Source code for xrayutilities.materials.cif

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (c) 2010-2021, 2023 Dominik Kriegner <>

import copy
import io
import itertools
import operator
import os
import re
import shlex

import numpy

from .. import config
from . import elements
from . import spacegrouplattice as sgl
from . import wyckpos

re_data = re.compile(r"^data_", re.IGNORECASE)
re_loop = re.compile(r"^loop_", re.IGNORECASE)
re_symop = re.compile(r"^\s*("
                      "_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz)", re.IGNORECASE)
re_name = re.compile(r"^\s*_chemical_formula_sum", re.IGNORECASE)
re_atom = re.compile(r"^\s*_atom_site_label\s*$", re.IGNORECASE)
re_atomtyp = re.compile(r"^\s*_atom_site_type_symbol\s*$", re.IGNORECASE)
re_atomx = re.compile(r"^\s*_atom_site_fract_x", re.IGNORECASE)
re_atomy = re.compile(r"^\s*_atom_site_fract_y", re.IGNORECASE)
re_atomz = re.compile(r"^\s*_atom_site_fract_z", re.IGNORECASE)
re_uiso = re.compile(r"^\s*_atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv", re.IGNORECASE)
re_biso = re.compile(r"^\s*_atom_site_B_iso_or_equiv", re.IGNORECASE)
re_atomocc = re.compile(r"^\s*_atom_site_occupancy", re.IGNORECASE)
re_labelline = re.compile(r"^\s*_")
re_emptyline = re.compile(r"^\s*$")
re_quote = re.compile(r"'")
re_spacegroupnr = re.compile(r"^\s*(_space_group_IT_number|"
                             "_symmetry_Int_Tables_number)", re.IGNORECASE)
re_spacegroupname = re.compile(r"^\s*(_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M|"
re_spacegroupsetting = re.compile(r"^\s*_symmetry_cell_setting", re.IGNORECASE)
re_cell_a = re.compile(r"^\s*_cell_length_a", re.IGNORECASE)
re_cell_b = re.compile(r"^\s*_cell_length_b", re.IGNORECASE)
re_cell_c = re.compile(r"^\s*_cell_length_c", re.IGNORECASE)
re_cell_alpha = re.compile(r"^\s*_cell_angle_alpha", re.IGNORECASE)
re_cell_beta = re.compile(r"^\s*_cell_angle_beta", re.IGNORECASE)
re_cell_gamma = re.compile(r"^\s*_cell_angle_gamma", re.IGNORECASE)
re_comment = re.compile(r"^\s*#")

[docs] class CIFFile: """ class for parsing CIF (Crystallographic Information File) files. The class aims to provide an additional way of creating material classes instead of manual entering of the information the lattice constants and unit cell structure are parsed from the CIF file. If multiple datasets are present in the CIF file this class will attempt to parse all of them into the the data dictionary. By default all methods access the first data set found in the file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filestr, digits=4): """ initialization of the CIFFile class Parameters ---------- filestr : str, bytes CIF filename or string representation of the CIF file digits : int, optional number of digits to check if position is unique """ self.digits = digits if os.path.isfile(filestr): self.filename = filestr try: fid = open(self.filename, "rb") except OSError as exc: raise IOError(f"cannot open CIF file {self.filename}") from exc else: if filestr.count('\n') == 0: print('XU.materials.CIFFile: "filestr" contains only one line ' 'but a file with that name does not exist! Continuing ' 'with the assumption this one line string is the ' 'content of a CIF file!') self.filename = '__from_str__' if isinstance(filestr, bytes): fid = io.BytesIO(filestr) else: fid = io.BytesIO(bytes(filestr.encode('ascii'))) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(f'XU.materials: parsing CIF file {self.filename}') self.default_dataset = None = {} self.Parse(fid) fid.close()
[docs] def Parse(self, fid): """ function to parse a CIF file. The function reads all the included data sets and adds them to the data dictionary. """ fidpos = fid.tell() while True: line = fid.readline() if not line: break fidpos = fid.tell() line = line.decode('ascii', 'ignore') m = re_data.match(line) if m: name = line[m.end():].strip()[name] = CIFDataset(fid, name, self.digits) if[name].has_atoms and not self.default_dataset: self.default_dataset = name
[docs] def SGLattice(self, dataset=None, use_p1=False): """ create a SGLattice object with the structure from the CIF dataset Parameters ---------- dataset : str, optional name of the dataset to use. if None the default one will be used. use_p1 : bool, optional force the use of P1 symmetry, default False """ if not dataset: dataset = self.default_dataset return[dataset].SGLattice(use_p1=use_p1)
def __str__(self): """ returns a string with positions and names of the atoms for all datasets """ ostr = "" ostr += f"CIF-File: {self.filename}\n" for name, dataset in ostr += f"\nDataset: {name}" if name == self.default_dataset: ostr += " (default)" ostr += "\n" ostr += str(dataset) return ostr
