# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2023 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner@gmail.com>
import numbers
from math import sqrt
import lmfit
import numpy
from scipy import interpolate
from .. import utilities
from .powder import PowderDiffraction
from .smaterials import PowderList
class PowderModel:
Class to help with powder calculations for multiple materials. For basic
calculations the Powder class together with the Fundamental parameters
approach is used.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
constructor for a powder model. The arguments consist of a PowderList
or individual Powder(s). Optional parameters are specified in the
keyword arguments.
args : PowderList or Powders
either one PowderList or several Powder objects can be given
kwargs : dict
optional parameters for the simulation. supported are:
fpclass : FP_profile, optional
derived class with possible convolver mixins. (default:
fpsettings : dict
settings dictionaries for the convolvers. Default settings are
loaded from the config file.
I0 : float, optional
scaling factor for the simulation result
- After the end-of-use it is advisable to call the `close()` method
to cleanup the multiprocessing calculation!
- In particular interesting keys in the fpsettings dictionary are
listed in the following. Note that this a short excerpt of the full
- 'displacement'-dictionary with keys:
- 'specimen_displacement': sample's z-displacement from the
rotation center
- 'zero_error_deg': zero error of the 2theta angle
- 'absorption'-dictionary with keys:
- 'sample_thickness': sample thickness (m),
- 'absorption_coefficient': sample's absorption (m^-1)
- 'axial'-dictionary with keys:
- 'length_sample': sample length in the axial direction (m)
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], PowderList):
self.materials = args[0]
self.materials = PowderList(f'{self.__class__.__name__} List',
self.I0 = kwargs.pop('I0', 1.0)
self.pdiff = []
kwargs['enable_simulation'] = True
for mat in self.materials:
self.pdiff.append(PowderDiffraction(mat, **kwargs))
# default background
self._bckg_type = 'polynomial'
self._bckg_pol = [0, ]
def set_parameters(self, params):
set simulation parameters of all subobjects
params : dict
settings dictionaries for the convolvers.
# set parameters for each convolver
for pd in self.pdiff:
def set_lmfit_parameters(self, lmparams):
function to update the settings of this class during an least squares
lmparams : lmfit.Parameters
lmfit Parameters list of sample and instrument parameters
pv = lmparams.valuesdict()
settings = dict()
h = list(self.pdiff[0].data)[0]
fp = self.pdiff[0].data[h]['conv'].convolvers
for conv in fp:
name = conv[5:]
settings[name] = dict()
self.I0 = pv.pop('primary_beam_intensity', 1)
set_splbkg = False
spliney = {}
for p in pv:
if p.startswith('phase_'): # sample phase parameters
midx = 0
for i, name in enumerate(self.materials.namelist):
if p.find(name) > 0:
midx = i
name = self.materials.namelist[midx]
attrname = p[p.find(name) + len(name) + 1:]
setattr(self.materials[midx], attrname, pv[p])
elif p.startswith('background_coeff'):
self._bckg_pol[int(p.split('_')[-1])] = pv[p]
elif p.startswith('background_spl_coeff'):
set_splbkg = True
spliney[int(p.split('_')[-1])] = pv[p]
else: # instrument parameters
for k in settings:
if p.startswith(k):
slist = p[len(k) + 1:].split('_')
if len(slist) > 2 and slist[-2] == 'item':
name = '_'.join(slist[:-2])
if slist[-1] == '0':
settings[k][name] = []
name = p[len(k) + 1:]
settings[k][name] = pv[p]
if set_splbkg:
self._bckg_spline = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
[spliney[k] for k in sorted(spliney)], ext=0)
def create_fitparameters(self):
function to create a fit model with all instrument and sample
params = lmfit.Parameters()
# sample phase parameters
for mat, name in zip(self.materials, self.materials.namelist):
for k in mat.__dict__:
attr = getattr(mat, k)
if isinstance(attr, numbers.Number):
params.add('_'.join(('phase', name, k)), value=attr,
# instrument parameters
settings = self.pdiff[0].settings
for pg in settings:
for p in settings[pg]:
val = settings[pg][p]
if p == 'dominant_wavelength' and pg == 'global':
# wavelength must be fit using emission_emiss_wavelength
if isinstance(val, numbers.Number):
params.add('_'.join((pg, p)), value=val, vary=False)
elif isinstance(val, (numpy.ndarray, tuple, list)):
for j, item in enumerate(val):
params.add('_'.join((pg, p, 'item_%d' % j)),
value=item, vary=False)
# other global parameters
params.add('primary_beam_intensity', value=self.I0, vary=False)
if self._bckg_type == 'polynomial':
for i, coeff in enumerate(self._bckg_pol):
params.add('background_coeff_%d' % i, value=coeff, vary=False)
elif self._bckg_type == 'spline':
for i, coeff in enumerate(self._bckg_spline._data[1]):
params.add('background_spl_coeff_%d' % i, value=coeff,
return params
def set_background(self, btype, **kwargs):
define background as spline or polynomial function
btype : {polynomial', 'spline'}
background type; Depending on this
value the expected keyword arguments differ.
