Source code for xrayutilities.simpack.powder

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilies is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License and the additonal notes below for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Marcus H. Mendenhall <>
# Copyright (c) 2017-2023 Dominik Kriegner <>

# FP_profile was derived from

# Original copyright notice:
# @author Marcus H. Mendenhall (
# @date March, 2015
# The "Fundamental Parameters Python Code" ("software") is provided by the
# National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the
# United States Department of Commerce, as a public service.  This software is
# to be used for non-commercial research purposes only and is expressly
# provided "AS IS." Use of this software is subject to your acceptance of these
# terms and conditions.
# Software developed by NIST employees is not subject to copyright protection
# within the United States.  By using this software, creating derivative works
# or by incorporating this software into another product, you agree that you
# will use the software only for non-commercial research purposes and will
# indemnify and hold harmless the United States Government for any and all
# damages or liabilities that arise out of any use by you.
# changelog:
# 15 August, 2018 -- MHM
# fixed apparent error in flip of eps0 across twotheta=90 around line 681

This module contains the core definitions for the XRD Fundamental Parameneters
Model (FPA) computation in Python.  The main computational class is FP_profile,
which stores cached information to allow it to efficiently recompute profiles
when parameters have been modified.  For the user an Powder class is available
which can calculate a complete powder pattern of a crystalline material.

The diffractometer line profile functions are calculated by methods from Cheary
& Coelho 1998 and Mullen & Cline paper and 'R' package.  Accumulate all
convolutions in Fourier space, for efficiency, except for axial divergence,
which needs to be weighted in real space for I3 integral.

More details about the applied algorithms can be found in the paper by
M. H. Mendelhall et al., `Journal of Research of NIST 120, 223 (2015)
<>`_ to which you should also refer for a
careful definition of all the parameters

# Known bugs/problems:
# in the axial convolver the parameters slit_length_source can not be equal to
# slit_length_target!

# in this file SI units (m) are used for wavelengths, while by default angstrom
# are used in the remaining of the package

import atexit
import copy
import math
import multiprocessing
import numbers
import queue
import sys
import threading
import time
import warnings
from math import cos, pi, sin, sqrt, tan
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager

import numpy
from numpy import abs as nabs
from numpy import arcsin as nasin
from numpy import asarray
from numpy import cos as ncos
from numpy import sin as nsin
from numpy import sqrt as nsqrt
from scipy.special import sici  # for the sine and cosine integral

# package internal imports
from .. import config, materials, utilities
from ..experiment import PowderExperiment
from ..math import VecAngle
from .smaterials import Powder

# figure out which FFT package we have, and import it
    from pyfftw.interfaces import cache, numpy_fft

    # recorded variant of real fft that we will use
    best_rfft = numpy_fft.rfft
    # recorded variant of inverse real fft that we will use
    best_irfft = numpy_fft.irfft
except ImportError:
    best_rfft = numpy.fft.rfft
    best_irfft = numpy.fft.irfft

# create a table of nice factorizations for the FFT package
# this is built once, and shared by all instances
# fftw can handle a variety of transform factorizations
# numpy fft is not too efficient for things other than a power of two,
# although my own measurements says it really does fine.  For now, leave
# all factors available
ft_factors = [
    2*2**i*3**j*5**k for i in range(20) for j in range(10) for k in range(8)
    if 2*2**i*3**j*5**k <= 1000000

ft_factors = numpy.array(ft_factors, int)

# used for debugging moments from FP_profile.axial_helper().
moment_list = []
# if this is *True*, compute and save moment errors
collect_moment_errors = False

