Source code for

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Eugen Wintersberger <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2023 Dominik Kriegner <>
# Copyright (C) 2019 Daniel Schick <>

a class for observing a SPEC data file


SPEC files can become quite large. Therefore, subsequently reading
the entire file to extract a single scan is a quite cumbersome procedure.
This module is a proof of concept code to write a file observer starting
a reread of the file starting from a stored offset (last known scan position)

import os.path
import re

import numpy

from .. import config, utilities
from ..exception import InputError
# relative imports from xrayutilities
from .helper import xu_h5open, xu_open

# define some uesfull regular expressions
SPEC_time_format = re.compile(r"\d\d:\d\d:\d\d")
SPEC_multi_blank = re.compile(r"\s+")
SPEC_multi_blank2 = re.compile(r"\s\s+")
# denotes a numeric value
SPEC_int_value = re.compile(r"[+-]?\d+")
SPEC_num_value = re.compile(
SPEC_dataline = re.compile(r"^[+-]*\d.*")

SPEC_scan = re.compile(r"^#S")
SPEC_initmoponames = re.compile(r"#O\d+")
SPEC_initmopopos = re.compile(r"#P\d+")
SPEC_datetime = re.compile(r"^#D")
SPEC_exptime = re.compile(r"^#T")
SPEC_nofcols = re.compile(r"^#N")
SPEC_colnames = re.compile(r"^#L")
SPEC_MCAFormat = re.compile(r"^#@MCA ")
SPEC_MCAChannels = re.compile(r"^#@CHANN")
SPEC_MCAChannelNames = re.compile(r"^#@DET_\d+")
SPEC_MCAline = re.compile(r"^@A")
SPEC_headerline = re.compile(r"^#")
SPEC_scanbroken = re.compile(r"#C[a-zA-Z0-9: .]*Scan aborted")
SPEC_scanresumed = re.compile(r"#C[a-zA-Z0-9: .]*Scan resumed")
SPEC_commentline = re.compile(r"#C")
SPEC_newheader = re.compile(r"^#E")
SPEC_errorbm20 = re.compile(r"^MI:")
scan_status_flags = ["OK", "NODATA", "ABORTED", "CORRUPTED"]

[docs] class SPECScan: """ Represents a single SPEC scan. This class is usually not called by the user directly but used via the SPECFile class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, scannr, command, date, time, itime, colnames, hoffset, doffset, fname, imopnames, imopvalues, scan_status): """ Constructor for the SPECScan class. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the scan scannr : int Number of the scan in the specfile command : str command used to write the scan date : str starting date of the scan time : str starting time of the scan itime : int integration time colnames : list list of names of the data columns hoffset : int file byte offset to the header of the scan doffset : int file byte offset to the data section of the scan fname : str file name of the SPEC file the scan belongs to imopnames : list of str motor names for the initial motor positions array imopvalues : list intial motor positions array scan_status : {'OK', 'NODATA', 'CORRUPTED', 'ABORTED'} scan status as string """ = name # name of the scan = scannr # number of the scan self.command = command # command used to record the data = date # date the command has been sent self.time = time # time the command has been sent self.itime = itime # integration time of the scan self.colnames = colnames # list with column names self.hoffset = hoffset # file offset where the header data starts self.doffset = doffset # file offset where the data section starts self.fname = fname # full file name of the file holding the data # flag to force resave to hdf5 file in Save2HDF5() self.ischanged = True self.header = [] self.fid = None if scan_status in scan_status_flags: self.scan_status = scan_status else: self.scan_status = "CORRUPTED" if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(" unknown scan status flag - " "set to CORRUPTED") # setup the initial motor positions dictionary - set the motor names # dictionary holding the initial motor positions self.init_motor_pos = {} if len(imopnames) == len(imopvalues): for i in range(len(imopnames)): natmotname = utilities.makeNaturalName(imopnames[i]) self.init_motor_pos[ "INIT_MOPO_" + natmotname] = float(imopvalues[i]) else: print(" Warning: incorrect number of " "initial motor positions in scan %03d" % ( if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(imopnames) print(imopvalues) # ASSUME ORDER DID NOT CHANGE!! (which might