Source code for

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# Copyright (C) 2014 Raphael Grifone <>
# Copyright (c) 2014-2019, 2023 Dominik Kriegner <>

modules to help with the analysis of FastScan data acquired at the ESRF.
FastScan data are X-ray data (various detectors possible) acquired during
scanning the sample in real space with a Piezo Scanner.  The same functions
might be used to analze traditional SPEC mesh scans.

The module provides three core classes:

* FastScan
* FastScanCCD
* FastScanSeries

where the first two are able to parse single mesh/FastScans when one is
interested in data of a single channel detector or are detector and the last
one is able to parse full series of such mesh scans with either type of

see examples/ for an example script

import os.path
import re

import h5py
import numpy

from .. import config, utilities
from ..gridder import delta
from ..gridder2d import Gridder2D, Gridder2DList
from ..gridder3d import Gridder3D
from ..normalize import blockAverage2D
from .edf import EDFFile
from .spec import SPECFile

[docs] class FastScan: """ class to help parsing and treating fast scan data. FastScan is the aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample with piezo stages in real space. It's is available at several beamlines at the ESRF synchrotron light-source. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, scannr, xmotor='adcX', ymotor='adcY', path=""): """ Constructor routine for the FastScan object. It initializes the object and parses the spec-scan for the needed data which are saved in properties of the FastScan object. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name of the fast scan spec file scannr : int scannr of the to be parsed fast scan xmotor : str, optional motor name of the x-motor (default: 'adcX' (ID01)) ymotor : str, optional motor name of the y-motor (default: 'adcY' (ID01)) path : str, optional optional path of the FastScan spec file """ self.scannr = scannr self.xmotor = xmotor self.ymotor = ymotor if isinstance(filename, SPECFile): self.specfile = filename self.filename = self.specfile.filename self.full_filename = self.specfile.full_filename self.specscan = getattr(self.specfile, 'scan%d' % self.scannr) else: self.filename = filename self.full_filename = os.path.join(path, filename) self.filename = os.path.basename(self.full_filename) self.specscan = None # read the scan self.parse()
[docs] def parse(self): """ parse the specfile for the scan number specified in the constructor and store the needed informations in the object properties """ # parse the file if not self.specscan: self.specfile = SPECFile(self.full_filename) self.specscan = getattr(self.specfile, 'scan%d' % self.scannr) self.specscan.ReadData() self.xvalues =[self.xmotor] self.yvalues =[self.ymotor] =
[docs] def motorposition(self, motorname): """ read the position of motor with name given by motorname from the data file. In case the motor is included in the data columns the returned object is an array with all the values from the file (although retrace clean is respected if already performed). In the case the motor is not moved during the scan only one value is returned. Parameters ---------- motorname : str name of the motor for which the position is wanted Returns ------- ndarray motor position(s) of motor with name motorname during the scan """ if self.specscan: # try reading value from data try: return[motorname] except ValueError: try: return self.specscan.init_motor_pos[ f"INIT_MOPO_{motorname}"] except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError(f"given motorname '{motorname}' not " "found in the Spec-data") from exc else: return None
[docs] def retrace_clean(self): """ function to clean the data of the scan from retrace artifacts created by the zig-zag scanning motion of the piezo actuators the function cleans the xvalues, yvalues and data attribute of the FastScan object. """ # set window to determin the slope window = [-1, 0, 1] # calc the slope of x_motor movement using a window for better acuracy slope = numpy.convolve(self.xvalues, window, mode='same') / \ numpy.convolve(numpy.arange(len(self.xvalues)), window, 'same') # select where slope is above the slope mean value # this can be modified if data points are missing of the retrace does # not clean all points mask = numpy.where(slope > slope.mean()) # reduce data size by cutting out retrace self.xvalues = self.xvalues[mask] self.yvalues = self.yvalues[mask] =[mask]