[docs] class profile_data: """ a skeleton class which makes a combined dict and namespace interface for easy pickling and data passing """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ initialize the class Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict keyword=value list to pre-populate the class """ mydict = {} mydict.update(kwargs) for k, v in mydict.items(): setattr(self, k, v) # a dictionary which shadows our attributes. self.dictionary = mydict
[docs] def add_symbol(self, **kwargs): """ add new symbols to both the attributes and dictionary for the class Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict keyword=value pairs """ self.dictionary.update(kwargs) for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] class FP_profile: """ the main fundamental parameters class, which handles a single reflection. This class is designed to be highly extensible by inheriting new convolvers. When it is initialized, it scans its namespace for specially formatted names, which can come from mixin classes. If it finds a function name of the form conv_xxx, it will call this funtion to create a convolver. If it finds a name of the form info_xxx it will associate the dictionary with that convolver, which can be used in UI generation, for example. The class, as it stands, does nothing significant with it. If it finds str_xxx, it will use that function to format a printout of the current state of the convolver conv_xxx, to allow improved report generation for convolvers. When it is asked to generate a profile, it calls all known convolvers. Each convolver returns the Fourier transform of its convolvution. The transforms are multiplied together, inverse transformed, and after fixing the periodicity issue, subsampled, smoothed and returned. If a convolver returns *None*, it is not multipled into the product. Parameters ---------- max_history_length : int the number of histories to cache (default=5); can be overridden if memory is an issue. length_scale_m : float length_scale_m sets scaling for nice printing of parameters. if the units are in mm everywhere, set it to 0.001, e.g. convolvers which implement their own str_xxx method may use this to format their results, especially if 'natural' units are not meters. Typical is wavelengths and lattices in nm or angstroms, for example. """ max_history_length = 5 # max number of histories for each convolver length_scale_m = 1.0 # class attribute to tell if convolvers in this class # contain anisotropic convolvers isotropic = True
[docs] def __init__(self, anglemode, gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma=1.0, oversampling=10): """ initialize the instance Parameters ---------- anglemode : {'d', 'twotheta'} if setup will be in terms of a d-spacing, otherwise 'twotheta' if setup will be at a fixed 2theta value. gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma : float the number of bins for post-smoothing of data. 1.0 is good. *None* means no final smoothing step. oversampling : int the number of bins internally which will get computed for each bin the the final result. """ if anglemode not in ("d", "twotheta"): raise Exception( f"invalid angle mode {anglemode}, must be 'd' or 'twotheta'") # set to either 'd' for d-spacing based position, or 'twotheta' for # angle-based position self.anglemode = anglemode # sigma, in units of bins, for the final smoother. self.gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma = gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma # the number of internal bins computed for each bin in the final # output. 5-10 is usually plenty. self.oversampling = oversampling # List of our convolvers, found by introspection of names beginning # with 'conv_' self.convolvers = convolvers = [ x for x in dir(self) if x.startswith("conv_")] # A dictionary which will store all the parameters local to each # convolution self.param_dicts = {c: {} for c in convolvers} # add global parameters, associated with no specific convolver # A dictionary of bound functions to call to compute convolutions self.convolver_funcs = {x: getattr(self, x) for x in convolvers} # If *True*, print cache hit information self.debug_cache = False # keep a record of things we don't keep when pickled self._clean_on_pickle = set()
[docs] @classmethod def isequivalent(cls, hkl1, hkl2, crystalsystem): """ function to determine if according to the convolvers included in this class two sets of Miller indices are equivalent. This function is only called when the class attribute 'isotropic' is False. Parameters ---------- hkl1, hkl2 : list or tuple Miller indices to be checked for equivalence crystalsystem : str symmetry class of the material which is considered Returns ------- bool """ return True
[docs] def get_function_name(self): """ return the name of the function that called this. Useful for convolvers to identify themselves Returns ------- str name of calling function """ return sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
[docs] def add_buffer(self, b): """ add a numpy array to the list of objects that can be thrown away on pickling. Parameters ---------- b : array-like the buffer to add to the list Returns ------- b : array-like return the same buffer, to make nesting easy. """ self._clean_on_pickle.add(id(b)) return b
[docs] def set_window(self, twotheta_window_center_deg, twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg, twotheta_output_points): """ move the compute window to a new location and compute grids, without resetting all parameters. Clears convolution history and sets up many arrays. Parameters ---------- twotheta_window_center_deg : float the center position of the middle bin of the window, in degrees twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg : float the full width of the window, in degrees twotheta_output_points : int the number of bins in the final output """ # the saved width of the window, in degrees self.twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg = twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg # the saved center of the window, in degrees self.twotheta_window_center_deg = twotheta_window_center_deg # the width of the window, in radians window_fullwidth = math.radians(twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg) self.window_fullwidth = window_fullwidth # the center of the window, in radians twotheta = math.radians(twotheta_window_center_deg) self.twotheta_window_center = twotheta # the number of points to compute in the final results self.twotheta_output_points = twotheta_output_points # the number of points in Fourier space to compute nn = self.oversampling * twotheta_output_points // 2 + 1 self.n_omega_points = nn # build all the arrays b = self.add_buffer # shortcut # a real-format scratch buffer self._rb1 = b(numpy.zeros(nn, float)) # a real-format scratch buffer self._rb2 = b(numpy.zeros(nn, float)) # a real-format scratch buffer self._rb3 = b(numpy.zeros(nn, float)) # a complex-format scratch buffer self._cb1 = b(numpy.zeros(nn, complex)) # a scratch buffer used by the axial helper self._f0buf = b(numpy.zeros(self.oversampling * twotheta_output_points, float)) # a scratch buffer used for axial divergence self._epsb2 = b(numpy.zeros(self.oversampling * twotheta_output_points, float)) # the I2+ buffer self._I2p = b(numpy.zeros(self.oversampling * twotheta_output_points, float)) # the I2- buffer self._I2m = b(numpy.zeros(self.oversampling * twotheta_output_points, float)) # another buffer used for axial divergence self._axial = b(numpy.zeros(self.oversampling * twotheta_output_points, float)) # the largest frequency in Fourier space omega_max = self.n_omega_points * 2 * pi / window_fullwidth # build the x grid and the complex array that is the convolver # omega is in inverse radians in twotheta space (!) # i.e. if a transform is written # I(ds) = integral(A(L) exp(2 pi i L ds) dL # where L is a real-space length, and s=2 sin(twotheta/2)/lambda # then ds=2*pi*omega*cos(twotheta/2)/lambda (double check this!) # The grid in Fourier space, in inverse radians self.omega_vals = b(numpy.linspace( 0, omega_max, self.n_omega_points, endpoint=True)) # The grid in Fourier space, in inverse degrees self.omega_inv_deg = b(numpy.radians(self.omega_vals)) # The grid in real space, in radians, with full oversampling self.twothetasamples = b(numpy.linspace( twotheta - window_fullwidth/2.0, twotheta + window_fullwidth/2.0, self.twotheta_output_points * self.oversampling, endpoint=False)) # The grid in real space, in degrees, with full oversampling self.twothetasamples_deg = b(numpy.linspace( twotheta_window_center_deg - twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg/2.0, twotheta_window_center_deg + twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg/2.0, self.twotheta_output_points * self.oversampling, endpoint=False)) # Offsets around the center of the window, in radians self.epsilon = b(self.twothetasamples - twotheta) # A dictionary in which we collect recent state for each convolution. # whenever the window gets reset, all of these get cleared self.convolution_history = {x: [] for x in self.convolvers} # A dictionary of Lorentz widths, used for de-periodizing the final # result. self.lor_widths = {}
[docs] def get_good_bin_count(self, count): """ find a bin count close to what we need, which works well for Fourier transforms. Parameters ---------- count : int a number of bins. Returns ------- int a bin count somewhat larger than *count* which is efficient for FFT """ return ft_factors[ft_factors.searchsorted(count)]
[docs] def set_optimized_window(self, twotheta_window_center_deg, twotheta_approx_window_fullwidth_deg, twotheta_exact_bin_spacing_deg): """ pick a bin count which factors cleanly for FFT, and adjust the window width to preserve the exact center and bin spacing Parameters ---------- twotheta_window_center_deg : float exact position of center bin, in degrees twotheta_approx_window_fullwidth_deg: float approximate desired width twotheta_exact_bin_spacing_deg: float the exact bin spacing to use """ bins = self.get_good_bin_count( int(1 + twotheta_approx_window_fullwidth_deg / twotheta_exact_bin_spacing_deg)) window_actwidth = twotheta_exact_bin_spacing_deg * bins self.set_window(twotheta_window_center_deg=twotheta_window_center_deg, twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg=window_actwidth, twotheta_output_points=bins)