be wrong) # in fact this is sign for a broken spec file # number of initial motor positions should not change without new # file header! for i in range(min(len(imopnames), len(imopvalues))): natmotname = utilities.makeNaturalName(imopnames[i]) self.init_motor_pos[ "INIT_MOPO_" + natmotname] = float(imopvalues[i]) # read the rest of the positions into dummy INIT_MOPO__NONAME__%03d for i in range(len(imopnames), len(imopvalues)): self.init_motor_pos["INIT_MOPO___NONAME__%03d" % (i)] = \ float(imopvalues[i]) # some additional attributes for the MCA data # False if scan contains no MCA data, True otherwise self.has_mca = False self.has_sardana_mca = False self.mca_column_format = 0 # number of columns used to save MCA data self.mca_channels = 0 # number of channels stored from the MCA self.mca_channel_names = ['MCA'] # name of MCAs self.mca_nof_lines = 0 # number of lines used to store MCA data self.mca_start_channel = 0 # first channel of the MCA that is stored self.mca_stop_channel = 0 # last channel of the MCA that is stored # a numpy record array holding the data - this is set using by the # ReadData method. = None # check for duplicate values in column names for i in range(len(self.colnames)): name = self.colnames[i] cnt = self.colnames.count(name) if cnt > 1: # have multiple entries cnt = 1 for j in range(self.colnames.index(name) + 1, len(self.colnames)): if self.colnames[j] == name: self.colnames[j] = name + "_%i" % cnt cnt += 1
[docs] def SetMCAParams(self, mca_column_format, mca_channels, mca_start, mca_stop, mca_channel_names, has_sardana_mca): """ Set the parameters used to save the MCA data to the file. This method calculates the number of lines used to store the MCA data from the number of columns and the Parameters ---------- mca_column_format : int number of columns used to save the data mca_channels : int number of MCA channels stored mca_start : int first channel that is stored mca_stop : int last channel that is stored mca_channel_names : list(str) names of mca channels has_sardana_mca : bool True for Sardana MCA, False for SPEC MCA """ self.has_mca = True self.has_sardana_mca = has_sardana_mca self.mca_column_format = mca_column_format self.mca_channels = mca_channels self.mca_start_channel = mca_start self.mca_stop_channel = mca_stop if mca_channel_names != []: self.mca_channel_names = mca_channel_names self.mca_nb = len(self.mca_channel_names) # calculate the number of lines per data point for the mca self.mca_nof_lines = int(mca_channels / mca_column_format) if mca_channels % mca_column_format != 0: # some additional values have to be read self.mca_nof_lines = self.mca_nof_lines + 1 if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" channel names: %s" % self.mca_channel_names) print(" number of channels: %d" % self.mca_channels) print(" number of columns: %d" % self.mca_column_format) print(" number of lines to read " "for MCA: %d" % self.mca_nof_lines)
def __str__(self): # build a proper string to print the scan information str_rep = "|%4i|" % ( str_rep = str_rep + "%50s|%10s|%10s|" % (self.command, self.time, if self.has_mca: str_rep = str_rep + "MCA: %5i" % (self.mca_channels) str_rep = str_rep + "\n" return str_rep
[docs] def ClearData(self): """ Delete the data stored in a scan after it is no longer used. """ self.__delattr__("data") = None
[docs] def ReadData(self): """ Set the data attribute of the scan class. """ if self.scan_status == "NODATA": if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print(" %s has been aborted - " "no data available!" % = None return None if not self.has_mca: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(" scan %d contains no MCA data" % with xu_open(self.fname) as self.fid: # read header lines, 0) self.header = [] while self.fid.tell() < self.doffset: line = self.fid.readline().decode('ascii', 'ignore') self.header.append(line.strip()), 0) # create dictionary to hold the data if self.has_mca and self.has_sardana_mca: type_desc = {"names": self.colnames + self.mca_channel_names, "formats": len(self.colnames) * [numpy.float64] + len(self.mca_channel_names) * [(numpy.float64, self.mca_channels)]} elif self.has_mca and not self.has_sardana_mca: type_desc = {"names": self.colnames + self.mca_channel_names, "formats": len(self.colnames) * [numpy.float64] + len(self.mca_channel_names) * [(numpy.uint32, self.mca_channels)]} else: type_desc = {"names": self.colnames, "formats": len(self.colnames) * [numpy.float32]} if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" type descriptor: " f"{repr(type_desc)}") record_list = [] # from this list the record array while be built scalars_list = [] mca_tmp_list = [] mca_counter = 0 mca_list_counter = 0 scan_aborted_flag = False for line in self.fid: line = line.decode('ascii', 'ignore') line = line.strip() if not line: continue # check if scan is broken if (SPEC_scanbroken.findall(line) != [] or scan_aborted_flag): # need to check next line(s) to know if scan is resumed # read until end of comment block or end of file if not scan_aborted_flag: scan_aborted_flag = True self.scan_status = "ABORTED" if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(f" {} " "aborted") continue if SPEC_scanresumed.match(line): self.scan_status = "OK" scan_aborted_flag = False if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(f" {} " "resumed") continue if SPEC_commentline.match(line): continue if SPEC_errorbm20.match(line): print(line) continue break if SPEC_headerline.match(line) or \ SPEC_commentline.match(line): if SPEC_scanresumed.match(line): continue if SPEC_commentline.match(line): continue break line_list = SPEC_num_value.findall(line) line_list = map(numpy.float64, line_list) if self.has_mca: if SPEC_MCAline.match(line) \ and ((mca_list_counter == 0) and (mca_counter == 0)): mca_list_counter += 1 mca_counter += 1 mca_tmp = [] mca_tmp_list = [] if (mca_list_counter > 0): mca_counter += 1 mca_tmp += line_list if mca_counter > self.mca_nof_lines: mca_counter = 1 mca_tmp_list.append(mca_tmp.copy()) mca_tmp = [] mca_list_counter += 1 if mca_list_counter > self.mca_nb: mca_list_counter = 0 else: scalars_list = line_list # check if the data should be written to the records if (scalars_list != []) \ and (mca_tmp_list != []) \ and (mca_list_counter == 0): record_list.append(tuple(list(scalars_list) + mca_tmp_list)) scalars_list = [] mca_tmp_list = [] mca_counter = 0 else: record_list.append(tuple(line_list)) continue # convert the data to numpy arrays ncol = len(record_list[0]) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print(" %s: %d %d %d" % (, len(record_list), ncol, len(type_desc["names"]))) if ncol == len(type_desc["names"]): try: = numpy.rec.fromrecords(record_list, dtype=type_desc) except ValueError: self.scan_status = 'NODATA' print(" %s exception while " "parsing data" % else: self.scan_status = 'NODATA'
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **keyargs): """ Plot scan data to a matplotlib figure. If newfig=True a new figure instance will be created. If logy=True (default is False) the y-axis will be plotted with a logarithmic scale. Parameters ---------- args : list arguments for the plot: first argument is the name of x-value column the following pairs of arguments are the y-value names and plot styles allowed are 3, 5, 7,... number of arguments keyargs : dict, optional newfig : bool, optional if True a new figure instance will be created otherwise an existing one will be used logy : bool, optional if True a semilogy plot will be done """ flag, plt = utilities.import_matplotlib_pyplot('') if not flag: return newfig = keyargs.get('newfig', True) logy = keyargs.get('logy', False) try: xname = args[0] xdata =[xname] except ValueError: raise InputError("name of the x-axis is invalid!") alist = args[1:] leglist = [] if len(alist) % 2 != 0: raise InputError("wrong number of yname/style arguments!") if newfig: plt.figure() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.95) for i in range(0, len(alist), 2): yname = alist[i] ystyle = alist[i + 1] try: ydata =[yname] except ValueError: raise InputError(f"no column with name {yname} exists!") continue if logy: plt.semilogy(xdata, ydata, ystyle) else: plt.plot(xdata, ydata, ystyle) leglist.append(yname) plt.xlabel(f"{xname}") plt.legend(leglist) plt.title("scan %i %s\n%s %s" % (, self.command,, self.time)) # need to adjust axis limits properly lim = plt.axis() plt.axis([xdata.min(), xdata.max(), lim[2], lim[3]])
