# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2025 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner@gmail.com>
import abc
import collections.abc
import copy
import warnings
import numpy
from scipy.constants import physical_constants
from .. import materials, utilities
from ..math import derivative, heaviside
from .models import LayerModel
def getit(it, key):
generator to obtain items from nested iterable
for elem in it:
if isinstance(elem, collections.abc.Iterable):
if key in elem:
yield elem[key]
for subelem in getit(elem, key):
yield subelem
def getfirst(iterable, key):
helper function to obtain the first item in a nested iterable
return next(getit(iterable, key))
def GradedBuffer(xfrom, xto, nsteps, thickness, relaxation=1):
create a multistep graded composition buffer.
xfrom : float
begin of the composition gradient
xto : float
end of the composition gradient
nsteps : int
number of steps of the gradient
thickness : float
total thickness of the Buffer in A
relaxation : float
relaxation of the buffer
layer list needed for the Darwin model simulation
subthickness = thickness/nsteps
gradedx = numpy.linspace(xfrom, xto, nsteps)
layerlist = []
for x in gradedx:
layerlist.append({'t': subthickness, 'x': x, 'r': relaxation})
return layerlist
class DarwinModel(LayerModel, utilities.ABC):
model class inmplementing the basics of the Darwin theory for layers
materials. This class is not fully functional and should be used to derive
working models for particular material systems.
To make the class functional the user needs to implement the
init_structurefactors() and _calc_mono() methods
ncalls = 0
def __init__(self, qz, qx=0, qy=0, **kwargs):
constructor of the model class. The arguments consist of basic
parameters which are needed to prepare the calculation of the model.
qz : array-like
momentum transfer values for the calculation
qx, qy : float, optional
inplane momentum transfer (not implemented!)
I0 : float, optional
the primary beam intensity
background : float, optional
the background added to the simulation
resolution_width : float, optional
width of the resolution function (deg)
polarization : {'S', 'P', 'both'}
polarization of the x-ray beam. If set to 'both' also Cmono, the
polarization factor of the monochromator should be set
experiment : Experiment, optional
experiment class containing geometry and energy of the experiment.
Cmono : float, optional
polarization factor of the monochromator
energy : float or str, optional
x-ray energy in eV
self.polarization = kwargs.pop('polarization', 'S')
exp = kwargs.pop('experiment', None)
self.Cmono = kwargs.pop('Cmono', 1)
super().__init__(exp, **kwargs)
self.npoints = len(qz)
self.qz = numpy.asarray(qz)
self.qinp = (qx, qy)
if self.qinp != (0, 0):
raise NotImplementedError('asymmetric CTR simulation is not yet '
'supported -> approach the authors')
# initialize coplanar geometry
k = self.exp.k0
qv = numpy.asarray([(qx, qy, q) for q in self.qz])
Q = numpy.linalg.norm(qv, axis=1)
theta = numpy.arcsin(Q / (2 * k))
domega = numpy.arctan2(numpy.sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2), self.qz)
self.alphai, self.alphaf = (theta + domega, theta - domega)
# polarization factor
self.C = {'S': numpy.ones(len(self.qz)),
'P': numpy.abs(numpy.cos(self.alphai + self.alphaf))}
def init_structurefactors(self):
calculates the needed atomic structure factors
raise NotImplementedError("abstract method needs to be overwritten")
def _calc_mono(self, pdict, pol):
calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients of monolayer
pdict : dict
property dictionary, contains all the properties for the structure
factor calculation
pol : {'S', 'P'}
polarization of the x-rays; sigma or pi
r, rbar, t : float or array-like
reflection, backside reflection, and tranmission coefficients
raise NotImplementedError("abstract method needs to be overwritten")
def _calc_double(self, ra, rabar, ta, rb, rbbar, tb, d):
calculate reflection coefficients for the double layer from the
reflection values of the single layers
ra, rabar, ta : float or array-like
reflection, backside reflection, and transmission coefficients of
layer A
