Source code for xrayutilities.simpack.powdermodel

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2023 Dominik Kriegner <>

import numbers
from math import sqrt

import lmfit
import numpy
from scipy import interpolate

from .. import utilities
from .powder import PowderDiffraction
from .smaterials import PowderList

[docs] class PowderModel: """ Class to help with powder calculations for multiple materials. For basic calculations the Powder class together with the Fundamental parameters approach is used. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ constructor for a powder model. The arguments consist of a PowderList or individual Powder(s). Optional parameters are specified in the keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- args : PowderList or Powders either one PowderList or several Powder objects can be given kwargs : dict optional parameters for the simulation. supported are: fpclass : FP_profile, optional derived class with possible convolver mixins. (default: FP_profile) fpsettings : dict settings dictionaries for the convolvers. Default settings are loaded from the config file. I0 : float, optional scaling factor for the simulation result Notes ----- - After the end-of-use it is advisable to call the `close()` method to cleanup the multiprocessing calculation! - In particular interesting keys in the fpsettings dictionary are listed in the following. Note that this a short excerpt of the full functionality: - 'displacement'-dictionary with keys: - 'specimen_displacement': sample's z-displacement from the rotation center - 'zero_error_deg': zero error of the 2theta angle - 'absorption'-dictionary with keys: - 'sample_thickness': sample thickness (m), - 'absorption_coefficient': sample's absorption (m^-1) - 'axial'-dictionary with keys: - 'length_sample': sample length in the axial direction (m) """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], PowderList): self.materials = args[0] else: self.materials = PowderList(f'{self.__class__.__name__} List', *args) self.I0 = kwargs.pop('I0', 1.0) self.pdiff = [] kwargs['enable_simulation'] = True for mat in self.materials: self.pdiff.append(PowderDiffraction(mat, **kwargs)) # default background self._bckg_type = 'polynomial' self._bckg_pol = [0, ]
[docs] def set_parameters(self, params): """ set simulation parameters of all subobjects Parameters ---------- params : dict settings dictionaries for the convolvers. """ # set parameters for each convolver for pd in self.pdiff: pd.update_settings(params)
[docs] def set_lmfit_parameters(self, lmparams): """ function to update the settings of this class during an least squares fit Parameters ---------- lmparams : lmfit.Parameters lmfit Parameters list of sample and instrument parameters """ pv = lmparams.valuesdict() settings = dict() h = list(self.pdiff[0].data)[0] fp = self.pdiff[0].data[h]['conv'].convolvers for conv in fp: name = conv[5:] settings[name] = dict() self.I0 = pv.pop('primary_beam_intensity', 1) set_splbkg = False spliney = {} for p in pv: if p.startswith('phase_'): # sample phase parameters midx = 0 for i, name in enumerate(self.materials.namelist): if p.find(name) > 0: midx = i name = self.materials.namelist[midx] attrname = p[p.find(name) + len(name) + 1:] setattr(self.materials[midx], attrname, pv[p]) elif p.startswith('background_coeff'): self._bckg_pol[int(p.split('_')[-1])] = pv[p] elif p.startswith('background_spl_coeff'): set_splbkg = True spliney[int(p.split('_')[-1])] = pv[p] else: # instrument parameters for k in settings: if p.startswith(k): slist = p[len(k) + 1:].split('_') if len(slist) > 2 and slist[-2] == 'item': name = '_'.join(slist[:-2]) if slist[-1] == '0': settings[k][name] = [] settings[k][name].append(pv[p]) else: name = p[len(k) + 1:] settings[k][name] = pv[p] break if set_splbkg: self._bckg_spline = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( self._bckg_spline._data[0], [spliney[k] for k in sorted(spliney)], ext=0) self.set_parameters(settings)