[docs] def set_parameters(self, convolver="global", **kwargs): """ update the dictionary of parameters associated with the given convolver Parameters ---------- convolver : str the name of the convolver. name 'global', e.g., attaches to function 'conv_global' kwargs : dict keyword-value pairs to update the convolvers dictionary. """ self.param_dicts["conv_" + convolver].update(kwargs)
[docs] def get_conv(self, name, key, format=float): """ get a cached, pre-computed convolver associated with the given parameters, or a newly zeroed convolver if the cache doesn't contain it. Recycles old cache entries. This takes advantage of the mutability of arrays. When the contents of the array are changed by the convolver, the cached copy is implicitly updated, so that the next time this is called with the same parameters, it will return the previous array. Parameters ---------- name : str the name of the convolver to seek key : object any hashable object which identifies the parameters for the computation format : numpy.dtype, optional the type of the array to create, if one is not found. Returns ------- bool flag, which is *True* if valid data were found, or *False* if the returned array is zero, and *array*, which must be computed by the convolver if *flag* was *False*. """ # previous computed values as a list history = self.convolution_history[name] for idx, (k, b) in enumerate(history): if k == key: # move to front to mark recently used history.insert(0, history.pop(idx)) if self.debug_cache: print(name, True, file=sys.stderr) return True, b # True says we got a buffer with valid data if len(history) == self.max_history_length: buf = history.pop(-1)[1] # re-use oldest buffer buf[:] = 0 else: buf = numpy.zeros(self.n_omega_points, format) history.insert(0, (key, buf)) if self.debug_cache: print(name, False, file=sys.stderr) return False, buf # False says buffer is empty, need to recompute
[docs] def get_convolver_information(self): """ return a list of convolvers, and what we know about them. function scans for functions named conv_xxx, and associated info_xxx entries. Returns ------- list list of (convolver_xxx, info_xxx) pairs """ info_list = [] for k, f in self.convolver_funcs.items(): info = getattr(self, "info_" + k[5:], {}) info["docstring"] = f.__doc__ info_list.append((k, info)) return info_list
# A dictionary of default parameters for the global namespace, # used to seed a GUI which can harvest this for names, descriptions, and # initial values info_global = dict( group_name="Global parameters", help="this should be help information", param_info=dict( twotheta0_deg=("Bragg center of peak (degrees)", 30.0), d=("d spacing (m)", 4.00e-10), dominant_wavelength=( "wavelength of most intense line (m)", 1.5e-10) ) ) def __str__(self): """ return a nicely formatted report describing the current state of this class. this looks for an str_xxx function associated with each conv_xxx name. If it is found, that function if called to get the state of conv_xxx. Otherwise, this simply formats the dictionary of parameters for the convolver, and uses that. Returns ------- str string of formatted information """ keys = list(self.convolver_funcs) keys.sort() # always return info in the same order # global is always first, anyways! keys.insert(0, keys.pop(keys.index('conv_global'))) strings = ["", f"***convolver id 0x{id(self):08x}:"] for k in keys: strfn = "str_" + k[5:] if hasattr(self, strfn): strings.append(getattr(self, strfn)()) else: dd = self.param_dicts["conv_" + k[5:]] if dd: strings.append(k[5:] + ": " + str(dd)) return '\n'.join(strings)
[docs] def str_global(self): """ returns a string representation for the global context. Returns ------- str report on global parameters. """ # in case it's not initialized self.param_dicts["conv_global"].setdefault("d", 0) return "global: peak center=%(twotheta0_deg).4f, d=%(d).8g, eq. "\ "div=%(equatorial_divergence_deg).3f" \ % self.param_dicts["conv_global"]
[docs] def conv_global(self): """ a dummy convolver to hold global variables and information. the global context isn't really a convolver, returning *None* means ignore result Returns ------- *None* always returns None """ return None
[docs] def axial_helper(self, outerbound, innerbound, epsvals, destination, peakpos=0, y0=0, k=0): """ the function F0 from the paper. compute k/sqrt(peakpos-x)+y0 nonzero between outer & inner (inner is closer to peak) or k/sqrt(x-peakpos)+y0 if reversed (i.e. if outer > peak) fully evaluated on a specified eps grid, and stuff into destination Parameters ---------- outerbound : float the edge of the function farthest from the singularity, referenced to epsvals innerbound : float the edge closest to the singularity, referenced to epsvals epsvals : array-like the array of two-theta values or offsets destination : array-like an array into which final results are summed. modified in place! peakpos : float the position of the singularity, referenced to epsvals. y0 : float the constant offset k : float the scale factor Returns ------- lower_index, upper_index : int python style bounds for region of `destination` which has been modified. """ if k == 0: # nothing to do, point at the middle return len(epsvals) // 2, len(epsvals) // 2 + 1 # bin width for normalizer so sum(result*dx)=exact integral dx = epsvals[1] - epsvals[0] # flag for whether tail is to the left or right. flip = outerbound > peakpos delta1 = abs(innerbound - peakpos) delta2 = abs(outerbound - peakpos) # this is the analytic area the function must have, # integral(1/sqrt(eps0-eps)) from lower to upper exactintegral = 2 * k * (sqrt(delta2) - sqrt(delta1)) exactintegral += y0 * (delta2 - delta1) # exactintegral=max(0, exactintegral) # can never be < 0, beta out of # range. exactintegral *= 1 / dx # normalize so sum is right # compute the exact centroid we need for this if abs(delta2-delta1) < 1e-12: exact_moment1 = 0 else: exact_moment1 = ( # simplified from Mathematica FortranForm (4*k*(delta2**1.5-delta1**1.5) + 3*y0*(delta2**2-delta1**2)) / (6.*(2*k*(sqrt(delta2)-sqrt(delta1)) + y0*(delta2-delta1))) ) if not flip: exact_moment1 = -exact_moment1 exact_moment1 += peakpos # note: because of the way the search is done, this produces a result # with a bias of 1/2 channel to the left of where it should be. # this is fixed by shifting all the parameters up 1/2 channel outerbound += dx / 2 innerbound += dx / 2 peakpos += dx / 2 # fix 1/2 channel average bias from search # note: searchsorted(side="left") always returns the position of the # bin to the right of the match, or exact bin idx0, idx1 = epsvals.searchsorted( (outerbound, innerbound), side='left') # peak has been squeezed out, nothing to do if abs(outerbound - innerbound) < (2*dx) or abs(idx1 - idx0) < 2: # preserve the exact centroid: requires summing into two channels # for a peak this narrow, no attempt to preserve the width. # note that x1 (1-f1) + (x1+dx) f1 = mu has solution # (mu - x1) / dx = f1 thus, we want to sum into a channel that has # x1<mu by less than dx, and the one to its right # pick left edge and make sure we are past it idx0 = min(idx0, idx1) - 1 while exact_moment1 - epsvals[idx0] > dx: # normally only one step max, but make it a loop in case of # corner case idx0 += 1 f1 = (exact_moment1 - epsvals[idx0]) / dx res = (exactintegral * (1 - f1), exactintegral * f1) destination[idx0:idx0 + 2] += res if collect_moment_errors: centroid2 = (res * epsvals[idx0:idx0 + 2]).sum() / sum(res) moment_list.append((centroid2 - exact_moment1) / dx) return [idx0, idx0 + 2] # return collapsed bounds if not flip: if epsvals[idx0] != outerbound: idx0 = max(idx0 - 1, 0) idx1 = min(idx1 + 1, len(epsvals)) sign = 1 deps = self._f0buf[idx0:idx1] deps[:] = peakpos deps -= epsvals[idx0:idx1] deps[-1] = peakpos - min(innerbound, peakpos) deps[0] = peakpos - outerbound else: idx0, idx1 = idx1, idx0 if epsvals[idx0] != innerbound: idx0 = max(idx0 - 1, 0) idx1 = min(idx1 + 1, len(epsvals)) sign = -1 deps = self._f0buf[idx0:idx1] deps[:] = epsvals[idx0:idx1] deps -= peakpos deps[0] = max(innerbound, peakpos) - peakpos deps[-1] = outerbound - peakpos dx0 = abs(deps[1] - deps[0]) dx1 = abs(deps[-1] - deps[-2]) # make the numerics accurate: compute average on each bin, which is # integral of 1/sqrt = 2*sqrt, then difference integral # do it in place, return value is actually deps too intg = numpy.sqrt(deps, deps) intg *= 2 * k * sign # do difference in place, running forward to avoid self-trampling intg[:-1] -= intg[1:] intg[1:-2] += y0 * dx # add constant # handle narrowed bins on ends carefully intg[0] += y0 * dx0 intg[-2] += y0 * dx1 # intensities are never less than zero! if min(intg[:-1]) < -1e-10 * max(intg[:-1]): print("bad parameters:", (5 * "%10.4f") % (peakpos, innerbound, outerbound, k, y0)) print(len(intg), intg[:-1]) raise ValueError("Bad axial helper parameters") # now, make sure the underlying area is the exactly correct # integral, without bumps due to discretizing the grid. intg *= (exactintegral / (intg[:-1].sum())) destination[idx0:idx1 - 1] += intg[:-1] # This is purely for debugging. If collect_moment_errors is *True*, # compute exact vs. approximate moments. if collect_moment_errors: centroid2 = (intg[:-1] * epsvals[idx0:idx1 - 1] ).sum() / intg[:-1].sum() moment_list.append((centroid2 - exact_moment1) / dx) return [idx0, idx1 - 1] # useful info for peak position