rb, rbbar, tb : float or array-like
same for layer B
d : float
distance between the layers
r, rbar, t : float or array-like
reflection, backside reflection, and tranmission coefficients
self.ncalls += 1
e = numpy.exp(-1j*self.qz*d)
eh = numpy.exp(-1j*self.qz*d/2)
denom = 1 - rabar * rb * e
rab = ra + rb*(ta*ta*e)/denom
rabbar = rbbar + rabar*(tb*tb*e)/(1-rbbar*ra*e)
tab = ta*tb*eh/denom
return rab, rabbar, tab
def simulate(self, ml):
main simulation function for the Darwin model. will calculate the
reflected intensity
ml : iterable
monolayer sequence of the sample. This should be created with the
function make_monolayer(). see its documentation for details
self.ncalls = 0
Ih = {'S': numpy.zeros(len(self.qz)), 'P': numpy.zeros(len(self.qz))}
geomfact = heaviside(self.alphai) * heaviside(self.alphaf)
for pol in self.get_polarizations():
r, rbar, t = (numpy.zeros(self.npoints, dtype=complex),
numpy.zeros(self.npoints, dtype=complex),
numpy.ones(self.npoints, dtype=complex))
for nrep, subml in ml:
r, rbar, t = self._recur_sim(nrep, subml, r, rbar, t, pol)
self.r, self.rbar, self.t = r, rbar, t
Ih[pol] = numpy.abs(self.r)**2 * geomfact
ret = self.join_polarizations(Ih['S'], Ih['P'])
return self._create_return(self.qz, numpy.sqrt(ret))
def _recur_sim(self, nrep, ml, r, rbar, t, pol):
recursive simulation function for the calculation of the reflected,
backside reflected and transmitted wave factors (internal)
ml : iterable
monolayer sequence of the calculation block. This should be created
with the function make_monolayer(). see its documentation for
r : float or array-like
reflection factor of the upper layers (needed for the recursion)
rbar : float or array-like
back-side reflection factor of the upper layers (needed for the
t : float or array-like
transmission factor of the upper layers (needed for the recursion)
pol : {'S', 'P'}
polarization of the x-rays
r, rbar, t : float or array-like
reflection and transmission of the full stack
if isinstance(ml, list):
rm, rmbar, tm = (None, None, None)
for nsub, subml in ml:
rm, rmbar, tm = self._recur_sim(nsub, subml, rm,
rmbar, tm, pol)
d = getfirst(ml, 'd')
rm, rmbar, tm = self._calc_mono(ml, pol)
d = ml['d']
Nmax = int(numpy.log(nrep) / numpy.log(2)) + 1
for i in range(Nmax):
if r is None:
r, rbar, t = rm, rmbar, tm
elif (nrep // (2**i)) % 2 == 1:
r, rbar, t = self._calc_double(r, rbar, t, rm, rmbar, tm, d)
rm, rmbar, tm = self._calc_double(rm, rmbar, tm, rm, rmbar, tm, d)
return r, rbar, t
class DarwinModelAlloy(DarwinModel, utilities.ABC):
extension of the DarwinModel for an binary alloy system were one parameter
is used to determine the chemical composition
To make the class functional the user needs to implement the
get_dperp_apar() method and define the substrate lattice parameter (asub).
See the DarwinModelSiGe001 class for an implementation example.
asub = None # needs to be defined by subclasses
def get_dperp_apar(self, x, apar, r=1):
calculate inplane lattice parameter and the out of plane lattice plane
spacing (of the atomic planes!) from composition and relaxation.
x : float
chemical composition parameter
apar : float
inplane lattice parameter of the material below the current layer
(onto which the present layer is strained to). This value also
served as a reference for the relaxation parameter.
r : float
relaxation parameter. 1=relaxed, 0=pseudomorphic
dperp : float
apar : float
raise NotImplementedError("abstract method needs to be overwritten")
def make_monolayers(self, s):
create monolayer sequence from layer list
s : list
layer model. list of layer dictionaries including possibility to
form superlattices. As an example 5 repetitions of a
Si(10nm)/Ge(15nm) superlattice on Si would like like:
>>> s = [(5, [{'t': 100, 'x': 0, 'r': 0},
... {'t': 150, 'x': 1, 'r': 0}]),
... {'t': 3500000, 'x': 0, 'r': 0}]
the dictionaries must contain 't': thickness in A, 'x': chemical
composition, and either 'r': relaxation or 'ai': inplane lattice
Future implementations for asymmetric peaks might include layer
type 'l' (not yet implemented). Already now any additional property
in the dictionary will be handed on to the returned monolayer list.