[docs] def grid2D(self, nx, ny, **kwargs): """ function to grid the counter data and return the gridded X, Y and Intensity values. Parameters ---------- nx, ny : int number of bins in x, and y direction counter : str, optional name of the counter to use for gridding (default: 'mpx4int' (ID01)) gridrange : tuple, optional range for the gridder: format: ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) Returns ------- Gridder2D Gridder2D object with X, Y, data on regular x, y-grid """ self.counter = kwargs.get('counter', 'mpx4int') gridrange = kwargs.get('gridrange', None) # define gridder g2d = Gridder2D(nx, ny) if gridrange: g2d.dataRange(gridrange[0][0], gridrange[0][1], gridrange[1][0], gridrange[1][1]) # check if counter is in data fields if self.counter not in raise ValueError("field named '%s' not found in data parsed from " "scan #%d in file %s" % (self.counter, self.scannr, self.filename)) # grid data g2d(self.xvalues, self.yvalues,[self.counter]) # return gridded data return g2d
[docs] class FastScanCCD(FastScan): """ class to help parsing and treating fast scan data including CCD frames. FastScan is the aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample with piezo stages in real space. It's is available at several beamlines at the ESRF synchrotron light-source. During such fast scan at every grid point CCD frames are recorded and need to be analyzed """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- imagefiletype : str, optional image file extension, either 'edf' / 'edf.gz' (default) or 'h5' other parameters are passed on to FastScanCCD """ self.imagefiletype = kwargs.pop('imagefiletype', 'edf') self.imgfile = None self.nimages = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _getCCDnumbers(self, ccdnr): """ internal function to return the ccd frame numbers from the data object or take them from the argument. """ if isinstance(ccdnr, str): # check if counter is in data fields try: ccdnumbers =[ccdnr] except ValueError: raise ValueError("field named '%s' not found in data parsed " "from scan #%d in file %s" % (ccdnr, self.scannr, self.filename)) elif isinstance(ccdnr, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)): ccdnumbers = ccdnr else: raise ValueError("xu.FastScanCCD: wrong data type for " "argument 'ccdnr'") return ccdnumbers def _gridCCDnumbers(self, nx, ny, ccdnr, gridrange=None): """ internal function to grid the CCD frame number to produce a list of ccd-files per bin needed for the further treatment Parameters ---------- nx, ny : int number of bins in x, and y direction ccdnr : str or array-like array with ccd file numbers of length length( OR a string with the data column name for the file ccd-numbers gridrange : tuple, optional range for the gridder: format: ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) Returns ------- gridder-object regular x, y-grid as well as 4-dimensional data object """ g2l = Gridder2DList(nx, ny) if gridrange: g2l.dataRange(gridrange[0][0], gridrange[0][1], gridrange[1][0], gridrange[1][1]) ccdnumbers = self._getCCDnumbers(ccdnr) # assign ccd frames to grid g2l(self.xvalues, self.yvalues, ccdnumbers) return g2l def _read_image(self, filename, imgindex, nav, roi, filterfunc): """ helper function to obtain one frame from an EDF/HDF5 file Parameters ---------- filename : str EDF file name imgindex : int index of frame inside the given EDF file nav : tuple or list number of detector pixel which will be averaged together (reduces the date size) roi : tuple region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the two pixel directions (default: None) filterfunc : callable function applied to the CCD-frames before any processing. this function should take a single argument which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield correction Returns ------- ndarray numpy 2D array with the detector frame """ if roi is None: kwdict = {} else: kwdict = {'roi': roi} if 'edf' in self.imagefiletype: if not self.imgfile: self.imgfile = EDFFile(filename, keep_open=True) else: if self.imgfile.filename != filename: self.imgfile = EDFFile(filename, keep_open=True) ccdfilt = self.imgfile.ReadData(imgindex) else: fileroot = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])[0] if not self.imgfile: self.imgfile = h5py.File(fileroot + '.h5', 'r') ccdfilt = self.imgfile.get( os.path.split(fileroot)[-1] + '_%04d' % imgindex).value if filterfunc: ccdfilt = filterfunc(ccdfilt) if roi is None and nav[0] == 1 and nav[1] == 1: return ccdfilt return blockAverage2D(ccdfilt, nav[0], nav[1], **kwdict) def _get_image_number(self, imgnum, imgoffset, fileoffset, ccdfiletmp): """ function to obtain the image and file number. The logic for obtain this is likely to change between beamtimes. Parameters ---------- imgnum : int running image number from the data file imgoffset : int offset in the image number fileoffset : int offset in the file number ccdfiletmp : str ccd file template string """ if 'edf' in self.imagefiletype: if not self.imgfile: self.imgfile = EDFFile(ccdfiletmp % fileoffset, keep_open=True) if self.nimages is None: self.nimages = self.imgfile.nimages else: fileroot = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(ccdfiletmp % fileoffset)[0])[0] if not self.imgfile: self.imgfile = h5py.File(fileroot + '.h5', 'r') if self.nimages is None: self.nimages = len(self.imgfile.items()) filenumber = int((imgnum - imgoffset) // self.nimages + fileoffset) imgindex = int((imgnum - imgoffset) % self.nimages) return imgindex, filenumber