[docs] def full_axdiv_I2(self, Lx=None, Ls=None, Lr=None, R=None, twotheta=None, beta=None, epsvals=None): """ return the *I2* function Parameters ---------- Lx : float length of the xray filament Ls : float length of the sample Lr : float length of the receiver slit R : float diffractometer length, assumed symmetrical twotheta : float angle, in radians, of the center of the computation beta : float offset angle epsvals : array-like array of offsets from center of computation, in radians Returns ------- epsvals : array-like array of offsets from center of computation, in radians idxmin, idxmax : int the full python-style bounds of the non-zero region of `I2p` and `I2m` I2p, I2m : array-like I2+ and I2- from the paper, the contributions to the intensity """ beta1 = (Ls - Lx) / (2 * R) # Ch&Co after eq. 15abcd beta2 = (Ls + Lx) / (2 * R) # Ch&Co after eq. 15abcd, corrected by KM eps0 = beta * beta * tan(twotheta) / 2 # after eq. 26 in Ch&Co if -beta2 <= beta < beta1: z0p = Lx / 2 + beta * R * (1 + 1 / cos(twotheta)) elif beta1 <= beta <= beta2: z0p = Ls / 2 + beta * R / cos(twotheta) if -beta2 <= beta <= -beta1: z0m = -1 * Ls / 2 + beta * R / cos(twotheta) elif -beta1 < beta <= beta2: z0m = -1 * Lx / 2 + beta * R * (1 + 1 / cos(twotheta)) epsscale = tan(pi / 2 - twotheta) / (2 * R * R) # =cotan(twotheta)... # Ch&Co 18a&18b, KM sign correction eps1p = (eps0 - epsscale * ((Lr / 2) - z0p)**2) eps2p = (eps0 - epsscale * ((Lr / 2) - z0m)**2) # reversed eps2m and eps1m per KM R eps2m = (eps0 - epsscale * ((Lr / 2) + z0p)**2) eps1m = (eps0 - epsscale * ((Lr / 2) + z0m)**2) # flip all epsilons if twotheta > pi/2: # this set of inversions from KM 'R' code, simplified here eps1p, eps2p, eps1m, eps2m = eps1m, eps2m, eps1p, eps2p # identify ranges per Ch&Co 4.2.2 and table 1 and select parameters # note table 1 is full of typos, but the minimized # tests from 4.2.2 with redundancies removed seem fine. if Lr > z0p - z0m: if z0p <= Lr/2 and z0m > -1*Lr/2: # beam entirely within slit rng = 1 ea = eps1p eb = eps2p ec = eps1m ed = eps2m elif (z0p > Lr/2 and z0m < Lr/2) or \ (z0m < -1*Lr/2 and z0p > -1*Lr/2): rng = 2 ea = eps2p eb = eps1p ec = eps1m ed = eps2m else: rng = 3 ea = eps2p eb = eps1p ec = eps1m ed = eps2m else: # beam hanging off both ends of slit, peak centered if z0m < -1*Lr/2 and z0p > Lr/2: rng = 1 ea = eps1m eb = eps2p ec = eps1p ed = eps2m # one edge of beam within slit elif (-1*Lr/2 < z0m < Lr/2 and z0p > Lr/2) or \ (-1*Lr/2 < z0p < Lr/2 and z0m < -1*Lr/2): rng = 2 ea = eps2p eb = eps1m ec = eps1p ed = eps2m else: rng = 3 ea = eps2p eb = eps1m ec = eps1p ed = eps2m # now, evaluate function on bounds in table 1 based on ranges # note: because of a sign convention in epsilon, the bounds all get # switched # define them in our namespace so they inherit ea, eb, ec, ed, etc. def F1(dst, lower, upper, eea, eeb): return self.axial_helper(destination=dst, innerbound=upper, outerbound=lower, epsvals=epsvals, peakpos=eps0, k=sqrt(abs(eps0-eeb))-sqrt(abs(eps0-eea)), y0=0) def F2(dst, lower, upper, eea): return self.axial_helper(destination=dst, innerbound=upper, outerbound=lower, epsvals=epsvals, peakpos=eps0, k=sqrt(abs(eps0 - eea)), y0=-1) def F3(dst, lower, upper, eea): return self.axial_helper(destination=dst, innerbound=upper, outerbound=lower, epsvals=epsvals, peakpos=eps0, k=sqrt(abs(eps0 - eea)), y0=+1) def F4(dst, lower, upper, eea): # just like F2 but k and y0 negated return self.axial_helper(destination=dst, innerbound=upper, outerbound=lower, epsvals=epsvals, peakpos=eps0, k=-sqrt(abs(eps0 - eea)), y0=+1) I2p = self._I2p I2p[:] = 0 I2m = self._I2m I2m[:] = 0 indices = [] if rng == 1: indices += F1(dst=I2p, lower=ea, upper=eps0, eea=ea, eeb=eb) indices += F2(dst=I2p, lower=eb, upper=ea, eea=eb) indices += F1(dst=I2m, lower=ec, upper=eps0, eea=ec, eeb=ed) indices += F2(dst=I2m, lower=ed, upper=ec, eea=ed) elif rng == 2: indices += F2(dst=I2p, lower=ea, upper=eps0, eea=ea) indices += F3(dst=I2m, lower=eb, upper=eps0, eea=ea) indices += F1(dst=I2m, lower=ec, upper=eb, eea=ec, eeb=ed) indices += F2(dst=I2m, lower=ed, upper=ec, eea=ed) elif rng == 3: indices += F4(dst=I2m, lower=eb, upper=ea, eea=ea) indices += F1(dst=I2m, lower=ec, upper=eb, eea=ec, eeb=ed) indices += F2(dst=I2m, lower=ed, upper=ec, eea=ed) idxmin = min(indices) idxmax = max(indices) return epsvals, idxmin, idxmax, I2p, I2m
[docs] def full_axdiv_I3(self, Lx=None, Ls=None, Lr=None, R=None, twotheta=None, epsvals=None, sollerIdeg=None, sollerDdeg=None, nsteps=10, axDiv=""): """ carry out the integral of *I2* over *beta* and the Soller slits. Parameters ---------- Lx : float length of the xray filament Ls : float length of the sample Lr : float length of the receiver slit R : float the (assumed symmetrical) diffractometer radius twotheta : float angle, in radians, of the center of the computation epsvals : array-like array of offsets from center of computation, in radians sollerIdeg : float the full-width (both sides) cutoff angle of the incident Soller slit sollerDdeg : float the full-width (both sides) cutoff angle of the detector Soller slit nsteps : int the number of subdivisions for the integral axDiv : str not used Returns ------- array-like the accumulated integral, a copy of a persistent buffer *_axial* """ beta2 = (Ls + Lx) / (2 * R) # Ch&Co after eq. 15abcd, corrected by KM if sollerIdeg is not None: solIrad = math.radians(sollerIdeg) / 2 def solIfunc(x): return numpy.clip(1.0 - abs(x / solIrad), 0, 1) beta2 = min(beta2, solIrad) # no point going beyond Soller else: def solIfunc(x): return numpy.ones_like(x) if sollerDdeg is not None: solDrad = math.radians(sollerDdeg) / 2 def solDfunc(x): return numpy.clip(1.0 - abs(x / solDrad), 0, 1) else: def solDfunc(x): return numpy.ones_like(x) accum = self._axial accum[:] = 0 if twotheta > pi / 2: tth1 = pi - twotheta else: tth1 = twotheta for iidx in range(nsteps): beta = beta2 * iidx / float(nsteps) _, idxmin, idxmax, I2p, I2m = self.full_axdiv_I2( Lx=Lx, Lr=Lr, Ls=Ls, beta=beta, R=R, twotheta=twotheta, epsvals=epsvals) # after eq. 26 in Ch&Co eps0 = beta * beta * tan(twotheta) / 2 gamma0 = beta / cos(tth1) deps = self._f0buf[idxmin:idxmax] deps[:] = eps0 deps -= epsvals[idxmin:idxmax] deps *= 2 * tan(twotheta) # check two channels on each end for negative argument. deps[-1] = max(deps[-1], 0) deps[0] = max(deps[0], 0) if len(deps) >= 2: deps[-2] = max(deps[-2], 0) deps[1] = max(deps[1], 0) gamarg = numpy.sqrt(deps, deps) # do sqrt in place for speed # still need to convert these to in-place gamp = gamma0 + gamarg gamm = gamma0 - gamarg if iidx == 0 or iidx == nsteps - 1: weight = 1.0 # trapezoidal rule weighting else: weight = 2.0 # sum into the accumulator only channels which can be non-zero # do scaling in-place to save a lot of slow array copying I2p[idxmin:idxmax] *= solDfunc(gamp) I2p[idxmin:idxmax] *= (weight * solIfunc(beta)) accum[idxmin:idxmax] += I2p[idxmin:idxmax] I2m[idxmin:idxmax] *= solDfunc(gamm) I2m[idxmin:idxmax] *= (weight * solIfunc(beta)) accum[idxmin:idxmax] += I2m[idxmin:idxmax] # keep this normalized K = 2 * R * R * abs(tan(twotheta)) accum *= K return accum
[docs] def conv_axial(self): """ compute the Fourier transform of the axial divergence component Returns ------- array-like the transform buffer, or *None* if this is being ignored """ me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string if self.param_dicts[me].get("axDiv", None) is None: return None kwargs = {} kwargs.update(self.param_dicts[me]) # get all of our parameters kwargs.update(self.param_dicts["conv_global"]) if "equatorial_divergence_deg" in kwargs: del kwargs["equatorial_divergence_deg"] # not used flag, axfn = self.get_conv(me, kwargs, complex) if flag: return axfn # already up to date if first return is True # no axial divergence, transform of delta fn if kwargs["axDiv"] != "full" or kwargs["twotheta0_deg"] == 90.0: axfn[:] = 1 return axfn axbuf = self.full_axdiv_I3( nsteps=kwargs["n_integral_points"], epsvals=self.epsilon, Lx=kwargs["slit_length_source"], Lr=kwargs["slit_length_target"], Ls=kwargs["length_sample"], sollerIdeg=kwargs["angI_deg"], sollerDdeg=kwargs["angD_deg"], R=kwargs["diffractometer_radius"], twotheta=kwargs["twotheta0"] ) axfn[:] = best_rfft(axbuf) return axfn
[docs] def conv_tube_tails(self): """ compute the Fourier transform of the rectangular tube tails function Returns ------- array-like the transform buffer, or *None* if this is being ignored """ me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string kwargs = {} kwargs.update(self.param_dicts[me]) # get all of our parameters if not kwargs: return None # no convolver # we also need the diffractometer radius from the global space kwargs["diffractometer_radius"] = self.param_dicts[ "conv_global"]["diffractometer_radius"] flag, tailfn = self.get_conv(me, kwargs, complex) if flag: return tailfn # already up to date # tube_tails is (main width, left width, right width, intensity), # so peak is raw peak + tophat centered at (left width+ right width) # with area intensity*(right width-left width)/main_width # check this normalization! # note: this widths are as defined by Topas... really I think it should # be # x/(2*diffractometer_radius) since the detector is 2R from the source, # but since this is just a fit parameter, we'll defin it as does Topas tail_eps = (kwargs["tail_right"] - kwargs["tail_left"]) / \ kwargs["diffractometer_radius"] main_eps = kwargs["main_width"] / kwargs["diffractometer_radius"] tail_center = (kwargs["tail_right"] + kwargs["tail_left"]) / \ kwargs["diffractometer_radius"] / 2.0 tail_area = kwargs["tail_intens"] * \ (kwargs["tail_right"] - kwargs["tail_left"]) / kwargs["main_width"] cb1 = self._cb1 rb1 = self._rb1 cb1.real = 0 cb1.imag = self.omega_vals cb1.imag *= tail_center # sign is consistent with Topas definition numpy.exp(cb1, tailfn) # shifted center, computed into tailfn rb1[:] = self.omega_vals rb1 *= (tail_eps / 2 / pi) rb1 = numpy.sinc(rb1) tailfn *= rb1 tailfn *= tail_area # normalize rb1[:] = self.omega_vals rb1 *= (main_eps / 2 / pi) rb1 = numpy.sinc(rb1) tailfn += rb1 # add central peak return tailfn
[docs] def general_tophat(self, name="", width=None): """ a utility to compute a transformed tophat function and save it in a convolver buffer Parameters ---------- name : str the name of the convolver cache buffer to update width : float the width in 2-theta space of the tophat Returns ------- array-like the updated convolver buffer, or *None* if the width was *None* """ if width is None: return None # no convolver flag, conv = self.get_conv(name, width, float) if flag: return conv # already up to date rb1 = self._rb1 rb1[:] = self.omega_vals rb1 *= (width / 2 / pi) conv[:] = numpy.sinc(rb1) return conv
