Source code for xrayutilities.q2ang_fit

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Dominik Kriegner <>

Module provides functions to convert a q-vector from reciprocal space to
angular space. a simple implementation uses scipy optimize routines to perform
a fit for a arbitrary goniometer.

The user is, however, expected to use the bounds variable to put restrictions
to the number of free angles to obtain reproducible results. In general only 3
angles are needed to fit an arbitrary q-vector (2 sample + 1 detector angles or
1 sample + 2 detector). More complicated restrictions can be implemented using
the lmfit package. (done upon request!)

The function is based on a fitting routine. For a specific goniometer also
analytic expressions from literature can be used as they are implemented in the
predefined experimental classes HXRD, NonCOP, and GID.

import numbers

import numpy
import scipy.optimize

from . import config, math
from .exception import InputError

def _makebounds(boundsin):
    generate proper bounds for scipy.optimize.minimize function
    from a list/tuple of more convenient bounds.

    boundsin :  list or tuple or array-like
        bounds, or fixed values. the number of entries needs to be equal to the
        number of angle in the goniometer given to the q2ang_general function
        example input for four gonimeter angles: ((0, 90), 0, (0, 180), (0,

    scipy.optimize.Bounds object
        bounds to be handed over to the scipy.minimize routine. The function
        will expand fixed values to two equal bounds
    constraints, list
        list of equality constraints for fixed values
    lb = []
    ub = []
    constraints = []
    for j, b in enumerate(boundsin):
        if isinstance(b, (tuple, list, numpy.ndarray)):
            if len(b) == 2:
            elif len(b) == 1:
                # upper = lower bound needs equality constraint in scipy<1.8.0
                if tuple(map(int, scipy.__version__.split('.')[:2])) > (1, 8):
                    # see scipy/scipy#12433
                             fun=lambda x, j=j, v=b[0]: x[j] - v,
                             # lambda j=j to bind var. by value
                raise InputError('bound values must have two or one elements')
        elif isinstance(b, numbers.Number):
            # upper = lower bound needs equality constraint in scipy<1.8.0
            if tuple(map(int, scipy.__version__.split('.')[:2])) > (1, 8):
                # see scipy/scipy#12433
                                        fun=lambda x, j=j, v=b: x[j] - v,
                                        # lambda j=j to bind var. by value
        elif b is None:
            raise InputError(f'bound value is of invalid type ({type(b)})')

    return scipy.optimize.Bounds(lb, ub), constraints

def _errornorm_q2ang(angles, qvec, hxrd, U=numpy.identity(3)):
    function to determine the offset in the qposition calculated from
    a set of experimental angles and the given vector

    angles :    iterable
        iterable object with angles of the goniometer
    qvec :      list or tuple or array-like
        vector with three q-coordinates
    hxrd :      Experiment
        experiment class to be used for the q calculation
    U :         array-like, optional
        orientation matrix

    error : float
        q-space error between the current fit-guess and the user-specified

    qcalc = hxrd.Ang2Q.point(*angles, UB=U)
    dq = numpy.linalg.norm(qcalc - qvec)
    return dq