[docs] def create_fitparameters(self): """ function to create a fit model with all instrument and sample parameters. Returns ------- lmfit.Parameters """ params = lmfit.Parameters() # sample phase parameters for mat, name in zip(self.materials, self.materials.namelist): for k in mat.__dict__: attr = getattr(mat, k) if isinstance(attr, numbers.Number): params.add('_'.join(('phase', name, k)), value=attr, vary=False) # instrument parameters settings = self.pdiff[0].settings for pg in settings: for p in settings[pg]: val = settings[pg][p] if p == 'dominant_wavelength' and pg == 'global': # wavelength must be fit using emission_emiss_wavelength continue if isinstance(val, numbers.Number): params.add('_'.join((pg, p)), value=val, vary=False) elif isinstance(val, (numpy.ndarray, tuple, list)): for j, item in enumerate(val): params.add('_'.join((pg, p, 'item_%d' % j)), value=item, vary=False) # other global parameters params.add('primary_beam_intensity', value=self.I0, vary=False) if self._bckg_type == 'polynomial': for i, coeff in enumerate(self._bckg_pol): params.add('background_coeff_%d' % i, value=coeff, vary=False) elif self._bckg_type == 'spline': for i, coeff in enumerate(self._bckg_spline._data[1]): params.add('background_spl_coeff_%d' % i, value=coeff, vary=False) return params
[docs] def set_background(self, btype, **kwargs): """ define background as spline or polynomial function Parameters ---------- btype : {polynomial', 'spline'} background type; Depending on this value the expected keyword arguments differ. kwargs : dict optional keyword arguments x : array-like, optional x-values (twotheta) of the background points (if btype='spline') y : array-like, optional intensity values of the background (if btype='spline') p : array-like, optional polynomial coefficients from the highest degree to the constant term. len of p decides about the degree of the polynomial (if btype='polynomial') """ if btype == 'spline': self._bckg_spline = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( kwargs.get('x'), kwargs.get('y'), ext=0) elif btype == 'polynomial': self._bckg_pol = list(kwargs.get('p')) else: raise ValueError("btype must be either 'spline' or 'polynomial'") self._bckg_type = btype
[docs] def simulate(self, twotheta, **kwargs): """ calculate the powder diffraction pattern of all materials and sum the results based on the relative volume of the materials. Parameters ---------- twotheta : array-like positions at which the powder pattern should be evaluated kwargs : dict optional keyword arguments background : array-like an array of background values (same shape as twotheta) if no background is given then the background is calculated as previously set by the set_background function or is 0. further keyword arguments are passed to the Convolve function of of the PowderDiffraction objects Returns ------- array-like summed powder diffraction intensity of all materials present in the model """ inte = numpy.zeros_like(twotheta) background = kwargs.pop('background', None) if background is None: if self._bckg_type == 'spline': background = self._bckg_spline(twotheta) else: background = numpy.polyval(self._bckg_pol, twotheta) totalvol = sum(pd.mat.volume for pd in self.pdiff) for pd in self.pdiff: inte += pd.Calculate(twotheta, **kwargs) * pd.mat.volume / totalvol return self.I0 * inte + background
[docs] def fit(self, params, twotheta, data, std=None, maxfev=200): """ make least squares fit with parameters supplied by the user Parameters ---------- params : lmfit.Parameters object with all parameters set as intended by the user twotheta : array-like angular values for the fit data : array-like experimental intensities for the fit std : array-like standard deviation of the experimental data. if 'None' the sqrt of the data will be used maxfev: int maximal number of simulations during the least squares refinement Returns ------- lmfit.MinimizerResult """ def residual(pars, tt, data, weight): """ residual function for lmfit Minimizer routine Parameters ---------- pars : lmfit.Parameters fit Parameters tt : array-like array of twotheta angles data : array-like experimental data, same shape as tt eps : array-like experimental error bars, shape as tt """ # set parameters in this instance self.set_lmfit_parameters(pars) # run simulation model = self.simulate(tt) return (model - data) * weight if std is None: weight = numpy.reciprocal(numpy.sqrt(data)) else: weight = numpy.reciprocal(std) weight[numpy.isinf(weight)] = 1 self.minimizer = lmfit.Minimizer(residual, params, fcn_args=(twotheta, data, weight)) fitres = self.minimizer.minimize(max_nfev=maxfev) self.set_lmfit_parameters(fitres.params) return fitres