# A dictionary of default parameters for conv_emissions, # used to seed a GUI which can harvest this for names, descriptions, and # initial values info_emission = dict( group_name="Incident beam and crystal size", help="this should be help information", param_info=dict( emiss_wavelengths=("wavelengths (m)", (1.58e-10,)), emiss_intensities=("relative intensities", (1.00,)), emiss_lor_widths=("Lorenztian emission fwhm (m)", (1e-13,)), emiss_gauss_widths=("Gaussian emissions fwhm (m)", (1e-13,)), crystallite_size_gauss=( "Gaussian crystallite size fwhm (m)", 1e-6), crystallite_size_lor=( "Lorentzian crystallite size fwhm (m)", 1e-6), ) )
[docs] def str_emission(self): """ format the emission spectrum and crystal size information Returns ------- str the formatted information """ dd = self.param_dicts["conv_emission"] if not dd: return "No emission spectrum" dd.setdefault("crystallite_size_lor", 1e10) dd.setdefault("crystallite_size_gauss", 1e10) dd.setdefault("strain_lor", 0) dd.setdefault("strain_gauss", 0) spect = numpy.array(( dd["emiss_wavelengths"], dd["emiss_intensities"], dd["emiss_lor_widths"], dd["emiss_gauss_widths"])) # convert to angstroms, like Topas spect[0] *= 1e10 * self.length_scale_m spect[2] *= 1e13 * self.length_scale_m # milli-angstroms spect[3] *= 1e13 * self.length_scale_m # milli-angstroms nm = 1e9 * self.length_scale_m items = ["emission and broadening:"] items.append("spectrum=\n" + str(spect.transpose())) items.append("crystallite_size_lor (nm): " f"{dd['crystallite_size_lor']*nm:.5g}") items.append("crystallite_size_gauss (nm): " f"{dd['crystallite_size_gauss']*nm:.5g}") items.append(f"strain_lor: {dd['strain_lor']:.5g}") items.append(f"strain_gauss: {dd['strain_gauss']:.5g}") return '\n'.join(items)
[docs] def conv_emission(self): """ compute the emission spectrum and (for convenience) the particle size widths Returns ------- array-like the convolver for the emission and particle sizes Note: the particle size and strain stuff here is just to be consistent with *Topas* and to be vaguely efficient about the computation, since all of these have the same general shape. """ me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string kwargs = {} kwargs.update(self.param_dicts[me]) # get all of our parameters kwargs.update(self.param_dicts["conv_global"]) # if the crystallite size and strain parameters are not set, set them # to values that make their corrections disappear kwargs.setdefault("crystallite_size_lor", 1e10) kwargs.setdefault("crystallite_size_gauss", 1e10) kwargs.setdefault("strain_lor", 0) kwargs.setdefault("strain_gauss", 0) # convert arrays to lists for key checking key = {} key.update(kwargs) for k, v in key.items(): if hasattr(v, 'tolist'): key[k] = v.tolist() flag, emiss = self.get_conv(me, key, complex) if flag: return emiss # already up to date epsilon0s = ( 2 * nasin(asarray(kwargs["emiss_wavelengths"])/(2.0*kwargs["d"])) - kwargs["twotheta0"] ) theta = kwargs["twotheta0"] / 2 # Emission profile FWHM + crystallite broadening (scale factors are # Topas choice!) (Lorentzian) # note: the strain broadenings in Topas are expressed in degrees # 2theta, must convert to radians(theta) with pi/360 widths = ( (asarray(kwargs["emiss_lor_widths"]) / asarray(kwargs["emiss_wavelengths"])) * tan(theta) + math.radians(kwargs["strain_lor"]) / 2 * tan(theta) + (asarray(kwargs["emiss_wavelengths"]) / (2*kwargs["crystallite_size_lor"]*cos(theta))) ) # save weighted average width for future reference in periodicity fixer self.lor_widths[me] = sum(widths * kwargs["emiss_intensities"]) / \ sum(kwargs["emiss_intensities"]) # gaussian bits add in quadrature gfwhm2s = ( ((2 * asarray(kwargs["emiss_gauss_widths"]) / asarray(kwargs["emiss_wavelengths"])) * tan(theta))**2 + (math.radians(kwargs["strain_gauss"]) / 2 * tan(theta))**2 + (asarray(kwargs["emiss_wavelengths"]) / (kwargs["crystallite_size_gauss"]*cos(theta)))**2 ) # note that the Fourier transform of a lorentzian with FWHM 2a # is exp(-abs(a omega)) # now, the line profiles in Fourier space have to have phases # carefully handled to put the lines in the right places. # note that the transform of f(x+dx)=exp(i omega dx) f~(x) omega_vals = self.omega_vals for wid, gfwhm2, eps, intens in zip(widths, gfwhm2s, epsilon0s, kwargs["emiss_intensities"]): xvals = numpy.clip(omega_vals * (-wid), -100, 0) sig2 = gfwhm2 / (8 * math.log(2.0)) # convert fwhm**2 to sigma**2 gxv = numpy.clip((sig2 / -2.0) * omega_vals * omega_vals, -100, 0) emiss += numpy.exp(xvals + gxv + complex(0, -eps) * omega_vals) * intens return emiss
[docs] def conv_flat_specimen(self): """ compute the convolver for the flat-specimen correction Returns ------- array-like the convolver """ me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string equatorial_divergence_deg = self.param_dicts[ "conv_global"].get("equatorial_divergence_deg", None) if not equatorial_divergence_deg: return None twotheta0 = self.param_dicts["conv_global"]["twotheta0"] key = (twotheta0, equatorial_divergence_deg) flag, conv = self.get_conv(me, key, complex) if flag: return conv # already up to date # Flat-specimen error, from Cheary, Coelho & Cline 2004 NIST eq. 9 & 10 # compute epsm in radians from eq. divergence in degrees # to make it easy to use the axial_helper to compute the function epsm = math.radians(equatorial_divergence_deg)**2 /\ tan(twotheta0/2.0) / 2.0 eqdiv = self._epsb2 eqdiv[:] = 0 dtwoth = (self.twothetasamples[1] - self.twothetasamples[0]) self.axial_helper(destination=eqdiv, outerbound=-epsm, innerbound=0, epsvals=self.epsilon, peakpos=0, k=dtwoth/(2.0*sqrt(epsm))) conv[:] = best_rfft(eqdiv) conv[1::2] *= -1 # flip center return conv
[docs] def conv_absorption(self): """ compute the sample transparency correction, including the finite-thickness version Returns ------- array-like the convolver """ me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string kwargs = {} kwargs.update(self.param_dicts[me]) # get all of our parameters if not kwargs: return None kwargs["twotheta0"] = self.param_dicts["conv_global"]["twotheta0"] kwargs["diffractometer_radius"] = self.param_dicts[ "conv_global"]["diffractometer_radius"] flag, conv = self.get_conv(me, kwargs, complex) if flag: return conv # already up to date # absorption, from Cheary, Coelho & Cline 2004 NIST eq. 12, # EXCEPT delta = 1/(2*mu*R) instead of 2/(mu*R) # from Mathematica, unnormalized transform is # (1-exp(epsmin*(i w + 1/delta)))/(i w + 1/delta) delta = sin(kwargs["twotheta0"]) / \ (2 * kwargs["absorption_coefficient"] * kwargs["diffractometer_radius"]) # arg=(1/delta)+complex(0,-1)*omega_vals cb = self._cb1 cb.imag = self.omega_vals cb.imag *= -1 cb.real = 1 / delta numpy.reciprocal(cb, conv) # limit for thick samples=1/(delta*arg) conv *= 1.0 / delta # normalize # rest of transform of function with cutoff if kwargs.get("sample_thickness", None) is not None: epsmin = -2.0 * kwargs["sample_thickness"] * \ cos(kwargs["twotheta0"] / 2.0) / \ kwargs["diffractometer_radius"] cb *= epsmin numpy.expm1(cb, cb) cb *= -1 conv *= cb return conv
[docs] def conv_displacement(self): """ compute the peak shift due to sample displacement and the *2theta* zero offset Returns ------- array-like the convolver """ me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string kwargs = self.param_dicts[me] twotheta0 = self.param_dicts["conv_global"]["twotheta0"] diffractometer_radius = self.param_dicts[ "conv_global"]["diffractometer_radius"] specimen_displacement = kwargs.get("specimen_displacement", 0.0) if specimen_displacement is None: specimen_displacement = 0.0 zero_error_deg = kwargs.get("zero_error_deg", 0.0) if zero_error_deg is None: zero_error_deg = 0.0 flag, conv = self.get_conv(me, (twotheta0, diffractometer_radius, specimen_displacement, zero_error_deg), complex) if flag: return conv # already up to date delta = -2 * cos(twotheta0 / 2.0) * \ specimen_displacement / diffractometer_radius conv.real = 0 conv.imag = self.omega_vals # convolver *= numpy.exp(complex(0, -delta-zero_error_deg*pi/180.0) * # omega_vals) conv.imag *= (-delta - math.radians(zero_error_deg) - (twotheta0 - self.twotheta_window_center)) numpy.exp(conv, conv) return conv
[docs] def conv_receiver_slit(self): """ compute the rectangular convolution for the receiver slit or SiPSD pixel size Returns ------- array-like the convolver """ me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string # The receiver slit convolution is a top-hat of angular half-width # a=(slit_width/2)/diffractometer_radius # which has Fourier transform of sin(a omega)/(a omega) # NOTE! numpy's sinc(x) is sin(pi x)/(pi x), not sin(x)/x if self.param_dicts[me].get("slit_width", None) is None: return None epsr = (self.param_dicts["conv_receiver_slit"]["slit_width"] / self.param_dicts["conv_global"]["diffractometer_radius"]) return self.general_tophat(me, epsr)
[docs] def conv_si_psd(self): """ compute the convolver for the integral of defocusing of the face of an Si PSD Returns ------- array-like the convolver """ # omega offset defocussing from Cheary, Coelho & Cline 2004 eq. 15 # expressed in terms of a Si PSD looking at channels with vertical # offset from the center between psd_window_lower_offset and # psd_window_upper_offset do this last, because we may ultimately take # a list of bounds, and return a list of convolutions, for efficiency me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string kwargs = {} kwargs.update(self.param_dicts[me]) # get all of our parameters if not kwargs: return None kwargs.update(self.param_dicts["conv_global"]) flag, conv = self.get_conv(me, kwargs, float) if flag: return conv # already up to date if not (kwargs["equatorial_divergence_deg"] and kwargs["si_psd_window_bounds"]): # if either of these is zero or None, convolution is trivial conv[:] = 1 return conv psd_lower_win_pos, psd_upper_win_pos = kwargs["si_psd_window_bounds"] dthl = psd_lower_win_pos / kwargs["diffractometer_radius"] dthu = psd_upper_win_pos / kwargs["diffractometer_radius"] alpha = math.radians(kwargs["equatorial_divergence_deg"]) argscale = alpha / (2.0 * tan(kwargs["twotheta0"] / 2)) # WARNING si(x)=integral(sin(x)/x), not integral(sin(pi x)/(pi x)) # i.e. they sinc function is not consistent with the si function # whence the missing pi in the denominator of argscale rb1 = self._rb1 rb2 = self._rb2 rb3 = self._rb3 rb1[:] = self.omega_vals rb1 *= argscale * dthu sici(rb1, conv, rb3) # gets both sine and cosine integral, si in conv if dthl: # no need to do this if the lower bound is 0 rb1[:] = self.omega_vals rb1 *= argscale * dthl sici(rb1, rb2, rb3) # gets sine and cosine integral, si in rb2 conv -= rb2 conv[1:] /= self.omega_vals[1:] conv *= 1 / argscale conv[0] = dthu - dthl # fix 0/0 with proper area return conv