[docs] def getccdFileTemplate(self, specscan, datadir=None, keepdir=0, replacedir=None): """ function to extract the CCD file template string from the comment in the SPEC-file scan-header. Parameters ---------- specscan : SpecScan spec-scan object from which header the CCD directory should be extracted datadir : str, optional the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the scan object. With this option the directory used for the data can be overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string. Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed specify the number of directories which should be kept using the keepdir option. keepdir : int, optional number of directories which should be taken from the specscan. (default: 0) replacedir : int, optional number of outer most directory names which should be replaced in the output (default = None). One can either give keepdir, or replacedir, with replace taking preference if both are given. Returns ------- fmtstr : str format string for the CCD file name using one number to build the real file name filenr : int starting file number """ hline = specscan.getheader_element('C imageFile') re_ccdfiles = re.compile(r'dir\[([a-zA-Z0-9_.%/]*)\] ' r'prefix\[([a-zA-Z0-9_.%/]*)\] ' r'idxFmt\[([a-zA-Z0-9_.%/]*)\] ' r'nextNr\[([0-9]*)\] ' r'suffix\[([a-zA-Z0-9_.%/]*)\]') m = re_ccdfiles.match(hline) if m: path, prefix, idxFmt, num, suffix = m.groups() else: ValueError('spec-scan does not contain images or the ' 'corresponding header line is not detected correctly') ccdtmp = os.path.join(path, prefix + idxFmt + suffix) r = utilities.exchange_filepath(ccdtmp, datadir, keepdir, replacedir) return r, int(num)
[docs] def getCCD(self, ccdnr, roi=None, datadir=None, keepdir=0, replacedir=None, nav=(1, 1), filterfunc=None): """ function to read the ccd files and return the raw X, Y and DATA values. DATA represents a 3D object with first dimension representing the data point index and the remaining two dimensions representing detector channels Parameters ---------- ccdnr : array-like or str array with ccd file numbers of length length( OR a string with the data column name for the file ccd-numbers roi : tuple, optional region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the two pixel directions (default: None) datadir : str, optional the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the SPEC file. With this option the directory used for the data can be overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string. Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed specify the number of directories which should be kept using the keepdir option. keepdir : int, optional number of directories which should be taken from the SPEC file. (default: 0) replacedir : int, optional number of outer most directory names which should be replaced in the output (default = None). One can either give keepdir, or replacedir, with replace taking preference if both are given. nav : tuple or list, optional number of detector pixel which will be averaged together (reduces the date size) filterfunc : callable function applied to the CCD-frames before any processing. this function should take a single argument which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield correction Returns ------- X, Y : ndarray x, y-array (1D) DATA : ndarray 3-dimensional data object """ ccdnumbers = self._getCCDnumbers(ccdnr) ccdtemplate, nextNr = self.getccdFileTemplate( self.specscan, datadir, keepdir=keepdir, replacedir=replacedir) # read ccd shape from first image filename = ccdtemplate % nextNr ccdshape = self._read_image(filename, 0, nav, roi, filterfunc).shape ccddata = numpy.empty((self.xvalues.size, ccdshape[0], ccdshape[1])) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(' allocated ccddata array with %d bytes' % ccddata.nbytes) # go through the ccd-frames for i, imgnum in enumerate(ccdnumbers): # read ccd-frames imgindex, filenumber = self._get_image_number(imgnum, nextNr, nextNr, ccdtemplate) filename = ccdtemplate % filenumber ccd = self._read_image(filename, imgindex, nav, roi, filterfunc) ccddata[i, :, :] = ccd return self.xvalues, self.yvalues, ccddata
