# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 Dominik Kriegner <dominik.kriegner@gmail.com>
import os.path
import time
import numpy
from .. import config
from ..exception import InputError
# relative imports from xrayutilities
from .helper import xu_open
class ImageReader:
parse CCD frames in the form of tiffs or binary data (``*.bin``)
to numpy arrays. ignore the header since it seems to contain
no useful data
The routine was tested so far with
1. RoperScientific files with 4096x4096 pixels created at Hasylab Hamburg,
which save an 16bit integer per point.
2. Perkin Elmer images created at Hasylab Hamburg with 2048x2048 pixels.
def __init__(self, nop1, nop2, hdrlen=0, flatfield=None, darkfield=None,
dtype=numpy.int16, byte_swap=False):
initialize the ImageReader reader, which includes setting the dimension
of the images as well as defining the data used for flat- and darkfield
nop1, nop2 : int
number of pixels in the first and second dimension of the image
hdrlen : int, optional
length of the file header which should be ignored
flatfield : str or ndarray, optional
filename or data for flatfield correction. supported file types
include (.bin/.tif (also compressed .xz or .gz) and .npy files).
otherwise a 2D numpy array should be given
darkfield : str or ndarray, optional
filename or data for darkfield correction. same types as for flat
field are supported.
dtype : numpy.dtype, optional
datatype of the stored values (default: numpy.int16)
byte_swap : bool, optional
flag which determines bytes are swapped after reading
# save number of pixels per image
self.nop1 = nop1
self.nop2 = nop2
self.dtype = dtype
self.hdrlen = hdrlen
self.byteswap = byte_swap
# read flatfield
if flatfield:
if isinstance(flatfield, str):
if os.path.splitext(flatfield)[1] == '.npy':
self.flatfield = numpy.load(flatfield)
elif os.path.splitext(flatfield)[1] in \
['.gz', '.xz', '.bin', '.tif']:
# read without flatc and darkc
self.flatfield = self.readImage(flatfield)
raise InputError("Error: unknown filename for "
"flatfield correction!")
elif isinstance(flatfield, numpy.ndarray):
self.flatfield = flatfield
raise InputError("Error: unsupported type for "
"flatfield correction!")
# read darkfield
if darkfield:
if isinstance(darkfield, str):
if os.path.splitext(darkfield)[1] == '.npy':
self.darkfield = numpy.load(darkfield)
elif os.path.splitext(darkfield)[1] in \
['.gz', '.xz', '.bin', '.tif']:
# read without flatc and darkc
self.darkfield = self.readImage(darkfield)
raise InputError("Error: unknown filename for "
"darkfield correction!")
elif isinstance(darkfield, numpy.ndarray):
self.darkfield = darkfield
raise InputError("Error: unsupported type for "
"darkfield correction!")
if flatfield:
self.flatc = True
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
print("XU.io.ImageReader: flatfield correction enabled")
self.flatc = False
if darkfield:
self.darkc = True
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
print("XU.io.ImageReader: darkfield correction enabled")
self.darkc = False
def readImage(self, filename, path=None):
read image file
and correct for dark- and flatfield in case the necessary data are
returned data = ((image data)-(darkfield))/flatfield*average(flatfield)
filename : str
filename of the image to be read. so far only single filenames are
supported. The data might be compressed. supported extensions:
.tif, .bin and .bin.xz
path : str, optional
path of the data files
if path:
full_filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
full_filename = filename
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
print(f"XU.io.ImageReader.readImage: file {full_filename}")
t1 = time.time()
with xu_open(full_filename) as fh:
# jump over header
# read image
itemsize = numpy.dtype(self.dtype).itemsize
rlen = itemsize * int(self.nop1) * int(self.nop2)
img = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(rlen), dtype=self.dtype)
if self.byteswap:
img = img.byteswap()
img.shape = (self.nop1, self.nop2) # reshape the data
# darkfield correction
if self.darkc:
img = (img - self.darkfield).astype(numpy.float32)
# flatfield correction
if self.flatc:
img = img.astype(numpy.float32) / self.flatfield
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
t2 = time.time()
print(f"XU.io.ImageReader.readImage: parsing time {t2 - t1:8.3f}")
return img
dlen = {'char': 1,
'byte': 1,
'word': 2,
'dword': 4,
'rational': 8, # not implemented correctly
'float': 4,
'double': 8}
dtypes = {1: 'byte',
2: 'char',
3: 'word',
4: 'dword',
5: 'rational', # not implemented correctly
6: 'byte',
7: 'byte',
8: 'word',
9: 'dword',
10: 'rational', # not implemented correctly
11: 'float',
12: 'double'}
nptyp = {1: numpy.byte,
2: numpy.char,
3: numpy.uint16,
4: numpy.uint32,
5: numpy.uint32,
6: numpy.int8,
7: numpy.byte,
8: numpy.int16,
9: numpy.int32,
10: numpy.int32,
11: numpy.float32,
12: numpy.float64}
tiffdtype = {1: {8: numpy.uint8, 16: numpy.uint16, 32: numpy.uint32},
2: {8: numpy.int8, 16: numpy.int16, 32: numpy.int32},
3: {16: numpy.float16, 32: numpy.float32}}
tifftags = {256: 'ImageWidth', # width
257: 'ImageLength', # height
258: 'BitsPerSample',
259: 'Compression',
262: 'PhotometricInterpretation',
270: 'ImageDescription',
272: 'Model',
273: 'StripOffsets',
278: 'RowsPerStrip',
279: 'StripByteCount',
282: 'XResolution',
283: 'YResolution',
305: 'Software',
306: 'DateTime',
315: 'Artist',
339: 'SampleFormat',
36864: 'ExifVersion'}
class TIFFRead(ImageReader):
class to Parse a TIFF file including extraction of information from the
file header in order to determine the image size and data type
The data stored in the image are available in the 'data' property.