kwargs : dict
optional keyword arguments
x : array-like, optional
x-values (twotheta) of the background points (if btype='spline')
y : array-like, optional
intensity values of the background (if btype='spline')
p : array-like, optional
polynomial coefficients from the highest degree to the constant
term. len of p decides about the degree of the polynomial (if
if btype == 'spline':
self._bckg_spline = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
kwargs.get('x'), kwargs.get('y'), ext=0)
elif btype == 'polynomial':
self._bckg_pol = list(kwargs.get('p'))
raise ValueError("btype must be either 'spline' or 'polynomial'")
self._bckg_type = btype
def simulate(self, twotheta, **kwargs):
calculate the powder diffraction pattern of all materials and sum the
results based on the relative volume of the materials.
twotheta : array-like
positions at which the powder pattern should be evaluated
kwargs : dict
optional keyword arguments
background : array-like
an array of background values (same shape as twotheta) if no
background is given then the background is calculated as previously
set by the set_background function or is 0.
further keyword arguments are passed to the Convolve function of of the
PowderDiffraction objects
summed powder diffraction intensity of all materials present in the
inte = numpy.zeros_like(twotheta)
background = kwargs.pop('background', None)
if background is None:
if self._bckg_type == 'spline':
background = self._bckg_spline(twotheta)
background = numpy.polyval(self._bckg_pol, twotheta)
totalvol = sum(pd.mat.volume for pd in self.pdiff)
for pd in self.pdiff:
inte += pd.Calculate(twotheta, **kwargs) * pd.mat.volume / totalvol
return self.I0 * inte + background
def fit(self, params, twotheta, data, std=None, maxfev=200):
make least squares fit with parameters supplied by the user
params : lmfit.Parameters
object with all parameters set as intended by the user
twotheta : array-like
angular values for the fit
data : array-like
experimental intensities for the fit
std : array-like
standard deviation of the experimental data. if 'None' the sqrt of
the data will be used
maxfev: int
maximal number of simulations during the least squares refinement
def residual(pars, tt, data, weight):
residual function for lmfit Minimizer routine
pars : lmfit.Parameters
fit Parameters
tt : array-like
array of twotheta angles
data : array-like
experimental data, same shape as tt
eps : array-like
experimental error bars, shape as tt
# set parameters in this instance
# run simulation
model = self.simulate(tt)
return (model - data) * weight
if std is None:
weight = numpy.reciprocal(numpy.sqrt(data))
weight = numpy.reciprocal(std)
weight[numpy.isinf(weight)] = 1
self.minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, params,
fcn_args=(twotheta, data, weight))
fitres = self.minimizer.minimize(max_nfev=maxfev)
return fitres
def plot(self, twotheta, showlines=True, label='simulation', color=None,
formatspec='-', lcolors=None, ax=None, **kwargs):
plot the powder diffraction pattern and indicate line positions for all
components in the model.
twotheta : array-like
positions at which the powder pattern should be evaluated
showlines : bool, optional
flag to decide if peak positions of the components will be shown on
the top of the plot
label : str
line label in the plot
color : matplotlib color or None
the color used for the line plot of the simulation
formatspec : str
format specifier of the simulation curve
lcolors : list of matplotlib colors
colors for the line indicators for the various components
ax : matplotlib.axes or None
axes object to be used for plotting, if its given no axes
decoration like labels are set.
Further keyword arguments are passed to the simulate method.
matplotlib.axes object or None if matplotlib is not available
plot, plt = utilities.import_matplotlib_pyplot('XU.simpack')
if not plot:
return None
if ax is None:
fig, iax = plt.subplots()
iax.set_xlabel(r"$2\theta$ (°)")
iax.set_xlim(twotheta.min(), twotheta.max())
fig = ax.figure
iax = ax
plotkwargs = dict(label=label)
if color is not None:
plotkwargs['color'] = color
iax.plot(twotheta, self.simulate(twotheta, **kwargs), formatspec,
if showlines:
from matplotlib.colors import is_color_like
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
divider = make_axes_locatable(iax)
taxlist = []
lineslist = []
annotlist = []
settings = self.pdiff[0].settings
wavelengths = settings['emission']['emiss_wavelengths']
intensities = settings['emission']['emiss_intensities']
for i, pd in enumerate(self.pdiff):
tax = divider.append_axes("top", size="6%", pad=0.05,
if lcolors:
c = lcolors[i % len(lcolors)]
elif len(self.pdiff) == 1:
if is_color_like(color):
c = color
elif is_color_like(formatspec[-1]):
c = formatspec[-1]
c = 'C0'
c = f'C{i}'
lw = 2
wllist = []
for wl, inte in zip(wavelengths, intensities):
q = [pd.data[h]['qpos'] for h in pd.data]
tt = pd.Q2Ang(q, wl=1e10*wl)*2
lw *= inte
lines = tax.vlines(tt, 0, 1, colors=c, linewidth=lw)