[docs] def processCCD(self, ccdnr, roi, datadir=None, keepdir=0, replacedir=None, filterfunc=None): """ function to read a region of interest (ROI) from the ccd files and return the raw X, Y and intensity from ROI. Parameters ---------- ccdnr : array-like or str array with ccd file numbers of length length( OR a string with the data column name for the file ccd-numbers roi : tuple or list region of interest on the 2D detector. Either a list of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the two pixel directions as tuple or a list of mask arrays datadir : str, optional the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the SPEC file. With this option the directory used for the data can be overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string. Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed specify the number of directories which should be kept using the keepdir option. keepdir : int, optional number of directories which should be taken from the SPEC file. (default: 0) replacedir : int, optional number of outer most directory names which should be replaced in the output (default = None). One can either give keepdir, or replacedir, with replace taking preference if both are given. filterfunc : callable, optional function applied to the CCD-frames before any processing. this function should take a single argument which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield correction Returns ------- X, Y, DATA : ndarray x, y-array (1D) as well as 1-dimensional data object """ ccdnumbers = self._getCCDnumbers(ccdnr) ccdtemplate, nextNr = self.getccdFileTemplate( self.specscan, datadir, keepdir=keepdir, replacedir=replacedir) if isinstance(roi, list): lmask = roi lroi = None else: lmask = [numpy.ones((roi[1]-roi[0], roi[3]-roi[2])), ] lroi = roi ccdroi = numpy.empty((len(lmask), self.xvalues.size)) # go through the ccd-frames for i, imgnum in enumerate(ccdnumbers): # read ccd-frames imgindex, filenumber = self._get_image_number(imgnum, nextNr, nextNr, ccdtemplate) filename = ccdtemplate % filenumber ccd = self._read_image(filename, imgindex, [1, 1], lroi, filterfunc) for j, m in enumerate(lmask): ccdroi[j, i] = numpy.sum(ccd[m]) if len(lmask) == 1: return self.xvalues, self.yvalues, ccdroi[0] return self.xvalues, self.yvalues, ccdroi
[docs] def gridCCD(self, nx, ny, ccdnr, roi=None, datadir=None, keepdir=0, replacedir=None, nav=(1, 1), gridrange=None, filterfunc=None): """ function to grid the internal data and ccd files and return the gridded X, Y and DATA values. DATA represents a 4D object with first two dimensions representing X, Y and the remaining two dimensions representing detector channels Parameters ---------- nx, ny : int number of bins in x, and y direction ccdnr : array-like or str array with ccd file numbers of length length( OR a string with the data column name for the file ccd-numbers roi : tuple, optional region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the two pixel directions (default: None) datadir : str, optional the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the SPEC file. With this option the directory used for the data can be overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string. Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed specify the number of directories which should be kept using the keepdir option. keepdir : int, optional number of directories which should be taken from the SPEC file. (default: 0) replacedir : int, optional number of outer most directory names which should be replaced in the output (default = None). One can either give keepdir, or replacedir, with replace taking preference if both are given. nav : tuple or list, optional number of detector pixel which will be averaged together (reduces the date size) gridrange : tuple range for the gridder: format: ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) filterfunc : callable function applied to the CCD-frames before any processing. this function should take a single argument which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield correction Returns ------- X, Y: ndarray regular x, y-grid DATA : ndarray 4-dimensional data object """ g2l = self._gridCCDnumbers(nx, ny, ccdnr, gridrange=gridrange) gdata = ccdtemplate, nextNr = self.getccdFileTemplate( self.specscan, datadir, keepdir=keepdir, replacedir=replacedir) # read ccd shape from first image filename = ccdtemplate % nextNr ccdshape = self._read_image(filename, 0, nav, roi, filterfunc).shape ccddata = numpy.empty((self.xvalues.size, ccdshape[0], ccdshape[1])) if config.VERBOSITY >= config.INFO_ALL: print(" allocated ccddata array with " f"{ccddata.nbytes} bytes") # go through the gridded data and average the ccd-frames for i in range(gdata.shape[0]): for j in range(gdata.shape[1]): if not gdata[i, j]: continue framecount = 0 # read ccd-frames and average them for imgnum in gdata[i, j]: imgindex, filenumber = self._get_image_number( imgnum, nextNr, nextNr, ccdtemplate) filename = ccdtemplate % filenumber ccd = self._read_image(filename, imgindex, nav, roi, filterfunc) ccddata[i, j, ...] += ccd framecount += 1 ccddata[i, j, ...] /= float(framecount) return g2l.xmatrix, g2l.ymatrix, ccddata