[docs] def incidenceAngleConst(angles, alphai, xrd): """ helper function for an pseudo-angle constraint of the incidence angle. Can be used together with the Q2AngFit-routine in the 'constraints' argument. An example use case scenario to fix the incidence angle to 1 degree would be: constraints={'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda a: incidenceAngleConst(a, 1, xrd)} Parameters ---------- angles : iterable fit parameters of Q2AngFit alphai : float the incidence angle which should be fixed xrd : Experiment the Experiment object to use for qconversion """ qconv = xrd._A2QConversion ndirlab = qconv.transformSample2Lab(xrd.Transform(xrd.ndir), *angles) ai = 90 - math.VecAngle(-qconv.r_i, ndirlab, deg=True) - alphai return ai
[docs] def exitAngleConst(angles, alphaf, xrd): """ helper function for an pseudo-angle constraint of the exit angle. Can be used together with the Q2AngFit-routine in the 'constraints' argument. An example use case scenario to fix the exit angle to 1 degree would be: constraints={'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda a: exitAngleConst(a, 1, xrd)} Parameters ---------- angles : iterable fit parameters of Q2AngFit alphaf : float the exit angle which should be fixed xrd : Experiment the Experiment object to use for qconversion """ qconv = xrd._A2QConversion # calc kf detangles = list(angles[-len(qconv.detectorAxis):]) kf = qconv.getDetectorPos(*detangles) if numpy.linalg.norm(kf) == 0: af = 0 else: ndirlab = qconv.transformSample2Lab(xrd.Transform(xrd.ndir), *angles) af = 90 - math.VecAngle(kf, ndirlab, deg=True) - alphaf return af
[docs] def Q2AngFit(qvec, expclass, bounds=None, ormat=numpy.identity(3), startvalues=None, constraints=None): """ Functions to convert a q-vector from reciprocal space to angular space. This implementation uses scipy optimize routines to perform a fit for a goniometer with arbitrary number of goniometer angles. The user *must* use the bounds variable to put restrictions to the number of free angles to obtain reproducible results. In general only 3 angles are needed to fit an arbitrary q-vector (2 sample + 1 detector angles or 1 sample + 2 detector). Parameters ---------- qvec : tuple or list or array-like q-vector for which the angular positions should be calculated expclass : Experiment experimental class used to define the goniometer for which the angles should be calculated. bounds : tuple or list bounds of the goniometer angles. The number of bounds must correspond to the number of goniometer angles in the expclass. Angles can also be fixed by supplying only one value for a particular angle. e.g.: ((low, up), fix, (low2, up2), (low3, up3)) ormat : array-like orientation matrix of the sample to be used in the conversion startvalues : array-like start values for the fit, which can significantly speed up the conversion. The number of values must correspond to the number of angles in the goniometer of the expclass constraints : list, optional sequence of constraint dictionaries. This allows applying arbitrary (e.g. pseudo-angle) contraints by supplying according constraint functions. An entry of the constraints argument must be a dictionary with at least the 'type' and 'fun' set. 'type' can be either 'eq' or 'ineq' for equality or inequality constraints. 'fun' must be a callable function which for 'eq'-constraints returns 0 when the equality condition is fulfilled (see constraints documentation in scipy.optimize.minimize for details). The supplied function will be called with the arguments gonimeter angle list as argument. Typically this means you will have to use a lambda function. Returns ------- fittedangles : list list of fitted goniometer angles qerror : float error in reciprocal space errcode : int error-code of the scipy minimize function. for a successful fit the error code should be <=2 """ # check input parameters if len(qvec) != 3: raise ValueError("XU.Q2AngFit: length of given q-vector is not 3 " "-> invalid") lqvec = numpy.asarray(qvec) if constraints is None: constraints = [] qconv = expclass._A2QConversion nangles = len(qconv.sampleAxis) + len(qconv.detectorAxis) # generate starting position for optimization if startvalues is None: start = numpy.zeros(nangles) else: start = startvalues # check bounds if bounds is None: bounds = numpy.zeros(2 * nangles) - 180. bounds[::2] = 180. bounds.shape = (nangles, 2) elif len(bounds) != nangles: raise ValueError("XU.Q2AngFit: number of specified bounds invalid") sbounds, boundconstraints = _makebounds(bounds) sconstraints = list(constraints) + boundconstraints # perform optimization res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_errornorm_q2ang, start, args=(lqvec, expclass, ormat), method='SLSQP', bounds=sbounds, constraints=sconstraints, options={'maxiter': 1000, 'eps': config.EPSILON, 'ftol': config.EPSILON}) x, errcode, qerror = (res.x, res.status, if qerror >= 1e-7: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print("XU.Q2AngFit: info: need second run") # make a second run res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_errornorm_q2ang, res.x, args=(lqvec, expclass, ormat), method='SLSQP', bounds=sbounds, constraints=sconstraints, options={'maxiter': 1000, 'eps': config.EPSILON, 'ftol': config.EPSILON}) x, errcode, qerror = (res.x, res.status, if ((config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG) or (qerror > 10*config.EPSILON and config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW)): print(f"XU.Q2AngFit: q-error={qerror:.4g} with error-code {errcode} " f"({res.message})") return x, qerror, errcode