Source code for xrayutilities.materials.database

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Eugen Wintersberger <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2020, 2023 Dominik Kriegner <>

module to handle the access to the optical parameters database

import lzma
import os.path
import re

import h5py
import numpy
import scipy.constants

[docs] class DataBase:
[docs] def __init__(self, fname): self.fname = fname self.h5file = None # HDF5 file object holding the database self.h5group = None # Group pointing to the actual element self.f0_params = None self.f1_en = None self.f1 = None self.f2_en = None self.f2 = None self.weight = None self.color = None self.radius = numpy.nan self.matname = None
[docs] def Create(self, dbname, dbdesc): """ Creates a new database. If the database file already exists its content is delete. Parameters ---------- dbname : str name of the database dbdesc : str a short description of the database """ if self.h5file is not None: print("database already opened - " "close first to create new database") return # tryp to open the database file try: self.h5file = h5py.File(self.fname, 'w') except OSError: print(f'cannot create database file {self.fname}!') raise # set attributes to the root group with database name and # description self.h5file.attrs['DBName'] = dbname self.h5file.attrs['DBDesc'] = dbdesc
[docs] def Open(self, mode='r'): """ Open an existing database file. """ if self.h5file is not None: print('database already opened - ' 'close first to open new database!') return try: self.h5file = h5py.File(self.fname, mode) except OSError: print(f"cannot open database file {self.fname}!")
[docs] def Close(self): """ Close an opend database file. """ if self.h5file is None: print("no database file opened!") return self.h5file.close() self.h5file = None
[docs] def CreateMaterial(self, name, description): """ This method creates a new material. If the material group already exists the procedure is aborted. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the material description : str description of the material """ if self.h5file is None: print("no database file opened!") return if name in self.h5file: # if the material node already exists a warning message is printed print("material node already exists") else: g = self.h5file.create_group(name) g.attrs['name'] = description
[docs] def SetWeight(self, weight): """ Save weight of the element as float Parameters ---------- weight : float atomic standard weight of the element """ if not isinstance(weight, float): raise TypeError("weight parameter must be a float!") self.h5group.attrs['atomic_standard_weight'] = weight self.h5file.flush()
[docs] def SetColor(self, color): """ Save color of the element for visualization Parameters ---------- color : tuple, str matplotlib color for the element """ if not isinstance(color, (tuple, str)): raise TypeError("color parameter must be a tuple or str!") self.h5group.attrs['color'] = color self.h5file.flush()
[docs] def SetRadius(self, radius): """ Save atomic radius for visualization Parameters ---------- radius: float atomic radius in angstrom """ if not isinstance(radius, (float, int)): raise TypeError("radius parameter must be a number!") self.h5group.attrs['atomic_radius'] = float(radius) self.h5file.flush()
[docs] def SetF0(self, parameters, subset='default'): """ Save f0 fit parameters for the set material. The fit parameters are stored in the following order: c, a1, b1,......., a4, b4 Parameters ---------- parameters : list or array-like fit parameters subset : str, optional name the f0 dataset """ if isinstance(parameters, list): p = numpy.array(parameters, dtype=numpy.float32) elif isinstance(parameters, numpy.ndarray): p = parameters.astype(numpy.float32) else: raise TypeError("f0 fit parameters must be a " "list or a numpy array!") if not subset: subset = 'default' try: del self.h5group[f'f0/{subset}'] except KeyError: pass self.h5group.create_dataset(f'f0/{subset}', data=p) self.h5file.flush()