asub : float
inplane lattice parameter of the substrate
monolayer list in a format understood by the simulate and
xGe_profile methods
ml = []
ai = self.asub
for subl in copy.copy(s):
ml, ai = self._recur_makeml(subl, ml, ai)
return ml
def _recur_makeml(self, s, ml, apar):
recursive creation of a monolayer structure (internal)
s : list
layer model. list of layer dictionaries
ml : list
list of layers below what should be added (needed for recursion)
apar : float
inplane lattice parameter of the current surface
monolayer list in a format understood by the simulate and
prop_profile methods
if isinstance(s, tuple):
nrep, sd = s
if isinstance(sd, dict):
sd = [sd, ]
if any([r > 0 for r in getit(sd, 'r')]): # if relaxation
for _ in range(nrep):
for subsd in sd:
ml, apar = self._recur_makeml(subsd, ml, apar=apar)
else: # no relaxation in substructure
subl = []
for subsd in sd:
subl, apar = self._recur_makeml(subsd, subl, apar=apar)
ml.insert(0, (nrep, subl))
elif isinstance(s, dict):
x = s.pop('x')
if callable(x): # composition profile in layer
t = 0
T = s.pop('t')
if 'r' in s:
if s['r'] > 0:
"""relaxation for composition gradient may yield
weird lattice parameter variation! Consider
supplying the inplane lattice parameter 'ai'
while t < T:
if 'r' in s:
r = abs(derivative(x, t, dx=1.4))*s['r']
dperp, apar = self.get_dperp_apar(x(t), apar, r)
dperp, apar = self.get_dperp_apar(x(t), s['ai'])
t += dperp
d = copy.copy(s)
d.update({'d': dperp, 'x': x(t), 'ai': apar})
ml.insert(0, (1, d))
else: # constant composition layer
if 'r' in s:
dperp, apar = self.get_dperp_apar(x, apar, s.pop('r'))
dperp, apar = self.get_dperp_apar(x, s.pop('ai'))
nmono = int(numpy.ceil(s['t']/dperp))
s.update({'d': dperp, 'x': x, 'ai': apar})
ml.insert(0, (nmono, s))
raise Exception(
f"wrong type ({type(s)}) of sublayer, must be tuple or dict")
return ml, apar
def prop_profile(self, ml, prop):
calculate the profile of chemical composition or inplane lattice
spacing from a monolayer list. One value for each monolayer in the
sample is returned.
ml : list
monolayer list created by make_monolayer()
prop : str
name of the property which should be evaluated. Use 'x' for the
chemical composition and 'ai' for the inplane lattice parameter.
zm : ndarray
z-position, z-0 is the surface
propx : ndarray
value of the property prop for every monolayer
def _recur_prop(nrep, ml, zp, propx, propn):
if isinstance(ml, list):
lzp, lprop = ([], [])
for nreps, subml in ml:
lzp, lprop = _recur_prop(nreps, subml, lzp, lprop, propn)
lzp = -ml['d']
lprop = ml[propn]
Nmax = int(numpy.log(nrep) / numpy.log(2)) + 1
for i in range(Nmax):
if (nrep // (2**i)) % 2 == 1:
curzp = zp[-1]
except IndexError:
curzp = 0.0
zp = numpy.append(zp, lzp+curzp)
propx = numpy.append(propx, lprop)
curlzp = lzp[-1]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
curlzp = lzp
lzp = numpy.append(lzp, lzp+curlzp)
lprop = numpy.append(lprop, lprop)
return zp, propx
zm = []
propx = []
for nrep, subml in ml:
zm, propx = _recur_prop(nrep, subml, zm, propx, prop)
return zm, propx
class DarwinModelSiGe001(DarwinModelAlloy):
model class implementing the Darwin theory of diffraction for SiGe layers.
The model is based on separation of the sample structure into building
blocks of atomic planes from which a multibeam dynamical model is
Si = materials.Si
Ge = materials.Ge
eSi = materials.elements.Si
eGe = materials.elements.Ge
aSi = materials.Si.a
asub = aSi # needed for the make_monolayer function
re = physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] * 1e10
def abulk(cls, x):
calculate the bulk (relaxed) lattice parameter of the alloy
return cls.aSi + (0.2 * x + 0.027 * x ** 2)
def _deformation_ratio(x):
calculate the deformation ratio of the alloy for biaxial strain. This
corresponds to 2*c12/c11.
return 2 * (63.9-15.6*x) / (165.8-37.3*x) # according to IOFFE
def get_dperp_apar(cls, x, apar, r=1):
calculate inplane lattice parameter and the out of plane lattice plane
spacing (of the atomic planes!) from composition and relaxation
x : float
chemical composition parameter
apar : float
inplane lattice parameter of the material below the current layer
(onto which the present layer is strained to). This value also
served as a reference for the relaxation parameter.