[docs] def plot(self, twotheta, showlines=True, label='simulation', color=None, formatspec='-', lcolors=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """ plot the powder diffraction pattern and indicate line positions for all components in the model. Parameters ---------- twotheta : array-like positions at which the powder pattern should be evaluated showlines : bool, optional flag to decide if peak positions of the components will be shown on the top of the plot label : str line label in the plot color : matplotlib color or None the color used for the line plot of the simulation formatspec : str format specifier of the simulation curve lcolors : list of matplotlib colors colors for the line indicators for the various components ax : matplotlib.axes or None axes object to be used for plotting, if its given no axes decoration like labels are set. Further keyword arguments are passed to the simulate method. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes object or None if matplotlib is not available """ plot, plt = utilities.import_matplotlib_pyplot('XU.simpack') if not plot: return None if ax is None: fig, iax = plt.subplots() iax.set_xlabel(r"$2\theta$ (°)") iax.set_ylabel(r"Intensity") iax.set_xlim(twotheta.min(), twotheta.max()) else: fig = ax.figure iax = ax plotkwargs = dict(label=label) if color is not None: plotkwargs['color'] = color iax.plot(twotheta, self.simulate(twotheta, **kwargs), formatspec, **plotkwargs) if showlines: from matplotlib.colors import is_color_like from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable divider = make_axes_locatable(iax) taxlist = [] lineslist = [] annotlist = [] settings = self.pdiff[0].settings wavelengths = settings['emission']['emiss_wavelengths'] intensities = settings['emission']['emiss_intensities'] for i, pd in enumerate(self.pdiff): tax = divider.append_axes("top", size="6%", pad=0.05, sharex=iax) if lcolors: c = lcolors[i % len(lcolors)] elif len(self.pdiff) == 1: if is_color_like(color): c = color elif is_color_like(formatspec[-1]): c = formatspec[-1] else: c = 'C0' else: c = f'C{i}' lw = 2 wllist = [] for wl, inte in zip(wavelengths, intensities): q = [[h]['qpos'] for h in] tt = pd.Q2Ang(q, wl=1e10*wl)*2 lw *= inte lines = tax.vlines(tt, 0, 1, colors=c, linewidth=lw) wllist.append(lines) plt.setp(tax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(tax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(tax.get_yticklines(), visible=False) annot = tax.annotate( "", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(20, 0), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.1", fc="w", alpha=0.8), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), fontsize='x-small') annot.set_visible(False) # next line important to avoid zorder issues tax.figure.texts.append(tax.texts[-1]) taxlist.append(tax) lineslist.append(wllist) annotlist.append(annot) def update_annot(pd, annot, lines, ind): h = list([ind] x = 2*[h]['ang'] y = 0.5 annot.xy = (x, y) text = f"{}: {h[0]} {h[1]} {h[2]}" annot.set_text(text) annot.get_bbox_patch().set_edgecolor(lines.get_color()[0]) annot.set_zorder(10) def hover(event): for pd, tax, annot, wllist in zip(self.pdiff, taxlist, annotlist, lineslist): vis = annot.get_visible() if event.inaxes == tax: for lines in wllist: cont, ind = lines.contains(event) if cont: update_annot(pd, annot, lines, ind['ind'][0]) annot.set_visible(True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() return if vis: annot.set_visible(False) fig.canvas.draw_idle() return def click(event): for pd, tax, _, wllist in zip(self.pdiff, taxlist, annotlist, lineslist): if event.inaxes == tax: for lines in wllist: cont, ind = lines.contains(event) if cont: h = list([ind['ind'][0]] text = (f'{}: {h[0]} {h[1]} {h[2]};' f' 2Theta = ') for wl in wavelengths: tt = 2 * pd.Q2Ang([h]['qpos'], wl=1e10*wl) text += f'{tt:.4f}°, ' print(text[:-2]) return fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", click) if ax is None: fig.tight_layout() return iax