[docs] def SetF1F2(self, en, f1, f2): """ Set f1, f2 values for the active material. Parameters ---------- en : list or array-like energy in (eV) f1 : list or array-like f1 values f2 : list or array-like f2 values """ if isinstance(en, (list, tuple)): end = numpy.array(en, dtype=numpy.float32) elif isinstance(en, numpy.ndarray): end = en.astype(numpy.float32) else: raise TypeError("energy values must be a list or a numpy array!") if isinstance(f1, (list, tuple)): f1d = numpy.array(f1, dtype=numpy.float32) elif isinstance(f1, numpy.ndarray): f1d = f1.astype(numpy.float32) else: raise TypeError("f1 values must be a list or a numpy array!") if isinstance(f2, (list, tuple)): f2d = numpy.array(f2, dtype=numpy.float32) elif isinstance(f2, numpy.ndarray): f2d = f2.astype(numpy.float32) else: raise TypeError("f2 values must be a list or a numpy array!") try: del self.h5group['en_f12'] except KeyError: pass try: del self.h5group['f1'] except KeyError: pass try: del self.h5group['f2'] except KeyError: pass self.h5group.create_dataset('en_f12', data=end) self.h5group.create_dataset('f1', data=f1d) self.h5group.create_dataset('f2', data=f2d) self.h5file.flush()
[docs] def SetMaterial(self, name): """ Set a particular material in the database as the actual material. All operations like setting and getting optical constants are done for this particular material. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the material """ if self.matname == name: return try: self.h5group = self.h5file[name] except KeyError: print(f"XU.materials.database: material '{name}' not existing!") try: self.f0_params = self.h5group['f0'] except KeyError: self.f0_params = None try: self.f1_en = self.h5group['en_f12'] self.f1 = self.h5group['f1'] except KeyError: self.f1_en = None self.f1 = None try: self.f2_en = self.h5group['en_f12'] self.f2 = self.h5group['f2'] except KeyError: self.f2_en = None self.f2 = None try: self.weight = self.h5group.attrs['atomic_standard_weight'] except KeyError: self.weight = None try: self.radius = self.h5group.attrs['atomic_radius'] except KeyError: self.radius = numpy.nan try: self.color = self.h5group.attrs['color'] except KeyError: self.color = None self.matname = name
[docs] def GetF0(self, q, dset='default'): """ Obtain the f0 scattering factor component for a particular momentum transfer q. Parameters ---------- q : float or array-like momentum transfer dset : str, optional specifies which dataset (different oxidation states) should be used """ # get parameters from file if not dset: dset = 'default' f0_params = self.f0_params[dset] # calculate f0 if isinstance(q, (numpy.ndarray, list, tuple)): ql = numpy.asarray(q) f0 = f0_params[0] * numpy.ones(ql.shape) else: ql = q f0 = f0_params[0] k = ql / (4. * numpy.pi) for i in range(1, len(f0_params) - 1, 2): a = f0_params[i] b = f0_params[i + 1] f0 += a * numpy.exp(-b * k ** 2) return f0
[docs] def GetF1(self, en): """ Return the second, energy dependent, real part of the scattering factor for a certain energy en. Parameters ---------- en : float or array-like energy """ if1 = numpy.interp(en, self.f1_en, self.f1, left=numpy.nan, right=numpy.nan) return if1
[docs] def GetF2(self, en): """ Return the imaginary part of the scattering factor for a certain energy en. Parameters ---------- en : float or array-like energy """ if2 = numpy.interp(en, self.f2_en, self.f2, left=numpy.nan, right=numpy.nan) return if2
[docs] def init_material_db(db): db.CreateMaterial("Dummy", "Dummy atom") db.CreateMaterial("H", "Hydrogen") db.CreateMaterial("D", "Deuterium") db.CreateMaterial("T", "Tritium") db.CreateMaterial("He", "Helium") db.CreateMaterial("Li", "Lithium") db.CreateMaterial("Be", "Berylium") db.CreateMaterial("B", "Bor") db.CreateMaterial("C", "Carbon") db.CreateMaterial("N", "Nitrogen") db.CreateMaterial("O", "Oxygen") db.CreateMaterial("F", "Flourine") db.CreateMaterial("Ne", "Neon") db.CreateMaterial("Na", "Sodium") db.CreateMaterial("Mg", "Magnesium") db.CreateMaterial("Al", "Aluminium") db.CreateMaterial("Si", "Silicon") db.CreateMaterial("P", "Phosphorus") db.CreateMaterial("S", "Sulfur") db.CreateMaterial("Cl", "Chlorine") db.CreateMaterial("Ar", "Argon") db.CreateMaterial("K", "Potassium") db.CreateMaterial