[docs] def conv_smoother(self): """ compute the convolver to smooth the final result with a Gaussian before downsampling. Returns ------- array-like the convolver """ # create a smoother for output result, independent of real physics, if # wanted me = self.get_function_name() # the name of the convolver, as a string if not self.gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma: return None # no smoothing flag, buf = self.get_conv(me, self.gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma, format=float) if flag: return buf # already computed buf[:] = self.omega_vals buf *= (self.gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma * ( self.twothetasamples[1] - self.twothetasamples[0])) buf *= buf buf *= -0.5 numpy.exp(buf, buf) return buf
[docs] def compute_line_profile(self, convolver_names=None, compute_derivative=False, return_convolver=False): """ execute all the convolutions; if convolver_names is None, use everything we have, otherwise, use named convolutions. Parameters ---------- convolver_names: list a list of convolvers to select. If *None*, use all found convolvers. compute_derivative: bool if *True*, also return d/dx(function) for peak position fitting Returns ------- object a profile_data object with much information about the peak """ # create a function which is the Fourier transform of the # combined convolutions of all the factors # ="d" if we are using 'd' space, "twotheta" if using twotheta anglemode = self.anglemode # the rough center of the spectrum, used for things which need it. # Copied from global convolver. self.dominant_wavelength = dominant_wavelength = self.param_dicts[ "conv_global"].get("dominant_wavelength", None) if anglemode == "twotheta": twotheta0_deg = self.param_dicts["conv_global"]["twotheta0_deg"] twotheta0 = math.radians(twotheta0_deg) d = dominant_wavelength / (2 * sin(twotheta0 / 2.0)) else: d = self.param_dicts["conv_global"]["d"] twotheta0 = 2 * math.asin(dominant_wavelength / (2.0 * d)) twotheta0_deg = math.degrees(twotheta0) # set these in global namespace self.set_parameters(d=d, twotheta0=twotheta0, twotheta0_deg=twotheta0_deg) if convolver_names is None: convolver_names = self.convolver_funcs.keys() # get all names # run through the name list, and call the convolver to harvest its # result conv_list = [self.convolver_funcs[x]() for x in convolver_names] # now, multiply everything together convolver = self._cb1 # get a complex scratch buffer convolver[:] = 1 # initialize for c in conv_list: # accumulate product if c is not None: convolver *= c if convolver[1].real > 0: # recenter peak! convolver[1::2] *= -1 peak = best_irfft(convolver) # now, use the trick from Mendenhall JQSRT Voigt paper to remove # periodic function correction # JQSRT 105 number 3 July 2007 p. 519 eq. 7 # total lor widths, created by the various colvolvers correction_width = 2 * sum(self.lor_widths.values()) d2p = 2.0 * pi / self.window_fullwidth alpha = correction_width / 2.0 # be consistent with convolver mu = (peak * self.twothetasamples).sum() / peak.sum() # centroid dx = self.twothetasamples - mu eps_corr1 = (math.sinh(d2p * alpha) / self.window_fullwidth) / \ (math.cosh(d2p * alpha) - ncos(d2p * dx)) eps_corr2 = (alpha / pi) / (dx * dx + alpha * alpha) corr = (convolver[0].real / numpy.sum(eps_corr2)) * \ (eps_corr1 - eps_corr2) peak -= corr peak *= self.window_fullwidth / \ (self.twotheta_output_points / self.oversampling) # scale to area if compute_derivative: # this is useful convolver *= self.omega_vals convolver *= complex(0, 1) deriv = best_irfft(convolver) deriv *= self.window_fullwidth / \ (self.twotheta_output_points / self.oversampling) deriv = deriv[::self.oversampling] else: deriv = None result = profile_data(twotheta0_deg=math.degrees(twotheta0), twotheta=self.twothetasamples[ ::self.oversampling], omega_inv_deg=self.omega_inv_deg[ :self.twotheta_output_points // 2 + 1], twotheta_deg=self.twothetasamples_deg[ ::self.oversampling], peak=peak[::self.oversampling], derivative=deriv ) if return_convolver: result.add_symbol( convolver=convolver[:self.twotheta_output_points//2+1]) return result
[docs] def self_clean(self): """ do some cleanup to make us more compact; Instance can no longer be used after doing this, but can be pickled. """ clean = self._clean_on_pickle pd = dict() pd.update(self.__dict__) for thing in pd: x = getattr(self, thing) if id(x) in clean: delattr(self, thing) # delete extra attributes cautiously, in case we have already been # cleaned for k in ('convolver_funcs', 'convolvers', 'factors', 'convolution_history'): if pd.pop(k, None) is not None: delattr(self, k)
def __getstate__(self): """ return information for pickling. Removes transient data from cache of shadow copy so resulting object is fairly compact. This does not affect the state of the actual instance. Returns ------- dict dictionary of sufficient information to reanimate instance. """ # do some cleanup on state before we get pickled # (even if main class not cleaned) clean = self._clean_on_pickle pd = dict() pd.update(self.__dict__) for thing in pd: x = getattr(self, thing) if id(x) in clean: del pd[thing] # delete extra attributes cautiously, in case we have already been # cleaned for k in ('convolver_funcs', 'convolvers', 'factors', 'convolution_history'): pd.pop(k, None) return pd def __setstate__(self, setdict): """ reconstruct class from pickled information This rebuilds the class instance so it is ready to use on unpickling. Parameters ---------- self : FP_Profile an empty class instance setdict : dict dictionary from FP_profile.__getstate__() """ self.__init__(anglemode=setdict["anglemode"], gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma=setdict[ "gaussian_smoother_bins_sigma"], oversampling=setdict["oversampling"] ) for k, v in setdict.items(): setattr(self, k, v) try: s = self self.set_window( twotheta_window_center_deg=s.twotheta_window_center_deg, twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg=s.twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg, twotheta_output_points=s.twotheta_output_points ) # override clearing of this by set_window self.lor_widths = setdict["lor_widths"] except AttributeError: pass
[docs] class convolver_handler: """ manage the convolvers of on process """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.convolvers = []
[docs] def add_convolver(self, convolver): self.convolvers.append(convolver)
[docs] def update_parameters(self, parameters): for c in self.convolvers: for k, v in parameters.items(): if k == 'classoptions': continue c.set_parameters(convolver=k, **v)
[docs] def set_windows(self, centers, npoints, flag, width): for c, cen, np, f in zip(self.convolvers, centers, npoints, flag): if f: c.set_window(twotheta_output_points=np, twotheta_window_center_deg=cen, twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg=width)
[docs] def calc(self, run, ttpeaks): """ calculate profile function for selected convolvers Parameters ---------- run : list list of flags of length of convolvers to tell which convolver needs to be run ttpeaks : array-like peak positions for the convolvers Returns ------- list list of profile_data result objects """ results = [] for c, flag, tt in zip(self.convolvers, run, ttpeaks): if flag: c.set_parameters(twotheta0_deg=tt) res = c.compute_line_profile() del res.twotheta, res.omega_inv_deg del res.dictionary, res.derivative results.append(res) else: results.append(None) return results
[docs] def chunkify(lst, n): return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)]
[docs] class manager(BaseManager): pass
[docs] class PowderDiffraction(PowderExperiment): """ Experimental class for powder diffraction. This class calculates the structure factors of powder diffraction lines and uses instances of FP_profile to perform the convolution with experimental resolution function calculated by the fundamental parameters approach. This class uses multiprocessing to speed up calculation. Set config.NTHREADS=1 to restrict this to one worker process. """ _valid_init_kwargs = copy.copy(PowderExperiment._valid_init_kwargs) _valid_init_kwargs['tt_cutoff'] = '2Theta cut off value in degree' _valid_init_kwargs['fpclass'] = 'FP_profile derived class' _valid_init_kwargs['fpsettings'] = 'settings dictionaries' _valid_init_kwargs['enable_simulation'] = 'flag to enable simulation mode' del _valid_init_kwargs['sampleor']