[docs] def close(self): for pd in self.pdiff: pd.close()
def __str__(self): """ string representation of the PowderModel """ ostr = "PowderModel {\n" ostr += f"I0: {self.I0:f}\n" ostr += str(self.materials) ostr += "}" return ostr
[docs] def Rietveld_error_metrics(exp, sim, weight=None, std=None, Nvar=0, disp=False): """ calculates common error metrics for Rietveld refinement. Parameters ---------- exp : array-like experimental datapoints sim : array-like simulated data weight : array-like, optional weight factor in the least squares sum. If it is None the weight is estimated from the counting statistics of 'exp' std : array-like, optional standard deviation of the experimental data. alternative way of specifying the weight factor. when both are given weight overwrites std! Nvar : int, optional number of variables in the refinement disp : bool, optional flag to tell if a line with the calculated values should be printed. Returns ------- M, Rp, Rwp, Rwpexp, chi2: float """ if weight is None and std is None: weight = numpy.reciprocal(exp) elif weight is None: weight = numpy.reciprocal(std**2) weight[numpy.isinf(weight)] = 1 M = numpy.sum((exp - sim)**2 * weight) Rp = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(exp - sim))/numpy.sum(exp) Rwp = sqrt(M / numpy.sum(weight * exp**2)) chi2 = M / (len(exp) - Nvar) Rwpexp = Rwp / sqrt(chi2) if disp: print(f"Rp={Rp:.4f} Rwp={Rwp:.4f} Rwpexp={Rwpexp:.4f} chi2={chi2:.4f}") return M, Rp, Rwp, Rwpexp, chi2
[docs] def plot_powder(twotheta, exp, sim, mask=None, scale='sqrt', fig='XU:powder', show_diff=True, show_legend=True, labelexp='experiment', labelsim='simulation', formatexp='.-k', formatsim='-r'): """ Convenience function to plot the comparison between experimental and simulated powder diffraction data Parameters ---------- twotheta : array-like angle values used for the x-axis of the plot (deg) exp : array-like experimental data (same shape as twotheta). If None only the simulation and no difference will be plotted sim : array-like or PowderModel simulated data or PowderModel instance. If a PowderModel instance is given the plot-method of PowderModel is used. mask : array-like, optional mask to reduce the twotheta values to the be used as x-coordinates of sim scale : {'linear', 'sqrt', 'log'}, optional string specifying the scale of the y-axis. fig : str or int, optional matplotlib figure name (figure will be cleared!) show_diff : bool, optional flag to specify if a difference curve should be shown show_legend: bool, optional flag to specify if a legend should be shown labelexp : str plot label (legend entry) for the experimental data labelsim : str plot label for the simulation data formatexp : str format specifier for the experimental data formatsim : str format specifier for the simulation curve Returns ------- List of lines in the plot. Empty list in case matplotlib can't be imported """ plot, plt = utilities.import_matplotlib_pyplot('XU.simpack') if not plot: return [] if scale == 'sqrt': from ..mpl_helper import SqrtAllowNegScale # noqa: F401 f = plt.figure(fig, figsize=(10, 7)) f.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) if exp is not None: ax.plot(twotheta, exp, formatexp, label=labelexp) if mask is None: mask = numpy.ones_like(twotheta, dtype=bool) if isinstance(sim, PowderModel): simdata = sim.simulate(twotheta[mask]) sim.plot(twotheta[mask], label=labelsim, formatspec=formatsim, ax=ax) else: simdata = sim ax.plot(twotheta[mask], simdata, formatsim, label=labelsim) if show_diff and exp is not None: # plot error between simulation and experiment ax.plot(twotheta[mask], exp[mask]-simdata, '.-', color='0.5', label='difference') ax.set_xlabel('2Theta (deg)') ax.set_ylabel('Intensity') lines = ax.get_lines() if show_legend: plt.figlegend(lines, [line.get_label() for line in lines], loc='upper right', frameon=True) ax.set_yscale(scale) f.tight_layout() return lines