r : float, optional
relaxation parameter. 1=relaxed, 0=pseudomorphic
dperp : float
perpendicular d-spacing
apar : float
inplane lattice parameter
abulk = cls.abulk(x)
aparl = apar + (abulk - apar) * r
dperp = abulk*(1+cls._deformation_ratio(x)*(1-aparl/abulk))/4.
return dperp, aparl
def init_structurefactors(self, temp=300):
calculates the needed atomic structure factors
temp : float, optional
temperature used for the Debye model
en = self.exp.energy
q = numpy.sqrt(self.qinp[0]**2 + self.qinp[1]**2 + self.qz**2)
self.fSi = self.eSi.f(q, en) * self.Si._debyewallerfactor(temp, q)
self.fGe = self.eGe.f(q, en) * self.Ge._debyewallerfactor(temp, q)
self.fSi0 = self.eSi.f(0, en)
self.fGe0 = self.eGe.f(0, en)
def _calc_mono(self, pdict, pol):
calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients of monolayer
pdict : dict
property dictionary, contains the layer properties:
'x': Ge-content of the layer (0: Si, 1: Ge);
'l': index of the layer in the unit cell (0, 1, 2, 3). important
for asymmetric peaks only!
pol : {'S', 'P'}
polarization of the x-rays
r, rbar, t : float or array-like
reflection, backside reflection, and tranmission coefficients
ainp = pdict.get('ai')
xGe = pdict.get('x')
# pre-factor for reflection: contains footprint correction
gamma = 4*numpy.pi*self.re/(self.qz*ainp**2)
# ltype = pdict.get('l', 0)
# if ltype == 0: # for asymmetric peaks (not yet implemented)
# p1, p2 = (0, 0), (0.5, 0.5)
# elif ltype == 1:
# p1, p2 = (0.25, 0.25), (0.75, 0.75)
# elif ltype == 2:
# p1, p2 = (0.5, 0.), (0., 0.5)
# elif ltype == 3:
# p1, p2 = (0.75, 0.25), (0.25, 0.75)
r = -1j*gamma * self.C[pol] * (self.fSi+(self.fGe-self.fSi)*xGe) * 2
# * (exp(1j*(h*p1[0]+k*p1[1])) + exp(1j*(h*p1[0]+k*p1[1])))
t = 1 + 1j*gamma * (self.fSi0+(self.fGe0-self.fSi0)*xGe) * 2
return r, numpy.copy(r), t
class DarwinModelGaInAs001(DarwinModelAlloy):
Darwin theory of diffraction for Ga_{1-x} In_x As layers.
The model is based on separation of the sample structure into building
blocks of atomic planes from which a multibeam dynamical model is
GaAs = materials.GaAs
InAs = materials.InAs
eGa = materials.elements.Ga
eIn = materials.elements.In
eAs = materials.elements.As
aGaAs = materials.GaAs.a
asub = aGaAs # needed for the make_monolayer function
re = physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] * 1e10
def abulk(cls, x):
calculate the bulk (relaxed) lattice parameter of the Ga_{1-x}In_{x}As
return cls.aGaAs + 0.40505*x
def _deformation_ratio(x):
calculate the deformation ratio of the alloy for biaxial strain. This
corresponds to 2*c12/c11.
return 2 * (5.38 - 0.84*x) / (11.88 - 3.54*x) # according to IOFFE
def get_dperp_apar(cls, x, apar, r=1):
calculate inplane lattice parameter and the out of plane lattice plane
spacing (of the atomic planes!) from composition and relaxation
x : float
chemical composition parameter
apar : float
inplane lattice parameter of the material below the current layer
(onto which the present layer is strained to). This value also
served as a reference for the relaxation parameter.
r : float
relaxation parameter. 1=relaxed, 0=pseudomorphic
dperp : float
perpendicular d-spacing
apar : float
inplane lattice parameter
abulk = cls.abulk(x)
aparl = apar + (abulk - apar) * r
dperp = abulk*(1+cls._deformation_ratio(x)*(1-aparl/abulk))/4.
