# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner@gmail.com>
module providing analytic algebraic functions not implemented in scipy or any
other dependency of xrayutilities. In particular the analytic solution of a
quartic equation which is needed for the solution of the dynamic scattering
import numpy
def solve_quartic(a4, a3, a2, a1, a0):
analytic solution [1]_ of the general quartic equation. The solved equation
takes the form :math:`a_4 z^4 + a_3 z^3 + a_2 z^2 + a_1 z + a_0`
tuple of the four (complex) solutions of aboves equation.
.. [1] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/QuarticEquation.html
a4 = numpy.asarray(a4)
a3 = numpy.asarray(a3)
a2 = numpy.asarray(a2)
a1 = numpy.asarray(a1)
a0 = numpy.asarray(a0)
t01 = 1. / a4
t02 = a3**2
t04 = t01 * t01
t05 = t04 * t01
t09 = a1 * t01
t10 = (a3 * t02 * t05) / 8
t11 = (a3 * a2 * t04) / 2
t03 = t09 + t10 - t11
t06 = a2 * t01
t19 = (3 * t02 * t04) / 8
t07 = t06 - t19
t08 = t07**2
t12 = t03**2
t13 = a0 * t01
t14 = t05 * t01
t15 = t02**2
t16 = (a2 * t02 * t05) / 16
t20 = (3 * t14 * t15) / 256
t21 = (a3 * a1 * t04) / 4
t17 = t13 + t16 - t20 - t21
t18 = t17**2
t22 = t12 / 2.
t23 = (t07 * t08) / 27
t24 = 3.**(1./2)
t25 = t12**2
t26 = 27 * t25
t27 = t08**2
t28 = 4 * t07 * t08 * t12
t29 = 128 * t08 * t18
t35 = 256 * t17 * t18
t36 = 16 * t17 * t27
t37 = 144 * t07 * t12 * t17
t30 = t26 + t28 + t29 - t35 - t36 - t37
t31 = t30.astype(complex)**(1./2)
t32 = (t24 * t31) / 18
t34 = (4 * t07 * t17) / 3
t33 = t22 + t23 + t32 - t34
t38 = 1 / t33.astype(complex)**(1./6)
t39 = t33**(1./3)
t40 = 12 * a0 * t01
t41 = t33**(2./3)
t42 = 9 * t41
t43 = (3 * a2 * t02 * t05) / 4
t46 = 6 * t07 * t39
t47 = (9 * t14 * t15) / 64
t48 = 3 * a3 * a1 * t04
t44 = t08 + t40 + t42 + t43 - t46 - t47 - t48
t45 = t44.astype(complex)**(1./2)
t49 = 6.**(1./2)
t50 = 27 * t12
t51 = 2 * t07 * t08
t52 = 3 * t24 * t31
t62 = 72 * t07 * t17
t53 = t50 + t51 + t52 - t62
t54 = t53.astype(complex)**(1./2)
t55 = 3 * t03 * t49 * t54
t59 = t08 * t45
t60 = 12 * t17 * t45
t61 = 9 * t41 * t45
t63 = 12 * t07 * t39 * t45
t56 = t55 - t59 - t60 - t61 - t63
t57 = t56.astype(complex)**(1./2)
t58 = 1. / t44.astype(complex)**(1./4)
t64 = (t38 * t45) / 6
t65 = - t55 - t59 - t60 - t61 - t63
t66 = t65.astype(complex)**(1./2)
return (-(a3 * t01) / 4 - (t38 * t45) / 6 - (t38 * t57 * t58) / 6,
(t38 * t57 * t58) / 6 - (t38 * t45) / 6 - (a3 * t01) / 4,
t64 - (a3 * t01) / 4 - (t38 * t58 * t66) / 6,
t64 - (a3 * t01) / 4 + (t38 * t58 * t66) / 6)