[docs] class FastScanSeries: """ class to help parsing and treating a series of fast scan data including CCD frames. FastScan is the aquisition of X-ray data while scanning the sample with piezo stages in real space. It's is available at several beamlines at the ESRF synchrotron light-source. During such fast scan at every grid point CCD frames are recorded and need to be analyzed. For the series of FastScans we assume that they are measured at different goniometer angles and therefore transform the data to reciprocal space. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filenames, scannrs, nx, ny, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor routine for the FastScanSeries object. It initializes the object and creates a list of FastScanCCD objects. Importantly it also expects the motor names of the angles needed for reciprocal space conversion. Parameters ---------- filenames : list or str file names of the fast scan spec files, in case of more than one filename supply a list of names and also a list of scan numbers for the different files in the 'scannrs' argument scannrs : list scannrs of the to be parsed fast scans. in case of one specfile this is a list of numbers (e.g. [1, 2, 3]). when multiple filenames are given supply a separate list for every file (e.g. [[1, 2, 3],[2, 4]]) nx, ny : int grid-points for the real space grid args : str motor names for the Reciprocal space conversion. The order needs be as required by the ``QConversion.area()`` function. xmotor : str, optional motor name of the x-motor (default: 'adcX' (ID01)) ymotor : str, optional motor name of the y-motor (default: 'adcY' (ID01)) ccdnr : str, optional name of the ccd-number data column (default: 'imgnr' (ID01)) counter : str, optional name of a defined counter (roi) in the spec file (default: 'mpx4int' (ID01)) path : str, optional path of the FastScan spec file (default: '') """ if 'ccdnr' in kwargs: self.ccdnr = kwargs['ccdnr'] kwargs.pop("ccdnr") else: self.ccdnr = 'imgnr' if 'counter' in kwargs: self.counter = kwargs['counter'] kwargs.pop("counter") else: self.counter = 'mpx4int' if 'path' in kwargs: self.path = kwargs['path'] kwargs.pop("path") else: self.path = '' self.fastscans = [] self.nx = nx self.ny = ny self.motor_pos = None self.gonio_motors = [] # save motor names for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, str): raise ValueError("one of the motor name arguments is not of " "type 'str' but %s" % str(type(arg))) self.gonio_motors.append(arg) # create list of FastScans if isinstance(filenames, str): filenames = [filenames] scannrs = [scannrs] if isinstance(filenames, (tuple, list)): for fname in filenames: full_filename = os.path.join(self.path, fname) specfile = SPECFile(full_filename) for snrs in scannrs[filenames.index(fname)]: self.fastscans.append(FastScanCCD(specfile, snrs, **kwargs)) else: raise ValueError("argument 'filenames' is not of " "appropriate type!") self._init_minmax() for fs in self.fastscans: self._update_minmax(fs)
def _init_minmax(self): self.gridded = False self.xmin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].xvalues) self.ymin = numpy.min(self.fastscans[0].yvalues) self.xmax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].xvalues) self.ymax = numpy.max(self.fastscans[0].yvalues) def _update_minmax(self, fs): if numpy.max(fs.xvalues) > self.xmax: self.xmax = numpy.max(fs.xvalues) if numpy.max(fs.yvalues) > self.ymax: self.ymax = numpy.max(fs.yvalues) if numpy.min(fs.xvalues) < self.xmin: self.xmin = numpy.min(fs.xvalues) if numpy.min(fs.yvalues) < self.ymin: self.ymin = numpy.min(fs.yvalues)
[docs] def retrace_clean(self): """ perform retrace clean for every FastScan in the series """ self._init_minmax() for fs in self.fastscans: fs.retrace_clean() self._update_minmax(fs)
[docs] def align(self, deltax, deltay): """ Since a sample drift or shift due to rotation often occurs between different FastScans it should be corrected before combining them. Since determining such a shift is not straight-forward in general the user needs to supply the routine with the shifts in order correct the x, y-values for the different FastScans. Such a routine could for example use the integrated CCD intensities and determine the shift using a cross-convolution. Parameters ---------- deltax, deltay : list list of shifts in x/y-direction for every FastScan in the data structure """ self._init_minmax() for fs in self.fastscans: i = self.fastscans.index(fs) fs.xvalues += deltax[i] fs.yvalues += deltay[i] self._update_minmax(fs)
[docs] def read_motors(self): """ read motor values from the series of fast scans """ self.motor_pos = numpy.zeros((len(self.fastscans), len(self.gonio_motors))) for i in range(len(self.fastscans)): fs = self.fastscans[i] for j in range(len(self.gonio_motors)): mname = self.gonio_motors[j] self.motor_pos[i, j] = fs.motorposition(mname)