def __init__(self, filename, path=None):
initialization of the class which will prepare the parser and parse
the files content into class properties
filename : str
file name of the TIFF-like image file
path : str, optional
path of the data file
if path:
full_filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
full_filename = filename
with xu_open(full_filename, 'rb') as fh:
self.byteorder = fh.read(2*dlen['char'])
self.version = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(dlen['word']),
if self.byteorder not in (b'II', b'MM') or self.version != 42:
raise TypeError(f"Not a TIFF file ({filename})")
if self.byteorder != b'II':
raise NotImplementedError("The 'MM' byte order is not yet "
"implemented, please file a bug!")
self.ifdoffset = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(dlen['dword']),
self.ntags = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(dlen['word']),
self._parseImgTags(fh, self.ntags)
fh.seek(self.ifdoffset + 2 + 12 * self.ntags)
nextimgoffset = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(dlen['dword']),
if nextimgoffset != 0:
raise NotImplementedError("Multiple images per file are not "
"supported, please file a bug!")
# check if image type is supported
if self.imgtags.get('Compression', 1) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Compression is not supported, "
"please file a bug report!")
if self.imgtags.get('PhotometricInterpretation', 0) not in (0, 1):
raise NotImplementedError("RGB and colormap is not supported")
sf = self.imgtags.get('SampleFormat', 1)
bs = self.imgtags.get('BitsPerSample', 1)
if isinstance(self.imgtags['StripOffsets'], numpy.ndarray):
hdrlen = self.imgtags['StripOffsets'][0]
hdrlen = self.imgtags['StripOffsets']
self.data = self.readImage(filename, path)
def _parseImgTags(self, fh, ntags):
parse TIFF image tags from Image File Directory header
fh : file-handle
file handle of the TIFF file
ntags : int
number of tags in the Image File Directory
self.imgtags = {}
for _ in range(ntags):
ftag = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(dlen['word']),
ftype = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(dlen['word']),
flength = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(dlen['dword']),
fdoffset = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(dlen['dword']),
pos = fh.tell()
if flength*dlen[dtypes[ftype]] <= 4:
fdoffset = pos - dlen['dword']
if ftype == 2:
fdata = fh.read(flength * dlen[dtypes[ftype]])
fdata = fdata.split(b'\x00')[0].decode("ascii",
rlen = flength * dlen[dtypes[ftype]]
fdata = numpy.frombuffer(fh.read(rlen), dtype=nptyp[ftype])
if flength == 1:
fdata = fdata[0]
# add field to tags
self.imgtags[tifftags.get(ftag, ftag)] = fdata
class PerkinElmer(ImageReader):
parse PerkinElmer CCD frames (``*.tif``) to numpy arrays
Ignore the header since it seems to contain no useful data
The routine was tested only for files with 2048x2048 pixel images
created at Hasylab Hamburg which save an 32bit float per point.
def __init__(self, **keyargs):
initialize the PerkinElmer reader, which includes setting the dimension
of the images as well as defining the data used for flat- and darkfield
flatfield : str or ndarray, optional
filename or data for flatfield correction. supported file types
include (.bin .bin.xz and .npy files). otherwise a 2D numpy
array should be given
darkfield : str or ndarray, optional
filename or data for darkfield correction. same types as for flat
field are supported.
ImageReader.__init__(self, 2048, 2048, hdrlen=8, dtype=numpy.float32,
byte_swap=False, **keyargs)
class RoperCCD(ImageReader):
parse RoperScientific CCD frames (``*.bin``) to numpy arrays
Ignore the header since it seems to contain no useful data
The routine was tested only for files with 4096x4096 pixel images
created at Hasylab Hamburg which save an 16bit integer per point.
def __init__(self, **keyargs):
initialize the RoperCCD reader, which includes setting the dimension of
the images as well as defining the data used for flat- and darkfield
flatfield : str or ndarray, optional
filename or data for flatfield correction. supported file types
include (.bin .bin.xz and .npy files). otherwise a 2D numpy
array should be given
darkfield : str or ndarray, optional
filename or data for darkfield correction. same types as for flat
field are supported.
ImageReader.__init__(self, 4096, 4096, hdrlen=216, dtype=numpy.int16,
byte_swap=False, **keyargs)
class Pilatus100K(ImageReader):
parse Dectris Pilatus 100k frames (``*.tiff``) to numpy arrays
Ignore the header since it seems to contain no useful data
def __init__(self, **keyargs):
initialize the Piulatus100k reader, which includes setting the
dimension of the images as well as defining the data used for flat- and
darkfield correction!
flatfield : str or ndarray, optional
filename or data for flatfield correction. supported file types
include (.bin .bin.xz and .npy files). otherwise a 2D numpy
array should be given
darkfield : str or ndarray, optional
filename or data for darkfield correction. same types as for flat
field are supported.
ImageReader.__init__(self, 195, 487, hdrlen=4096, dtype=numpy.int32,
byte_swap=False, **keyargs)
def get_tiff(filename, path=None):
read tiff image file and return the data
filename : str
filename of the image to be read. so far only single filenames are
supported. The data might be compressed.
path : str, optional
path of the data file
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
print(f"XU.io.get_tiff: file {filename}")
t1 = time.time()
t = TIFFRead(filename, path=path)
if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL:
t2 = time.time()
print(f"XU.io.get_tiff: parsing time {t2 - t1:8.3f}")
return t.data