[docs] def Save2HDF5(self, h5f, group="/", title="", optattrs=None, comp=True): """ Save a SPEC scan to an HDF5 file. The method creates a group with the name of the scan and stores the data there as a table object with name "data". By default the scan group is created under the root group of the HDF5 file. The title of the scan group is ususally the scan command. Metadata of the scan are stored as attributes to the scan group. Additional custom attributes to the scan group can be passed as a dictionary via the optattrs keyword argument. Parameters ---------- h5f : file-handle or str a HDF5 file object or its filename group : str, optional name or group object of the HDF5 group where to store the data title : str, optional a string with the title for the data, defaults to the name of scan if empty optattrs : dict, optional a dictionary with optional attributes to store for the data comp : bool, optional activate compression - true by default """ if optattrs is None: optattrs = {} with xu_h5open(h5f, 'a') as h5: # check if data object has been already written if is None: raise InputError(" No data has been" "read so far - call ReadData method of the " "scan") # parse keyword arguments: if isinstance(group, str): rootgroup = h5.get(group) else: rootgroup = group if title != "": group_title = title else: group_title = group_title = group_title.replace(".", "_") # create the dataset and fill it copy_count = 0 if self.ischanged and group_title in rootgroup: del rootgroup[group_title] raw_grp_title = group_title # if the group already exists the name must be changed and # another will be made to create the group. while group_title in rootgroup: group_title = raw_grp_title + f"_{copy_count}" copy_count = copy_count + 1 g = rootgroup.create_group(group_title) kwds = {'fletcher32': True} if comp: kwds['compression'] = 'gzip' g.create_dataset("data",, **kwds) # write attribute data for the scan g.attrs['ScanNumber'] = numpy.uint( g.attrs['Command'] = self.command g.attrs['Date'] = g.attrs['Time'] = self.time g.attrs['scan_status'] = self.scan_status # write the initial motor positions as attributes for key, val in self.init_motor_pos.items(): g.attrs[key] = float(val) # if scan contains MCA data write also MCA parameters g.attrs['has_mca'] = self.has_mca g.attrs['mca_start_channel'] = numpy.uint(self.mca_start_channel) g.attrs['mca_stop_channel'] = numpy.uint(self.mca_stop_channel) g.attrs['mca_nof_channels'] = numpy.uint(self.mca_channels) for k in optattrs: g.attrs[k] = optattrs[k] h5.flush()
[docs] def getheader_element(self, key, firstonly=True): """ return the value-string of the first appearance of this SPECScan's header element, or a list of all values if firstonly=False Parameters ---------- specscan : SPECScan key : str name of the key to return; e.g. 'UMONO' or 'D' firstonly : bool, optional flag to specify if all instances or only the first one should be returned Returns ------- valuestring : str header value (if firstonly=True) [str1, str2, ...] : list header values (if firstonly=False) """ if not self.header: self.ReadData() re_key = re.compile(f'^#{key} (.*)') ret = [] for line in self.header: m = re_key.match(line) if m: if firstonly: ret = m.groups()[0] break ret.append(m.groups()[0]) return ret
[docs] class SPECFile: """ This class represents a single SPEC file. The class provides methodes for updateing an already opened file which makes it particular interesting for interactive use. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, path=""): """ SPECFile init routine Parameters ---------- filename : str filename of the spec file path : str, optional path to the specfile """ self.full_filename = os.path.join(path, filename) self.filename = os.path.basename(self.full_filename) # list holding scan objects self.scan_list = [] self.fid = None self.last_offset = 0 # initially parse the file self.init_motor_names_fh = [] # this list will hold the names of the # motors saved in initial motor positions given in the file header self.init_motor_names_sh = [] # this list will hold the names of the # motors saved in initial motor positions given in the scan header self.init_motor_names = [] # this list will hold the names of the # motors saved in initial motor positions from either the file or # scan header self.Parse()