("Ca", "Calcium") db.CreateMaterial("Sc", "Scandium") db.CreateMaterial("Ti", "Titanium") db.CreateMaterial("V", "Vanadium") db.CreateMaterial("Cr", "Chromium") db.CreateMaterial("Mn", "Manganese") db.CreateMaterial("Fe", "Iron") db.CreateMaterial("Co", "Cobalt") db.CreateMaterial("Ni", "Nickel") db.CreateMaterial("Cu", "Copper") db.CreateMaterial("Zn", "Zinc") db.CreateMaterial("Ga", "Gallium") db.CreateMaterial("Ge", "Germanium") db.CreateMaterial("As", "Arsenic") db.CreateMaterial("Se", "Selenium") db.CreateMaterial("Br", "Bromine") db.CreateMaterial("Kr", "Krypton") db.CreateMaterial("Rb", "Rubidium") db.CreateMaterial("Sr", "Strontium") db.CreateMaterial("Y", "Yttrium") db.CreateMaterial("Zr", "Zirconium") db.CreateMaterial("Nb", "Niobium") db.CreateMaterial("Mo", "Molybdenum") db.CreateMaterial("Tc", "Technetium") db.CreateMaterial("Ru", "Ruthenium") db.CreateMaterial("Rh", "Rhodium") db.CreateMaterial("Pd", "Palladium") db.CreateMaterial("Ag", "Silver") db.CreateMaterial("Cd", "Cadmium") db.CreateMaterial("In", "Indium") db.CreateMaterial("Sn", "Tin") db.CreateMaterial("Sb", "Antimony") db.CreateMaterial("Te", "Tellurium") db.CreateMaterial("I", "Iodine") db.CreateMaterial("Xe", "Xenon") db.CreateMaterial("Cs", "Caesium") db.CreateMaterial("Ba", "Barium") db.CreateMaterial("La", "Lanthanum") db.CreateMaterial("Ce", "Cerium") db.CreateMaterial("Pr", "Praseordymium") db.CreateMaterial("Nd", "Neodymium") db.CreateMaterial("Pm", "Promethium") db.CreateMaterial("Sm", "Samarium") db.CreateMaterial("Eu", "Europium") db.CreateMaterial("Gd", "Gadolinium") db.CreateMaterial("Tb", "Terbium") db.CreateMaterial("Dy", "Dysprosium") db.CreateMaterial("Ho", "Holmium") db.CreateMaterial("Er", "Erbium") db.CreateMaterial("Tm", "Thulium") db.CreateMaterial("Yb", "Ytterbium") db.CreateMaterial("Lu", "Lutetium") db.CreateMaterial("Hf", "Hafnium") db.CreateMaterial("Ta", "Tantalum") db.CreateMaterial("W", "Tungsten") db.CreateMaterial("Re", "Rhenium") db.CreateMaterial("Os", "Osmium") db.CreateMaterial("Ir", "Iridium") db.CreateMaterial("Pt", "Platinum") db.CreateMaterial("Au", "Gold") db.CreateMaterial("Hg", "Mercury") db.CreateMaterial("Tl", "Thallium") db.CreateMaterial("Pb", "Lead") db.CreateMaterial("Bi", "Bismuth") db.CreateMaterial("Po", "Polonium") db.CreateMaterial("At", "Astatine") db.CreateMaterial("Rn", "Radon") db.CreateMaterial("Fr", "Fancium") db.CreateMaterial("Ra", "Radium") db.CreateMaterial("Ac", "Actinium") db.CreateMaterial("Th", "Thorium") db.CreateMaterial("Pa", "Protactinium") db.CreateMaterial("U", "Urianium") db.CreateMaterial("Np", "Neptunium") db.CreateMaterial("Pu", "Plutonium") db.CreateMaterial("Am", "Americium") db.CreateMaterial("Cm", "Curium") db.CreateMaterial("Bk", "Berkelium") db.CreateMaterial("Cf", "Californium") db.CreateMaterial("Es", "Einsteinium") db.CreateMaterial("Fm", "Fermium") db.CreateMaterial("Md", "Mendelevium") db.CreateMaterial("No", "Nobelium") db.CreateMaterial("Lr", "Lawrencium") db.CreateMaterial("Rf", "Rutherfordium") db.CreateMaterial("Db", "Dubnium") db.CreateMaterial("Sg", "Seaborgium") db.CreateMaterial("Bh", "Bohrium") db.CreateMaterial("Hs", "Hassium") db.CreateMaterial("Mt", "Meitnerium") db.CreateMaterial("Ds", "Darmstadtium") db.CreateMaterial("Rg", "Roentgenium") db.CreateMaterial("Cn", "Copernicium") db.CreateMaterial("Nh", "Nihonium") db.CreateMaterial("Fl", "Flerovium") db.CreateMaterial("Mc", "Moscovium") db.CreateMaterial("Lv", "Livermorium") db.CreateMaterial("Ts", "Tennessine") db.CreateMaterial("Og", "Oganesson")
