in hkltested: return m = self.B q = m[:, 0]*h + m[:, 1]*k + m[:, 2]*l # efficient matmul if sqrt(q[0]**2 + q[1]**2 + q[2]**2) >= qmax: return allowed, eqhkl = self.hkl_allowed((h, k, l), returnequivalents=True) hkltested.update(eqhkl) if not self.iscentrosymmetric: hkltested.update((-ih, -ik, -il) for (ih, ik, il) in eqhkl) if allowed: hklset.update(eqhkl) if not self.iscentrosymmetric: eqhkl = self.equivalent_hkls((-h, -k, -l)) hklset.update(eqhkl) recurse_hkl(h+1, k, l, kstep) recurse_hkl(h, k+kstep, l, kstep) recurse_hkl(h, k, l+1, kstep) recurse_hkl(h, k, l-1, kstep) hklset = set() hkltested = set() recurse_hkl(0, 0, 0, +1) recurse_hkl(1, -1, 0, -1) hklset.remove((0, 0, 0)) return hklset
[docs] def reflection_conditions(self): """ return string of reflection conditions, both general (from space group) and of Wyckoff positions """ ostr = "Reflection conditions:\n" ostr += f" general: {str(self._gp[2])}\n" for wplabel in set(e[1][0] for e in self._wbase): ostr += f"{wplabel:8s}: {str(wp[self.space_group][wplabel][2])}\n" return ostr
def __str__(self): ostr = "{sg} {cs} {n}: a = {a:.4f}, b = {b:.4f} c= {c:.4f}\n" +\ "alpha = {alpha:.3f}, beta = {beta:.3f}, gamma = {gamma:.3f}\n" ostr = ostr.format(sg=self.space_group, cs=self.crystal_system,, **self._parameters) if self._wbase: ostr += "Lattice base:\n" ostr += str(self._wbase) ostr += self.reflection_conditions() return ostr
[docs] def convert_to_P1(self): """ create a P1 equivalent of this SGLattice instance. Returns ------- SGLattice instance with the same properties as the present lattice, however, in the P1 setting. """ a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma) atoms = [] pos = [] occ = [] biso = [] for at, p, o, bf in self.base(): atoms.append(at) pos.append(('1a', p)) occ.append(o) biso.append(bf) return type(self)(1, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, atoms=atoms, pos=pos, occ=occ, b=biso)
[docs] def findsym(self): """ method to return the highest symmetry description of the current material. This method does not consider to change the unit cell dimensions but only searches the highest symmetry spacegroup which with the current unit cell setting can be described. It is therefore not an implementation of FINDSYM [1]. Returns ------- new SGLattice-instance a new SGLattice instance is returned with the highest available symmetry description. (see restrictions above) [1] """ def identify_wyckpos(sgrp, atoms): """ try to determine suitable Wyckoff positions Parameters ----------: sgrp : str space group identifier (including potential suffix) atoms : list list of atoms in the unit cell. should have equivalent entries as SGLattice.base() Returns ------- success, atomdict "success" is a boolean flag to indicate if equivalents for every atom position could be found upon success "atomdict" is a dictionary which can be used in a SGLattice definition to specify the unit cell. If success==False atomdict is None. """ # get all Wyckpos for this spacegroup atomdict = {'atoms': [], 'pos': [], 'occ': [], 'b': []} success = True # check all atomic species seperately for el in set(at[0] for at in atoms): catoms = list(filter(lambda at: at[0] == el, atoms)) found = numpy.zeros(len(catoms), dtype=bool) # see if atomic positions fit to Wyckoff positions for k, wyckpos in wp[sgrp].items(): num = int(k[:-1]) if num > len(catoms)-sum(found): break parint, poslist, _ = wyckpos for f, (dummy, xyz, occ, biso) in zip(found, catoms): if f: continue foundwp, pospar = testwp(parint, poslist[0], xyz) if foundwp: # generate parameters of this Wyckoff position pardict = _get_pardict(parint, pospar) # check if all equivalent positions are also # occupied by the same atom nremoved = 0 for p in poslist: pos = eval(p, {}, pardict) pos = SymOp.foldback(pos) for n, entry in enumerate(catoms): if numpy.allclose(entry[1], pos): # remove atom from search list nremoved += 1 found[n] = True if nremoved != num: # not all equivalent positions occupied return False, None # add Wyckoff position to output if pospar is None: atomdict['pos'].append(k) else: atomdict['pos'].append((k, list(pospar))) atomdict['atoms'].append(el) atomdict['occ'].append(occ) atomdict['b'].append(biso) if num > len(catoms)-sum(found): break if len(catoms) != sum(found): success = False atomdict = None break return success, atomdict # determine possible space groups for unit cell parameters systems = [] possible_sg = [] # determine possible lattice systems for sys in ('cubic', 'hexagonal', 'trigonal:R', 'trigonal:H', 'tetragonal', 'orthorhombic', 'monoclinic:b', 'monoclinic:c', 'triclinic'): freepar, ucpar = sgrp_params[sys] ucsys = [] for par in ucpar: if isinstance(par, numbers.Number): ucsys.append(par) else: ucsys.append(eval(par, {}, self._parameters)) if numpy.allclose(tuple(self._parameters.values()), ucsys): systems.append(sys) # determine suitable space group numbers and names for these families for sys in systems: freepar, ucpar = sgrp_params[sys] splitsys = sys.split(':') suf = None if len(splitsys) > 1: suf = ':' + splitsys[1] for sgrange, v in sgrp_sym.items(): if v[0] == splitsys[0]: for nr in reversed(sgrange): sufs = get_possible_sgrp_suf(nr) if suf is None: if isinstance(sufs, list): for s in sufs: possible_sg.append((str(nr) + s, freepar)) else: possible_sg.append((str(nr), freepar)) else: if suf in sufs: possible_sg.append((str(nr) + suf, freepar)) else: possible_sg.append((str(nr), freepar)) # test space groups starting with the highest symmetric one if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print("XU.materials.SGLattice.findsym: possible space groups: ", possible_sg) for sgrp, ucpar in possible_sg: success, atoms = identify_wyckpos(sgrp, list(self.base())) if success: break return type(self)(sgrp, *[self._parameters[k] for k in ucpar], **atoms)
[docs] def transform(self, mat, origin): """ Transform the unit cell with the matrix and origin shift given in the parameters. This function returns a new instance of SGLattice which contains the highest possible symmetry description of the transformed unit cell. After the transformation (see [1]) the findsym method is used to create the new SGLattice instance. Parameters ---------- mat : (3, 3) list, or ndarray, optional transformation matrix of the unit cell. The matrix definition aims to be consistent with what is used on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server [1]. This only defines the linear part, while the origin shift is given by origin. origin : (3, ) list, or ndarray origin shift of the unit cell [1]. [1] """ # transform unit cell dimensions ait = numpy.transpose(mat @ self._ai.T) a, b, c = [math.VecNorm(ait[i, :]) for i in range(3)] al, be, ga = [math.VecAngle(ait[(i+1) % 3, :], ait[(i+2) % 3, :], deg=True) for i in range(3)] param = (a, b, c, al, be, ga) # transform atomic positions and also search neighboring cells to find # all equivalent positions def recurse_cells(fracpos, outset): """ recursive search in neighboring cells. Note that if this function would operate on the Wyckoff position level it could use the determinant of the transformation matrix (unit cell volume change) to derive an additional abort criterion """ pos = invmat @ fracpos + origin pos = SymOp.foldback(pos) pos = tuple(numpy.round(pos, config.DIGITS)) if pos in outset: return outset.add(pos) g = list(product(range(-1, 2), repeat=3)) g.remove([0, 0, 0]) for off in g: recurse_cells(numpy.add(fracpos, off), outset) allatoms = {'atoms': [], 'pos': [], 'occ': [], 'b': []} invmat = numpy.linalg.inv(mat) # check all atomic species seperately for el in set(at[0] for at in self.base()): catoms = list(filter(lambda at: at[0] == el, self.base())) elset = set() for at in catoms: eqpos = set() recurse_cells(at[1], eqpos) for pos in eqpos: if (pos, at[2], at[3]) not in elset: elset.add((pos, at[2], at[3])) allatoms['pos'].append(('1a', pos)) allatoms['atoms'].append(el) allatoms['occ'].append(at[2]) allatoms['b'].append(at[3]) p1 = type(self)(1, *param, **allatoms) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print("XU.materials.SGLattice: transform via P1: ", p1) return p1.findsym()