def __getitem__(self, index): """ function to return the n-th scan in the spec-file. be aware that numbering starts at 0! If scans are missing the relation between the given number and the "number" of the returned scan might be not trivial. See also -------- scanI attributes of the SPECFile object, where 'I' is the scan number """ return self.scan_list[index] def __getattr__(self, name): """ return scanX objects where X stands for the scan number in the SPECFile which for this purpose is assumed to be unique. (otherwise the first instance of scan number X is returned) """ if name.startswith("scan"): index = name[4:] try: scannr = int(index) except ValueError: raise AttributeError("scannumber needs to be convertable to " "integer") # try to find the scan in the list of scans s = None for scan in self.scan_list: if == scannr: s = scan break if s is not None: return s raise AttributeError("requested scan-number not found") raise AttributeError(f"SPECFile has no attribute '{name}'") def __len__(self): return self.scan_list.__len__() def __str__(self): ostr = "" for i, scan in enumerate(self.scan_list): ostr = ostr + f"{i:5d}" ostr = ostr + str(scan) return ostr
[docs] def Save2HDF5(self, h5f, comp=True, optattrs=None): """ Save the entire file in an HDF5 file. For that purpose a group is set up in the root group of the file with the name of the file without extension and leading path. If the method is called after an previous update only the scans not written to the file meanwhile are saved. Parameters ---------- h5f : file-handle or str a HDF5 file object or its filename comp : bool, optional activate compression - true by default """ if optattrs is None: optattrs = {} with xu_h5open(h5f, 'a') as h5: groupname = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0])[0] try: g = h5.create_group(groupname) except ValueError: g = h5.get(groupname) g.attrs['TITLE'] = f"Data of SPEC - File {self.filename}" for k in optattrs: g.attrs[k] = optattrs[k] for s in self.scan_list: if ((( not in g) or s.ischanged) and s.scan_status != "NODATA"): s.ReadData() if is not None: s.Save2HDF5(h5, group=g, comp=comp) s.ClearData() s.ischanged = False
[docs] def Update(self): """ reread the file and add newly added files. The parsing starts at the data offset of the last scan gathered during the last parsing run. """ # reparse the SPEC file if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print(" reparsing file for new scans ...") # mark last found scan as not saved to force reread idx = len(self.scan_list) if idx > 0: lastscan = self.scan_list[idx - 1] lastscan.ischanged = True self.Parse()
[docs] def Parse(self): """ Parses the file from the starting at last_offset and adding found scans to the scan list. """ with xu_open(self.full_filename) as self.fid: # move to the last read position in the file, 0) scan_started = False scan_has_mca = False scan_has_sardana_mca = False # list with the motors from whome the initial # position is stored. init_motor_values = [] mca_channel_names = [] if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(' start parsing') for line in self.fid: linelength = len(line) line = line.decode('ascii', 'ignore') if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(f'parsing line: {line}') # remove trailing and leading blanks from the read line line = line.strip() # fill the list with the initial motor names in the header if SPEC_newheader.match(line): self.init_motor_names_fh = [] elif SPEC_initmoponames.match(line) and not scan_started: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found initial motor " "names in file header") line = SPEC_initmoponames.sub("", line) line = line.strip() self.init_motor_names_fh = self.init_motor_names_fh + \ SPEC_multi_blank2.split(line) # if the line marks the beginning of a new scan elif SPEC_scan.match(line) and not scan_started: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found scan") line_list = SPEC_multi_blank.split(line) scannr = int(line_list[1]) scancmd = "".join(" " + x + " " for x in line_list[2:]) scan_started = True scan_has_mca = False scan_header_offset = self.last_offset scan_status = "OK" # define some necessary variables which could be missing in # the scan header itime = numpy.nan time = "" date = "" if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(" processing scan nr. %d " "..." % scannr) # set the init_motor_names to the ones found in # the file header self.init_motor_names_sh = [] self.init_motor_names = self.init_motor_names_fh # if the line contains the date and time information elif SPEC_datetime.match(line) and scan_started: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found date and time") # fetch the time from the line data time = SPEC_time_format.findall(line)[0] line = SPEC_time_format.sub("", line) line = SPEC_datetime.sub("", line) date = SPEC_multi_blank.sub(" ", line).strip() # if the line contains the integration time elif SPEC_exptime.match(line) and scan_started: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found exposure time") itime = float(SPEC_num_value.findall(line)[0]) # read the initial motor names in the scan header if present elif SPEC_initmoponames.match(line) and scan_started: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found initial motor " "names in scan header") line = SPEC_initmoponames.sub("", line) line = line.strip() self.init_motor_names_sh = self.init_motor_names_sh + \ SPEC_multi_blank2.split(line) self.init_motor_names = self.init_motor_names_sh # read the initial motor positions elif SPEC_initmopopos.match(line) and scan_started: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found initial motor " "positions") line = SPEC_initmopopos.sub("", line) line = line.strip() line_list = SPEC_multi_blank.split(line) # sometimes initial motor position are simply empty and # this should not lead to an error try: for value in line_list: init_motor_values.append(float(value)) except ValueError: pass # if the line contains the number of colunmns elif SPEC_nofcols.match(line) and scan_started: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found number of columns") line = SPEC_nofcols.sub("", line) line = line.strip() nofcols = int(line) # if the line contains the column names elif SPEC_colnames.match(line) and scan_started: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found column names") line = SPEC_colnames.sub("", line) line = line.strip() col_names = SPEC_multi_blank.split(line) # this is a fix in the case that blanks are allowed in # motor and detector names (only a single balanks is # supported meanwhile) if len(col_names) > nofcols: col_names = SPEC_multi_blank2.split(line) elif SPEC_MCAFormat.match(line) and scan_started: mca_col_number = int(SPEC_num_value.findall( line)[0]) scan_has_mca = True elif SPEC_MCAChannelNames.match(line) and scan_started: mca_channel_names.append(line.split(" ")[1]) scan_has_sardana_mca = True elif SPEC_MCAChannels.match(line) and scan_started: line_list = SPEC_num_value.findall(line) mca_channels = int(line_list[0]) mca_start = int(line_list[1]) mca_stop = int(line_list[2]) elif (SPEC_scanbroken.findall(line) != [] and scan_started): # this is the case when a scan is broken and no data has # been written, but nevertheless a comment is in the file # that tells us that the scan was aborted scan_data_offset = self.last_offset s = SPECScan("scan_%i" % (scannr), scannr, scancmd, date, time, itime, col_names, scan_header_offset, scan_data_offset, self.full_filename, self.init_motor_names, init_motor_values, "NODATA") self.scan_list.append(s) # reset control flags scan_started = False scan_has_mca = False scan_has_sardana_mca = False # reset initial motor positions flag init_motor_values = [] mca_channel_names = [] elif (SPEC_dataline.match(line) or SPEC_MCAline.match(line)) \ and scan_started: # this is now the real end of the header block. at this # point we know that there is enough information about the # scan # save the data offset scan_data_offset = self.last_offset # create an SPECFile scan object and add it to the scan # list the name of the group consists of the prefix scan # and the number of the scan in the file - this shoule make # it easier to find scans in the HDF5 file. s = SPECScan("scan_%i" % (scannr), scannr, scancmd, date, time, itime, col_names, scan_header_offset, scan_data_offset, self.full_filename, self.init_motor_names, init_motor_values, scan_status) if scan_has_mca: s.SetMCAParams(mca_col_number, mca_channels, mca_start, mca_stop, mca_channel_names, scan_has_sardana_mca) self.scan_list.append(s) # reset control flags scan_started = False scan_has_mca = False scan_has_sardana_mca = False # reset initial motor positions flag init_motor_values = [] mca_channel_names = [] elif SPEC_scan.match(line) and scan_started: # this should only be the case when there are two # consecutive file headers in the data file without any # data or abort notice of the first scan; first store # current scan as aborted then start new scan parsing s = SPECScan("scan_%i" % (scannr), scannr, scancmd, date, time, itime, col_names, scan_header_offset, None, self.full_filename, self.init_motor_names, init_motor_values, "NODATA") self.scan_list.append(s) # reset control flags scan_started = False scan_has_mca = False scan_has_sardana_mca = False # reset initial motor positions flag init_motor_values = [] mca_channel_names = [] # start parsing of new scan if config.VERBOSITY >= config.DEBUG: print(" found scan " "(after aborted scan)") line_list = SPEC_multi_blank.split(line) scannr = int(line_list[1]) scancmd = "".join(" " + x + " " for x in line_list[2:]) scan_started = True scan_has_mca = False scan_has_sardana_mca = False scan_header_offset = self.last_offset scan_status = "OK" self.init_motor_names_sh = [] self.init_motor_names = self.init_motor_names_fh # store the position of the file pointer self.last_offset += linelength # if reading of the file is finished store the data offset of the # last scan as the last offset for the next parsing run of the file self.last_offset = self.scan_list[-1].doffset
[docs] class SPECCmdLine:
[docs] def __init__(self, n, prompt, cmdl, out=""): self.linenumber = n self.prompt = prompt self.command = cmdl self.out = out
def __str__(self): ostr = "%i.%s> %s" % (self.linenumber, self.prompt, self.command) return ostr
[docs] class SPECLog: """ class to parse a SPEC log file to find the command history """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, prompt, path=""): """ init routine for a class to read a SPEC log file Parameters ---------- filename : str SPEC log file name prompt : str SPEC command prompt (e.g. 'PSIC' or 'SPEC') path : str, optional directory where the SPEC log can be found """ self.filename = filename self.full_filename = os.path.join(path, self.filename) self.prompt = prompt self.prompt_re = re.compile(r"%s>" % self.prompt) self.cmdl_list = [] self.line_counter = 0 self.Parse()
[docs] def Parse(self): with xu_open(self.full_filename, 'r') as fid: for line in fid: line = line.decode('ascii', 'ignore') self.line_counter += 1 line = line.strip() if self.prompt_re.findall(line): [line, cmd] = self.prompt_re.split(line) self.cmdl_list.append(SPECCmdLine(int(float(line)), self.prompt, cmd))
def __getitem__(self, index): """ function to return the n-th cmd in the spec-log. """ return self.cmdl_list[index] def __str__(self): ostr = "%s with %d lines\n" % (self.filename, self.line_counter) for cmd in self.cmdl_list: ostr = ostr + cmd.__str__() + "\n" return ostr
[docs] def geth5_scan(h5f, scans, *args, **kwargs): """ function to obtain the angular cooridinates as well as intensity values saved in an HDF5 file, which was created from a spec file by the Save2HDF5 method. Especially useful for reciprocal space map measurements. further more it is possible to obtain even more positions from the data file if more than two string arguments with its names are given Parameters ---------- h5f : file-handle or str file object of a HDF5 file opened using h5py or its filename scans : int, tuple or list number of the scans of the reciprocal space map args : str, optional names of the motors. to read reciprocal space maps measured in coplanar diffraction give: - omname: name of the omega motor (or its equivalent) - ttname: name of the two theta motor (or its equivalent) kwargs : dict, optional samplename: str, optional string with the hdf5-group containing the scan data if ommited the first child node of h5f.root will be used rettype: {'list', 'numpy'}, optional how to return motor positions. by default a list of arrays is returned. when rettype == 'numpy' a record array will be returned. Returns ------- [ang1, ang2, ...] : list angular positions of the center channel of the position sensitive detector (numpy.ndarray 1D), this list is omitted if no `args` are given MAP : ndarray the data values as stored in the data file (includes the intensities e.g. MAP['MCA']). Examples -------- >>> [om, tt], MAP = geth5_scan("h5file", 36, ... 