[docs] class CIFDataset: """ class for parsing CIF (Crystallographic Information File) files. The class aims to provide an additional way of creating material classes instead of manual entering of the information the lattice constants and unit cell structure are parsed from the CIF file """
[docs] def __init__(self, fid, name, digits): """ initialization of the CIFDataset class. This class parses one data block. Parameters ---------- fid : filehandle file handle set to the beginning of the data block to be parsed name : str identifier string of the dataset digits : int number of digits to check if position is unique """ = name self.digits = digits self.has_atoms = False if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(f'XU.materials: parsing cif dataset {}') self.Parse(fid) self.SymStruct()
[docs] def Parse(self, fid): """ function to parse a CIF data set. The function reads the space group symmetry operations and the basic atom positions as well as the lattice constants and unit cell angles """ self.symops = [] self.atoms = [] self.lattice_const = numpy.zeros(3, dtype=numpy.double) self.lattice_angles = numpy.zeros(3, dtype=numpy.double) loop_start = False symop_loop = False atom_loop = False def get_element(cifstring): el = re.sub(r"['\"]", r"", cifstring) if '+' in el or '-' in el: # add oxidation number if not present for sign in ('+', '-'): if sign in el: if not el[el.index(sign)-1].isdigit(): signidx = el.index(sign) el = el[:signidx] + '1' + el[signidx:] # replace special characters for r, o in zip(('dot', 'p', 'm'), ('.', '+', '-')): el = el.replace(o, r) else: el = re.sub(r"([0-9])", r"", el) el = re.sub(r"\(\w*\)", r"", el) try: element = getattr(elements, el) except AttributeError: # el not found, typ. due to oxidation state f ='[0-9]', el) if not f and el == '?': element = elements.Dummy elif f is None: raise ValueError("XU.materials: element ('%s') could not" " be identified as chemical element. Only" " abbreviations of element names are " "supported." % (cifstring)) else: elname = el[:f.start()] if hasattr(elements, elname): # here one might want to find a closer alternative than # the neutral atom, but the effect this has should be # minimal, currently simply the neutral atom is used if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print(f'XU.materials: Warning: element {elname} ' f'used instead of {cifstring}') element = getattr(elements, elname) else: raise ValueError("XU.materials: element ('%s') could " "not be found" % (cifstring)) return element def floatconv(string): """ helper function to convert string with possible error given in brackets to float """ try: f = float(re.sub(r"\(.+\)", r"", string)) except ValueError: f = numpy.nan return f def intconv(string): """ helper function to convert string to integer """ try: i = int(string) except ValueError: i = None return i fidpos = fid.tell() for line in fid.readlines(): linelen = len(line) line = line.decode('ascii', 'ignore') if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(line) print(fid.tell(), fidpos) if re_data.match(line): break fidpos += linelen # ignore comment lines if re_comment.match(line): continue if re_loop.match(line): # start of loop if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print('XU.materials: loop start found') loop_start = True loop_labels = [] symop_loop = False symop_idx = None atom_loop = False alab_idx = None ax_idx = None ay_idx = None az_idx = None uiso_idx = None biso_idx = None occ_idx = None elif re_labelline.match(line): if re_cell_a.match(line): self.lattice_const[0] = floatconv(line.split()[1]) elif re_cell_b.match(line): self.lattice_const[1] = floatconv(line.split()[1]) elif re_cell_c.match(line): self.lattice_const[2] = floatconv(line.split()[1]) elif re_cell_alpha.match(line): self.lattice_angles[0] = floatconv(line.split()[1]) elif re_cell_beta.match(line): self.lattice_angles[1] = floatconv(line.split()[1]) elif re_cell_gamma.match(line): self.lattice_angles[2] = floatconv(line.split()[1]) elif re_spacegroupnr.match(line): i = intconv(line.split()[1]) if i: self.sgrp_nr = i elif re_spacegroupname.match(line): self.sgrp_name = ''.join(line.split()[1:]).strip("'") elif re_spacegroupsetting.match(line): i = intconv(line.split()[1]) if i: self.sgrp_setting = i elif re_name.match(line): try: = shlex.split(line)[1] except IndexError: = None if loop_start: loop_labels.append(line.strip()) if re_symop.match(line): # start of symmetry op. loop if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print('XU.materials: symop-loop identified') symop_loop = True symop_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 elif re_atom.match(line) or re_atomtyp.match(line): # start