plt.setp(tax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.setp(tax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.setp(tax.get_yticklines(), visible=False)
annot = tax.annotate(
"", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(20, 0), textcoords="offset points",
bbox=dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.1", fc="w", alpha=0.8),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), fontsize='x-small')
# next line important to avoid zorder issues
def update_annot(pd, annot, lines, ind):
h = list(pd.data)[ind]
x = 2*pd.data[h]['ang']
y = 0.5
annot.xy = (x, y)
text = f"{pd.mat.name}: {h[0]} {h[1]} {h[2]}"
def hover(event):
for pd, tax, annot, wllist in zip(self.pdiff, taxlist,
annotlist, lineslist):
vis = annot.get_visible()
if event.inaxes == tax:
for lines in wllist:
cont, ind = lines.contains(event)
if cont:
update_annot(pd, annot, lines, ind['ind'][0])
if vis:
def click(event):
for pd, tax, _, wllist in zip(self.pdiff, taxlist,
annotlist, lineslist):
if event.inaxes == tax:
for lines in wllist:
cont, ind = lines.contains(event)
if cont:
h = list(pd.data)[ind['ind'][0]]
text = (f'{pd.mat.name}: {h[0]} {h[1]} {h[2]};'
f' 2Theta = ')
for wl in wavelengths:
tt = 2 * pd.Q2Ang(pd.data[h]['qpos'],
text += f'{tt:.4f}°, '
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", click)
if ax is None:
return iax
def close(self):
for pd in self.pdiff:
def __str__(self):
string representation of the PowderModel
ostr = "PowderModel {\n"
ostr += f"I0: {self.I0:f}\n"
ostr += str(self.materials)
ostr += "}"
return ostr
def Rietveld_error_metrics(exp, sim, weight=None, std=None,
Nvar=0, disp=False):
calculates common error metrics for Rietveld refinement.
exp : array-like
experimental datapoints
sim : array-like
simulated data
weight : array-like, optional
weight factor in the least squares sum. If it is None the weight is
estimated from the counting statistics of 'exp'
std : array-like, optional
standard deviation of the experimental data. alternative way of
specifying the weight factor. when both are given weight overwrites
Nvar : int, optional
number of variables in the refinement
disp : bool, optional
flag to tell if a line with the calculated values should be printed.
M, Rp, Rwp, Rwpexp, chi2: float
if weight is None and std is None:
weight = numpy.reciprocal(exp)
elif weight is None:
weight = numpy.reciprocal(std**2)
weight[numpy.isinf(weight)] = 1
M = numpy.sum((exp - sim)**2 * weight)
Rp = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(exp - sim))/numpy.sum(exp)
Rwp = sqrt(M / numpy.sum(weight * exp**2))
chi2 = M / (len(exp) - Nvar)
Rwpexp = Rwp / sqrt(chi2)
if disp:
print(f"Rp={Rp:.4f} Rwp={Rwp:.4f} Rwpexp={Rwpexp:.4f} chi2={chi2:.4f}")
return M, Rp, Rwp, Rwpexp, chi2
def plot_powder(twotheta, exp, sim, mask=None, scale='sqrt', fig='XU:powder',
show_diff=True, show_legend=True, labelexp='experiment',
labelsim='simulation', formatexp='.-k', formatsim='-r'):
Convenience function to plot the comparison between experimental and
simulated powder diffraction data
twotheta : array-like
angle values used for the x-axis of the plot (deg)
exp : array-like
experimental data (same shape as twotheta). If None only the simulation
and no difference will be plotted
sim : array-like or PowderModel
simulated data or PowderModel instance. If a PowderModel instance is
given the plot-method of PowderModel is used.
mask : array-like, optional
mask to reduce the twotheta values to the be used as x-coordinates of
scale : {'linear', 'sqrt', 'log'}, optional
string specifying the scale of the y-axis.
fig : str or int, optional
matplotlib figure name (figure will be cleared!)
show_diff : bool, optional
flag to specify if a difference curve should be shown
show_legend: bool, optional
flag to specify if a legend should be shown
labelexp : str
plot label (legend entry) for the experimental data
labelsim : str
plot label for the simulation data
formatexp : str
format specifier for the experimental data
formatsim : str
format specifier for the simulation curve
List of lines in the plot. Empty list in case matplotlib can't be imported
plot, plt = utilities.import_matplotlib_pyplot('XU.simpack')
if not plot:
return []
if scale == 'sqrt':
from ..mpl_helper import SqrtAllowNegScale # noqa: F401
f = plt.figure(fig, figsize=(10, 7))
ax = plt.subplot(111)
if exp is not None:
ax.plot(twotheta, exp, formatexp, label=labelexp)
if mask is None:
mask = numpy.ones_like(twotheta, dtype=bool)
if isinstance(sim, PowderModel):
simdata = sim.simulate(twotheta[mask])
sim.plot(twotheta[mask], label=labelsim, formatspec=formatsim, ax=ax)
simdata = sim
ax.plot(twotheta[mask], simdata, formatsim, label=labelsim)
if show_diff and exp is not None:
# plot error between simulation and experiment
ax.plot(twotheta[mask], exp[mask]-simdata, '.-', color='0.5',
ax.set_xlabel('2Theta (deg)')
lines = ax.get_lines()
if show_legend:
plt.figlegend(lines, [line.get_label() for line in lines],
loc='upper right', frameon=True)
return lines