Source code for

# This file is part of xrayutilities.
# xrayutilities is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2021, 2023 Dominik Kriegner <>

class for reading data + header information from tty08 data files

tty08 is a system used at beamline P08 at Hasylab Hamburg and creates simple
ASCII files to save the data. Information is easily read from the multicolumn
data file. the functions below enable also to parse the information of the

import glob
import os.path
import re

import numpy
import numpy.lib.recfunctions

from ..exception import InputError
# relative imports from xrayutilities
from .helper import xu_open

re_columns = re.compile(r"/\*H")
re_command = re.compile(r"^/\*C command")
re_comment = re.compile(r"^/\*")
re_date = re.compile(r"^/\*D date")
re_epoch = re.compile(r"^/\*T epoch")
re_initmopo = re.compile(r"^/\*M")

[docs] class tty08File: """ Represents a tty08 data file. The file is read during the Constructor call. This class should work for data stored at beamline P08 using the tty08 acquisition system. Parameters ---------- filename : str tty08-filename mcadir : str, optional directory name of MCA files """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, path=None, mcadir=None): self.filename = filename if path is None: self.full_filename = self.filename else: self.full_filename = os.path.join(path, self.filename) self.Read() if mcadir is not None: self.mca_directory = mcadir self.mca_files = sorted(glob.glob( os.path.join(self.mca_directory, '*'))) if self.mca_files: self.ReadMCA()
[docs] def ReadMCA(self): self.mca = numpy.empty((len(self.mca_files), numpy.loadtxt(self.mca_files[0]).shape[0]), dtype=float) for i in range(len(self.mca_files)): mcadata = numpy.loadtxt(self.mca_files[i]) self.mca[i, :] = mcadata[:, 1] if i == 0: if len(mcadata.shape) == 2: self.mca_channels = mcadata[:, 0] else: self.mca_channels = numpy.arange(0, mcadata.shape[0]) mcatemp = self.mca.view([('MCA', (self.mca.dtype, self.mca.shape[1]))]) = numpy.lib.recfunctions.merge_arrays([, mcatemp], flatten=True)
[docs] def Read(self): """ Read the data from the file """ with xu_open(self.full_filename) as fid: # read header self.init_mopo = {} for line in fid: line = line.decode('ascii') if re_command.match(line): m = line.split(':') self.scan_command = m[1].strip() if re_date.match(line): m = line.split(':', 1) self.scan_date = m[1].strip() if re_epoch.match(line): m = line.split(':', 1) self.epoch = float(m[1]) if re_initmopo.match(line): m = line[3:] m = m.split(';') for e in m: e = e.split('=') self.init_mopo[e[0].strip()] = float(e[1]) if re_columns.match(line): self.columns = tuple(line.split()[1:]) # here all necessary information is read and we can start # reading the data break = numpy.loadtxt(fid, comments="/") = numpy.rec.fromrecords(, names=self.columns)
[docs] def gettty08_scan(scanname, scannumbers, *args, **keyargs): """ function to obtain the angular cooridinates as well as intensity values saved in TTY08 datafiles. Especially usefull for reciprocal space map measurements, and to combine date from several scans further more it is possible to obtain even more positions from the data file if more than two string arguments with its names are given Parameters ---------- scanname : str name of the scans, for multiple scans this needs to be a template string scannumbers : int, tuple or list number of the scans of the reciprocal space map args : str, optional names of the motors. to read reciprocal space maps measured in coplanar diffraction give: - `omname`: the name of the omega motor (or its equivalent) - `ttname`: the name of the two theta motor (or its equivalent) keyargs : dict, optional keyword arguments are passed on to tty08File Returns ------- [ang1, ang2, ...] : list, optional angular positions of the center channel of the position sensitive detector (numpy.ndarray 1D), omitted if no `args` are given MAP : ndarray All the data values as stored in the data file (includes the intensities e.g. MAP['MCA']). Examples -------- >>> [om, tt], MAP ='text%05d.dat', 36, 'omega', ... 'gamma') # doctest: +SKIP """ if isinstance(scannumbers, (list, tuple)): scanlist = scannumbers else: scanlist = list([scannumbers]) angles = dict.fromkeys(args) for key in angles: if not isinstance(key, str): raise InputError("*arg values need to be strings with motornames") angles[key] = numpy.zeros(0) buf = numpy.zeros(0) MAP = numpy.zeros(0) for nr in scanlist: scan = tty08File(scanname % nr, **keyargs) sdata = if MAP.dtype == numpy.float64: MAP.dtype = sdata.dtype # append scan data to MAP, where all data are stored MAP = numpy.append(MAP, sdata) # check type of scan for i in range(len(args)): motname = args[i] scanlength = len(sdata) try: buf = sdata[motname] except ValueError: buf = scan.init_mopo[motname] * numpy.ones(scanlength) angles[motname] = numpy.concatenate((angles[motname], buf)) retval = [] for motname in args: # create return values in correct order retval.append(angles[motname]) if not args: return MAP if len(args) == 1: return retval[0], MAP return retval, MAP