[docs] def get_average_RSM(self, qnx, qny, qnz, qconv, datadir=None, keepdir=0, replacedir=None, roi=None, nav=(1, 1), filterfunc=None): """ function to return the reciprocal space map data averaged over all x, y positions from a series of FastScan measurements. It necessary to give the QConversion-object to be used for the reciprocal space conversion. The QConversion-object is expected to have the 'area' conversion routines configured properly. This function needs to read all detector images, so be prepared to lean back for a moment! Parameters ---------- qnx, qny, qnz : int number of points used for the 3D Gridder qconv : QConversion QConversion-object to be used for the conversion of the CCD-data to reciprocal space roi : tuple, optional region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the two pixel directions (default: None) nav : tuple or list, optional number of detector pixel which will be averaged together (reduces the date size) filterfunc : callable, optional function applied to the CCD-frames before any processing. this function should take a single argument which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield correction datadir : str, optional the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the SPEC file. With this option the directory used for the data can be overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string. Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed specify the number of directories which should be kept/replaced using the keepdir/replacedir option. keepdir : int, optional number of directories which should be taken from the SPEC file. (default: 0) replacedir : int, optional number of outer most directory names which should be replaced in the output (default = None). One can either give keepdir, or replacedir, with replace taking preference if both are given. Returns ------- Gridder3D gridded reciprocal space map """ if self.motor_pos is None: self.read_motors() # determine q-coordinates kwargs = {'Nav': nav} if roi: kwargs['roi'] = roi qx, qy, qz = qconv.area(*self.motor_pos.T, **kwargs) # define gridder with fixed optimized q-range g3d = Gridder3D(qnx, qny, qnz) g3d.keep_data = True g3d.dataRange(qx.min(), qx.max(), qy.min(), qy.max(), qz.min(), qz.max(), fixed=True) # start parsing the images and grid the data frame by frame for fsidx, fsccd in enumerate(self.fastscans): ccdtemplate, nextNr = fsccd.getccdFileTemplate( fsccd.specscan, datadir, keepdir=keepdir, replacedir=replacedir) ccdnumbers = fsccd._getCCDnumbers(self.ccdnr) ccdav = numpy.zeros_like(qx[fsidx, ...]) # go through the ccdframes for imgnum in ccdnumbers: # read ccdframes imgindex, filenumber = fsccd._get_image_number( imgnum, nextNr, nextNr, ccdtemplate) filename = ccdtemplate % filenumber ccd = fsccd._read_image(filename, imgindex, nav, roi, filterfunc) ccdav += ccd g3d(qx[fsidx, ...], qy[fsidx, ...], qz[fsidx, ...], ccdav) return g3d
[docs] def get_sxrd_for_qrange(self, qrange, qconv, datadir=None, keepdir=0, replacedir=None, roi=None, nav=(1, 1), filterfunc=None): """ function to return the real space data averaged over a certain q-range from a series of FastScan measurements. It necessary to give the QConversion-object to be used for the reciprocal space conversion. The QConversion-object is expected to have the 'area' conversion routines configured properly. Note: This function assumes that all FastScans were performed in the same real space positions, no gridding or aligning is performed! Parameters ---------- qrange : list or tuple q-limits defining a box in reciprocal space. six values are needed: [minx, maxx, miny, ..., maxz] qconv : QConversion QConversion object to be used for the conversion of the CCD-data to reciprocal space roi : tuple, optional region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the two pixel directions (default: None) nav : tuple or list, optional number of detector pixel which will be averaged together (reduces the date size) filterfunc : callable, optional function applied to the CCD-frames before any processing. this function should take a single argument which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield correction datadir : str, optional the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the SPEC file. With this option the directory used for the data can be overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string. Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed specify the number of directories which should be kept/replaced using the keepdir/replacedir option. keepdir : int, optional number of directories which should be taken from the SPEC file. (default: 0) replacedir : int, optional number of outer most directory names which should be replaced in the output (default = None). One can either give keepdir, or replacedir, with replace taking preference if both are given. Returns ------- xvalues, yvalues, data : ndarray x, y, and data values """ if self.motor_pos is None: self.read_motors() # determine q-coordinates kwargs = {'Nav': nav} if roi: kwargs['roi'] = roi qx, qy, qz = qconv.area(*self.motor_pos.T, **kwargs) output = numpy.zeros_like(self.fastscans[0].xvalues) # parse the images only if some q coordinates fall into the ROI for fsidx, fsccd in enumerate(self.fastscans): mask = numpy.logical_and.reduce(( qx[fsidx] > qrange[0], qx[fsidx] < qrange[1], qy[fsidx] > qrange[2], qy[fsidx] < qrange[3], qz[fsidx] > qrange[4], qz[fsidx] < qrange[5])) if numpy.any(mask): ccdtemplate, nextNr = fsccd.getccdFileTemplate( fsccd.specscan, datadir, keepdir=keepdir, replacedir=replacedir) ccdnumbers = fsccd._getCCDnumbers(self.ccdnr) # go through the ccdframes for i, imgnum in enumerate(ccdnumbers): # read ccdframes imgindex, filenumber = fsccd._get_image_number( imgnum, nextNr, nextNr, ccdtemplate) filename = ccdtemplate % filenumber ccd = fsccd._read_image(filename, imgindex, nav, roi, filterfunc) output[i] += numpy.sum(ccd[mask]) return fsccd.xvalues, fsccd.yvalues, output
[docs] def getCCDFrames(self, posx, posy, typ='real'): """ function to determine the list of ccd-frame numbers for a specific real space position. The real space position must be within the data limits of the FastScanSeries otherwise an ValueError is thrown Parameters ---------- posx : float real space x-position or index in x direction posy : float real space y-position or index in y direction typ : {'real', 'index'}, optional type of coordinates. specifies if the position is specified as real space coordinate or as index. (default: 'real') Returns ------- list ``[[motorpos1, ccdnrs1], [motorpos2, ccdnrs2], ...]`` where motorposN is from the N-ths FastScan in the series and ccdnrsN is the list of according CCD-frames """ # determine grid point for position x, y if typ == 'real': # grid point calculation def gindex(x, min, delt): return numpy.round((x - min) / delt) xdelta = delta(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.nx) ydelta = delta(self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ny) xidx = gindex(posx, self.xmin, xdelta) yidx = gindex(posy, self.ymin, ydelta) elif typ == 'index': xidx = posx yidx = posy else: raise ValueError("given value of 'typ' is invalid.") if xidx >= self.nx or xidx < 0: raise ValueError("specified x-position is out of the data range") if yidx > self.ny or yidx < 0: raise ValueError("specified y-position is out of the data range") # read motor values and perform gridding for all subscans if not self.gridded: self.read_motors() self.glist = [] for fs in self.fastscans: g2l = fs._gridCCDnumbers( self.nx, self.ny, self.ccdnr, gridrange=((self.xmin, self.xmax), (self.ymin, self.ymax))) self.glist.append(g2l) # contains the ccdnumbers in self.gridded = True # return the ccdnumbers and goniometer angles for this position ret = [] for i in range(len(self.glist)): motorpos = self.motor_pos[i] ccdnrs = self.glist[i].data[xidx, yidx] ret.append([motorpos, ccdnrs]) return ret
[docs] def rawRSM(self, posx, posy, qconv, roi=None, nav=(1, 1), typ='real', datadir=None, keepdir=0, replacedir=None, filterfunc=None, **kwargs): """ function to return the reciprocal space map data at a certain x, y-position from a series of FastScan measurements. It necessary to give the QConversion-object to be used for the reciprocal space conversion. The QConversion-object is expected to have the 'area' conversion routines configured properly. Parameters ---------- posx : float real space x-position or index in x direction posy : float real space y-position or index in y direction qconv : QConversion QConversion-object to be used for the conversion of the CCD-data to reciprocal space roi : tuple, optional region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the two pixel directions (default: None) nav : tuple or list, optional number of detector pixel which will be averaged together (reduces the date size) typ : {'real', 'index'}, optional type of coordinates. specifies if the position is specified as real space coordinate or as index. (default: 'real') filterfunc : callable, optional function applied to the CCD-frames before any processing. this function should take a single argument which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield correction UB : array-like, optional sample orientation matrix datadir : str, optional the CCD filenames are usually parsed from the SPEC file. With this option the directory used for the data can be overwritten. Specify the datadir as simple string. Alternatively the innermost directory structure can be automatically taken from the specfile. If this is needed specify the number of directories which should be kept using the keepdir option. keepdir : int, optional number of directories which should be taken from the SPEC file. (default: 0) replacedir : int, optional