of atom position loop if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print('XU.materials: atom position-loop found') atom_loop = True if re_atomtyp.match(line): alab_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 elif not list(filter(re_atomtyp.match, loop_labels)): # ensure precedence of atom_site_type_symbol alab_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 elif re_atomx.match(line): ax_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print('XU.materials: atom position x: col%d' % ax_idx) elif re_atomy.match(line): ay_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 elif re_atomz.match(line): az_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 elif re_uiso.match(line): uiso_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 elif re_biso.match(line): biso_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 elif re_atomocc.match(line): occ_idx = len(loop_labels) - 1 elif re_emptyline.match(line): loop_start = False symop_loop = False atom_loop = False continue elif symop_loop: # symmetry operation entry loop_start = False entry = shlex.split(line)[symop_idx] if re_quote.match(entry): opstr = entry else: opstr = "'" + entry + "'" opstr = re.sub(r"^'", r"(", opstr) opstr = re.sub(r"'$", r")", opstr) self.symops.append(opstr) elif atom_loop: # atom label and position loop_start = False asplit = line.split() try: atom = get_element(asplit[alab_idx]) apos = (floatconv(asplit[ax_idx]), floatconv(asplit[ay_idx]), floatconv(asplit[az_idx])) occ = floatconv(asplit[occ_idx]) if occ_idx else 1 if numpy.isnan(occ): occ = 1 uiso = floatconv(asplit[uiso_idx]) if uiso_idx else 0 biso = floatconv(asplit[biso_idx]) if biso_idx else 0 if numpy.isnan(uiso): uiso = 0 if numpy.isnan(biso): biso = 0 if biso == 0: biso = 8 * numpy.pi**2 * uiso self.atoms.append((atom, apos, occ, biso)) except IndexError: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print('XU.materials: could not parse atom line: "%s"' % line.strip()) if self.atoms: self.has_atoms = True
[docs] def SymStruct(self): """ function to obtain the list of different atom positions in the unit cell for the different types of atoms and determine the space group number and origin choice if available. The data are obtained from the data parsed from the CIF file. """ def rem_white(string): return string.replace(' ', '') if hasattr(self, 'sgrp_name'): # determine spacegroup cifsgn = rem_white(self.sgrp_name).split(':')[0] for nr, name in sgl.sgrp_name.items(): if cifsgn == rem_white(name): self.sgrp_nr = int(nr) if not hasattr(self, 'sgrp_nr'): # try ignoring the minuses for nr, name in sgl.sgrp_name.items(): if cifsgn == rem_white(name.replace('-', '')): self.sgrp_nr = int(nr) if len(self.sgrp_name.split(':')) > 1: self.sgrp_suf = ':' + self.sgrp_name.split(':')[1] elif hasattr(self, 'sgrp_setting'): self.sgrp_suf = ':%d' % self.sgrp_setting if not hasattr(self, 'sgrp_suf'): if hasattr(self, 'sgrp_nr'): self.sgrp_suf = sgl.get_possible_sgrp_suf(self.sgrp_nr) else: self.sgrp_suf = '' if isinstance(self.sgrp_suf, str): suffixes = [self.sgrp_suf, ] else: suffixes = copy.copy(self.sgrp_suf) for sgrp_suf in suffixes: self.sgrp_suf = sgrp_suf if hasattr(self, 'sgrp_nr'): self.sgrp = str(self.sgrp_nr) + self.sgrp_suf allwyckp = wyckpos.wp[self.sgrp] if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(f'XU.materials: trying space group {self.sgrp}') # determine all unique positions for definition of a P1 space group symops = self.symops if not symops and hasattr(self, 'sgrp') and self.atoms: label = sorted(allwyckp, key=lambda s: int(s[:-1])) symops = allwyckp[label[-1]][1] if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print('XU.materials: no symmetry operations in CIF-Dataset' '; using built in general positions.') self.unique_positions = [] for el, (x, y, z), occ, biso in self.atoms: unique_pos = set() for symop in symops: pos = eval(symop, {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}) pos = numpy.asarray(pos) # check that position is within unit cell pos = pos - numpy.round(pos, self.digits) // 1 unique_pos.add(tuple(numpy.round(pos, self.digits))) self.unique_positions.append((el, unique_pos, occ, biso)) # determine Wyckoff positions and free parameters of unit cell if hasattr(self, 'sgrp'): self.wp = [] self.occ = [] self.elements = [] self.biso = [] keys = list(allwyckp) wpn = [int(re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z])", r"", k)) for k in keys] for i, (el, (x, y, z), occ, biso) in enumerate(self.atoms): # candidate positions from number of unique atoms natoms = len(self.unique_positions[i][1]) wpcand = [] for j, n in enumerate(wpn): if n == natoms: wpcand.append((keys[j], allwyckp[keys[j]])) for j, (k, wp) in enumerate( sorted(wpcand, key=operator.itemgetter(1))): parint, poslist, _ = wp for positem in poslist: foundwp, xyz = sgl.testwp(parint, positem, (x, y, z), self.digits) if foundwp: if xyz is None: self.wp.append(k) else: self.wp.append((k, xyz)) self.elements.append(el) self.occ.append(occ) self.biso.append(biso) break if foundwp: break if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(f"XU.materials: {len(self.wp):d} of " f"{len(self.atoms):d} Wyckoff positions identified") if len(self.wp) < len(self.atoms): print(f"XU.materials: space group {self.sgrp} seems " "not to fit") # free unit cell parameters self.crystal_system, _ = sgl.sgrp_sym[self.sgrp_nr] self.crystal_system += self.sgrp_suf self.uc_params = [] p2i = {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'alpha': 0, 'beta': 1, 'gamma': 2} for pname in sgl.sgrp_params[self.crystal_system][0]: if pname in ('a', 'b', 'c'): self.uc_params.append(self.lattice_const[p2i[pname]]) if pname in ('alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'): self.uc_params.append(self.lattice_angles[p2i[pname]]) if len(self.wp) == len(self.atoms): if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print("XU.materials: identified space group as " f"{self.sgrp}") break
[docs] def SGLattice(self, use_p1=False): """ create a SGLattice object with the structure from the CIF file """ if not use_p1: if hasattr(self, 'sgrp'): if len(self.wp) == len(self.atoms): return sgl.SGLattice(self.sgrp, *self.uc_params, atoms=self.elements, pos=self.wp, occ=self.occ, b=self.biso) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print('XU.materials: Wyckoff positions missing, ' 'using P1') else: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print('XU.materials: space-group detection failed, ' 'using P1') atomdict = {'atoms': [], 'pos': [], 'occ': [], 'b': []} for element, positions, o, b in self.unique_positions: for p in positions: atomdict['atoms'].append(element) atomdict['pos'].append(('1a', p)) atomdict['occ'].append(o) atomdict['b'].append(b) return sgl.SGLattice(1, *itertools.chain(self.lattice_const, self.lattice_angles), **atomdict)
def __str__(self): """ returns a string with positions and names of the atoms """ ostr = "" ostr += "unit cell structure:" if hasattr(self, 'sgrp'): ostr += " %s %s %s\n" % (self.sgrp, self.crystal_system, getattr(self, 'sgrp_name', '')) else: ostr += "\n" ostr += "a: %8.4f b: %8.4f c: %8.4f\n" % tuple(self.lattice_const) ostr += "alpha: %6.2f beta: %6.2f gamma: %6.2f\n" % tuple( self.lattice_angles) if self.unique_positions: ostr += "Unique atom positions in unit cell\n" for atom in self.unique_positions: ostr += atom[0].name + " (%d): \n" % atom[0].num for pos in atom[1]: ostr += str(numpy.round(pos, self.digits)) + "\n" return ostr
[docs] def cifexport(filename, mat): """ function to export a Crystal instance to CIF file. This in particular includes the atomic coordinates, however, ignores for example the elastic parameters. """ def unique_label(basename, names): num = 1 name = f'{basename}{num:d}' while name in names: num += 1 name = f'{basename}{num:d}' return name general = """data_global _chemical_formula_sum '{chemsum}' _cell_length_a {a:.5f} _cell_length_b {b:.5f} _cell_length_c {c:.5f} _cell_angle_alpha {alpha:.4f} _cell_angle_beta {beta:.4f} _cell_angle_gamma {gamma:.4f} _cell_volume {vol:.3f} _space_group_crystal_system {csystem} _space_group_IT_number {sgrpnr} _space_group_name_H-M_alt '{hmsymb}' """ csystem = mat.lattice.crystal_system if len(mat.lattice.space_group_suf) > 0: csystem = csystem[:-len(mat.lattice.space_group_suf)] ctxt = general.format(chemsum=mat.chemical_composition(with_spaces=True), a=mat.a, b=mat.b, c=mat.c, alpha=mat.alpha, beta=mat.beta, gamma=mat.gamma, vol=mat.lattice.UnitCellVolume(), csystem=csystem, sgrpnr=mat.lattice.space_group_nr, sgrpsuf = mat.lattice.space_group_suf[1:] if sgrpsuf: ctxt += f'_symmetry_cell_setting {sgrpsuf}\n' symloop = """ loop_ _space_group_symop_operation_xyz """ for symop in mat.lattice.symops: symloop += "'" + + "'\n" atomloop = """ loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity _atom_site_Wyckoff_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_B_iso_or_equiv """ nidx = 0 allatoms = list(mat.lattice.base()) names = [] for at, pos, occ, b in mat.lattice._wbase: wm, wl, _ = re.split('([a-z])', pos[0]) nsite = int(wm) x, y, z = allatoms[nidx][1] names.append(unique_label(, names)) atomloop += '%s %s %d %c %.5f %.5f %.5f %.4f %.4f\n' % ( names[-1],, nsite, wl, x, y, z, occ, b) nidx += nsite with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(ctxt) f.write(symloop) f.write(atomloop)