Source code for

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Dominik Kriegner <>

import copy
import re
import shlex

import numpy

from .. import config
from . import xu_open

re_label = re.compile(r'^\s*_')
re_default = re.compile(r'^\s*_('
re_loop = re.compile(r'^\s*loop_')
re_nop = re.compile(r'^\s*_(pd_meas_number_of_points|pd_meas_detector_id)')
re_multiline = re.compile(r';')

[docs] def remove_comments(line, sep='#'): for s in sep: line = line.split(s)[0] return line
[docs] class pdCIF: """ the class implements a primitive parser for pdCIF-like files. It reads every entry and collects the information in the header attribute. The first loop containing one of the intensity fields is assumed to be the data the user is interested in and is transfered to the data array which is stored as numpy record array the columns can be accessed by name intensity fields: - `_pd_meas_counts_total` - `_pd_meas_intensity_total` - `_pd_proc_intensity_total` - `_pd_proc_intensity_net` - `_pd_calc_intensity_total` - `_pd_calc_intensity_net` alternatively the data column name can be given as argument to the constructor """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, datacolumn=None): """ contructor of the pdCIF class Parameters ---------- filename : str filename of the file to be parsed datacolumn : str, optional name of data column to identify the data loop (default =None; means that a list of default names is used) """ self.filename = filename self.datacolumn = datacolumn self.header = {} = None self.Parse()
[docs] def Parse(self): """ parser of the pdCIF file. the method reads the data from the file and fills the data and header attributes with content """ with xu_open(self.filename) as fh: self._parse_single(fh)
def _parse_single(self, fh, breakAfterData=False): """ internal routine to parse a single loop of the pdCIF file Parameters ---------- fh : file-handle breakAfterData : bool, optional allowing to stop the parsing after data loop was found (default:False) """ loopStart = False dataLoop = False dataDone = False loopheader = [] numOfEntries = -1 multiline = None label = None while True: line = fh.readline().decode('ascii') if not line: break line = remove_comments(line) if re_loop.match(line): loopStart = True remainingline = re.sub('loop_', '', line).strip() if re_label.match(remainingline): if ((self.datacolumn is None and re_default.match(line)) or line.strip() == self.datacolumn): dataLoop = True loopheader.append(remainingline) continue if multiline: multiline += line if re_multiline.match(line): # end of multiline val = multiline self.header[label] = val multiline = None continue if re_label.match(line) and not loopStart: # parse header split = line.split(None, 1) label = split[0].strip() try: val = split[1].strip() self.header[label] = val # convert data format of header line if re_nop.match(line): numOfEntries = int(val) try: self.header[label] = float(val) except ValueError: self.header[label] = val except IndexError: # try if multiline line2 = fh.readline().decode('ascii') if re_multiline.match(line2): multiline = line2 else: # single value must be in second line self.header[label] = line2 elif re_label.match(line) and loopStart: # read loop entries if ((self.datacolumn is None and re_default.match(line)) or line.strip() == self.datacolumn): dataLoop = True loopheader.append(line.strip()) elif loopStart: - len(line)) if numOfEntries != -1 and dataLoop and not dataDone: = self._parse_loop_numpy(fh, loopheader, numOfEntries) dataDone = True if breakAfterData: break elif dataLoop and not dataDone: self._parse_loop(fh, loopheader) length = len(self.header[loopheader[0]]) dtypes = [(str(entry), type(self.header[entry][0])) for entry in loopheader] for i in range(len(dtypes)): if dtypes[i][1] is str: dtypes[i] = (str(dtypes[i][0]), numpy.str_, 64) = numpy.zeros(length, dtype=dtypes) for entry in loopheader:[entry] = self.header.pop(entry) dataDone = True if breakAfterData: break else: try: self._parse_loop(fh, loopheader) except ValueError: if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_LOW: print(' unable to handle loop at %d' % fh.tell()) dataLoop = False loopStart = False loopheader = [] numOfEntries = -1 def _parse_loop_numpy(self, filehandle, fields, nentry): """ function to parse a loop using numpy routines Parameters ---------- filehandle : file-handle filehandle object to use as data source fields : iterable field names in the loop nentry : int number of entries in the loop Returns ------- data : ndarray data read from the file as numpy record array """ tmp = numpy.fromfile(filehandle, count=nentry * len(fields), sep=' ') data = numpy.rec.fromarrays(tmp.reshape((-1, len(fields))).T, names=fields) return data def _parse_loop(self, filehandle, fields): """ function to parse a loop using python loops routines. the fields are added to the fileheader dictionary Parameters ---------- filehandle : file-handle filehandle object to use as data source fields : iterable field names in the loop """ fh = filehandle for f in fields: self.header[f] = [] while True: line = fh.readline().decode('ascii') if not line: break if re_label.match(line) or line.strip() == '': - len(line)) break row = shlex.split(line, comments=True) for i in range(len(fields)): try: self.header[fields[i]].append(float(row[i])) except ValueError: self.header[fields[i]].append(row[i]) except IndexError: # maybe multiline field line2 = fh.readline().decode('ascii') line2 = remove_comments(line2) if re_multiline.match(line2): multiline = line2 while True: line = fh.readline().decode('ascii') line = remove_comments(line) if not line: - len(line)) break if re_multiline.match(line) and line.strip()[1:]: multiline += line else: self.header[fields[i]].append(multiline) break else: - len(line2)) raise ValueError('a column is missing for label %s ' 'in a loop' % fields[i])
[docs] class pdESG(pdCIF): """ class for parsing multiple pdCIF loops in one file. This includes especially ``*.esg`` files which are supposed to consist of multiple loops of pdCIF data with equal length. Upon parsing the class tries to combine the data of these different scans into a single data matrix -> same shape of subscan data is assumed """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, datacolumn=None): self.filename = filename self.datacolumn = datacolumn self.fileheader = {} self.header = {} = None self.Parse()
[docs] def Parse(self): """ parser of the pdCIF file. the method reads the data from the file and fills the data and header attributes with content """ with xu_open(self.filename) as fh: # parse first header and loop self._parse_single(fh, breakAfterData=True) self.fileheader = copy.deepcopy(self.header) self.header = {} fdata = datasize = nscan = 1 tell = 0 while True: # try to parse all scans tell = fh.tell() self._parse_single(fh, breakAfterData=True) if tell == fh.tell(): break # copy changing data from header for key in self.header: if key in self.fileheader: if not isinstance(self.fileheader[key], list): self.fileheader[key] = [self.fileheader[key], ] self.fileheader[key].append(self.header[key]) else: self.fileheader[key] = self.header[key] fdata = numpy.append(fdata, nscan += 1 # convert data for output to user for key in self.fileheader: if isinstance(self.fileheader[key], list): self.fileheader[key] = numpy.array(self.fileheader[key]) = numpy.empty(fdata.shape)[...] = fdata[...] = (nscan, datasize)