return dperp, aparl
def init_structurefactors(self, temp=300):
calculates the needed atomic structure factors
temp : float, optional
temperature used for the Debye model
en = self.exp.energy
q = numpy.sqrt(self.qinp[0]**2 + self.qinp[1]**2 + self.qz**2)
fAs = self.eAs.f(q, en)
self.fGaAs = (self.eGa.f(q, en) + fAs) \
* self.GaAs._debyewallerfactor(temp, q)
self.fInAs = (self.eIn.f(q, en) + fAs) \
* self.InAs._debyewallerfactor(temp, q)
self.fGaAs0 = self.eGa.f(0, en) + self.eAs.f(0, en)
self.fInAs0 = self.eIn.f(0, en) + self.eAs.f(0, en)
def _calc_mono(self, pdict, pol):
calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients of monolayer
pdict : dict
property dictionary, contains the layer properties:
'x': In-content of the layer (0: GaAs, 1: InAs)
pol : {'S', 'P'}
polarization of the x-rays
r, rbar, t : float or array-like
reflection, backside reflection, and tranmission coefficients
ainp = pdict.get('ai')
xInAs = pdict.get('x')
# pre-factor for reflection: contains footprint correction
gamma = 4*numpy.pi * self.re/(self.qz*ainp**2)
r = -1j*gamma*self.C[pol]*(self.fGaAs+(self.fInAs-self.fGaAs)*xInAs)
t = 1 + 1j*gamma * (self.fGaAs0+(self.fInAs0-self.fGaAs0)*xInAs)
return r, numpy.copy(r), t
class DarwinModelAlGaAs001(DarwinModelAlloy):
Darwin theory of diffraction for Al_x Ga_{1-x} As layers.
The model is based on separation of the sample structure into building
blocks of atomic planes from which a multibeam dynamical model is
GaAs = materials.GaAs
AlAs = materials.AlAs
eGa = materials.elements.Ga
eAl = materials.elements.Al
eAs = materials.elements.As
aGaAs = materials.GaAs.a
asub = aGaAs # needed for the make_monolayer function
re = physical_constants['classical electron radius'][0] * 1e10
def abulk(cls, x):
calculate the bulk (relaxed) lattice parameter of the Al_{x}Ga_{1-x}As
return cls.aGaAs + 0.0078*x
def _deformation_ratio(x):
calculate the deformation ratio of the alloy for biaxial strain. This
corresponds to 2*c12/c11.
return 2 * (5.38+0.32*x) / (11.88+0.14*x) # according to IOFFE
def get_dperp_apar(cls, x, apar, r=1):
calculate inplane lattice parameter and the out of plane lattice plane
spacing (of the atomic planes!) from composition and relaxation
x : float
chemical composition parameter
apar : float
inplane lattice parameter of the material below the current layer
(onto which the present layer is strained to). This value also
served as a reference for the relaxation parameter.
r : float
relaxation parameter. 1=relaxed, 0=pseudomorphic
dperp : float
perpendicular d-spacing
apar : float
inplane lattice parameter
abulk = cls.abulk(x)
aparl = apar + (abulk - apar) * r
dperp = abulk*(1+cls._deformation_ratio(x)*(1-aparl/abulk))/4.
return dperp, aparl
def init_structurefactors(self, temp=300):
calculates the needed atomic structure factors
temp : float, optional
temperature used for the Debye model
en = self.exp.energy
q = numpy.sqrt(self.qinp[0]**2 + self.qinp[1]**2 + self.qz**2)
fAs = self.eAs.f(q, en)
self.fGaAs = (self.eGa.f(q, en) + fAs) \
* self.GaAs._debyewallerfactor(temp, q)
self.fAlAs = (self.eAl.f(q, en) + fAs) \
* self.AlAs._debyewallerfactor(temp, q)
self.fGaAs0 = self.eGa.f(0, en) + self.eAs.f(0, en)
self.fAlAs0 = self.eAl.f(0, en) + self.eAs.f(0, en)
def _calc_mono(self, pdict, pol):
calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients of monolayer
pdict : dict
property dictionary, contains the layer properties:
'x': Al-content of the layer (0: GaAs, 1: AlAs)
pol : {'S', 'P'}
polarization of the x-rays
r, rbar, t : float or array-like
reflection, backside reflection, and tranmission coefficients
ainp = pdict.get('ai')
xAlAs = pdict.get('x')
# pre-factor for reflection: contains footprint correction
gamma = 4*numpy.pi * self.re/(self.qz*ainp**2)
r = -1j*gamma*self.C[pol]*(self.fGaAs+(self.fAlAs-self.fGaAs)*xAlAs)
t = 1 + 1j*gamma * (self.fGaAs0+(self.fAlAs0-self.fGaAs0)*xAlAs)
return r, numpy.copy(r), t