# functions to read database files
[docs] def add_f0_from_intertab(db, itf, verbose=False): """ Read f0 data from International Tables of Crystallography and add it to the database. """ # some regular expressions elementstr = re.compile(r"^#S") multiblank = re.compile(r"\s+") while True: lb = itf.readline().decode("utf-8") if lb == "": break lb = lb.strip() if elementstr.match(lb): # found new element lb = multiblank.split(lb) # determine oxidation state and element name elemstate = re.sub('[A-Za-z]', '', lb[2]) for r, o in zip(('dot', 'p', 'm'), ('.', '+', '-')): elemstate = elemstate.replace(o, r) if elemstate == 'p2': # fix wrong name in the source file elemstate = '2p' ename = re.sub('[^A-Za-z]', '', lb[2]) if verbose: print(f"{ename + elemstate} = Atom('{lb[2]}', {lb[1]})") db.SetMaterial(ename) # make two dummy reads itf.readline() itf.readline() # read fit parameters lb = itf.readline().decode("utf-8") lb = lb.strip() lb = multiblank.split(lb) a1 = float(lb[0]) a2 = float(lb[1]) a3 = float(lb[2]) a4 = float(lb[3]) c = float(lb[4]) b1 = float(lb[5]) b2 = float(lb[6]) b3 = float(lb[7]) b4 = float(lb[8]) db.SetF0([c, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4], subset=elemstate)
[docs] def add_f0_from_xop(db, xop, verbose=False): """ Read f0 data from f0_xop.dat and add it to the database. """ # some regular expressions elementstr = re.compile(r"^#S") multiblank = re.compile(r"\s+") while True: lb = xop.readline().decode("utf-8") if lb == "": break lb = lb.strip() if elementstr.match(lb): # found new element lb = multiblank.split(lb) # determine oxidation state and element name elemstate = re.sub('[A-Za-z]', '', lb[2]) for r, o in zip(('dot', 'p', 'm'), ('.', '+', '-')): elemstate = elemstate.replace(o, r) ename = re.sub('[^A-Za-z]', '', lb[2]) if verbose: print(f"{ename + elemstate} = Atom('{lb[2]}', {lb[1]})") db.SetMaterial(ename) # make nine dummy reads for _ in range(9): xop.readline() # read fit parameters lb = xop.readline().decode("utf-8") lb = lb.strip() lb = multiblank.split(lb) a1 = float(lb[0]) a2 = float(lb[1]) a3 = float(lb[2]) a4 = float(lb[3]) a5 = float(lb[4]) c = float(lb[5]) b1 = float(lb[6]) b2 = float(lb[7]) b3 = float(lb[8]) b4 = float(lb[9]) b5 = float(lb[10]) db.SetF0([c, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4, a5, b5])
[docs] def add_f1f2_from_henkedb(db, hf, verbose=False): """ Read f1 and f2 data from Henke database and add it to the database. """ # some regular expressions elementstr = re.compile(r"^#S") multiblank = re.compile(r"\s+") invalidelem = re.compile(r"[^A-Za-z]") while True: lb = hf.readline().decode("utf-8") if lb == "": break lb = lb.strip() if elementstr.match(lb): # found new element lb = multiblank.split(lb) enum = lb[1] ename = lb[2] # check if this is not some funny isotope if invalidelem.findall(ename) == []: if verbose: print(f"set element {ename}") db.SetMaterial(ename) # make one dummy read for _ in range(5): hf.readline() # read data en_list = [] f1_list = [] f2_list = [] while True: lb = hf.readline().decode("utf-8") lb = lb.strip() lb = multiblank.split(lb) en = float(lb[0]) # to account for wrong f1 definition in Henke db f1 = float(lb[1]) - float(enum) f2 = float(lb[2]) en_list.append(en) f1_list.append(f1) f2_list.append(f2) if en == 30000.: db.SetF1F2(en_list, f1_list, f2_list) break
[docs] def add_f1f2_from_kissel(db, kf, verbose=False): """ Read f1 and f2 data from Henke database and add it to the database. """ # some regular expressions elementstr = re.compile(r"^#S") multiblank = re.compile(r"\s+") invalidelem = re.compile(r"[^A-Za-z]") while True: lb = kf.readline().decode("utf-8") if lb == "": break lb = lb.strip() if elementstr.match(lb): # found new element lb = multiblank.split(lb) enum = lb[1] ename = lb[2] # check if this is not some funny isotope if invalidelem.findall(ename) == []: if verbose: print(f"set element {ename}") db.SetMaterial(ename) # make 28 dummy reads for _ in range(28): kf.readline() # read data en_list = [] f1_list = [] f2_list = [] while True: lb = kf.readline().decode("utf-8") lb = lb.strip() lb = multiblank.split(lb) en = float(lb[0]) * 1000 # convert energy # to account for wrong f1 definition in Henke db f1 = float(lb[4]) - float(enum) f2 = float(lb[5]) en_list.append(en) f1_list.append(f1) f2_list.append(f2) if en == 10000000.: db.SetF1F2(en_list, f1_list, f2_list) break
[docs] def add_f1f2_from_ascii_file(db, asciifile, element, verbose=False): """ Read f1 and f2 data for specific element from ASCII file (3 columns) and save it to the database. """ # parse the f1f2 file try: af = numpy.loadtxt(asciifile) except OSError: print("cannot open f1f2 database file") return if verbose: print(f"set element {element}") db.SetMaterial(element) en = af[:, 0] f1 = af[:, 1] f2 = af[:, 2] db.SetF1F2(en, f1, f2)