[docs] def __init__(self, mat, **kwargs): """ the class is initialized with a xrayutilities.materials.Crystal instance and calculates the powder intensity and peak positions of the Crystal up to an angle of tt_cutoff. Results are stored in data .... array with intensities ang ..... Bragg angles of the peaks (Theta!) qpos .... reciprocal space position of intensities If `enable_simulation` is set to True the `Convolve` and `Calculate` methods can be used to calculated a powder pattern. Upon such initialization it is strongly recommend to call the `close` method to clean up the multiprocessing threads when no further calculations will be performed. Parameters ---------- mat : Crystal or Powder material for the powder calculation kwargs : dict optional keyword arguments same as for the Experiment base class and: tt_cutoff : float, optional Powder peaks are calculated up to an scattering angle of tt_cutoff (deg) enable_simulation: False, optional enables the initialization of the convolvers. Call `close()` after you are finished with your instance! fpclass : FP_profile FP_profile derived class with possible convolver mixins. (default: FP_profile) fpsettings : dict settings dictionaries for the convolvers. Default settings are loaded from the config file. """ utilities.check_kwargs(kwargs, self._valid_init_kwargs, self.__class__.__name__) if isinstance(mat, materials.Crystal): self.mat = Powder(mat, 1) elif isinstance(mat, Powder): self.mat = mat else: raise TypeError("mat must be an instance of class " "xrayutilities.materials.Crystal or " "xrayutilities.simpack.Powder") = dict() self._tt_cutoff = kwargs.pop('tt_cutoff', 180) self.fpclass = kwargs.pop('fpclass', FP_profile) self.settings = self.load_settings_from_config( kwargs.pop('fpsettings', {})) self.set_sample_parameters() # initialize local settings self._enable_sim = kwargs.pop('enable_simulation', False) PowderExperiment.__init__(self, **kwargs) # number of significant digits, needed to identify equal floats self.digits = 5 # determine if convolvers are isotropic self.isotropic = self.fpclass.isotropic # calculate powder lines position and intensities self.init_powder_lines(self._tt_cutoff) # initialize FP_profile instances (add field to the data dictionary) for h in[h]['conv'] = self._init_fpprofile(self.fpclass) # set settings in all convolvers self.update_settings(self.settings) self.set_sample_parameters() # set some other class properties self.__tt = None self.__ww = None # initialize multiprocessing if self._enable_sim: self._init_multiprocessing() # set wavelength from class constructor if 'wl' in kwargs: self._set_wavelength_pd(kwargs['wl']) if 'en' in kwargs: self._set_energy_pd(kwargs['en']) if self.settings['global']['geometry'] != 'symmetric': warnings.warn("PowderDiffraction: geometry '%s' not fully " "supported, proceed with caution!" % self.settings['global']['geometry'])
def _init_multiprocessing(self): """ initialize multiprocessing for powder pattern calculation """ # The structure of the multiprocessing code is as follows: # There are nproc "manager"s which handle the actual convolver code. # Additionally there are 4 daemon threads which listen for work to be # distributed to the managers. np = config.NTHREADS self.nproc = np if np != 0 else multiprocessing.cpu_count() self.chunks = chunkify(list(, self.nproc) self.next_proc = len( % self.nproc manager.register("conv", convolver_handler) self.managers = [manager() for idx in range(self.nproc)] self.conv_handlers = [] self.threads = [] self.output_queue = queue.Queue() for idx, mg in enumerate(self.managers): mg.start() m = mg.conv() for h in self.chunks[idx]: m.add_convolver([h]['conv']) self.conv_handlers.append(m) self.threads.append(( threading.Thread(target=self._send_work, args=(idx, )), queue.Queue(), self.output_queue)) self._running = True for th, _, _ in self.threads: th.daemon = True th.start() atexit.register(self.__stop__)
[docs] def close(self): self.__stop__()
def __stop__(self): self._running = False try: # try/except needed only for python2 compatibility # end daemon threads which distribute the work load for th, q1, _ in self.threads: q1.put(None) th.join() delattr(self, 'threads') # end managers which handle the convolvers delattr(self, 'conv_handlers') for m in self.managers: m.shutdown() delattr(self, 'managers') except AttributeError: pass atexit.unregister(self.__stop__)
[docs] def load_settings_from_config(self, settings): """ load parameters from the config and update these settings with the options from the settings parameter """ params = dict() for k in config.POWDER: params[k] = dict() params[k].update(config.POWDER[k]) if k in settings: params[k].update(settings[k]) for k in settings: if k not in config.POWDER: params[k] = dict() params[k].update(settings[k]) return params
def _init_fpprofile(self, fpclass): """ configure the default parameters of the FP_profile class and return an instance with these settings Parameters ---------- fpclass : FP_profile class with possible mixins which implement more convolvers Returns ------- fpclass instance of fpclass """ classparams = dict() classparams.update(self.settings['classoptions']) classparams.pop('window_width') p = fpclass(**classparams) p.debug_cache = False return p def _set_wavelength_pd(self, wl): PowderExperiment._set_wavelength(self, wl) s = {'emission': {'emiss_wavelengths': self.wavelength*1e-10}} self.update_settings(s) def _set_energy_pd(self, energy): PowderExperiment._set_energy(self, energy) s = {'emission': {'emiss_wavelengths': self.wavelength*1e-10}} self.update_settings(s) energy = property(PowderExperiment._get_energy, _set_energy_pd) wavelength = property(PowderExperiment._get_wavelength, _set_wavelength_pd)
[docs] def set_wavelength_from_params(self): """ sets the wavelenth in the base class from the settings dictionary of the FP_profile classes and also set it in the 'global' part of the parameters """ if 'emission' in self.settings: pem = self.settings['emission'] if 'emiss_wavelengths' in pem: wl = pem['emiss_wavelengths'][0] self.settings['global']['dominant_wavelength'] = wl for d in fp = d['conv'] fp.set_parameters(convolver='global', **self.settings['global']) # set wavelength in base class PowderExperiment._set_wavelength(self, wl*1e10)
[docs] def set_sample_parameters(self): """ load sample parameters from the Powder class and use them in all FP_profile instances of this object """ samplesettings = {} for prop, default in (('crystallite_size_lor', 1e10), ('crystallite_size_gauss', 1e10), ('strain_lor', 0), ('strain_gauss', 0), ('preferred_orientation', (0, 0, 0)), ('preferred_orientation_factor', 1)): samplesettings[prop] = getattr(self.mat, prop, default) self.settings['emission'].update(samplesettings) for d in fp = d['conv'] fp.set_parameters(convolver='emission', **samplesettings)
[docs] def update_settings(self, newsettings=None): """ update settings of all instances of FP_profile Parameters ---------- newsettings : dict, optional dictionary with new settings. It has to include one subdictionary for every convolver which should have its settings changed. """ if newsettings is None: return if 'global' in newsettings: if 'dominant_wavelength' in newsettings['global']: print('PowderDiffraction: dominant wavelength is a read only' 'setting \n -> use emission: emiss_wavelength instead') if 'emission' in newsettings: nem = newsettings['emission'] for k in ('emiss_wavelengths', 'emiss_intensities', 'emiss_gauss_widths', 'emiss_lor_widths'): if k in nem: if isinstance(nem[k], numbers.Number): nem[k] = (nem[k], ) for k in newsettings: if k == 'classoptions': continue for d in fp = d['conv'] fp.set_parameters(convolver=k, **newsettings[k]) if k not in self.settings: self.settings[k] = dict() self.settings[k].update(newsettings[k]) self.set_wavelength_from_params()
@property def twotheta(self): return self.__tt @twotheta.setter def twotheta(self, tt): oldtt = self.__tt self.__tt = tt if oldtt is None: self.set_window() elif len(oldtt) != len(self.__tt): self.set_window(force=True) elif not numpy.all(numpy.equal(oldtt, self.__tt)): self.set_window(force=True) @property def window_width(self): return self.__ww @window_width.setter def window_width(self, ww): oldww = self.__ww if ww == 'config': self.__ww = config.POWDER['classoptions']['window_width'] else: self.__ww = ww if oldww != self.__ww: self.set_window(force=True)
[docs] def set_window(self, force=False): """ sets the calcultion window for all convolvers """ ww = self.window_width tt = self.twotheta if not ww or tt is None: # not all necessary information is set up return npoints = dict() nset = dict() ttmax = tt.max() ttmin = tt.min() for h, d in ttpeak = 2 * d['ang'] if ttpeak - ww/2 > ttmax or ttpeak + ww/2 < ttmin: continue idx = numpy.argwhere(numpy.logical_and(tt > ttpeak - ww/2, tt < ttpeak + ww/2)) try: np = int(math.ceil(len(idx) / (tt[idx[-1, 0]]-tt[idx[0, 0]]) * ww)) except OverflowError: np = 1 npoints[h] = np if hasattr(d['conv'], 'twotheta_window_center_deg'): fptt = d['conv'].twotheta_window_center_deg if abs(ttpeak-fptt) / ww < 0.25 and not force: continue nset[h] = True else: nset[h] = True # set window in local instances d['conv'].set_window(twotheta_output_points=np, twotheta_window_center_deg=ttpeak, twotheta_window_fullwidth_deg=ww) # set multiprocessing instances for chunk, handler in zip(self.chunks, self.conv_handlers): handler.set_windows([2 *[h]['ang'] for h in chunk], [npoints.get(h, 0) for h in chunk], [nset.get(h, False) for h in chunk], ww)
def _send_work(self, idx): """ a threaded block which watches for data and runs computation """ _, qinput, qoutput = self.threads[idx] while self._running: try: settings, run, ttpeaks = qinput.get(True) except TypeError: break handler = self.conv_handlers[idx] handler.update_parameters(settings) results = handler.calc(run, ttpeaks) qoutput.put((idx, results)) # put results on output queue self._running = False