number of outer most directory names which should be replaced in the output (default = None). One can either give keepdir, or replacedir, with replace taking preference if both are given. Returns ------- qx, qy, qz : ndarray reciprocal space positions of the reciprocal space map ccddata : ndarray raw data of the reciprocal space map valuelist : ndarray valuelist containing the ccdframe numbers and corresponding motor positions """ U = kwargs.get('UB', numpy.identity(3)) # get CCDframe numbers and motor values valuelist = self.getCCDFrames(posx, posy, typ) # load ccd frames and convert to reciprocal space fsccd = self.fastscans[0] ccdtemplate, nextNr = fsccd.getccdFileTemplate( fsccd.specscan, datadir, keepdir=keepdir, replacedir=replacedir) # read ccd shape from first image imgindex, filenumber = fsccd._get_image_number( valuelist[0][1], nextNr, nextNr, ccdtemplate) filename = ccdtemplate % filenumber ccdshape = fsccd._read_image(filename, imgindex, nav, roi, filterfunc).shape ccddata = numpy.zeros((len(self.fastscans), ccdshape[0], ccdshape[1])) motors = [] for i in range(len(self.gonio_motors)): motors.append(numpy.zeros(0)) # go through the gridded data and average the ccdframes for i in range(len(self.fastscans)): imotors, ccdnrs = valuelist[i] fsccd = self.fastscans[i] # append motor positions for j in range(len(self.gonio_motors)): motors[j] = numpy.append(motors[j], imotors[j]) # read CCD if not ccdnrs: continue ccdtemplate, nextNr = fsccd.getccdFileTemplate(fsccd.specscan) framecount = 0 # read ccd-frames and average them for imgnum in ccdnrs: imgindex, filenumber = fsccd._get_image_number( imgnum, nextNr, nextNr, ccdtemplate) filename = ccdtemplate % filenumber ccd = fsccd._read_image(filename, imgindex, nav, roi, filterfunc) ccddata[i, ...] += ccd framecount += 1 ccddata[i, ...] /= float(framecount) qx, qy, qz = qconv.area(*motors, roi=roi, Nav=nav, UB=U) return qx, qy, qz, ccddata, valuelist
[docs] def gridRSM(self, posx, posy, qnx, qny, qnz, qconv, roi=None, nav=(1, 1), typ='real', filterfunc=None, **kwargs): """ function to calculate the reciprocal space map at a certain x, y-position from a series of FastScan measurements it is necessary to specify the number of grid-oints for the reciprocal space map and the QConversion-object to be used for the reciprocal space conversion. The QConversion-object is expected to have the 'area' conversion routines configured properly. Parameters ---------- posx : float real space x-position or index in x direction posy : float real space y-position or index in y direction qnx, qny, qnz : int number of points in the Qx, Qy, Qz direction of the gridded reciprocal space map qconv : QConversion QConversion-object to be used for the conversion of the CCD-data to reciprocal space roi : tuple, optional region of interest on the 2D detector. should be a list of lower and upper bounds of detector channels for the two pixel directions (default: None) nav : tuple or list, optional number of detector pixel which will be averaged together (reduces the date size) typ : {'real', 'index'}, optional type of coordinates. specifies if the position is specified as real space coordinate or as index. (default: 'real') filterfunc : callable, optional function applied to the CCD-frames before any processing. this function should take a single argument which is the ccddata which need to be returned with the same shape! e.g. remove hot pixels, flat/darkfield correction UB : ndarray sample orientation matrix Returns ------- Gridder3D object with gridded reciprocal space map """ qx, qy, qz, ccddata, _ = self.rawRSM( posx, posy, qconv, roi=roi, nav=nav, typ=typ, filterfunc=filterfunc, **kwargs) # perform 3D gridding and return the data or gridder g = Gridder3D(qnx, qny, qnz) g(qx, qy, qz, ccddata) return g
[docs] def grid2Dall(self, nx, ny, **kwargs): """ function to grid the counter data and return the gridded X, Y and Intensity values from all the FastScanSeries. Parameters ---------- nx, ny : int number of bins in x, and y direction counter : str, optional name of the counter to use for gridding (default: 'mpx4int' (ID01)) gridrange : tuple, optional range for the gridder: format: ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) Returns ------- Gridder2D object with X, Y, data on regular x, y-grid """ counter = kwargs.get('counter', 'mpx4int') gridrange = kwargs.get('gridrange', ((self.xmin, self.xmax), (self.ymin, self.ymax))) # define gridder g2d = Gridder2D(nx, ny) if gridrange: g2d.dataRange(gridrange[0][0], gridrange[0][1], gridrange[1][0], gridrange[1][1]) g2d.KeepData(True) for fs in self.fastscans: # check if counter is in data fields if counter not in raise ValueError( f"field named '{counter}' not found in scan #{fs.scannr} " f"in file {fs.filename}") # grid data g2d(fs.xvalues, fs.yvalues,[counter]) # return gridded data return g2d