[docs] def add_mass_from_NIST(db, nistfile, verbose=False): """ Read atoms standard mass and save it to the database. The mass of the natural isotope mixture is taken from the NIST data! """ # some regular expressions isotope = re.compile(r"^Atomic Number =") standardw = re.compile(r"^Standard Atomic Weight") relativew = re.compile(r"^Relative Atomic Mass") number = re.compile(r"[0-9.]+") multiblank = re.compile(r"\s+") # parse the nist file with open(nistfile, "r") as nf: while True: lb = nf.readline() if lb == "": break lb = lb.strip() if isotope.match(lb): # found new element lb = multiblank.split(lb) lb = nf.readline() lb = lb.strip() lb = multiblank.split(lb) ename = lb[-1] if verbose: print(f"set element {ename}") db.SetMaterial(ename) # read data while True: lb = nf.readline() lb = lb.strip() if relativew.match(lb): lb = multiblank.split(lb) # extract fallback weight w = float(number.findall(lb[-1])[0]) db.SetWeight(w * scipy.constants.atomic_mass) elif standardw.match(lb): lb = multiblank.split(lb) # extract average weight try: w = float(number.findall(lb[-1])[0]) db.SetWeight(w * scipy.constants.atomic_mass) except IndexError: pass break
[docs] def add_color_from_JMOL(db, cfile, verbose=False): """ Read color from JMOL color table and save it to the database. """ with open(cfile, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): s = line.split() ename = s[1] color = [float(num)/255. for num in s[2].strip('[]').split(',')] color = tuple(color) if verbose: print(f"set element {ename}") db.SetMaterial(ename) db.SetColor(color)
[docs] def add_radius_from_WIKI(db, dfile, verbose=False): """ Read radius from Wikipedia radius table and save it to the database. """ with open(dfile, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): s = line.split(',') ename = s[1] radius = float(s[3]) / 100. if verbose: print(f"set element {ename}") db.SetMaterial(ename) db.SetRadius(radius)
[docs] def createAndFillDatabase(fname, dpath=None, verbose=False): """ function to create the database and fill it with values from the various source files. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename of the database to be created (including the path) dpath : str, optional directory where all the source data files are stored verbose : bool, optional flag to determine the verbosity of the script (default: False) """ if dpath is None: dpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') dbf = DataBase(fname) dbf.Create('elementdata', 'Database with elemental data from XOP and Kissel databases') init_material_db(dbf) # add a dummy element, this is useful not only for testing and should be # kept in future! It can be used for structure factor calculation tests, # and shows how the a database entry can be generated manually dbf.SetMaterial('Dummy') dbf.SetF0([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # atomic structure factors dbf.SetF1F2((0, 1e5), (0, 0), (0, 0)) # zero dispersion correction dbf.SetWeight(scipy.constants.atomic_mass) dbf.SetRadius(1) add_mass_from_NIST(dbf, os.path.join(dpath, 'nist_atom.dat'), verbose) add_color_from_JMOL(dbf, os.path.join(dpath, 'colors.dat'), verbose) add_radius_from_WIKI(dbf, os.path.join(dpath, 'atomic_radius.dat'), verbose) # add F0(Q) for every element # with'data', 'f0_xop.dat.xz'), 'r') as xop: # add_f0_from_xop(dbf, xop, verbose) with, 'f0_InterTables.dat.xz'), 'r') as itf: add_f0_from_intertab(dbf, itf, verbose) # add F1 and F2 from database with, 'f1f2_asf_Kissel.dat.xz'), 'r') as kf: add_f1f2_from_kissel(dbf, kf, verbose) # with, 'f1f2_Henke.dat'), 'r') as hf: # add_f1f2_from_henkedb(dbf, hf, verbose) # Also its possible to add custom data from different databases; e.g. # created by Hepaestus ( This is also # possible for specific elements only, therefore extract the data from # Hephaestus or any other source producing ASCII files with three columns # (energy (eV), f1, f2). To import such data use: # add_f1f2_from_ascii_file(dbf, os.path.join(dpath, 'Ga.f1f2'), 'Ga', # verbose) dbf.Close()