[docs] def reflection_strength(self, tt_cutoff): """ determine structure factors/reflection strength of all Bragg peaks up to tt_cutoff. This function also implements the March-Dollase model for preferred orientation in the symmetric reflection mode. Note that although this means the sample has anisotropic properties the various lines can still be merged together since at the moment no anisotropic crystal shape is supported. Parameters ---------- tt_cutoff : float upper cutoff value of 2theta until which the reflection strength are calculated Returns ------- ndarray numpy array with field for 'hkl' (Miller indices of the peaks), 'q' (q-position), and 'r' (reflection strength) of the Bragg peaks """ mat = self.mat.material pref_or = self.settings['emission']['preferred_orientation'] r = self.settings['emission']['preferred_orientation_factor'] mode = self.settings['global']['geometry'] ai = self.settings['global']['geometry_incidence_angle'] qmax = 2 * self.k0 * sin(math.radians(tt_cutoff/2)) # get allowed Bragg peaks hkl = tuple(mat.lattice.get_allowed_hkl(qmax)) q = mat.Q(hkl) qnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(q, axis=1) # March-Dollase model for preferred orientation # see def fdsum(alpha, delta, r, N=8): alpha[alpha == 0] += config.EPSILON # alpha = 0 unstable alpha[alpha == pi] -= config.EPSILON # alpha = pi unstable r3m1 = r**3 - 1 xi0 = -ncos(alpha-delta)/nsqrt(1+(r3m1)*ncos(alpha-delta)**2) xi1 = -ncos(alpha+delta)/nsqrt(1+(r3m1)*ncos(alpha+delta)**2) sad2 = (nsin(alpha) * nsin(delta))**2 cad = ncos(alpha) * ncos(delta) def h(xi): return 1 / nsqrt(sad2 - (cad + xi/nsqrt(1-(r3m1)*xi**2))**2) def w(j, N): return pi/(2*N)*sin((j+0.5)*pi/N) def xi(j, N): return (xi1+xi0)/2 + (xi1-xi0)/2*cos((j+0.5)*pi/N) s = numpy.sum([w(j, N)*h(xi(j, N)) for j in range(N)], axis=0) return r**(3/2) / pi * (xi1-xi0) * s if numpy.all(pref_or == (0, 0, 0)) or r == 1: f = 1 else: alpha = VecAngle(q, mat.Q(pref_or)) if mode == 'symmetric': f = ((r * ncos(alpha))**2 + nsin(alpha)**2/r)**(-3/2) elif mode == 'capillary': f = fdsum(alpha, pi/2, r) elif mode == 'asymmetric': if not isinstance(ai, numbers.Number): raise ValueError("'geometry_incidence_angle' must be a " "number") th = self.Q2Ang(qnorm, deg=False) f = fdsum(alpha, nabs(th-math.radians(ai)), r) else: raise ValueError("xu.simpack.PowderDiffraction: invalid " "geometry mode (%s)" % mode) # assemble return value data = numpy.zeros(len(hkl), dtype=[('q', numpy.double), ('r', numpy.double), ('hkl', numpy.ndarray)]) data['q'] = qnorm data['r'] = nabs(mat.StructureFactorForQ(q, ** 2 * f data['hkl'] = hkl return data
[docs] def merge_lines(self, data): """ if calculation is isotropic lines at the same q-position can be merged to one line to reduce the calculational effort Parameters ---------- data : ndarray numpy field array with values of 'hkl' (Miller indices of the peaks), 'q' (q-position), and 'r' (reflection strength) as produced by the `reflection_strength` method Returns ------- hkl, q, ang, r : array-like Miller indices, q-position, diffraction angle (Theta), and reflection strength of the material """ data.sort(order=['q', 'hkl']) qpos = [] refstrength = [] hkl = [] def add_lines(q, ref, chkl): for R, m in zip(ref, chkl): qpos.append(q) refstrength.append(R) hkl.append(m) currq = -1 curref = [] currhkl = [] for r in data: if not numpy.isclose(r[0] - currq, 0): add_lines(currq, curref, currhkl) currq = r[0] curref = [r[1], ] currhkl = [r[2], ] else: if self.isotropic: curref[-1] += r[1] currhkl[-1] = r[2] else: # merge lines which are equal according to the crystal # and convolver symmetries added = False for i, m in enumerate(currhkl): if self.mat.material.lattice.isequivalent(m, r[2]): if self.fpclass.isequivalent( m, r[2], self.mat.material.lattice.crystal_system): curref[i] += r[1] added = True if not added: curref.append(r[1]) currhkl.append(r[2]) # add remaining lines add_lines(currq, curref, currhkl) return (hkl, numpy.array(qpos, dtype=numpy.double), self.Q2Ang(qpos), numpy.array(refstrength, dtype=numpy.double))
[docs] def correction_factor(self, ang): """ calculate the correction factor for the diffracted intensities. This contains the polarization effects and the Lorentz factor Parameters ---------- ang : aray-like theta diffraction angles for which the correction should be calculated Returns ------- f : array-like array of the same shape as ang containing the correction factors """ # correct data for polarization and lorentzfactor and unit cell volume # see L.S. Zevin : Quantitative X-Ray Diffractometry # page 18ff polarization_factor = (1 + ncos(numpy.radians(2 * ang)) ** 2) / 2 lorentz_factor = 1. / (nsin(numpy.radians(ang)) ** 2 * ncos(numpy.radians(ang))) unitcellvol = self.mat.material.lattice.UnitCellVolume() return polarization_factor * lorentz_factor / unitcellvol ** 2
[docs] def init_powder_lines(self, tt_cutoff): """ calculates the powder intensity and positions up to an angle of tt_cutoff (deg) and stores the result in the data dictionary whose structure is as follows: The data dictionary has one entry per line with a unique identifier as key of the entry. The entries themself are dictionaries which have the following entries: * hkl : (h, k, l), Miller indices of the Bragg peak * r : reflection strength of the line * ang : Bragg angle of the peak (theta = 2theta/2!) * qpos : reciprocal space position """ tmp_data = self.reflection_strength(tt_cutoff) hkl, qpos, ang, rs = self.merge_lines(tmp_data) corrfact = self.correction_factor(ang) rs *= corrfact ids = [tuple(idx) for idx in hkl] for i, q, a, r in zip(ids, qpos, ang, rs): active = True if r/rs.max() > config.EPSILON else False[i] = {'qpos': q, 'ang': a, 'r': r, 'active': active}
[docs] def update_powder_lines(self, tt_cutoff): """ calculates the powder intensity and positions up to an angle of tt_cutoff (deg) and updates the values in: * ids: list of unique identifiers of the powder line * data: array with intensities * ang: bragg angles of the peaks (theta=2theta/2!) * qpos: reciprocal space position of intensities """ tmp_data = self.reflection_strength(tt_cutoff) hkl, qpos, ang, rs = self.merge_lines(tmp_data) corrfact = self.correction_factor(ang) rs *= corrfact ids = [tuple(idx) for idx in hkl] rsmax = rs.max() for h, q, a, r in zip(ids, qpos, ang, rs): active = True if r/rsmax > config.EPSILON else False if h in[h]['qpos'] = q[h]['ang'] = a[h]['r'] = r[h]['active'] = active else: # new peak needs a new convolver fp = self._init_fpprofile(self.fpclass) for k, v in self.settings.items(): if k == 'classoptions': continue fp.set_parameters(convolver=k, **v)[h] = {'qpos': q, 'ang': a, 'r': r, 'conv': fp, 'active': active} if self._enable_sim: self.conv_handlers[self.next_proc].add_convolver(fp) self.chunks[self.next_proc].append(h) self.next_proc = (self.next_proc + 1) % self.nproc for h in if h not in ids: # make entry inactive[h]['active'] = False
[docs] def Convolve(self, twotheta, window_width='config', mode='multi'): """ convolute the powder lines with the resolution function and map them onto the twotheta positions. This calculates the powder pattern excluding any background contribution Parameters ---------- twotheta : array-like two theta values at which the powder pattern should be calculated. window_width : float, optional width of the calculation window of a single peak mode : {'multi, 'local'}, optional multiprocessing mode, either 'multi' to use multiple processes or 'local' to restrict the calculation to a single process Note: Bragg peaks are only included up to tt_cutoff set in the class constructor! Returns ------- output intensity values for the twotheta values given in the input """ if self._enable_sim: t_start = time.time() out = numpy.zeros_like(twotheta) tt = self.twotheta = twotheta self.window_width = window_width ww = self.window_width ttmax = tt.max() ttmin = tt.min() # check if twotheta range extends above tt_cutoff if ttmax > self._tt_cutoff: warnings.warn('twotheta range is larger then tt_cutoff. ' 'Possibly Bragg peaks in the convolution range ' 'are not considered!') if mode == 'local': for h, d in if not d['active']: continue ttpeak = 2 * d['ang'] # check if peak is in data range to be calculated if ttpeak - ww/2 > ttmax or ttpeak + ww/2 < ttmin: continue idx = numpy.argwhere(numpy.logical_and(tt > ttpeak - ww/2, tt < ttpeak + ww/2)) d['conv'].set_parameters(twotheta0_deg=ttpeak) result = d['conv'].compute_line_profile() out[idx] += numpy.interp(tt[idx], result.twotheta_deg, result.peak*d['r'], left=0, right=0) else: # prepare multiprocess calculation for idx, chunk in enumerate(self.chunks): run = [] ttpeaks = [] for h in chunk: ttpeak = 2 *[h]['ang'] ttpeaks.append(ttpeak) if (ttpeak - ww/2 > ttmax or ttpeak + ww/2 < ttmin): run.append(False) else: run.append(True) if not[h]['active']: run[-1] = False # start calculation in other processes self.threads[idx][1].put((self.settings, run, ttpeaks)) gotit = set(range(self.nproc)) while gotit: # receive ready calculations idx, res = self.output_queue.get(True) chunk = self.chunks[idx] for h, r in zip(chunk, res): if r is None: continue ttpeak = 2 *[h]['ang'] mask = numpy.argwhere( numpy.logical_and(tt > ttpeak - ww/2, tt < ttpeak + ww/2)) out[mask] += numpy.interp(tt[mask], r.twotheta_deg, r.peak*[h]['r'], left=0, right=0) gotit.discard(idx) # got that result, don't expect more if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print("XU.Powder.Convolute: exec time=", time.time() - t_start) return out print("XU.Powder: not initialized for calculation -> exiting!") return None
[docs] def Calculate(self, twotheta, **kwargs): """ calculate the powder diffraction pattern including convolution with the resolution function and map them onto the twotheta positions. This also performs the calculation of the peak intensities from the internal material object Parameters ---------- twotheta : array-like two theta values at which the powder pattern should be calculated. kwargs : dict additional keyword arguments are passed to the Convolve function Returns ------- array-like output intensity values for the twotheta values given in the input Notes ----- Bragg peaks are only included up to tt_cutoff set in the class constructor! """ if self._enable_sim: self.set_sample_parameters() self.update_powder_lines(self._tt_cutoff) self.set_window() return self.Convolve(twotheta, **kwargs) print("XU.Powder: not initialized for calculation -> exiting!") return None
def __str__(self): """ Prints out available information about the material and reflections """ ostr = "Powder diffraction object\n" ostr += "-------------------------\n" ostr += self.mat.__repr__() + "\n" ostr += "Lattice:\n" + self.mat.material.lattice.__str__() rmax = 0 for d in if d['r'] > rmax: rmax = d['r'] ostr += "\nReflections:\n" ostr += "------------\n" ostr += (" h k l | tth | |Q| |" "Int | Int (%)\n") ostr += (" ------------------------------------" "---------------------------\n") for h, d in sorted(, key=lambda t: t[1]['ang']): if d['active']: ostr += ("%15s %8.4f %8.3f %10.2f %10.2f\n" % (h.__str__(), 2 * d['ang'], d['qpos'], d['r'], d['r'] / rmax * 100.)) if self._enable_sim: ostr += "Settings: " + str(self.settings) return ostr