'omega', 'gamma') # doctest: +SKIP """ with xu_h5open(h5f) as h5: gname = kwargs.get("samplename", list(h5.keys())[0]) h5g = h5.get(gname) if numpy.iterable(scans): scanlist = scans else: scanlist = list([scans]) angles = dict.fromkeys(args) for key in angles: if not isinstance(key, str): raise InputError("*arg values need to be strings with " "motornames") angles[key] = numpy.zeros(0) buf = numpy.zeros(0) MAP = numpy.zeros(0) for nr in scanlist: h5scan = h5g.get("scan_%d" % nr) sdata = numpy.asarray(h5scan.get('data')) if MAP.dtype == numpy.float64: MAP.dtype = sdata.dtype # append scan data to MAP, where all data are stored MAP = numpy.append(MAP, sdata) # check type of scan notscanmotors = [] for i in range(len(args)): motname = args[i] try: buf = sdata[motname] scanshape = buf.shape angles[motname] = numpy.concatenate((angles[motname], buf)) except ValueError: notscanmotors.append(i) if len(notscanmotors) == len(args): scanshape = len(sdata) for i in notscanmotors: motname = args[i] natmotname = utilities.makeNaturalName(motname) buf = numpy.ones(scanshape) * \ h5scan.attrs[f"INIT_MOPO_{natmotname}"] angles[motname] = numpy.concatenate((angles[motname], buf)) # create return values in correct order def create_retval(): retval = [] for motname in args: retval.append(angles[motname]) return retval rettype = kwargs.get('rettype', 'list') if rettype == 'numpy': retval = numpy.core.records.fromarrays([angles[m] for m in args], names=args) else: retval = create_retval() if not args: return MAP return retval, MAP
[docs] def getspec_scan(specf, scans, *args, **kwargs): """ function to obtain the angular cooridinates as well as intensity values saved in a SPECFile. Especially useful to combine the data from multiple scans. further more it is possible to obtain even more positions from the data file if more than two string arguments with its names are given Parameters ---------- specf : SPECFile file object scans : int, tuple or list number of the scans args : str names of the motors and counters rettype : {'list', 'numpy'}, optional how to return motor positions. by default a list of arrays is returned. when rettype == 'numpy' a record array will be returned. Returns ------- [ang1, ang2, ...] : list coordinates and counters from the SPEC file Examples -------- >>> [om, tt, cnt2] = getspec_scan(s, 36, 'omega', 'gamma', ... 'Counter2') # doctest: +SKIP """ if not args: return InputError("no motor or counter names given") if numpy.iterable(scans): scanlist = scans else: scanlist = list([scans]) angles = dict.fromkeys(args) for key in angles: if not isinstance(key, str): raise InputError("*arg values need to be strings with " "motornames") angles[key] = numpy.zeros(0) buf = numpy.zeros(0) for nr in scanlist: sscan = specf.__getattr__("scan%d" % nr) sscan.ReadData() sdata = # check type of scan notscanmotors = [] for i in range(len(args)): motname = args[i] try: buf = sdata[motname] scanshape = buf.shape angles[motname] = numpy.concatenate((angles[motname], buf)) except ValueError: notscanmotors.append(i) if len(notscanmotors) == len(args): scanshape = len(sdata) for i in notscanmotors: motname = args[i] buf = (numpy.ones(scanshape) * sscan.init_motor_pos["INIT_MOPO_%s" % utilities.makeNaturalName(motname)]) angles[motname] = numpy.concatenate((angles[motname], buf)) # create return values in correct order def create_retval(): retval = [] for motname in args: retval.append(angles[motname]) return retval rettype = kwargs.get('rettype', 'list') if rettype == 'numpy': retval = numpy.core.records.fromarrays([angles[m] for m in args], names=args) else: retval = create_retval() return retval